Environment policy

Fernhurst, Wrotham Road
Meopham, Kent
DA13 0RF
Tel: 01732 822216
Fax: 01732 820172
E-Mail: enquiries@tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
Web: www.tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
Environment Policy
At TDI, we are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our products and our business – from the
materials we use to waste and disposal.
we can’t change everything overnight, but we are taking steps in the right direction.
We are continually trying to lower the impact of what we do by reducing waste and emissions and using
energy, water and raw materials as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Products & services
Our aim is to reduce the ecological footprint of the products we use without compromising on the performance.
We are continually looking for safer materials with less of an impact to our environment. That is why we are
behind the new VOC law introduce in 2010 and was using these products back in 2009.
Our aim is to encourage our employees to think about the environment. We asked our employees and
suppliers to let us know on new products that have less impact on the environment and all employees must
dispose of waste material in the correct manor. They are also asked to recycle where nesscary by introducing
them to scheme such as the community RePaint sheme.
Our aim is to improve the energy efficiency within our work place.
Our aim is to significantly reduce the impact on the environment associated with the movement of our
employees and deliverys.
All vehicles used are as environmently friendly as possible. Such as the new stop and start system fitted to our
mainly used vehicle. We have also introduced a policy as to having all new vehicles fitted with gas alternative
fuel. We have also stoped carrying unwanted materials in the vehicles such as heavy ladders and paint (just
incase they are needed). Whne possible our estimating department will travel by public transport rather than
our vehicles. Materials are also delivered from our suppliers, such as ICI and Brewers with there Green
electric vehicles.
TDI is a trading name of T Dunsdon Interiors Ltd
Registered Office: First floor Priory Buildings, Church Hill, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0HH
V.A.T. Reg No 374 3437 43
Registered in England and Wales No: 4903825
Fernhurst, Wrotham Road
Meopham, Kent
DA13 0RF
Tel: 01732 822216
Fax: 01732 820172
E-Mail: enquiries@tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
Web: www.tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
Materials that are surplus to requirement are either reused of recycled such as the Community Re>Paint run a
paint recycling scheme set up to give less fortunate people and charity much need paint. Or it simple disposed
of via the Dulux safe and clean disposal scheme.
What you must do
Storing paint
Put the lids securely back on containers holding materials that may evaporate, such as thinners or solventbased paints. This may help to save you money and will reduce the risk of spills.
Applying paint
If you are spraying paint, make sure that the mist cannot be blown onto neighbouring properties by the wind.
If you are using petrol or diesel powered paint spraying equipment you may need to comply with the Oil
Storage Regulations.
Disposing of paint
Do not pour waste products such as paint or solvent-based cleaning products into drains as this can cause
water pollution.
Reuse solvents and cleaning fluids after paint has settled out of them.
Dispose of paint sediment safely and properly in accordance with the duty of care. Seek advice from your
environmental regulator.
Check whether any of your paint or other materials has a hazard label on the packaging. This will help you to
determine whether these materials will need to be disposed of as hazardous/special waste.
You must not dispose of liquid wastes to landfill. Before you decide to dispose of surplus paint, assess whether
you can use it elsewhere.
If you are disposing of tins containing water-based paint or paint residue, store them securely, remove the lids
and allow the paint to harden before disposal. If there is still some paint in them and it can not be used any
where else used the Dulux solidifer solution to harden the paint.
TDI is a trading name of T Dunsdon Interiors Ltd
Registered Office: First floor Priory Buildings, Church Hill, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0HH
V.A.T. Reg No 374 3437 43
Registered in England and Wales No: 4903825
Fernhurst, Wrotham Road
Meopham, Kent
DA13 0RF
Tel: 01732 822216
Fax: 01732 820172
E-Mail: enquiries@tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
Web: www.tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
If you are disposing of tins containing solvent-based paint or paint
residue, contact your waste disposal contractor and discuss whether these can be recycled or disposed of in an
environmentally sensitive manner.
Community Re>Paint run a paint recycling scheme. Dulux paint solidifier solution.
Washing your equipment
If you are working within an existing domestic property and are, for example, washing brushes in the sink, the
dirty water will not require an additional consent if the property is connected to the mains sewerage.
If you want to discharge paints, solvents or other materials to a drain, watercourse or to sewer you will need
Liquids used for cleaning paintbrushes and other equipment must not be allowed to enter surface water drains,
(such as those taking roof water) or road drains, or to soak into the ground.
