!GLG 101-Illustrated Vocabulary-Chapter 14 !Oceans, Waves, and Beaches copyright 2003-Roger Weller !abyssal plains *the flat, deep part of the ocean floor, two to three miles below sea level. !asymmetric ripple mark *a ripple mark with a steep, short slope on the downstream side of its crest and a low angle, long slope on the upstream side. Preserved ripple marks of this type are indicators of current directions of ancient streams. *[Ripple Marks-Asymmetric-1] *[Ripple Marks-Asymmetric-2] *[California-Ripple Marks-1] !atoll *a circular chain of coral islands surrounding a lagoon !barrier island *a long island built of sand that runs parallel to the shoreline !beach *a relatively flat, slightly dipping portion of the shoreline of a lake or ocean; may be covered with sand, gravel, or rocks. *[Oregon-Sandy Beach] *[Oregon-Rocky Beach] !continental shelf *the low sloping submerged portion of the edge of a continent that ranges from the shoreline to a depth of approximately 200 meters. Sediments deposited in this region are usually laid down in a stable, quiet manner. !continental slope *the steeper slope of the submerged margin of a continent that extends from the continental shelf to the continental rise; this region can be an active area of turbidity flows. !crossbedding *a primary sedimentary structure in which one set of inclined sedimentary layers is beveled off by an erosional process and a new set of sedimentary layers is deposited on top of the truncated original layers; common in stream sediments and sand dunes. *[Crossbedding-Roadcut-2] *[Crossbedding-Roadcut-4] !island arc *a curved chain of volcanic islands ajacent to an oceanic trench and overlying a subduction zone. !longshore drift *a current moving parallel to the shoreline that is responsible for moving sand grains along the shoreline !oceanic ridge *an underwater ridge formed where two crustal plates are pulling apart. The MidAtlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise are two good examples. !seafloor spreading *occurs along the crest of oceanic ridges where the oceanic crust is being pulled apart and lava is filling the fissures, thereby creating new seafloor. !seismic sea wave *this is the correct term to use in referring to large ocean waves created by earthquakes. Earlier terms applied to these waves were tidal waves and tsunamis. !spit *a linear extension of land into an ocean or lake; may consist of a sandbank, shoal, or reef. !spreading center volcanism *along an oceanic ridge where seafloor spreading is occurring, lava emerges where the oceanic plates are pulling apart and opening up fissures. !trench *a depression on the ocean floor where oceanic crust is being subducted !tsunami *Japanese word for seismic sea wave !turbidites *sediments deposited by turbidity flows. *[California-Anchor Bay-1] *[California-Anchor Bay-2] *[California-Anchor Bay-3] *[California-Turbidites Cut by Fault] *[California-Turbidites-1] *[California-Turbidites-Normal Fault] !turbidity Flow *an underwater flow of dense turbid water; sometimes this density current is caused by an underwater avalanche on the continental rise which was triggered by an earthquake. !wave Action *a mechanical weathering force capable of breaking and rounding rock fragments through constant abrasion. *[California-Coast-Wave Action]