ICA 8 NUTRIENT REGENERATION 1. Contrast intra- fluxes within an ecosystem vs. inter-system cycling. fluxes between ecosystems INTRASYSTEM CYCLING 2. Figure 1. 24.2 Trace an atom of phosphorus completing an intrasystem cycle; start with it in soil. Soluble inorganic phosphates in water solution of soil root uptake incorporation into organic compounds (e.g. ATP; nucleic acids) in plant tissues litterfall dead organic matter decomposition mineralization inorganic phosphate in water solution of soil 3. What determines rate of nutrient regeneration in the soil? rate of ecosystem processes, especially decomposition and mineralization 4. Explain how productivity depends on nutrient regeneration. Productivity depends on elements (e.g. N) acquired via root uptake of soluble inorganic compounds that have been regenerated in the soil. 5. Contrast decomposition: physical/chemical breakdown of dead organic matter vs. mineralization: conversion of organic molecules to inorganic molecules in decomposing matter; the final stage of nutrient regeneration vs. weathering: physical/chemical breakdown of rock freeing soluble elements 6. Contrast the rate of weathering (very slow) and nutrient regeneration from litter (fast). 7. Outline the steps of nutrient regeneration from litter. A. leaching of soluble substances B. maceration by large detritus feeders C. fungi breakdown cellulose/lignin C,H,O D.mineralization (organic inorganic) of P,N,S compounds by bacteria 8. Figure 2 24.9. What is depolymerization? breakdown of proteins, lignins, nucleic acids, and other macromolecules in soil to produce small monomers that plants and microbes can take up. How does it regulate nutrient cycling? It is rate-limiting step in decomposition, and, consequently, the limit on overall nutrient cycling (and indirectly productivity). For what do plants and microbes compete in soil? small monomers, ammonia, and nitrates; microbes immobilize inorganic compounds and remove them from the available pool in the soil until they die, are decomposed or eaten by other consumers. 9. By what means does climate affect nutrient regeneration? A. freeze/thaw cycles accelerate physical weathering; high temperatures and adequate moisture accelerate chemical weathering B. changes in soil properties affecting binding and solubility of nutrients C. high temperatures and adequate moisture accelerate regeneration 10. Contrast EUTROPHIC OLIGOTROHPHIC SOILS Level of nutrients high low Geological activity active and recent inactive Age young old How do high temperature and water availability affect rate of weathering? accelerate Outline processes set in play when have high temperatures and abundant water. 1. high respiration acid pH 2. removes cations (e.g. Ca++) 3. reduces storage capacity for nutrients (H+ have grabbed holding sites) 4. high leaching of cations 5. nutrient-poor soils 11. Many tropical soils are oligotrophic. Why can tropical forests be so productive? A. rapid regeneration of nutrients from decaying matter B. rapid uptake of nutrients (before leached) C. efficient retention of nutrients 12. Figure 3 + 4. Compare 24.11 TEMPERATE TROPICAL Biomass similar similar Nutrients in Soil/Biomass Ratio: K 1.2 0.5 P 23 0.1 N 11 2 Which differs more between biomes? nutrients in biomass or nutrients in soil? What is the main conclusion? More nutrients are held in the biomass than soil in the tropical forest compared to the temperate forest. 13. What is leaching? Downward movement in soil of soluble nutrients by water flow. What may happen if the nutrients are not retained by the vegetation? leachedlost What mechanisms aid in the vegetation retaining nutrients? A. retain leaves for long time B. withdraw nutrients form leaves before drop (reabsorption) C. develop dense root mat near soil surface D. grab nutrients quickly before leached away E. store more nutrients in biomass, not soil 14. Go to Worksheet at back: Annual Circulation of N in a Deciduous Forest. INTERSYSTEM CYCLING 15. What are inputs (gains) of nutrients on land? A. Lithosphere: weathering of bedrock and soil B. Atmosphere: wetfall (in rain); dryfall (dust particles) C. Hydrosphere: runoff of water; floods 16. Figure 5. What are two generalizations about nutrient input from the atmosphere? A. More input occurs from wetfall than dryfall (excluding vapors). B. Specific nutrients differ greatly in amount of deposition. 17. What are outputs (losses) of nutrients on land? A. Atmosphere: gaseous forms of nutrients that are blown to other ecosystems B. Hydrosphere: runoff of water; erosion into water Which cycle critically links flux between land and water ecosystems? hydrosphere 18. Balanced ecosystems are in equilibrium when inputs = outputs What happens to nutrients when: inputs>outputs? nutrients accumulate; are stored What happens to nutrients when:outputs>inputs?nutrients are lost to other ecosystem Under which scenario is the ecosystem in non-equilibrium? inputs are not equal to outputs (both I>O or O>I) 19. Figure 6. Hubbard Brook Watershed Study: What is the prediction? then amount of dissolved substances in stream will be higher in devegetated than control watersheds. Figure 7. Summarize the results. Net dissolved substances increased, then stabilized from watershed with no trees, while they remained stable in control watershed with trees. Write the first sentence of your ‘discussion’ being written for this study. The results support the hypothesis that vegetation increases soil stability and intrasystem recycling of nutrients. 