MAKERERE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY METEOROLOGY UNIT PROPOSAL TO REVISE THE PROFESSIONAL POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN METEOROLOGY JUNE -2010 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 TITLE OF THE PROGRAMME .....................................................................................................................3 2.0 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................................3 3.0 JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REVIEW ..............................................................................................................4 4.0 OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................................4 5.0 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................4 6.0 CURRICULUM .............................................................................................................................................5 6.1 DURATION ...................................................................................................................................................5 6.2 STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAMME ...............................................................................................................5 6.3 COURSE CONTENT ................................................................................................................................................6 2 1.0 TITLE OF THE PROGRAMME POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN METEOROLOGY (PGDM) 2.0 BACKGROUND In March 1997 a Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Meteorology was launched by Makerere University to provide Meteorology Discipline training in Uganda. (i) (ii) Reasons for establishing of the programme (a) Lack of local training and research facilities occasioned by the break up of the East African Meteorological Department in 1977. The joint training facilities, the East African Institute of Meteorological Training and Research and the Department of Meteorology at the University of Nairobi, were based in Kenya. (b) Uganda could not afford to train the desired number of professional meteorologists abroad due to both foreign exchange constraints as well as inadequate budgetary provisions. (c) In Uganda, an Agricultural Nation, Climate issues and impacts were increasingly becoming important and required a well-coordinated research infrastructure, which could only be provided by Makerere University. Other crucial fields included Water Development, Civil Aviation and National Environment Management Authority. (d) The demand for meteorological discipline expertise as new threats and global developments particularly potential climate change/ variability impacts had increased considerably. Achievements of the programme (1997-2010) (a) Apart from the provision of meteorological discipline manpower, and expansion of the national meteorology discipline research capacity, Uganda is saving a lot in foreign exchange costs which would have been encountered if this basic training was done outside. Training of a Class 1 Meteorologist in the U.K. costs the Ugandan taxpayer up to US $ 75,000 while in Kenya it costs US $15,000. The equivalent training at Makerere is costing about US $ 2,000. (b) The Makerere University PGD in Meteorology programme has already trained over 20 Uganda Meteorological Department (UMD) Class 1 Meteorologists and the graduates of this programme are manning many key sectors in UMD and replacing the then stock of Meteorologists who have either retired or retiring soon. 3 (c) The Meteorology Unit in the Department of Geography which had only one professional Meteorologist on the established staff has currently trained 4 Class 1 Meteorologists on this programme and all the 4 have already finished Masters’ Degrees in Meteorology from abroad. 3.0 JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REVIEW New developments in the field of Meteorology have necessitated revising the current syllabus approved by Makerere University more than 12 years ago because since then there have been tremendous developments in the profession of meteorology especially in the areas of: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Computing in meteorology Observational methods Climate variability and climate change Modeling Theoretical understanding Socio-economic applications of meteorological information and services Seasonal to inter-annual predictability Overall whereas the present syllabus is devoted to ensuring a sound theoretical training in meteorology, it is to some extent lacking in the recent theoretical and application developments in the profession. Furthermore it has to be recognized that it is the application sectors that offer social recognition and the financial support that is necessary for the survival of the profession. 4.0 OBJECTIVES The main objective is to create National capacity for the provision of professional Meteorologists and Atmospheric scientists to staff Meteorological Institutions as well as other many other sectors like Agriculture, Water Development, Environment, Tourism, etc. where meteorological expertise is needed. Secondary objectives include the strengthening of the National research capability in fields of applied Meteorology as well as atmospheric sciences so as to adequately handle Ugandan issues of climatic variability/change, climatic impacts, Agricultural Meteorology, Hydrometeorology, and short, medium to long range forecasting. 