Test 5 Seafloor 1. The two types of crust are and . A) oceanic

Test 5 Seafloor
1. The two types of crust are _________________________ and _________________________.
A) oceanic, volcanic
B) continental, volcanic
C) oceanic, continental
D) land, pangaea
E) oceanic, land
◾2. Iceland, the Samoan Islands, and Hawaii are examples of landforms created by
A) a divergent zone
B) a subduction zone
C) a convergent zone
D) a ring of fire
E) a hot spot
◾3. At mid-ocean ridges, new ____________________________ crust is created.
A) continental
B) convergent
C) oceanic
D) transform
E) volcanic
◾4. Seafloor spreading is a process that creates new ________________________ crust.
A) volcanic
B) convergent
c) continental
d) oceanic
◾5. The _________________________ Islands are located in the middle of the Pacific plate.
A) Hawaiian
B) Icelandic
C) Ring
D) Samoan
E) Australian
◾6. Convection currents in our Earth's mantle drives the process that moves our
A) clouds
B) volcanoes
C) plates
D) mountains
E) oceans
◾7. The largest and most powerful mountains and volcanoes are located
A) on Iceland
B) above surface
C) on Australia
D) underwater
E) on the surface
◾8. Areas where continental and oceanic plates converge are also said to be
A) Australian zones
B) mid-pacific zones
C) mid-atlantic zones
D) Icelandic zones
E) subduction zones
◾9. Between oceanic and continental crusts, the ___________________ crust is more dense.
A) transform
B) oceanic
C) convergent
D) divergent
E) continental
11. As the ocean seafloor spreads, the newly formed floor will adapt a specific magnetic signature
according to the Earth's magnetic pole at that time. As years pass, lateral segments of seafloor will thus
share the same _____________________ signature on either side of the mid-oceanic ridge.
A) convergent
B) divergent
C) zubductive
D) volcanic
E) magnetic
◾12. In seafloor spreading, the further the ocean floor is away from the mid-ocean ridge, the
_____________________ that floor will be.
A) older
B) newer
C) rockier
D) younger
◾13. Iceland is located in the middle of
A) the mid-Australian ridge
B) the mid-Caribbean ridge
C) the mid-Pacific ridge
D) the mid-convergent ridge
E) the mid-Atlantic ridge
◾14. In an island chain such as Hawaii, volcanic islands further away from the hot spot will tend to be
A) rockier
B) older
C) newer
D) younger
15.In the image shown below, what is the depth of the ocean bottom below the boat? The tan plane
represents a depth of 6 meters.
A. 2 meters
B. 3 meters
C. 4 meters
D. 5 meters
16 In the 3D map shown below, what is the depth of the area marked by the red "x"?
A. 1 m
B. 2 m
C. 3 m
D. 4 m
17 What is the maximum depth shown on the 3D map below?
A. 1 m
B. 2 m
C. 3 m
D. 4 m
18 What would the TABLE pane corresponding to the 2D MAP shown below look like?
19 Suppose a boat needs to travel in water with a depth of at least 3 meters. Given the twodimensional ocean depth map shown below, which of the following would be the safest path for the
boat to travel, west-to-east, across this ocean?
A. straight across at 30.4° N latitude
B. straight across at 30.3° N latitude
C. straight across at 29.5° N latitude
D. diagonally from the top left corner (30.4° N, 90.4° W) to the lower right corner (29.5°
N, 89.5° W)
A______________ B_______________ C_______________D________________
F__________________G__________________ I_________________
Omit H and E
Word Bank
Continental slope
Continental rise
Continental shelf
Mid ocean ridge
Submarine canyon
Abyssal plain
Rift valley
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