Mauriceville Elementary School

Mauriceville Elementary School
Title I Program Description
Name of the program: Mauriceville Elementary Title I –Accelerated Reading
Instruction (ARI) and Accelerated Math Instruction (AMI)
General purpose of the program: Congressional Act of 2001 – No Child Left
Behind – is a promise to raise standards for all children and to help all children
meet those standards. The purpose of this program is to meet the legislated
Campus goals for the program: Goals are to ensure the very best instruction for
students and to help every child to succeed to the best of his/her ability.
4. Mechanics of the program:
What students are eligible to participate? Since our program is a
school wide program, all students are eligible to participate. The students
who most actively participate are those who are receiving Tier 2 and 3
support services and/or students who did not score satisfactorily on end of
the year exams.
What specific services do the students receive? These students receive
additional time for intensive reading and math instruction by a highly
trained specialist that targets specifically identified needs.
How much time do individual students actually receive services?
These students receive 30 minutes of instruction four days a week.
(Pullout services only) From what class are students pulled? How do
they transition from the general classroom to the program? Students
are pulled from nonacademic classes during “acceleration time”.
How is the program staffed? The program is staffed with eight highly
trained reading and math specialists.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the program staff
members? The Accelerated Reading and Math Interventionists
(ARI/AMI) are responsible for classes of 1-5 students. The ARI/AMI
teachers seek to help each child improve reading and math skills and
prepare for grade level tests.
Do program staff and general education staff plan together? Yes
1) What is the constitution of the group that meets? The group
includes ARI/AMI teachers, homeroom teachers and support
2) How often and for how long do they meet? ARI/AMI teachers
meet as a team one time per month for 50 minutes to discuss
issues and concerns. ARI/AMI Teachers meet with the math
and/or reading teacher routinely (every 6-12 weeks) through
scheduled RtI Meetings as well as weekly PLC meetings.
Updated 10/1/2014
h. (Content Mastery and Inclusion programs) Does program staff plan
together preteaching of concepts? N/A
i. How does program staff communicate with general education staff
about the progress of students? Program staff communicates with
general education staff through conferences, team planning, email,
progress reports, RtI meetings, and report cards.
j. (Title programs) How are parents informed about the progress of
their children in the Title program? Parents are kept informed through
progress reports, AIMSweb progress monitoring data, parent/teacher
conferences, notes, e-mails, RtI meetings, and phone calls.
k. (Title programs) Does the work that the students do in the Title
program have any direct impact on the students’ grades? No
If “yes,” how are these grades determined?
l. (Content Mastery and Inclusion Support) Does the work done under
the supervision of the special education teacher impact the students’
m. How is the program evaluated? Evaluation is determined by the
progress of students’ reading and math skills as evidence on end of the
year testing including STAAR, fluency, and concept probes.
n. What are some changes that have occurred in the program over the
past two years? Curriculum and activities are continually updated and
revised. ARI has taken on the responsibility of dyslexia instruction.
o. Other than increasing staff, what changes could make the program
more effective? The program could be more effective if there was more
flexibility in the master schedule in order to provide more in class support
time from the interventionists.
5. (Title I campuses) Does your campus provide any programs, regardless of
the fund source, such as before school, after school, Saturday, or intersession
programs to extend learning? Yes.
If “yes,” please briefly describe activities, materials, staffing, and student selection.
We provide parent training sessions to share ideas with parents on how to help their
children at home. We also provide extended day activities during the second semester of
each year to provide extra instruction and practice on TEKS and STAAR skills. In
addition, struggling students are invited to a morning computer lab as part of their Tier 2
or Tier 3 intervention. Summer school is also offered to 5th grade students that do not
meet SSI requirements.
Updated 10/1/2014