Strome, Susan Although we have been working on the elements of this list for this last week and half, I feel like my final list needs much additional reflection and bringing together parts of this program. I need some time to let this 2 weeks of ideas percolate and to let the “best” possibilities for my course rise to the top of my big piles of possibilities. I am having the most trouble with evaluation – CATs and exam questions – I need to think long and hard about those. My “lesson” will extend over several weeks, as we revisit and revisualize chromosomes in several different situations. I will next teach L311 Genetics in spring of 2004, and my final assessment will be after RFLPs, so probably March. Step 1: Define a Bottleneck Many genetics students are unable to effectively manipulate chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis and in crosses. Students are confused about terminology (e.g., “sister chromatid”, “homolog” and “allele”), the changing landscape (i.e. the different chromosomal situation within a cell at different stages of the cell cycle and between different cell types), and how to represent chromosomes and genes on chromosomes. Step 2: Define the Basic Learning Tasks As an “expert” I visualize and represent chromosomes in very specific and useful ways. I represent them as lines (not X’s) – each line represents a long thread of DNA and that thread contains many genes. I initially think about chromosomes in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, when I don’t have to worry about sister chromatids – the distinction between homologs and different chromosomes is easy in G1. When I do mitosis, meiosis, and crosses, I know to ignore all of the chromosomes and genes that are not relevant to the task – in the simplest case I focus only on the 2 homologs and the 2 versions of a gene present on those 2 homologs, and I ignore all the other chromosomes and genes. This ignoring business is critical. If I am doing a cross, I never formally move through all the steps of meiosis (I ignore those) – instead I move straight to the end products of meiosis (gametes) and work with the single homolog present in each gamete. If I need to think about the mechanics of meiosis, then working with my trimmed down set of only 2 homologous chromosomes, I make exact duplicates of each – the 2 sister chromatids made from 1 homolog are identical to each other – and head them into meiosis (another bottleneck, to be tackled). Step 3: Model these Tasks Explicitly I will help my students visualize the chromosomal composition of organisms, and the similarities and differences between sister chromatids, homologs, and different chromosomes by using colored pipe cleaners and beads and by complementing this with drawn representations that we can use throughout the semester. I plan to start with G1 cells and the chromosomes I used in my lesson to FLP. I think a critical component is ignoring most of the pipe cleaners and most of the beads, and focusing only on the “relevant” ones. Step 3 1/2.: Motivate the students One motivator will be making clear to them early on all the different ways in which genetics is relevant to our lives – it tells us about reproduction, birth 1 defects, diseases, cancer, aging, gene and cell therapies, antibiotics, etc. Another motivator will be doing tasks that are interesting to them and raise questions and ethical dilemmas (cystic fibrosis). Another motivator will be having fun with some goofy examples. Step 4: Create Occasions for Students to Practice These Steps and Receive Feedback I will use pipe cleaners and ask for chromosome drawings during several different small group activities that focus on different concepts and that build in complexity. I like the idea of starting with a simple genetic cross and asking the students to bring different parents (chromosomes/genes) together and think about the possible combinations of chromosomes/genes in the offspring – cystic fibrosis exercise but without a child. I want the lesson to be simple enough that everyone focuses on the basic visualization exercise and “gets it”, but I need to add an element of complexity that will challenge those for whom this is easy and natural. I am still thinking about how best to bring the small-group activity back to the whole group for discussion, and about CATs that will work for this. Step 5: Assess how well students are mastering these learning tasks I will focus tonight on problem set and exam questions that focus on my bottleneck and that aim at different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Step 6: Share what you have learned about your students’ learning I’m not sure what this step is about – share with the students or with other instructors? 2