20. Figure 8. What is a general pattern? Gross output in streamflow increases as total annual streamflow increases. qualifying pattern? Amount of increase in output varies greatly among cations. What statistical test generated those lines? Regression analysis 21. Figure 9. What contributes in input? atmospheric (rain and dust) What contributes to output? soil erosion, runoff, ground water percolation to water table What are two main conclusions about net change? A. Some cations have a positive, while other have a negative net change; No cation is in equilibrium. B. The cause of non-equilibrium differs among cations; some have I>O, while others have O>I. 22. Figure 10. What are the primary sources to meet nutrient requirements? Intersystem input: atmospheric (rain and dust) and rock weathering Intrasystem transfers: reabsorption and detritus turnover Are most nutrient requirements met from intra- or inter-system cycling? Intra Are any cations in excess of requirements? Yes, e.g. N because 100% of requirement is met by intrasystem transfers, yet much intersystem input also occurs What happens to the excess? It accumulates and is stored with unstated consequences for other parts of the intrasystem cycle. 23. Figure 11. Summarize the pattern. NPP increases as total P inflow increases. What causes variation in input? Amount of rainfall and extent of floods. NUTRIENTS and AQUATIC PRODUCTIVITY (Please IGNORE 24-35; you are NOT responsible for those concepts.) 24. Figure 12. 24.16 In oceans, where is highest level of NPP? Over continental shelves with shallow water and in areas of upwelling from the depths of the ocean. Why? Great proximity to nutrients in shallow water and get fresh input of nutrients from upwelling. Lowest amount of NPP? Open ocean Why? Low nutrients (especially Fe + Si) 25. What maintains NPP of aquatic systems? 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. A. transport of nutrients from bottom B. sediments to surface (in shallow water or upwelling) C. import of nutrients from other ecosystems Figure 13. What drives seasonal cycles in temperate lakes? temperature profiles + wind What is stratification? establishment of distinct layers of temperature in a lake Figure 14. 24.17 What is a thermocline? Depth in water at which temperature changes abruptly between an upper lower of warm and a lower layer of cold water. Do all lakes have one? No; stratification and a thermocline are common in temperate lakes. Figure 15. 24.18 Which profile is for a deep (a) vs. shallow-water system? (c) Within the temperature profile, where is productivity greatest? at the thermocline Why? Regenerated nutrients occur below this level What is the positive effect of stratification on production? increases production by retaining phytoplankton in photic zone What is its negative effect? decreases production when sedimentation carries nutrients below photic zone Describe the annual cycle in temperate lakes of nutrient availability: Summer: with time, stratification occurs and no new nutrients are available; existing nutrients are depleted as dead organims fall to the bottom. Productivity declines and becomes low. Spring and Fall: Winds break up temperature stratification and the water is mixed, bringing up nutrients to the photic zone. Productivity is high. How does this cycle in nutrient availability affect the seasonal cycle in NPP? NPP is high in spring and fall, low in summer, and non-existent in winter with ice. What causes an oligotrophic lake? Low nutrient input from adjacent land; rocks are old and weathered – or nutrients in them tied up and not soluble. What causes a eutrophic lake? Runoff bringing input of nutrients; shallow lake with rich nutrient source Which will have greater NPP? eutrophic lake Figure 16. 24.20 What controls trophic structure and productivity of lakes? Lakes are P limited; adding P changes trophic structure (enhances blue-green algae) and increases productivity. Why do estuaries and salt marshes have such high NPP? 1. Rapid local regeneration of nutrients 2. External input of added nutrients from upstream. How do they affect nutrients and energy levels in oceans? They are a net exporter and energy and nutrients to the oceans. Figure 17. 24.22 Roughly, what is photosynthetic efficiency? (152/2500)100 What is GPP? 152,000 Roughly, what is ecological efficiency? 10% from plant to herbivore; 5% from herbivore to carnivore What is % of NPP going into decomposition food chain? (33/118)100 What absolute amount of NPP is exported from this salt marsh? 15,359 Where does it go? ocean Draw a map (land next to ocean). Add labeled fluxes for: intrasystem and intersystem cycling of P. Include flux between multiple pools. ANNUAL CIRCULATION OF N IN A DECIDUOUS FOREST: IS THE FOREST IN EQUILIBRIUM? Annual requirement (kg/ha/hr) Leaf production Wood growth in: Branches Trunks Roots Total growth Leaching Throughfall Stemflow Total Total annual requirement Annual uptake (kg/ha/hr) Woody increment Returns Leaching Litterfall Total 85.7 2.1 4.1 13.2 19.4 8.3 0.4 9.2 114.3 19.4 9.2 63.5 72.7 Total annual uptake 92.1 Reabsorption (kg/ha/yr) 22.2 1. What three components of the annual requirement account for the total requirement (114.3)? Leaf production + Wood growth + Leaching Show your math as well here: 85.7 + 19.4 + 9.2 = 114.3 2. What two processes bring resources to meet the total requirement (114.3)? Annual uptake + reabsorption Show your math as well here: 92.1 + 22.2 = 114.3 3. What three components of annual uptake account for total uptake (92.1)? Woody increment and Leaching and Litterfall Show your math as well here 19.4 + 9.2 + 63.5 = 92.1 4. Is the forest in equilibrium? YES yes or no. Explain your reasoning. Annual requirement is fully met by annual uptake + reabsorption 114.3 = 92.1 + 22.2