5.0 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Candidates for admission should hold a B.Sc. or B.A degree from a recognized University in the following subjects: (i) Mathematics and Physics; 4 OR OR OR OR (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Mathematics with Physics taken in the first year Mathematics and Chemistry with Physics taken in the first year; Mathematics and Geography with physics taken at `A' Level Geography with “A” level principal pass in either Mathematics or Physics 6.0 CURRICULUM 6.1 Duration The Postgraduate Diploma in Meteorology extends over one year and consists of 12 core courses. 6.2 Structure of the Programme (i) Semester 1 courses Course Code Course Title GMR 6101 Introductory Meteorology GMR 6102 L hrs T hrs P hrs CU 2 2 3 Total hrs. 45 Thermodynamics and Cloud Physics 2 2 3 45 GMR 6103 Tropical Meteorology 2 - 3 45 GMR 6104 Physical Meteorology and Remote Sensing 2 2 3 45 GMR 6105 Dynamic Meteorology 3 - - 3 45 GMR 6106 Research Methods and computer Applications in Meteorology 1 1 2 3 45 18 270 P hrs CU Total hrs 2 3 45 3 45 3 45 1 Total (ii) Semester II courses Course code Course Title L hrs GMR 6201 Synoptic Meteorology 2 GMR 6202 Numerical Weather 2 T hrs 1 Prediction GMR 6203 Agro-Meteorology 2 5 2 GMR 6204 Hydrometeorology 2 1 3 45 GMR 6205 Climate Change and SocioEconomic Implications 2 1 3 45 GMR 6206 Research Project 3 45 18 270 90 Totals Key to tables: L hrs: Lecture hours per week T hrs Tutorial hours per week P hrs Practical Hours per week CU Course Units Total hrs Total hours per course per semester 6.3 Course content Course Name: GMR 6101 Introductory Meteorology Course Credit: 3CU Brief course description This course introduces the basic concepts of meteorology and their applications in the real world Course Objectives By the end of the course the student should be able to: Explain the different instruments used in meteorology and their applications Describe the solar system and its impact on the earth’s climate Explain the different factors that affect the earth’s climate Explain the different climate classification schemes Detailed Course Description Structures and functions of Meteorological administrative and operational centres; National Meteorological Centres (NMCs), Regional Telecommunication (Meteorological) Centres (RTCs), Global Telecommunication (Meteorological) Centres (GTCs) and The World Meteorological Organization(WMO) The need for surveillance of the atmosphere: The standard meteorological instruments, their uses and methods of observation, accuracy and sources of error and recent advances in the surveillance of the atmosphere The solar system, Planetary and Earth’s atmosphere (composition and structure) Earth/Atmosphere factors influencing climates: The rotation of the earth, the revolution of the earth around the sun, The non homogeneous nature of the earth, the transportation of moisture by the winds, maintenance of the mean zonal wind and temperature fields (Meridianal and vertical transport of angular momentum, 6 heat and vapour), and interactions between Land-Atmosphere-Ocean East-West circulation (upwelling). Observational mean (annual and seasonal) global distribution of Temperature, Wind, Air masses, Pressure and Clouds and rainfall. Climatic classification Mode of Delivery Lectures, tutorials and assignments Assessment Assignments, reports and tests 30%; Examinations 70% total (100%) Reading List Colin Buckle; Weather and Climate in Africa Roger G. Barry and Richard J. Chorley; Atmosphere, Weather and Climate Mike M.N. Mwebesa: East African Observer's Handbook Course Name: GMR 6102 Thermodynamics and Cloud Physics Course Credit: 3 CU Brief course description This course covers the concepts of heat and thermodynamics and their application in the atmosphere. It also describes the different types of clouds, their formation and why they are important in the earth-atmosphere system Course objectives By the end of the course the student should be able to: State laws of thermodynamics and discuss some of their applications Explain the different thermodynamic diagrams and their applications Derive the hydrostatic equations and explain its applications Understand the different stability processes in the atmosphere Describe the different methods of cloud formation Explain the concept of cloud seeding Detailed course description The equation of state for perfect gases and their mixtures applied to dry air and water vapour Different concepts for the specification of water vapour content Laws of thermodynamics and irreversible processes, the concept of entropy. Change in phase in thermodynamics Thermodynamic diagrams and their uses Definitions and usefulness of certain temperature humidity concepts, especially wet bulb temperature and the psychometric formula Mixing of different masses of moist air The hydrostatic equation and its importance in meteorology 7 The atmospheric pressure and its variation with altitude: geo-potential, altimetry, graphical evaluation of sounding and the standard atmosphere Adiabatic processes concerning dry and moist air, dry and saturated adiabatic lapse rates The importance of air entrainment, perceptible water and quantitative precipitation forecasting Static stability, equilibrium stratification of mass in the gravity field and pure gravity oscillation Stability criteria for a dry and moist air, the parcel and slice methods, diurnal variation of the stability changes in large-scale vertical velocity fields Condensation nuclei in the atmosphere The water vapour condensation processes in the atmosphere: Diffusion, BergeronFindeisen theory and the accretion theory Cloud seeding Mode of