Cellular Energetics (Coupled Reactions)

C. Cellular Energetics . . . . . . . 8% of the course
Coupled reactions
Fermentation and cellular respiration
Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy
and molecular building blocks to grow, to
reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
Essential knowledge:
2.a.1 All living systems require constant input of free
2.a.2 Organisms capture and store free energy for use in
biological processes.
Chapter 9 - Cellular Energetics (Coupled Reactions)
Fermentation and Cellular Respiration
Cellular Energetics (Coupled Reactions) (Fermentation and Cellular Respiration)
(Chapter 9 and Lab5)
 Relate the laws of thermodynamics to the biochemical processes that provide energy to living
 Explain the role of ATP in coupling the cell’s anabolic and catabolic processes
 Explain how chemiosmosis functions in bioenergetics
 Explain how organic molecules are broken down by catabolic pathways
 Describe the role of oxygen in energy-yielding pathways
 Explain how cells generate ATP in the absence of oxygen
 Use the Gas Laws to explain how a respirometer works
 Discuss the general processes of metabolism in living organisms
 Calculate the rate of cell respiration from experimental data
 Relate gas production to respiration rate
 Test the effect of temperature on the rate of cell respiration in ungerminated versus germinated
seeds in a controlled experiment
View: BioFlix: Cellular Respiration chapter 9 on website
AP Biology Cellular Respiration
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Relate the laws of thermodynamics to the biochemical processes that provide
energy to living systems.
Label the diagram.
• Energy flows into an ecosystem as sunlight and leaves as heat
• Photosynthesis generates O and organic molecules, which are used in
cellular respiration
• Cells use chemical energy stored in organic molecules to regenerate ATP,
which powers work
Respiration is a catabolic pathway. Organic compounds such as glucose are broken down
releasing the energy stored in the chemical bonds.
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2. Explain the role of ATP in coupling the cell’s anabolic and catabolic pathways
Concept 9.1: Catabolic pathways yield energy by oxidizing organic fuels
• Several processes are central to cellular respiration and related pathways
Catabolic Pathways and Production of ATP
The breakdown of organic molecules is _______gonic
_______________ is a partial degradation of sugars that occurs without O
____________ respiration consumes organic molecules and O and yields ATP
_______________ respiration is similar to aerobic respiration but consumes
compounds other than O
Cellular respiration includes both aerobic and anaerobic respiration but is often
used to refer to aerobic respiration
Although carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are all consumed as fuel, it is helpful
to trace cellular respiration with the sugar glucose.
Write out the balanced equation
for cellular respiration:
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The importance of ATP
Cells need energy to perform cellular work:
Cell division
http://www.slideshare.net/guest970cb3/chapter-9-presentation-647121 slide share for cellular
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Redox Reactions: Oxidation and Reduction
What are oxidation and reduction and how are redox reactions related to energy transfer in cells?
The transfer of electrons during chemical reactions releases energy stored in organic
This released energy is ultimately used to synthesize ATP
Chemical reactions that transfer electrons between reactants are called
oxidation-reduction reactions, or redox reactions
In oxidation, a substance loses electrons, or is oxidized
In reduction, a substance gains electrons, or is reduced (the amount of positive
charge is reduced)
The electron donor is called the ____________________ agent
The electron receptor is called the ____________________ agent
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Some redox reactions do not transfer electrons but change the electron sharing in covalent
An example is the reaction between methane and O
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During cellular respiration, the fuel (such as glucose) is oxidized, and O is reduced
What is the role of the coenzyme NAD+ in oxidation-reduction reactions?
Nicotiamide adenine dinucleotide.
In cellular respiration, glucose and other organic molecules are broken down in a
series of steps
Electrons from organic compounds are usually first transferred to NAD , a
coenzyme. ie. NAD+ removes electrons from food via a series of reactions.
