Education TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT 1001 GREAT IDEAS FOR TEACHING AND RAISING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS NOTBOHM, ELLEN AND VERONICA ZYSK NOT 2.10 2 Copy 2 donated by Nancy Johnson-Manels A IS FOR "ALL ABOARD" KLUTH, PAULA & VICTORIA KLUTH KLU 2.80 1 JUV. BK ABC BOOK PERFECT FOR THE TRAIN LOVER IN EVERY CHILD. ACTIVITY SCHEDULES FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM MCCLANNAHAN, LYNN E. & PATRICIA J. KRANTZ MCC 2.60 1 ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGING BEHAVIOR OF CHILDREN WITH HIGHFUNCTIONING AUTISM/ASPERGER SYNDROME IN THE CLASSROOM MOYES, REBECCA A. MOY 2.10 1 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS TEACHERS ASK ABOUT SENSORY INTEGRATION KOOMAR, JANE ET AL KOO 2.50 1 APPRIVOISER LA JUNGLE DE LA COUR DE RECREATION GRAY, CAROL GRA 2.60 2 Faciliter la comprehension du volet social de la recreation par les eleves atteints d'autisme et d'autres troubles envahissants du developpement ARNIE AND HIS SCHOOL TOOLS VEENENDALL, JENNIFER VEE 2.50 1 Juv. Bk. Helpful sensory strategies and accommodations from a child's perspective. All teachers should read this to their students. Provides possible explanations for some of the behavior children with Autism may exhibit, so that teachers & parents can design positive behavior support plans that are individualized and truly effective. TITLE AUTHOR ASPERGER SYNDROME - PRACTICAL STRATEGIES FOR THE CLASSROOM LEICESTER CITY COUNCIL EDUCATION DEPT., ET. AL. ASPERGER SYNDROME & EMPLOYMENT AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT LEI 2.00 1 Making sense of the difficulties which youngsters with Asperger Syndrome may experience and present, through brief case "vignettes", "Making sense of it" & "Things to try". EDMONDS, GENEVIEVE & LUKE BEARDON EDS. EDM 2.74 1 Drawing on personal experience & lessons learned, adults with AS explore the issues surrounding empployment, providing advice and insights for other with AS as well as their employers and colleagues. ASPERGER'S ON THE JOB SIMONE, RUDY SIM 2.74 1 Must-have advice for people wih Asperger's or high functioning Autism & their employers, educatorss & advocates. AUTISM & READING COMPREHENSION PORTER, JOSEPH POR 2.60 1 Ready to use lessons for teachers in predictable format, repetition & routine to create a relaxed learning environment, while the variations in the topics will hold students' attention & help them generalize the reading skills they need to succeed. BUI 2.30 1 Final report of the Program Pathways for Students at Risk Work Group The authors give guidance on developing life skills for employability and independent living, including hygiene, time and money management, communication skills and decisionmaking. BUILDING PATHWAYS TO SUCCESS CAREER TRAINING AND PERSONAL PLANNING FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS LUNDINE, VICKI & CATHERINE SMITH LUN 2.74 1 CHILDREN WITH EXCEPTIONALITIES IN CANADIAN CLASSROOMS 5TH Ed. WINZER, MARGRET WIN 2.00 1 TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES COMPREHENSIVE AUTISM PLANNING SYSTEM FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH ASPERGER SYNDROME, AUTISM AND RELATED DISABILITIES, THE HENRY, SHAWN & BRENDA SMITH MYLES HEN 2.10 1 DAILY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN SCHOOLS ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.30 1 DEVELOPING TALENTS GRANDIN, TEMPLE AND KATE DUFFY GRA 2.74 1 DO - WATCH - LISTEN - SAY: QUILL, KATHLEEN ANN QUI 2.62 2 EDUCATING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM COMM. ON EDUC. INTERVENTIONS FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM COM 2.00 1 EDUCATING PUPILS WITH AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDERS HANBURY, MARTIN HAN 2.00 1 COM 2.30 2 EDUCATION ACCESS RESOURCE GUIDE 2011 COMHNADH CONSULTING CONTENT Practical and comprehensive framework for building durable educational