Delivery: Lectures, tutorials and assignments Assessment: Assignments and tests (30%), Examination (70%), total (100%) Reading List Seymour L. Hess: Introduction to Theoretical Meteorology D. J. Tritton: Physical Fluid Dynamics Louis J. Battan: Cloud Physics; A popular Introduction to Meteorology Prupaccher and Klett: Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation Course Name: Course Credit: GMR 6103 Tropical Meteorology 3 CU Brief course description This course deals with tropical general circulation and systems that interact to cause the weather/climate in the tropics. Objectives: By the end of this course, students should be able to: Explain the observed temporal variability of meteorological elements and phenomena in the tropical atmosphere. Describe the various types of instability and their role in the convection process using relevant examples. Distinguish among the characteristics of the disturbances found in the tropical atmosphere, including their causes, growth and development, and dissipation Outline the properties of tropical cyclones and describe their prediction and modelling. Elucidate the distribution and controls of zonally asymmetric features of the tropics Review the properties of tropical stratosphere that influence tropical climate/weather Detailed course description 8 Introduction to the tropics and extra-tropical regions, tropical general circulation: observed seasonal-mean fields (temperature, zonal wind, humidity and sea level pressure), mean meridional motions, angular momentum balance and maintenance of temperature field. The tropical stratosphere and mesosphere. Zonal asymmetric features of the tropics: quasi-stationary waves, east-west circulation. ITCZ space-time characteristics and associated weather. Monsoons and the associated weather (onset and withdrawal of monsoon rains, fluctuations in the monsoon intensity) with particular reference to Africa and South-East Asia. Interaction between tropical monsoons and extra-tropical weather systems. Tropical depressions: tropical cyclones-hazards, structure, regions of formation, tracts and problems of forecasting. Tropical jet streams and there relationship to thermal wind; subtropical, tropical easterly, west Africa and East African low-level jets, easterly waves, major African anticyclones, tropical cyclones, west African squall lines. Seasonal location, history of discovery and structure of the El-Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and Quasi-Biannual Oscillation (QBO) and their implications to tropical weather with special reference to Africa, Eastern Africa and Uganda Seasonal location, intensity and structure of the extra-tropical systems which control weather over Africa with special reference to Eastern Africa. Mode of Delivery Lectures, Tutorials and assignments Assessment Assignments, reports and tests 30%; Examinations 70% total (100%) Reading List Asnani, G.C., 1993: Tropical Meteorology Holton, J.R., 1992: An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology Course Name: GMR 6104 Physical Meteorology and Remote Sensing Course Credit: 3 CU Brief course description This course explains the electromagnetic spectrum and its importance in the earth-atmosphere system. It also describes the different sensors and their applications in meteorology. Course objectives By the end of the course, the student should be able to: Explain the black body laws and their applications 9 Explain the importance of various gases in the atmosphere Distinguish and compare the different remote sensing techniques Understand how usable information is derived from remote sensing Evaluate which remote sensing technique would be appropriate to particular meteorological situations Detailed course description Electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere, definition of concepts and units Basic black body laws; absorption, emission, transmission and scattering of solar (short wave) and terrestrial (long wave) radiation and their importance for the earth-atmosphere system The importance of Water vapour, Carbon dioxide and Ozone in the atmosphere Radiation charts calculations Maximum and Minimum temperature predictions Radiative remote sensing of the atmosphere from satellites Atmospheric optics with application to rainbow, halo, and other phenomena Transparency of the atmosphere, the visual range of solar radiation Air pollution: a) Nature and sources of pollution. b) Methods of estimation of air pollution concentration levels. c) Chemical and photochemical reactions of air pollutants. d) Dry and wet deposition, acidification of rain, ozone layer, and greenhouse effect. e) Air pollution and urban climate f) Trans-boundary pollution The Physics behind the various earth’s sensing techniques, merits and demerits: Laser, balloons, aircraft, rocket, radar, satellite etc. Satellite images: visible, infrared and microwave. Applications of satellite imagery in the estimation of rainfall, temperature, wind, radiation, water vapour, marine and other meteorological measurements Introduction to GIS and mapping Mode of Delivery: Lectures, assignments, tutorials, practicals Assessment: Practicals, assignments and Tests (40%) and examinations (60%) total (100%) Reading List P. Cracknell and L. W. B. Hayes: Introduction to Remote Sensing 10 James B. Campbell: Introduction to remote sensing George J. Haltiner and Frank L. Martin: Dynamical and Physical Meteorology Course Name: GMR 6105 Dynamic Meteorology Course Credit: 3 CU Brief course description This course describes the basics of atmospheric dynamics including conservation laws, development