MS-III PROGRESS NOTE Signed: 01/28/2004 14:08 S: HD#5. Antibiotic Day #14 Total (Day 5 Cefipime and finished Azythro.) Mr. Frier reports a good night. He states that he slept most of the day and night after his bronchoscopy. He continues to have occasional hemoptysis and mild SOB. No CP, dizziness, muscle twitches, or confusion. O: T:98.4 F P: 85 (BRACHIAL) R:20 (SPONTANEOUS) B/P:124/75 Pulse Oximetry: 98% with supplemental O2 2L/min via NASAL CANNULA Pain: 0 - No pain Gen-Pleasant. Alert and oriented to person, place, and time. Derm- Mild tenting. Lower extremity skin is scaling. CV- No JVD. RRR. Nl S1 S2. No murmurs, gallops or rubs. Pulm- Slight rales at left base. Ext- No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. Labs: Test name WBC RBC HGB HCT MCV MCH MCHC PLT RDW-SD RDW MPV GRAN # LYMPH # MONO # EOSINO # BASO # GRAN % LYMPH % MONO % EOSINO % BASO % GLUCOSE UREA NITROGEN CREATININE SODIUM POTASSIUM CHLORIDE CO2 PO4 ANION GAP CALCIUM MAGNESIUM Specimen: URINE. Test name URINE COLOR CLARITY SPECIFIC GRAVITY URINE PH URINE PROTEIN URINE GLUCOSE URINE KETONES URINE BILIRUBIN URINE BLOOD URINE NITRITE UROBILINOGEN(EU/dL) LEU ASE URINE RBC/HPF URINE WBC/HPF URINE EPITH CELLS Result 14.72 H 4.58 13.3 L 37.9 L 82.8 29.0 35.1 387 36.7 L 12.2 8.5 12.50 H 1.14 L 1.01 H 0.06 0.01 84.9 H 7.7 L 6.9 0.4 0.1 80 9 0.6 120 L 4.0 81 L 20 L 2.5 19 H 8.9 1.9 units k/cmm M/cmm g/dL % um3 pg g/dL k/cmm fL % um3 k/cmm k/cmm k/cmm k/cmm k/cmm % % % % % mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL mg/dL UR 0124 1 01/24/2004 07:58 Result units AMBER SLHAZY 1.026 5.5 NEG mg/dL TR mg/dL 40 NEG LG NEG 0.2 EU/dL NEG 42 /HPF 6 /HPF <1 Ref. 4.6 4.44 13.9 41 80 27 31.8 130 39 11.5 7.4 1.8 1.2 .14 0 0 54 25 3 0 0 65 9 .5 135 3.5 98 23 2.5 5 8.4 1.7 Ref. - range 10.8 6.1 18 52 98 33.3 37.1 440 52.2 14.5 10.5 7.8 3.6 .76 .3 .2 65 33 7 3 2 109 20 1.2 145 5 108 32 4.6 15 10.5 2.5 range 1.003 - 1.03 5 9 NEGATIVE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE .2 1 NEGATIVE A/P: Mr. Frier was admitted with symptoms of dyspnea and unresolved pneumonia. He has remained afebrile since admission and sputum culture has no growth to date. CT scan revealed post-obstructive pneumonia, lung mass, extensive adenopathy, and liver densities suspicious for metastases. Patient underwent bronchoscopy yesterday and final report is pending. He has been hyponatremic since 1/13/2004. Current labs reveal Mr. Frier has acheived a serum sodium of 120 after receiving normosaline, indicating. His chronic hyponatremia may be due to SIADH activity from small cell carcinoma. He has no mental status changes or signs of edema. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pneumonia- postobstructive Lung mass Hyperlipidemia Hyponatremia Hypochloremia COPD 1. Pulm- Contiue Chest PT, continue Nebulizer treatment. Awaiting cytology results. 2. FEN- Still hyponatremic. Concentrated urine and low osmolality indicate possible SIADH. Awaiting lab arginine vasopressin. After results, consider starting demeclocycline 600-1200mg/day to block action of ADH. Renal consult. Continue to monitor for mental status changes and edema. Continue to restrict fluids. 3: ID Continue Cefipime 1 g Q12 Day 5 for treatment of pneumonia. Monitor for clinical progress of pneumonia. 4. CVS: no active issues at this time, continue asa, continue simvistatin /es/ DEBORAH A CHASE MS-III