
Presentation Title
Presenting Author , Co-Author2,3 and Co-Author3 … (First name, Surname)
Affiliation of presenting author; (Institution title, address country and email address)
Affiliation of Co-Author; (Institution title and address only)
Affiliation of Co-Author; (Institution title and address only)
Type your abstract here. Please keep the word count of your abstract to within 250 words and
within one page. The word count does not include references and figure captions. Figures may
be included but please note that figures may be printed in black and white and should be
coloured accordingly.
References should be indicated by a superscript1 and listed in the reference section below in
the same order as they appear in the abstract.
Figure 1 An image of a Koala
References: 1 Maiman, T., Stimulated optical radiation in ruby," Nature 187, 493, (1960).
Keywords: KOALA2015, Science, Lasers, Optics, Atoms
Preferred Presentation: 30 Minute Tutorial / 15 minute oral / Poster Presentation