Queensland Consultation Forum
Summary of 23 August 2012 Meeting
Ms Alison Stanley
Mrs Helen Strange OAM
Mr Gordon Blake
Mr Rob Shortridge
Mr Brian Avery
Mr Kevin Drinkwater
Mr Chris Richards (proxy)
Mrs Jean Davies
Mr Viv Quinn
Mr Mal Wheat
Lt Col Jenny Cotton
Mr Craig Gould
Deputy Commissioner QLD (Chair)
War Widows Guild of Australia
Australian Veterans and Defence Services Council
Defence Force Welfare Association
Legacy Australia Council
Naval Association
Queensland Totally and Permanently Incapacitated
Servicemen’s Association
Partners of Veterans’ Association of Australia
Returned and Services League of Australia
Vietnam Veterans Federation of Australia
Defence Reserves Association
Executive Officer, Deputy Commissioner’s Office
Mr John Clarkson
Mr John Burgess ED
Mr John Smith OAM
Mr Cyril Gilbert OAM
Mr Roy Egginton
Mr Gus Robertson
Mr Ken Kipping AM
Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated
Ex-Servicemen and Women
Australian Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Veterans
Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia
Ex-Prisoners of War Association of Australia
RAAF Association
Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers Association
Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Ex-Service
Matters Discussed
Senior Business Managers Panel Discussion Topics
MATES medication
Single claim process
DLA Piper report
SRCA white cards
RAP and Home Front services
Nursing and home care programs
DVA Update
Centenary of ANZAC 2015
Organisational chart of DVA distributed to members
Complaints and compliments feedback
DVA education scheme update
Updates from the Health and Commemorations areas were distributed to
members in their packs
Further updates
My Account – Ms Stanley explained that there was a high take up initially from
Queensland with ongoing uptake. Ms Stanley advised that the roll out would result in
new functionality every six months. The “My Account” brochure and “Checking
Entitlements Online” brochures were included with members’ documents provided for
this meeting.
Military Culture - Ms Stanley advised that, while it is acknowledged that many of
the DVA staff in Queensland do have sound knowledge and background of military
life, it has been on-going practice to offer training on the impact of military
experience. Some 150 staff recently attended a program on the impact of military
service with further training soon to be provided utilising staff who have recent
military experience. Recently a group of staff attended a day at Lavarack to get a
first-hand familiarity of preparations and activities for deployment.
Member discussion
All members provided updates regarding their organisations and current issues.
Points of interest
VPAD – The RSL representative commented that the Veterans’ Practitioner Activity
Database (VPAD) had been flagged for enhancements and raised concerns that
VPAD would meet future needs. He queried whether the ESOs could integrate with
DVA’s system when electronic lodgement became available.
BEST - The PVA representative commented on BEST funding issues and questions
if the grant information was sufficiently clear in regards to possible funding if only
welfare was undertaken.