Sample Grading Guidelines

Note: This document highlights one sample grading plan, not a
formal recommendation. The grading is up to the discretion of the
teacher on record.
Seminar Grading Rationale:
● The grading reflects the content and structure of the Middle School Math Seminar
courses. Math seminar courses for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade are thematic, project-based
courses that include various ways to assess student growth beyond the traditional tests
and quizzes. This grading provides teachers with suggested guidelines for monitoring
student understanding and growth through the uniquely designed math seminar courses.
● The math seminar courses are designed to complement the content in the concurrent
grade-level math course; however due to the project-based themes and students
working in cooperative groups this course warrants the need for a mostly project-based
grading policy (50%). The classwork grade (25%) encompass various types of formative
assessments including quizzes based on products and process to content related math
tasks and skill review items. The Standards for Mathematical Practices grades (25%)
assesses student growth related to the 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice and
should be monitored through student-selected artifacts and participation in the math
seminar. The criteria outlined below is a sample grading for math seminar teachers to
use as a suggested guideline.
Projects (50%)
● Project checkpoints
● Final project
● Presentations
● Peer rubric and scoring
● At home assignments related to project
● Tasks related to project
Classwork (25%)
● Formative items (completion grade only)
● Short “follow-ups”(Skill/performance growth and/or short quizzes) from Formative items,
included with points earned for corrections made----Any quiz should focus on
● In-class assignments (individual or group not specifically related to the culminating
● Tasks related to content standards
● Skill Review Items
Standards for Mathematical Practices (25%)
● Student-selected artifacts that demonstrate growth
● Participation & perseverance (Tool: Standards of Student Practice in Mathematics
Proficiency Matrix © LCM 2011 Hull, Balka, and Harbin Miles)
● Self-reflections
● Goal-setting activities
Sample Math Seminar Grading Information for Parents
This grading plan reflects the content and structure of the ____________________ Middle
School Math Seminar course. This math seminar course for ______ grade is a thematic,
project-based course that include various ways to assess student growth beyond the traditional
tests and quizzes.
This math seminar course is designed to complement the content in the concurrent
__________________ grade-level math course. Due to the project-based themes and students
working in cooperative groups this course warrants the need for a mostly project-based grading
policy consisting of 50%, a classwork grade of 25%, and a Standards for Mathematical
Practices grade of 25%.
Project/Project-related Assignments (50%)
Projects/Project-related assignments include all activities related to the thematic unit including,
tasks, checkpoints, at home and in class assignments, and presentations.
Classwork (25%)
Classwork encompass various types of formative assessments including quizzes based on
products and process to content related math tasks and skill review items
Standards for Mathematical Practices (25%)
The Standards for Mathematical Practices assesses student growth related to the 8 Standards
for Mathematical Practice and will be monitored through student-selected artifacts and
participation in the math seminar.