Price of catalogue: Rs.200/- per set (By POST Rs.300/=) including Sales Tax. Name of the Tenderer/Firm: …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Money Receipt No.:………..………..… Dated:..…………………………………... Issuing Office:…………………………… Catalogue Serial No.: NOT TRANSFERABLE THIS TENDER APPLICATION FORM CAN ALSO BE DOWNLOADED FROM ALONGWITH GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER ALSO AVAILABLE ON THIS WEBSITE. APPLICATION MADE ON SUCH A FORM SHALL BE CONSIDERED VALID FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE TENDER PROCESS PROVIDED THE ABOVE STATED FEE OF TENDER CATALOGUE I.E. Rs. 200/- PER SET BY DD/PO IN FAVOUR OF “MSTC LIMITED” PAYABLE AT CHENNAI IS ATTACHED SEPARATELY. (PO/DD NO…………………..DATE.……….……BANK NAME…….……………..Rs………….……………….) Southern Regional Office, "Leelavathi Building" Floor, 69,Armenian Street, Chennai-600 001. PHONE : 25222842, 25231584, 25272998. FAX NO: 252550091 email: 2nd SELLING AGENT TO M/s. CHENNAI PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED (CPCL), CHENNAI. TENDER NO. MCPCL/T-29/2004-2005 DUE ON 16/07/2004 AT 02.30 P.M. NOTICE CUM SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER 01. Sealed tenders are invited from the interested customers for disposal of materials on behalf of M/s. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), Manali, Chennai – 600 068. (hereinafter referred to as "OWNER") on ‘As-Is-Where-Is’ and ‘No Complaint Basis’ as per the details given in the Material List – Cum – Offer Form attached. 02. VALIDITY All tender offers must be kept open for acceptance for a period of 60 calendar days from the date of tender opening. 03. INSPECTION OF MATERIALS The materials offered for sale can be inspected at the locations indicated in the list between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. one week prior to the tender closing date on working days, Monday through Friday and with prior permission of the Stockholder/Owner. 04. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT The tender offer must be accompanied with an EMD equivalent to 10% (ten percent) of the quoted value by way of Demand Draft / Pay Order on any Nationalised / Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “MSTC LTD”, payable at CHENNAI. Separate lot wise Demand Draft/Pay Order should be submitted facilitating MSTC to return the unsuccessful EMD early. EMD WILL NOT BE ADJUSTED TOWARDS MATERIAL VALUE IN CASE OF SUCCESSFUL LOTS Tenderers should write their name and bank account no. with name of the Bank and Branch on the back side of the Demand Draft/Pay Order to facilitate early refund of EMD/SD and for reasonable protection of the interest of tenderers. PAY ORDER / DEMAND DRAFT ISSUED BY CO-OPERATIVE BANKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned by Registered Post. The Demand Draft / Pay Order can be reused by the same tenderer in subsequent tenders, but cannot be used by any other tenderer. Any offer accompanied by a mutilated Draft / Pay Order will be rejected. Contd. --- 2 --- --2-05. TENDER CLOSING DATE, TIME AND VENUE The tender offers (excluding taxes and duties) accompanied with requisite EMD along with signed General Terms and Conditions & Special Terms and Conditions with Offer Form must be dropped in the tender box kept in the Office of MSTC Limited, at the above mentioned address super scribing the tender no. and date, on or before 02.30 P.M. on 16.07.2004 which will be opened immediately thereafter in presence of the tenderers who may like to be present. 06. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT AND DELIVERY a) Full (100%) material value of the lot along with applicable taxes and duties have to be paid through DD/PO as will be mentioned in the Sale Order / Acceptance Letter within 15 days from the date of issue of Sale Order/Acceptance Letter (including the date of issue) by MSTC. If the 15th day happens to be a holiday for Bank / MSTC, the next working day will be taken into account for free payment period. b) The Demand Draft / Pay Order as per Sale Order/Acceptance Letter must be submitted to MSTC for issue of Delivery Order enabling the owner to delivery the goods. c) The successful tenderer shall lift the material within 30 calendar days from the date of issue of Acceptance Letter. 