of the equations of motion, thermal wind, circulation and, vorticity, and geostrophic motions. Objectives By the end of the course students should be able to: Explain and describe the fundamental forces that act upon the atmosphere, Apply Newton’s second law of motion to the atmosphere to derive the momentum equations in both vector scalar form, Explain how rotation of and the Earth modifies the equations of motion and introduce Coriolis force and centrifugal force Apply scale analysis to the governing equations and explain under what conditions the hydrostatic and geostrophic approximation are valid Derive thermal wind equation and explain how the vertical shear of the geostrophic wind relates to the horizontal temperature gradient Derive vorticity equation, and explain the significance of this equation for atmospheric motion Explain qualitatively the meaning of trajectories and streamlines, and derive their differential equations and solve them for some simple flows Explain the quasi-geostrophic approximation to the equations of motion, and discuss its implications and limitations for synoptic scale atmospheric motion Explain the concept of potential vorticity and its usefulness as tool for understanding fluid motion Detailed course description Equation of motion in the inertial and rotating co-ordinate systems. The fundamental forces affecting atmospheric motions The equation of motion in different co-ordinate systems Real and apparent forces in atmospheric motions Relative equation of motion in different co-ordinate systems Scale analysis of the relative equation of motion The hydrostatic approximation The geostrophic approximation 11 Thermal wind equation and baroclinicity Gradient motion, cyclotropic motion and inertia motion Charney’s scale analysis of divergence and vorticity equations Non-linear balance equation, linear balance equation and the quasi-geostrophic balance equation Kinematics, Helmholtz theorem for resolving horizontal wind into rotational and irrotational components, stream function and velocity potential, vorticity and divergence in different co-ordinate systems Streamlines, trajectories and streak-lines Mode of Delivery: Lectures, tutorials and assignments Assessment: Assignments and tests (30%), Examination (70%), total (100%) Reading List James R. Holton:An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology (4th Ed) George J. Haltiner and Frank L. Martin: Dynamical and Physical Meteorology Course Name: GMR 6106 Research Methods and Computer Applications in Meteorology Course Credit: 3 CU Brief course description This course explains the concepts of proposal writing with relevant examples. It also explains the different methods of data analysis and some computer programming in meteorology Course objectives By the end of the course students should be able to; Explain the various stages of a research proposal Write some programs in specific computer programs like fortan and Matlab Describe the various methods used in data analysis Write a research proposal and present it to any audience. Detailed course description The nature of research The scientific methods: physical, statistical, and numerical. Hypothesis formulation The role of the supervisor. Introduction to the computer, computer programming, Fortran Programming Design of experiments a) Formulation of scientific research proposals b) Modeling and simulation. 12 Data and Information retrieval, literature review Estimation of missing data Research methodology: analytical, numerical, and quantitative. Data analysis and presentation. a) Frequency distribution of meteorological elements b) Central limit theorem c) Significance tests d) Correlation and regression analysis Discriminate analysis a) Distribution of extreme values b) Harmonic analysis and time series analysis Communication of results, oral presentation, report writing and publishing in scientific journals Mode of Delivery Lectures, assignments and Practicals Assessment Practicals, Assignments, and tests 40%; Examinations 70% total (100%) Reading List S. Gregory: Statistical Methods and the Geographer Murray R. Spiegel and Larry J. S: Theory and Problems of Statistics G. F. T. Young: An introduction to Fortran Programming Robert J. Bent and George C. Sethares: Basic: An introduction to Computer Programming Course Name: Course Credit: GMR 6201 Synoptic Meteorology: 3CU Brief course description This course focuses on atmospheric analysis and weather forecasting. It deals with identification and analysis of the space-time characteristics of the synoptic systems and special focus will be on Africa and East Africa. Course Objectives: By the end of this course, students should be able to: Describe the types of charts used in a forecasting office Analyse and identify the low, middle and high latitude disturbances that are significant in weather forecasting 13 Have the knowledge required for the interpretation of synoptic systems Describe the various air masses and fronts Analyse and identify synoptic and meso-scale systems in Africa and their use in weather forecasting Detailed course description Space-time characteristics of the synoptic systems and their different scales of motion in the tropics with special reference to Africa and East Africa; types of charts used in forecasting and scales of motion identifiable on forecasting charts. Analysis and identification of the middle and high latitude disturbances; pressurewind relationship, quasi-geostrophy, streamline-isotach analysis Air masses and fronts; Air masses transformations, slope of a front, occlusions and weather associated with