programs for students with autism spectrum disorders. "Chock full of practical ho-to's and step-by-step instructions for making through the maze of choosing a career, this book is a must-read, must-do for young adults and ther transition partners from all walks of life" An invaluable tool for developing positive and enduring learning relationships in inclusive classroom environments. TITLE EDUCATION FOR ALL AUTHOR ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT ONT 2.30 2 The report of the expert panel on literacy and numeracy. Iinstructions for students with special education needs, kindergarten to grade 6 EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE TEACHER GUIDE NIAGARA CATHOLIC DIST. SCH. BD. NIA 2.30 1 EFFECTIVE EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.60 2 EMPLOYMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH ASPERGER SYNDROME OR NON-VERBAL LEARNING DISABILITY FAST, YVONA, ET AL FAS 2.74 1 ENFANTS AUTISTES, LES JORDAN, RITA & STUART POWELL JOR 2.10 1 FRANCAIS/FRENCH Ce livre offre des conseils pratiques fondes sur l'hypothese qu'une education efficace doit reposer sur la comprehension. EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS TRAINING ADOLESCENT DRANZINSKI, LYNN A. DRA 2.60 1 Ages 12 & up, Grades 7 & up. Covers: Self-Talk, SelfMonitoring, Planning, Setting Goals & Self-Evaluating, Attention Awareness, Listening Awareness, Organization & Initiation EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS TRAINING ELEMENTARY GOTTSCHALL, CAROLYN P. & CONSTANCE LUND ROZENDAAL GOT 2.60 1 Ages 6 - 11, Grades 1 - 6. Covers: Working Memory, Time Management, Planning & Organization, Flexible Thinking, Self-Monitoring & Behavioral Strategies A resource guide TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT FAIRE LA DIFFERENCE ONTARIO MINISTRE DE L' EDUCATION ONT 2.30 1 Pour les eleves atteints de troubles du spectre autistique dans les ecoles de l'Ontario. FROM TUTOR SCRIPTS TO TALKING STICKS KLUTH, PAULA & SHEILA DANAHER KLU 2.60 2 A TREASURE TROVE OF STRATEGIES FOR MAKING ANY CLASSROOM MORE INCLUSIVE. FUNCTIONAL SCHOOL ACTIVITIES DALRYMPLE, NANCY DAL 2.60 1 Series Title: FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING FOR PEOPLE WITH AUTISM FUSION TAYLOR, GLEN TAY 2.10 1 Raising a bilingual child in a two-language household GIGGLE TIME, ESTABLISHING THE SOCIAL CONNECTION SONDERS, SUSAN AUD SON 2.62 2 A program to develop the communication skills of children with Autism, Asperger Syndrome and PDD. GROWING TOWARDS INDEPENDENCE BY LEARNING FUNCTIONAL SKILLS AND BEHAVIORS PORCO, BARBARA POR 2.60 1 Series Title: FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING FOR PEOPLE WITH AUTISM GUIDE DE PLANIFICATION DE L'ENTRÉE A L'ECOLE ONTARIO MINISTRE DE L' EDUCATION ONT 2.30 1 TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL EMPLOYMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM SMITH, MARCIA DATLOW ET.AL. SMI 2.74 1 Addresses all aspects of job placement, provides strategies for assessing workers; networking for job opportunities and tailoring job supports to each individual. GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF CERTIFIED SERVICE ANIMALS AND COMPANION DOGS IN SCHOOLS NIAGARA CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD NIA 2.30 1 GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF CERTIFIED SERVICE ANIMALS AND COMPANION DOGS IN SCHOOLS GUIDELINES ON ACCESSIBLE EDUCATION ONTARIO HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION ONT 2.00 1 HANDBOOK FOR SEAC MEMBERS NIAGARA CATHOLIC DIST. SCH. BD. NIA 2.40 1 HIDDEN CURRICULUM, THE MYLES, BRENDA SMITH, ET. AL. MYL 2.00 2 HIGHER FUNCTIONING ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS WITH AUTISM FULLERTON, ANN; ET AL FUL 2.00 2 Provides special and general education teachers greater insight into students with autism and provides strategies for teaching and supporting students with