8th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics 29 September – 2 October 2015 Opatija, Croatia Instructions for the Preparation of the One Page Abstract First AUTHOR*, Second AUTHOR+, Third AUTHOR* * Name and Address of Institute E-mails: {first.author,third.author}@euler.edu + Name and Address of Institute E-mail: second.author@bernoulli.edu Abstract These instructions are designed for the author and/or typist for the submission of the one-page Abstract. If you have any questions regarding these instructions, please contact us by e-mail: congress@csm.hr. Always use paper of A4 size. The type area is 13.8 cm wide and 20.9 cm long. This area should be used to the maximum, and at the same time must not be exceeded. The following margin settings in MS Word will produce the correct result, for A4 size paper: top 4.4 cm; bottom: 4.4 cm; left and right: 3.6 cm. The recommended type font for text is 11 point Times. Type the title and type the author’s name and affiliation. Use capitals for the author’s surname. Use italics for the author’s affiliation. Use single line spacing throughout the document. Keep all text aligned justified, and only centre the author’s name and affiliation, and captions and legends of illustrations and tables. References to the literature should be mentioned in the main text by an Arabic number in square brackets, [1]. Use the Citation-Sequence System and list the numbered references at the end of paper, under the heading References. Please, use the bibliographic style presented at the end of this paper, [2] and [3]. Centre figure captions below the figure, table captions above the table (both in 10 point Times). Displayed equations should be numbered, using Arabic numbers in parentheses. They should be centered, leaving a 6pt space above and below to separate them from the surrounding text. The following example is a single line equation f ( x) ax b (1) The authors should submit the Camera-Ready Abstract in an electronic form via congress web page http://www.8iccsm.com/ before October 15, 2014. We encourage preparation of the document using this MS Word template. References [1] I. Author, I.I. Author. Title of the Book. Publisher, Place of Publication, 1985. [2] I. Author, I.I. Author, I.I.I. Author. Title of the Paper. Title of the Journal, 40: 984-996, 1987. [3] I. Author. Title of the Paper in a Collection. In: I. Editor, I.I. Editor, eds., Title of the Collection, 151-177. Publisher, Place of Publication, 1991.