the various air masses and fronts. Extra-tropical cyclones and anticyclones, blocking systems, location and structure of all jet streams. Forecasting techniques; streamline analysis, confluence and diffluence, vorticity analysis and divergence, identification and forecasting of synoptic meso-scale systems. Scientific VS traditional methods of weather forecasting: Use of climatology in forecasting (daily, monthly and seasonal dominant synoptic and regional systems); application of remote sensing techniques (satellites) in weather analysis and forecasting, concepts of probability forecasting, use of indigenous knowledge in short to medium term forecasting. The importance of tailored forecasts. Mode of Delivery Lectures, Tutorials and assignments Assessment Assignments and tests 30%; Examinations 70% total (100%) Reading List Seymour L. Hess: Introduction to Theoretical Meteorology Roger G. Barry and Richard J. Chorley: Atmosphere, Weather and Climate George J. Haltiner and Frank L. Martin: Dynamical and Physical Meteorology Course Name: GMR 6202-Numerical Weather Prediction Course Credit: 3CU Brief course description This course describes the various equations used in atmospheric dynamics and how they can be solved numerically to determine the state of the atmosphere. It also explains the different numerical techniques and their applications to weather prediction 14 Course Objectives By the end of the course students should be able to: Derive the basic equations used in atmospheric dynamics Distinguish between barotropic and baroclinic instability Describe the vorticity and divergence equations and their applications to numerical weather prediction Explain the different numerical weather prediction models used in the tropics Detailed course description Continuity equation Pressure tendency equation Barotropic and baroclinic fluids Berjkene’s circulation theorem, illustrations of baroclinic circulations, land-sea breezes; mountain winds; flow over mountains; monsoons etc; direct and indirect circulations Dynamic instability with particular reference to barotropic, baroclinic and inertial instabilities. Introduction to numerical weather prediction: vorticity and divergence equations; Rossby’s wave formula; types of waves in the atmosphere; filtering processes; problems of NWP in the tropics Principles of the design of Numerical weather prediction and climate simulation models (Finite differentiating, initialization, lateral boundary conditions) History and application of climate models: Statistical verses Dynamical and GCM verses Regional (limited area) models Numerical weather prediction in the tropics Stochastic prediction Climate prediction Mode of Delivery Lectures, assignments and Practicals Assessment Practicals, assignments, reports and tests 40%; Examinations 60% total (100%) Reading List James R. Holton:An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology (4th Ed) Richard L. Burden: Numerical Analysis third Edition Sverre Pettersen: Weather Analysis and Forecasting WMO: Workbook on Numerical weather Prediction in the Tropics Course Name: GMR 6203 Agro-meteorology Course Credit: 3 CU 15 Brief Course Description This course describes surface- atmosphere interaction and its relevancy to agriculture. It also explains the various requirements for crop growth and how crop production can be improved. Course Objectives By the end of the course the student should be able to: Describe the various wind and temperature profiles in different atmospheric conditions Explain Richardson’s number and describe its applications Describe the different processes that determine crop growth and development Describe the major climatic influences on growth and development of crops. Describe the different methods used for modifying microclimates of crops. Describe the different crop models available and their applicability to crop growth and development. Detailed course description The nature of laminar and turbulent flow Friction, eddy stresses and momentum fluxes The vertical structure of the wind in the surface and the Ekman layers The relation between turbulence and temperature profiles The Richardson number, adiabatic wind profiles The energy balance at the earth’s surface: a) Radiation fluxes; surface albedo; soil heat fluxes b) Eddy fluxes of heat and water vapour in the atmospheric surface layer c) Energy balance equation for different types of surfaces d) Estimating surface energy balance by the Penman method e) The daily and annual temperature cycles Scope of Agro-meteorology Boundary layer climate and growth of crops Rainfall, potential and actual Evapotranspiration and their management (modification of microclimates) water harvesting, mulching, wind breakers, soil erosion, soil leaking etc Growing seasons Relationships between climate and ecology Mode of Delivery Lectures, assignments and Practicals Assessment Practicals, assignments and tests 40%; Examinations 60% total (100%) Reading List V. I. Vitkevich: Agricultural Meteorology M. Molga: Agricultural Meteorology Part II: Outline of Agrometeeorological Problems 16 James R. Holton:An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology (4th Ed) George J. Haltiner and Frank L. Martin: Dynamical and Physical Meteorology Course Name : GMR 6204 Hydrometeorology Course Credit : 3 CU Brief Course description This course’s major aim is to study the interaction between meteorology and hydrology phenomena. It deals with an analysis of the water cycle and its interactions with the earth and atmosphere, including the processes of precipitation, evaporation, and stream flow. Course