autism more effectively HOMESCHOOLING THE CHILD WITH AUTISM SCHETTER, PATRICIA & KANDIS LIGHTHALL SCH 2.00 1 This practical, highly accessible guide answers parents' & professionals' questions about teaching children with ASD at home. TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT HOW DO DINOSAURS LEARN COLOURS AND YOLEN, JANE & MARK TEAGUE NUMBERS? YOL 2.00 1 Juv. Bk. A playful peek into the homes of curious dinosaur children. The perfect way to teach your own little dinosaur! HOW TO BE A PARA PRO TWACHTMAN-CULLEN, DIANE TWA 2.00 1 HOW TO CONDUCT COLLABORATIVE ACTION RESEARCH SAGOR, RICHARD SAG 2.00 1 Takes readers through the 5 steps of collaborative action research, pulling teachers out of the isolation of their classrooms and enabling them to consult & work with one another. HOW TO FIND WORK THAT WORKS FOR PEOPLE WITH ASPERGER SYNDROME HAWKINS, GAIL HAW 2.74 3 The system explained in this book lets the reader know ahead of time what to look for, what to expect and how to deal with th obstacles and challenges that arise when finding employment for this population. HOW WELL DOES YOUR IEP MEASURE UP? TWACHTMAN-CULLEN, DIANE TWA 2.00 1 INCLUSIVE PROGRAMMING FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS WITH AUTISM WAGNER, SHEILA WAG 2.00 1 INCLUSIVE PROGRAMMING FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH AUTISM/ASPERGER'S SYNDROME WAGNER, SHEILA WAG 2.00 1 TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLAN, THE, A RESOURCE GUIDE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.00 4 INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLANS, STANDARDS FOR DEV., PROG. PLAN. & IMPLEMENTATION ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.00 1 INVESTING IN PUBLIC EDUCATION EDUCATION EQUALITY TASK FORCE EDU 2.30 1 Advancing the goal of continuous improvement in student learning and achievement. JUST GIVE HIM THE WHALE! KLUTH, PAULA KLU 2.60 1 Ways to use fascinations, areas of expertise and strengths to support students with Autism. This book will have a longlasting impact on teachers' understanding of Autism - and on their students sccial and academic success. KEYS TO SUCCESS FOR TEACHING STUDENTS WITH AUTISM ERNSEERGER, LORI ERN 2.00 1 LAND WE CAN SHARE, A KLUTH, PAULA & PATRICK SCHWARZ KLU 2.60 1 Passionate and practical. Moves beyond functional literacy skills and helps K-12 educators bring high-quality, meaningful literacy instruction to students with Autism. LEARN TO MOVE, MOVE TO LEARN BRACK, JENNY CLARK BRA 2.50 1 Sensorimotor early childhood activity themes. Children learn linguistic, cognitive & social/emotional skills while sensory integration & motor skills are being worked on & refined. What a concept - working with the "whole" child, not just one area! TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT LEARN TO MOVE, MOVING UP! BRACK, JENNY CLARK BRA 2.50 1 Sensorimotor elementary-school activity themes. A godsend for K-2 teachers! To get kids moving and learning, Jenny & her colleagues have assembled 30 sensory-rich, thematic lesson plans. LEARNING WITH A VISUAL BRAIN IN AN AUDITORY WORLD ARWOOD, ELLYN LUCAS & CAROLE KAULITZ ARW 2.60 1 Visual language strategies for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders LITERACY SKILL DEVELOPMENT FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS BROUN, LESLIE TODD & PATRICIA OELWEIN BRO 2.60 1 Focuses on visual learning and is especially significant for those students having difficulty learning to read through a traditional auditory, soun-based approach. LOUD BOOK!, THE UNDERWOOD, DEBORAH UND 2.50 1 The Loud Book presents all kinds of kid-friendly noises in a way that is sure to make readers cheer. MAKING A DIFFERENCE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.30 1 Provides a concise overview of discussion held by aso reference group, and its final recommendations re province-wide implementation of practices to suport