07. The contract shall be treated as having been concluded as soon as Letter of Acceptance is issued by MSTC to the successful tenderer. The period of contract shall be 44 days from the date of issue of Acceptance Letter by MSTC. The contract shall be deemed to be completed as soon as the area is cleared by the buyer for tendered lot or on completion of the period of contract as mentioned above. 08. The OWNER / MSTC reserves the right to accept / reject / postpone / cancel the tender at any time without assigning any reason. 09. These terms and conditions are to be read in conjunction with the general terms and conditions attached herewith. 10. Unless and otherwise stipulated against any particular item / material, lot put up for sale in the tender document, the material shall not be exported by the buyer outside the territory of India. 11. INCOME TAX U/S 206 C OF IT ACT, 1961 TCS WILL BE LEVIED 1.10% INCLUDING SURCHARGE ON THE SALE VALUE, ED AND SALES TAX ETC. 12. The applicable ED, ST, SC on ST & other applicable taxes shall be paid by the successful tenderers along with the value before removal of the materials. ED, ST, SC on ST & other applicable taxes will be levied on the penalty amount also, if any. ************** DECLARATION BY THE TENDERER TENDER NO. MCPCL/T-29/2004-2005 DUE ON 16/07/2004 AT 02.30 P.M. I/We have fully understood and accepted in toto the Special as well as General Terms and Conditions of the tender and I/We made my/our offer keeping in view of those conditions. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ __ Signature of the Tenderer : PAN NO : Name and address of the firm : Date : Phone No(s) : For refund of EMD/Security Deposit, please furnish the following:- Bank account Number : Type of Account : Bank Name Saving Bank A/c/Current Account : Place of Branch : DETAILS OF EMD SUBMITTED Demand Draft/Pay Order No details: 1) dated Bank: Amount: 2) dated Bank: Amount: 3) dated Bank: Amount: 4) dated Bank: Amount: 5) dated Bank: Amount: 6) dated Bank: Amount: 7) dated Bank: Amount: (AFFIX YOUR OFFICIAL RUBBER STAMP HERE) Southern Regional Office, “Leelavathi Building” 2nd Floor, 69,Armenian Street, Chennai – 600 001. Phone:25222642, 25231584, 25272998, 25219004 Fax No.25220091 e-mail: SELLING AGENT TO M/s. CHENNAI PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED (CPCL), CHENNAI. TENDER NO. MCPCL/T-29/2004-2005 DUE ON 16/07/2004 AT 02.30 P.M. MATERIAL LIST - CUM - OFFER FORM (LIST OF SCRAP MATERIALS) Contact Person & Location: Sr. Manager (Materials), Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), Manali, Chennai – 600 068. Ph: 25944000, 25944128 & 25944228. LOT NO. 1. 2. SC DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT OF SALE 16 RS………………………../MT (Rupees…………………….. MT …..…………………………… ……………………………….) (%) CUT CABLE PVC INSULATED SCRAP (ALUMINIUM, COPPER, ETC.) Location: New Warehouse CONDEMNED TYPRES, TUBES & FLAPS SCRAP (ONE LOT) Location: New Warehouse 20 MT Rates offered (Excluding Taxes & Duties etc.) ED ST on (%) (%) ST 4 5 0.500 MT NIL 4 5 3.650 MT 16 4 5 3. BRASS TUBE SCRAP Location: New Warehouse 4. OLD INSTRUMENT (R & D ITEMS) SCRAP (ONE LOT) Location: Chemical Warehouse 3 MT 16 4 5 5. CONDEMNED MOTORS & SPARES SCRAP (ONE LOT) Location: Chemical Warehouse 3 MT 16 4 5 6. CONDEMNED ELCTRICAL ITEM SCRAP (ONE LOT) Location: Chemical Warehouse 1MT 16 4 5 RS………………………/LOT (Rupees…………………….. LOT …..…………………………… ……………………………….) RS………………………../MT (Rupees…………………….. MT …..