Lead-based paints
Wastes from the removal of lead-based paints can be harmful to the environment and to human health. Make
sure that you dispose of them correctly.
Fuelling and fuel storage
Where fuels or oil cause an environmental incident, the responsibility for that incident rests with the person or
the company who has control of them, irrespective of who owns them.
What you must do
Storage areas
The environmental regulator can serve on us an 'anti pollution works notice' if our site gives rise to, or is at risk
of giving rise to, pollution of surface waters or groundwater. This notice will require us to undertake remedial
Good practice
Storage areas
Establish the plant storage and refuelling areas in a location where they will not need to be moved during the
course of the contract.
TDI is a trading name of T Dunsdon Interiors Ltd
Registered Office: First floor Priory Buildings, Church Hill, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0HH
V.A.T. Reg No 374 3437 43
Registered in England and Wales No: 4903825
Fernhurst, Wrotham Road
Meopham, Kent
DA13 0RF
Tel: 01732 822216
Fax: 01732 820172
E-Mail: enquiries@tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
Web: www.tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
Until you set up a storage compound, minimise the quantities of oil and fuel you have on site.
Store all chemicals within a bund or drip tray.
Fuel, oil and chemical storage facilities should be located on impermeable surfaces with controlled drainage,
away from storm water sewers, grids, channels and watercourses.
All funnels, buckets, containers, brushes and other associated equipment should also be kept in a bunded area
when not in use.
Clearly label tanks with their contents and storage capacity; this will reduce the risk of overfill and spillage.
If you are storing oils such as mould release oils or hydraulic oils in barrels from which you will need to transfer
small quantities to other containers before use, have a tap fitted to the barrel. Store the barrel on its side, on a
stand, within a bunded area.
Place a bucket or container under taps to safeguard against drips and leaks. Any leakage can then be reused.
You will also prevent fuels and oils mixing with any water in the base of the bunded area.
Consider using biodegradable hydraulic oils when working in or near water.
Where there is a risk that plant or vehicles could collide with or damage a fuel storage area, consider installing
heavy-duty barriers (jersey™, Armco™ or similar) between the fuel storage tank and areas where plant and
vehicles operate.
Where possible, protect hydraulic hoses from damage. Hoses and connections should be regularly checked for
leaks and faults.
Out and about
Ensure that any containers you carry with you are correctly labelled, are fit for purpose and are securely stored
to prevent them being damaged or spilling.
Containers should be placed on drip trays to collect small spillages.
Storing small amounts of fuel or oil
If you are storing small amounts of oil or diesel within your working area, ensure that they are:
1. Stored upright with their lids securely on, located away from watercourses or surface water drains.
2. Correctly labeled.
3. Stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
TDI is a trading name of T Dunsdon Interiors Ltd
Registered Office: First floor Priory Buildings, Church Hill, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0HH
V.A.T. Reg No 374 3437 43
Registered in England and Wales No: 4903825
Fernhurst, Wrotham Road
Meopham, Kent
DA13 0RF
Tel: 01732 822216
Fax: 01732 820172
E-Mail: enquiries@tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
Web: www.tdinteriorsltd.plus.com
By using containers with watertight lids, you can reduce the risk of accidental spillage of mould release oil onto
the ground and reduce the risk of rainwater getting into the product.
Store any containers away from areas in which vehicles regularly move.
Security and vandalism
Fuel storage tanks should be locked when not in use to prevent unauthorised access and to reduce the risk of
vandalism. As the owners or controllers of that fuel, you will be liable for any pollution that it causes even if
vandals release the fuel.
Deliberate acts of vandalism such as damaging plant and equipment or fuel storage tanks can be costly in both
financial and environmental terms. Our business is responsible for all fuel, oil and chemicals that are present
on your site. You can be prosecuted for a pollution incident that originated on your site even if it was caused by
vandalism, particularly if the incident was foreseeable or avoidable.
What you must do
Always clean up spills immediately, this can be done several ways as listed below:
1. Oil spills, place sand over the top of the spill to solidify and clean away.
2. Water based spills can be mopped up to remove majority of the spill.
3. Excess paint can be cleaned up using white spirits (for oil based products mainly the paint variety),
mentholated spirits (for oil based products manly varnish variety), bleach (mainly the shellac variety) or
soapy solution of warm water (for water based variety).
TDI is a trading name of T Dunsdon Interiors Ltd
Registered Office: First floor Priory Buildings, Church Hill, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0HH
V.A.T. Reg No 374 3437 43
Registered in England and Wales No: 4903825