students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. NAVIGATING THE SPECIAL EDUCATION SYSTEM IN ONTARIO AUTISM SOCIETY ONTARIO AUT 2.30 3 NAVIGATING THE SPECIAL EDUCATION SYSTEM IN ONTARIO 2nd Printing AUTISM SOCIETY ONTARIO AUT 2.30 1 TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES NAVIGUER A TRAVERS LE SYSTEME DE L'ENFANCE EN DIFFICULTE' DE L'ONTARIO AUTISM SOCIETY ONTARIO AUT 2.30 1 NIAGARA CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUDGET 2009 - 2010 NIAGARA CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD NIA 2.30 1 ONE-MINUTE ACADEMIC FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT AND INTERVENTIONS WITT, JOE WIT 2.60 1 ONT 2.00 1 ONTARIO EDUCATION CONTACTS; CHAPTER MANUAL CONTENT Francais/French ORGANIZING SOLUTIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER PINSKY, SUSAN C. PIN 2.75 1 TIPS AND TOOLS TO HELP YOU TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE AND GET ORGANIZED PARENTING YOUR ASPERGER CHILD SOHN, ALAN & CATHY GRAYSON SOH 2.10 1 Cognitive social integration therapy offers practical solutions that enable parents to prepare their children for a fulfilling life of social interaction and success PLAN D'ENSEIGNEMENT INDIVIDUALISE (PEI) ONTARIO MINISTRE DE L' EDUCATION ONT 2.00 1 Francais/French TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES PLANNING ENTRY TO SCHOOL, A RESOURCE GUIDE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.30 2 POWER CARDS GAGNON, ELISA GAG 2.60 1 PRATIQUES PEDAGOGIQUES EFFICACES POUR LES ELEVES ATTEINTS DE TROUBLES DU SPECTRE AUTISTIQUE 2007 ONTARIO MINSTRE DE L'EDUCATION ONT 2.60 1 PROBLEM SOLVING ACTIVITIES DEGAETANO, JEAN GILLIAM DEG 2.60 1 READING DALRYMPLE, NANCY DAL 2.60 1 RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT INTERVENTION PLANNING FORMS GUTSTEIN, STEVEN & RACHELLE SHEELY GUT 2.60 1 SAFE SCHOOLS POLICY HANDBOOK NIAGARA SOUTH BOARD OF EDUCATION NIA 2.30 1 CONTENT Cette Livre propose des informations, des strategies et des pratiques qui peuvent etre utilisees dans les salles de classe, ainsi qu' un recueil d'echantillons de materiel qui refletent les pratizues actuellement utilisees dans les ecoles. Series Title: FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING FOR PEOPLE WITH AUTISM TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT SCERTS MODEL, THE VOL. I PRIZANT, BARRY M. ET. AL. PRI 2.60 1 An integrative, holistic approach for supporting children with autism and their families in natural contexts SCERTS MODEL, THE VOL. II PRIZANT, BARRY M. ET. AL. PRI 2.60 1 An integrative, holistic approach for supporting children with autism and their families in natural contexts SHARED SOLUTION ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.30 1 A guide to preventing and resolving conflicts regarding programs and services for students with special education needs. SMART KIDS SOLVE DOUBLE MEANINGS ROSONE, GERALDINE A. ROS 2.60 1 SOURCE FOR NONVERBAL LEARNING DISORDERS, THE THOMPSON, SUE THO 2.10 1 SPECIAL EDUCATION IN ONTARIO SCHOOLS WEBER, KEN WEB 2.30 1 SPECIAL EDUCATION IN ONTARIO SCHOOLS BENNETT, SHEILA & DON 6TH ED. DWORET BEN 2.30 1 This book is filled with useful checklists, anecdotes, methods & resources. TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES SPECIAL EDUCATION PLAN NIAGARA CATHOLIC DIST. SCH. BD. NIA 2.30 1 SPECIAL EDUCATION PLAN 2005 NIAGARA CATHOLIC DIST. SCH BOARD NIA 2.30 1 SPECIAL EDUCATION PLAN 2007 NIAGARA CATHOLIC DIST. SCHOOL BOARD NIA 2.30 1 SPECIAL EDUCATION PLAN 2008 DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF NIAGARA DIS 2.30 1 SPECIAL EDUCATION, A GUIDE FOR EDUCATORS ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.30 5 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL PLAN DISTRICT. SCHOOL BOARD OF NIAGARA DIS 2.30 1 STANDARDS FOR SCHOOL BOARDS' SPECIAL EDUCATION PLANS ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.30 1 CONTENT TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT