August 2012 Approved Minutes

Grace Presbyterian Church – Notes of the STATED meeting of the SESSION held on Tuesday August 28,
2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room
Session Elders Present:
Dean Anderson
Dan Hunt
Jim Lewis
Mike Flinn
Fred Nelson
Steve Hatfield
Dan Learned
Thom Simpson
Bill McIntyre
Woody Hartwell
Session Elders Absent:
Steve Ivaska
John Wieland
Staff Present:
Pastor Greg Grindinger, Kerry Frantz and Ron Crowell
Senior Pastor Ben Johnston
Pastor Ben opened the meeting in prayer. Pastor Ben led a devotional time about being sheppards of
the flock. We discussed how Jesus entrusts His flock to the leadership of His church. It is our
responsibility and privilege to serve in that capacity. Pastor Ben also stressed making sure that we were
keen to the spiritual needs of the flock and not just the physical. The men engaged in a conversation
about having a heart and love for the flock and when the flock senses the love, they naturally respond to
the leadership.
The men spent time praying for the church, its ministry, staff, volunteers and current initiatives. They
then shared praises and prayer requests for each other and from the congregation. Another time was
spent lifting up each of these items up to the Lord.
A quorum was declared with ten Elders present.
Minutes of a Stated meeting of the Diaconate held on July 17, 2012. A motion was made to accept the
minutes; it was seconded and was approved.
Minutes of a Stated meeting of the Session held on July 24, 2012. A motion was made to accept the
minutes; it was seconded, amended and was approved.
Minutes of an Executive meeting of the Session held on July 24, 2012. A motion was made to accept the
minutes; it was seconded and was approved.
Minutes of a Special Called meeting of the Congregation held on July 22, 2012. A motion was made to
accept the minutes; it was seconded and was approved.
Executive Pastor's Report
Pastor Greg Grindinger provided a handout. He updated the Financial Peace University (FPU) class. He
indicated he had spoken to some of the members who have led other financial workshops and they fully
support FPU. He believes some of them may active in helping teach/facilitate the classes.
Pastor Greg shared a praise that over 200 people attended and participated in the Hospitality and
Assimilation event. He shared his optimism that the culture at Grace is changing in that the members
and regular attenders are becoming more intentional and strategic in engaging people at church.
Greg advised the Session there are three new staff. Sarah Alkire is the new Director of Women's
Ministry (part-time); Rhonda Anderson is the interim Director of Music (part-time) and Dale Dalton is
the new Boys Brigade Chief Ranger (volunteer).
Executive Director’s Report
Ron Crowell provided a handout. Ron shared that over 35 men participated in the seating
reorganization, which cut the anticipated costs by more than half. It cost a little more than $15,000
instead of the possible $35,000. There is a prayer walk that has been established for the Capital
Campaign and 37 men participated in surfacing the walk with wood chips.
Ron updated a need for a financial guardian for a member at Grace. He indicated that a couple of
individuals have been interested but did not work out due to professional conflicts.
Membership Committee
Minutes from the Membership Committee held on August 19, 2012 were accepted. The minutes
detailed the following individuals were approved for church membership:
Brad Borland
Nathan Isbel
Luke Ketcham
Jamie Koche
Michael Koche
Initial Confession of Faith
Initial Confession of Faith
Initial Confession of Faith
Initial Confession of Faith
Initial Confession of Faith
Missions Committee
Bill McIntyre presented the minutes from August 6 and 20, 2012. The minutes contained the following
action items:
 $3000 - Ben Winkler - seminary scholarship per semester this year
One Time Gifts:
$1000 - Ben & Sheri Johnston - travel assistance; Pastor Johnston appreciated the gesture but
graciously turned it down
$1000 - Jim & Sharon Cooper - medical expenses
$1000 - Scott & Rachel Kramer - sound equipment
A motion was made to accept the August 6 and August 20 minutes and approve the action items; it was
seconded and approved. Steve Hatfield abstained.
Long Range Planning Committee
No report.
Roles and Structure Committee
No report.
Christian Education
No report.
Outreach Committee
No report.
Presbytery Committee
Fred Nelson made a motion to rescind his motion on July 24, 2012 to provide $1,000 to Ben Winkler for
Covenant Seminary; it was seconded and approved. Steve Hatfield abstained. Fred then made a motion
to support Ben Winkler with a $3000 scholarship for Covenant Seminary; it was seconded and approved.
Steve Hatfield abstained.
Campus Outreach Committee
No report.
Capital Campaign
Frank Howard presented to the Session on the progress of the Capital Campaign. He provided a
handout detailing a schedule of events for September and October. He shared that Pastor Ben would be
meeting with some families in the coming weeks about their participation in the campaign. Frank also
shared about the Leadership Event on September 22, 2012. He explained that there will be pledges
taken at this event that would be compiled and shared with the congregation as an overall total. This
helps the congregation see the momentum of the leadership of the church.
Frank also asked the Session to provide an update to the congregation about the direction of the church
in seeking a new Senior Pastor. He explained some members of the congregational expressed an
interest in knowing more about the direction of the church. Thom Simpson let Frank know that the
Pastoral Search Committee and the Session would be updating the congregation on September 2, 2012.
Thom shared the basics of the update and Frank stated the content of the update would be sufficient in
answering the questions that be have asked him.
Music Minister
Based on David German's public resignation to the congregation a motion was made to accept his
resignation; it was seconded and approved.
Rhonda Anderson will assume the interim role and the Senior Pastor will be the priority to fill. Once the
senior Pastor is hired the Senior Pastor will be involved in the search and hiring of the Music Minister.
A motion was made to approve a Love Offering for David German; it was seconded and approved.
Pulpit Supply Committee
Mr. and Mrs. Rassi were asked to lead the committee and they accepted. They have been working with
Pastor Ben and Greg and Ron Crowell to brainstorm other committee members. Pastor Greg, Kerry and
Mike Jackson are scheduled to fill the pulpit once per quarter and guest speakers and Session members
will fill the rest.
There was a motion to ratify the Pulpit Supply Committee; it was seconded and approved.
Moved to Executive Session
Returned from Executive Session
Steve Hatfield closed in prayer. There was a motion to adjourn; it was seconded and approved. The
meeting adjourned at 11:11pm.
Dan Hunt
Clerk of Session
Pastor Ben Johnston