Objectives By the end of the course, a student should be able to: Describe the physical processes which give rise to the transport of water through the hydrological cycle Describe the instrumentation and methods of measurement or estimation of the various components of the hydrological cycle. Describe the significance of the hydrologic cycle to local and global energy budgets as well as climates of different regions Discuss the implications of human interventions on the hydrological cycle Course Content Introduction to hydrometeorology: the Hydrological Cycle: Fluxes and stores of water on a global scale. Space-time importance of the hydrologic cycle. Components of the cycle: (i) Precipitation; types, measurement (by gauges, radar and satellite), variations in space and time, area estimates and extreme values. (ii) Evapo-transpiration; physics of evapo-transpiration, actual and potential evapo-transpiration and their measurement and computation methods. (iii) Interception; methods of measurement and calculation (e.g Penman, Bowen ratio) (iv) Soil Moisture; characteristics of soils, physics of water movement in soils, infiltration and percolation 17 (v) River/stream flow measurements and analysis; rain-runoff relation, stream flow generation and measurements, water storage and flow routing, meteorological, geological and geophysical effects on stream-flow, ground water resources and sedimentation. Hydrometry: hydrological observations, data processing and analysis; hydrographs, synthesis and theory application of the unit hydrograph, application of hydrological modeling to river-flow and flood forecasting. Water resources management: rainfall and stream-flow frequency studies, probable maximum precipitation determination, depth area duration analysis of rainfall and extreme value analysis. Impact of human intervention and climate change on hydrometeorology Mode of Delivery Lectures, assignments and practicals Assessment: Practicals, assignments and tests (40%) and examinations (60%) total (100%) Reading List J. P. Bruce: Introduction to Hydrometeorology R.C. Ward and M. Robinson: Principles of Hydrology Course Name: GMR 6205 Climate Change and Socio-Economic Implications Course credit: 3 CU Brief course description This course introduces a student to the basics of climate change including climate change science, impacts, adaptation and mitigation measures and the social economic implications of weather and climate Course objectives By the end of the course students should be able to: 18 Explain the concept of climate change Distinguish between natural and anthropogenic causes Describe some climate change models Explain the different impacts of climate change and how people can adapt to such impacts Explain the relevance of meteorology with the different economic sectors Detailed course description The basic concepts and issues of Climate Change: The science of climate change a) Global warming, natural and anthropogenic factors, random factors b) The chemistry of the atmosphere (e.g. ozone), and climate change The history and evidences of climate change (Seasonal, decadal to long term inter glacial variations) Evolving and projected climate change states (Climate change models) Current and potential future climate change related impacts (with emphasis on the National, Regional and Continental scales) a) Climate Change and the occurrence and intensity of extreme weather events b) Environmental degradation (Eco-system patterns, soil erosion, soil fertility, deforestation, desertification etc) c) Sea level rises d) Ozone depletion e) East African high Mountains and Polar ice cup depletions National and International obligations to combat climate change a) National environmental laws and obligations b) International conventions and obligations Socio-Economic Implications: Meteorological services and the general environment management a) Eco-system characterization, monitoring and management b) Wetlands characterization, monitoring and management c) Principals of environment impact assessment and management Meteorological customer cervices, sustainable development and the overall socioeconomic cost effectiveness of meteorological services a) Safe aviation industry b) Sustainable agricultural production c) Sustainable renewable energy resources d) Environmental laws e) Optimum Tourism/social welfare services f) Micro-meteorology and the industrial environment g) Building and Construction industry 19 h) Road construction and transport i) Air pollution and urban planning Meteorological services and Disaster preparedness and management Mode of Delivery Lectures, assignments, tutorials, practicals Assessment: Practicals, assignments and Tests (40%) and examinations (60%) total (100%) Reading List IPCC Reports IPCC: Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability S.H. Ominde and Calestous Juma: A Change in the Weather D. H. McIntosh and A. S. Thom: Essentials of Meteorology Course Name: Course Credit: GMR 6206 Project 3CU Course Description All students will undertake supervised research projects. The project results will be presented orally before a panel of examiners and written copies to be submitted for assessment. The students are advised to start on the project work as soon as they start the second semester and aim at completing the project work by the end of the second semester. Objective The major aim of this course is to enable students acquire skills needed for scientific research and to develop their own specific interests in the general field of meteorology. Mode of Delivery Tutorials and fieldwork Assessment Report 100% 20