STRATEGIES EDUCATIVES DE L'AUTISME SCHOPLER, ERIC ET. AL. SCH 2.10 1 Les nous livrent une methodologie qui permet d'attenuer l'immense detresse des individus autistiques et de leur proches en enseignant aux uns et aux autre comment communiquer, comment partager, donc comment vivre ensemble dans le meilleures conditions. STRATEGIES FOR ORGANIZATION WINNER, MICHELLE GARCIA WIN 2.10 1 Presents 10 steps for organizing & producing home-work; explains different types of oranizational tasks & how to help students focus more on their strengths than their weaknesses when approaching a homework assignment. STUDY STRATEGIES MADE EASY DAVIS, LESLIE & SANDI SIROTOWITZ DAV 2.60 1 Covers: organization, learning style, reading comprehension, communication, note-taking, homework, stress management, memorization & test-taking SUCCEEDING IN COLLEGE WITH ASPERGER SYNDROME: A STUDENT GUIDE HARPUR, JOHN, ET AL. HAR 2.73 1 SUC 2.00 1 QUARTERLY MAGAZINE - "THE SOCIAL STORIES QUARTERLY" SUMMER 2005 Promotes social understanding between individuals with autism spectrum disorders & those who interact with them in the home, school, workplace & community. Provides parents of children with AS with practical advice on how to prepare their child for moving to a new school & how to help make the transition as smooth as possible. SUCCESS AT SCHOOL, STARTING SCHOOL SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL CHANGE AND TRANSITION FOR THE CHILD WITH ASPERGER SYNDROME LAWRENCE, CLARE LAW 2.70 1 SUPPORTING INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS: A HANDBOOK FOR DEVELOPING AND IMPLEMENTING PROGRAMMING FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER MANITOBA EDUCATION, CITIZENSHIP AND YOUTH MAN 2.00 2 TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT TAMING THE RECESS JUNGLE GRAY, CAROL GRA 2.60 1 TEACH YOUR CHILD TO READ IN 100 EASY LESSONS ENGLEMANN, SIEGFRIED ENG 2.10 2 TEACHING DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED CHILDREN LOVAAS, O. IVOR LOV 2.70 2 TEACHING MATH TO PEOPLE WITH DOWN SYNDROME AND OTHER HANDS-ON LEARNES HORSTMEIER, DEANNA HOR 2.60 1 TEACHING STUDENTS WITH AUTISM ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.30 1 TOTAL BASIC SKILLS - GRADE 4 TOT 2.10 1 Juv. Bk. Four core subjects in a single volume: Reading comprehension, Math & problem-solving, Vocabulary & Spellig, Writing & Grammer TRANSITION PLANNING, A RESOURCE GUIDE ONTARIO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ONT 2.30 2 Guide presents a range of suggestions from which educators may select ideas that would be useful in their local context. TITLE AUTHOR AUTHOR CALL NO. CODE NO. COPIES CONTENT UNDERSTANDING AND TEACHING CHILDREN WITH AUTISM JORDAN, RITA & STUART POWELL JOR 2.10 1 The fundamental problems of autism - relationships, communication and flexibility of thought and behaviour - are addressed, and practical guidance is offered on how these might be overcome or circumvented, in both home & school. VISUAL STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING COMMUNICATION HODGDON, LINDA HOD 2.60 1 This book is unique in the sheer volume of intervention strategies, examples and illustrations it contains. It is well organized, easy to follow and reader friendly. See also: DVD "Visual Strategies Workshop" by Linda Hodgdon VISUAL SUPPORTS FOR PEOPLE WITH AUTISM COHEN, MARLENE J. & DONNA L. SLOAN COH 2.10 1 Offers a complete, easy-to-understand guide to using visual aids for teaching academic, daily living and self-help skills. WRITING OUT LOUD MORGAN, DEBORAH MOR 2.10 2 Practical and innovative ideas to encourage writing. YOUR CHILD CAN SUCCEED IN SCHOOL RUBIN, DOROTHY RUB 2.00 1 Practical question/answer approach to common parenting concerns follows sound psychological principles and avoids pretentious educational jargon. YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE THIS KID! KLUTH, PAULA KLU 2.60 1