…………………………… ……………………………….) RS………………………/LOT (Rupees…………………….. LOT …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………/LOT (Rupees…………………….. LOT …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………/LOT (Rupees…………………….. LOT …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) Contd.: -- 2 -- ::2:: TENDER NO. MCPCL/T-29/2004-2005 DUE ON 16/07/2004 AT 02.30 P.M. SC DESCRIPTION 7. CANTEEN UTENSILS SCRAP (MS, SS, ALUMINIUM, ETC.) Location: Chemical Warehouse 5 MT NIL 4 5 MT 8. PVC 5 LTRS EMPTY CAN SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - B 250 NOS. NIL 4 5 NO 9. PVC 20 /25 LTRS EMPTY CAN SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - B 90 NOS. NIL 4 5 NO 10. PVC 30/35 LTRS EMPTY CAN SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - A 280 NOS. NIL 4 5 NO 11. PVC 50 LTRS EMPTY CAN SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - A 145 NOS. NIL 4 5 NO 12. PVC 200 LTRS (EMPTY) SCRAP Location: New Warehouse 52 NOS. NIL 4 5 NO 13. CONDEMNED/USED/OLD MS DRUM SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - A 1 MT. NIL 4 5 MT 14. MS200 LTRS. CHEMICAL EMPTY DRUM (CLOSED) SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - B 1000 Nos. NIL 4 5 NO 15. ASSORTED IRON SCRAP (EXCEPT NON-FERROUS METALS) Location: Scrap Yard - B 600 MT 8 4 NIL MT 16. ASSORTED METAL SCRAP (BRASS, COPPER, SS, ALUMINIUM, IRON, ETC.) Location: Scrap Yard - A 40 MT 16 4 5 MT 17. ASSORTED MS PLATE SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - A 150 MT NIL 4 NIL MT QUANTITY ED ST on (%) (%) ST UNIT OF SALE LOT NO. (%) DRUM Rates offered (Excluding Taxes & Duties etc.) RS………………………./MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………./NO (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… …………………..…………..) RS………………………./NO (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… …………………..…………..) RS………………………./NO (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… …………………..…………..) RS………………………./NO (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… …………………..…………..) RS………………………./NO (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… …………………..…………..) RS………………………./MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………./NO (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… …………………..…………..) RS………………………./MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………./MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS…………………….…./MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) Contd.: -- 3 -- ::3:: TENDER NO. MCPCL/T-29/2004-2005 DUE ON 16/07/2004 AT 02.30 P.M. LOT NO. SC DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ED ST on (%) (%) ST (%) ALLOY STEEL PIPE SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - A 10 MT 8 4 NIL MT 19. ALUMINIUM FOIL/SHEET SCRAP USED FOR INSULATION Location: Scrap Yard - A 15 MT NIL 4 5 MT 20. ALUMINIUM FIN TUBE SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - A 15 MT 16 4 5 MT 21. ASSORTED MS TIN (EMPTY) SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - B 50 NOS. 8 4 NIL NO 22. CONDEMNED ASSORTED PVC SCRAP Location: Scrap Yard - B 0.500 MT 16 4 5 MT 23. ASSORTED STUDDED PIPES SCRAP (SS, AS, MS, CS, ETC.) Location: Scrap Yard - A 50 MT 16 4 NIL MT 24. USED EMPTY BAGS SCRAP – TBM – SUPER "N" (BITUMEN MODIFIER) Location: CRMP Plant Area 25 MT NIL 4 5 MT 25 PACKING WOODEN SCRAP Location: Refinery - III New Warehouse 60 MT NIL 4 5 MT 18. Rates offered (Excluding Taxes & Duties etc.) UNIT OF SALE RS………………………./MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………./MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………./MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………./NO (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… …………………..…………..) RS………………………../MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………../MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………../MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) RS………………………../MT (Rupees…………………….. …..…………………………… ………………………..……..) *********************