As an electron acceptor, NAD functions as an oxidizing agent during cellular
Each NADH (the reduced form of NAD ) represents stored energy that is tapped
to synthesize ATP
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5. (S5) Describe the role of oxygen in energy-yielding pathways
• NADH passes the electrons to the electron transport chain
• Unlike an uncontrolled reaction, the electron transport chain passes
electrons in a series of steps instead of one explosive reaction
• O pulls electrons down the chain in an energy-yielding tumble
• The energy yielded is used to regenerate ATP
http://academicearth.org/lectures/cellular-respiration very helpful website
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• Cellular respiration has three (four) stages:
– Glycolysis – anaerobic and takes place in the
cytoplasm (breaks down glucose into two molecules of
pyruvate 2 three C molecules)
– Formation of acetyl CoA (When oxygen is present
pyruvic acid enters the mitochondria and each pyruvic
acid is converted to acetyl coenzyme A – a 2 carbon
molecule- and carbon dioxide is released.)
– The citric acid cycle = Krebs Cycle (completes the
breakdown of glucose)
– Oxidative phosphorylation – requires oxygen
(accounts for most of the ATP synthesis)
Cellular respiration helpful videos.
http://youtu.be/rVXHYx8zYeI good overview
http://youtu.be/3aZrkdzrd04 Black eyed peas song accompaniment
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6. (S4) Explain how organic molecules are broken down by catabolic pathways.
Activity: Overview of Cellular Respiration
Here is a good summary diagram of the major steps in cellular respiration:
The first major step is glycolysis:
______Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm; degrades glucose into pyruvate. ___________
_______One glucose C6 is broken down into 2 pyruvic acid molecules, C3 each.
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Glycolysis is followed by the Citric Acid
___Occurs in the mitochondrial matrix;
converts pyruvate into carbon dioxide.
Finally, hydrogen atoms are transferred to the electron transport chain:
Occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion; electrons passed to oxygen.
• Oxidative phosphorylation accounts for almost 90% of the ATP
generated by cellular respiration
• A smaller amount of ATP is formed in glycolysis and the citric acid
cycle by substrate-level phosphorylation
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7.What is ‘substrate-level phosphorylation’?
This occurs when an enzyme transfers a phosphate group from a substrate
molecule to ADP, rather than adding an inorganic phosphate to ADP as in
oxidative phosphorylation. The substrate molecule in a cell is commonly an
intermediate molecule generated in catabolism of glucose.
• Glycolysis (“splitting of sugar”) breaks down glucose into two
molecules of pyruvate
• Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm and has two major phases:
– Energy investment phase: cell uses ATP to phosphorylate fuel
– Energy payoff phase: ATP is produced by substrate level
phosphorylation and NAD+ is reduced to NADH by food
What is the overall yield of glycolysis?
Net energy yield per glucose molecule is
2ATP plus 2NADH; no CO2 is released.
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9. Glycolyis in detail: You do not need to reproduce these steps; they are shown here just so
that you can understand better what is happening in the series of steps from one glucose to
two pyruvate molecules. These are CATABOLIC reactions, including a number of
oxidation-reduction reactions. Also, note that each step requires a specific enzyme.
_use Campbell ppt. (note to self ) (draw a
summary gel sheet)
What happens as pyruvate is transported into the mitochondrion where the next stages of
cellular respiration will occur?
The pyruvate enters the
mitochondrion by active transport,
in the presence of O2.
Before the citric acid cycle can
begin, pyruvate must be converted
to Acetyle CoA which links the
cycle to glycolysis.
CO2 will diffuse out of the cell.
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11.Here is an overview of the major events that occur once pyruvate enters the mitochondrion and
the Citric Acid Cycle:
The citric acid cycle, also called the Krebs cycle, takes place within the
mitochondrial matrix
The cycle oxidizes organic fuel derived from pyruvate, generating 1 ATP, 3
NADH, and 1 FADH per turn
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What happens to the
acetyl CoA molecule as it
passes through the Citric Acid
(note to self use ppt)
The citric acid cycle
has eight steps,
each catalyzed by a
specific enzyme
The acetyl group of
acetyl CoA joins the
cycle by combining
with oxaloacetate,
forming citrate
The next seven
steps decompose
the citrate back to
making the process
a cycle
The NADH and
FADH produced by
the cycle relay electrons extracted from food to the electron transport chain
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How do the hydrogens (electrons) that have been transferred to NAD+ and FAD
finally get to oxygen (the low energy position)?
