abstract template - Trinity College Dublin

International Workshop on PACKING PROBLEMS
School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, 2 – 5 September, 2012
The author list goes here (“Authors” style)
Firstname Lastname (1), Firstname Lastname (2), Firstname Lastname (3)
Enter the affiliation information here (“Affiliation” style)
1. Affiliation, Country
2. Affiliation, Country
3. Affiliation, Country
E-mail of the presenting author
The easiest way to use this abstract form is by cutting and pasting unformatted text into each
section to maintain the document’s present format. The text of the abstract body is Times New
Roman, 10 point, single-spaced (“Normal” style). Page layout is A4 portrait, 2.5 cm margins.
Text boxes for title, authors and affiliations must not be moved.
Abstracts must not exceed one page (a word count of not more than 300 words). Please submit
the abstract as a Word document. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. The abstracts
should be submitted before 22 June 2012 via stefan.hutzler@tcd.ie or adil.m.mughal@gmail.com
Figure and Tables
Please number figures and tables consecutively in the document. Figures should be embedded
directly in the document.
Captions should be included below the respective figure or table, using the “Captions” style.
Figure 1: Figure captions are entered below the figures.
Column 1
Data 1
Data 2
Column 2
Data 3
Data 4
Column 3
Data 5
Data 6
Table 1: Table captions are entered below the tables. Table text should use the standard font.
Equations may be included in the abstract, using either the “Equation” style or by using the
Word equation editor. The text fonts in the equation should be Times New Roman and Symbol,
10 point. Equations should be indented one tab stop from the left. Equations may be sequentially
numbered by inserting appropriate tab stops to the right of the equation.
E = mc2
International Workshop on PACKING PROBLEMS
School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, 2 – 5 September, 2012
Enter your references in this block using the “References” style. References should be ordered alphabetically and
formatted as shown below. In the text, refer to literature citations with the first author name and publication date in
brackets e.g. [Author, 2006].
Somebody et al, Colloids and Surfaces A, 37:1-10, 2006.
Packing Topic: Sphere packing / General packing problems / Characterization of packings /
Other topic: .................................................................................................
Preferred type of presentation (Oral or Poster):