Following glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, NADH and FADH
account for most of the energy extracted from food
These two electron carriers donate electrons to the electron transport chain,
which powers ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation
 During oxidative phosphorylation, chemiosmosis couples electron transport to ATP
synthesis ______________________________________________
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Electrons are transferred from NADH or FADH to the electron transport
Electrons are passed through a number of proteins including cytochromes
(each with an iron atom) to O
The electron transport chain generates no ATP
The chain’s function is to break the large free-energy drop from food to O
into smaller steps that release energy in manageable amounts
Electron transfer in the electron transport chain causes proteins to pump H
from the mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane space
H then moves back across the membrane, passing through channels in ATP
ATP synthase uses the exergonic flow of H to drive phosphorylation of ATP
This is an example of chemiosmosis, the use of energy in a H gradient to
drive cellular work
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14. (S3) Explain how chemiosmosis functions in cellular energetics. See ‘Energy Conversion’
in The Cell CD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y1dO4nNaKY chemical gradients and ATP synthase
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How is the proton gradient required for chemiosmosis established?
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Here is an overview of all the stages of cellular respiration:
• During cellular respiration, most energy flows in this sequence:
glucose  NADH  electron transport chain  proton-motive
force  ATP
• About 40% of the energy in a glucose molecule is transferred to
ATP during cellular respiration, making about 38 ATP
Summary table
Split to acetyl coA
Krebs cycle
Oxidative phosphorylation
Takes place in
Mitochondrial matrix
Inner mitochondrial membrane
Net result
32 ATP
Net = 36ATP
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17. (S6) Explain how cells generate ATP in the absence of oxygen (ie. fermentation or
anaerobic respiration)
View fermentation overview animation.
Most cellular respiration
requires O to produce ATP
Glycolysis can produce ATP
with or without O (in aerobic or
anaerobic conditions)
In the absence of O , glycolysis
couples with fermentation or
anaerobic respiration to
produce ATP
Most cellular respiration
requires O to produce ATP
Glycolysis can produce ATP
with or without O (in aerobic or
anaerobic conditions)
In the absence of O , glycolysis
couples with fermentation or
anaerobic respiration to
produce ATP
Anaerobic respiration uses an
electron transport chain with an
electron acceptor other than O ,
for example sulfate
Fermentation uses
phosphorylation instead of an
electron transport chain to
generate ATP
Fermentation consists of glycolysis plus reactions that regenerate NAD ,
which can be reused by glycolysis
Two common types are alcohol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation
In alcohol fermentation, pyruvate is converted to ethanol in two steps, with
the first releasing CO
Alcohol fermentation by yeast is used in brewing, winemaking, and baking
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18. This diagram highlights the connection between aerobic (cellular) respiration and anaerobic
respiration (fermentation).
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How do our cells obtain energy from ALL major food groups, and not JUST from
AP Biology Cellular Respiration
Catabolic pathways
funnel electrons from
many kinds of organic
molecules into cellular
Glycolysis accepts a wide
range of carbohydrates
Proteins must be
digested to amino acids;
amino groups can feed
glycolysis or the citric
acid cycle
Fats are digested to
glycerol (used in
glycolysis) and fatty acids
(used in generating acetyl
Fatty acids are broken
down by beta oxidation
and yield acetyl CoA
An oxidized gram of fat
produces more than twice
as much ATP as an
oxidized gram of
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How does the cell control the rate of ATP production. That is, what inhibits cellular
respiration and what stimulates cellular respiration? Note that the following three control
mechanisms all involve the same enzyme – phosphofructokinase.
Feedback inhibition is the most common mechanism for control
If ATP concentration begins to drop, respiration speeds up; when there is plenty of
ATP, respiration slows down
Control of catabolism is based mainly on regulating the activity of enzymes at
strategic points in the catabolic pathway
Allosteric enzymes at certain points in the pathway respond to inhibitors and
activators that set the pace of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle.
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Phosphofrutokinase, which catalyses an early step in glycolysis is one of
these enzymes. It is stimulated by AMP and inhibited by citrate.
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