The Water Biomes - Effingham County Schools

The Water Biomes
Limiting factors influence the
life living there
The __________________ factors in water biomes are:
– Amount of _________ (salinity)
– Amount of dissolved ______________
– _________________
Three types of Water Biomes
1. Freshwater
Rivers and _________________
Lakes and _________________
2. Salt Water
_____________________ (Marine)
Sea Shores and _______________________
3. ___________________- Mix of freshwater and salt water
Freshwater Biomes
And Lakes
Freshwater contains little or no salt, so it has a________ salinity.
______________ freshwater = rivers and streams
______________ freshwater = lakes and ponds
1. Streams
The ______________ a stream flows the ______________ the amount
of dissolved _______________ in it.
Fresh water flows = ______ oxygen
The __________ that live in streams are adapted to fast moving water
2. Rivers
Water moves ___________ in a river and __________ settles on the
- Because of this, rivers tend to have more nutrients and less dissolved
Nutrients ________
and _______ oxygen
3. Still Freshwater = lakes and ponds
 Small, __________ bodies of water
 Sunlight penetrates all the way to the ______________
 Most completely filled with __________ material
Very high amount of nutrients
______________ and ___________ than ponds
________ growth is limited to the shoreline
Sunlight does NOT penetrate to the bottom= no
__________after a certain depth!
The Marine Biome
_________________ are microscopic algae, plants, and other organisms
that float on the surface of water biomes.
Phytoplankton need ____________ to survive.
___________________ are important producers in water biomes. They
are the __________step in many aquatic food chains
About ____ % of the water on Earth has a high concentration
of________. (High salinity)
The Sea Shore
- _________ have a huge influence on life here
-_________________ ZONE- portion of the shoreline that is covered with
water at high tide and exposed to the air at low tide.
Intertidal ________
 Can be sandy or rocky
 Small fish, clams, crabs, other mussels are trapped in the
_________ POOLS during ____ tide
The Ocean
Can be ____________ into ____ life zones
1. ______________ zone- above 200 meters
 ___________ penetrates
 Made up of the euphotic & disphotic zones
 ________ life and _____________ life is
2. ________________ zone- below 200 meters
 Sunlight _________ __________ penetrate
 There are _______ plants
 Animal life is highly _______________ for no light
Many of the organisms of the ________ ocean have a special
_______known as
Estuaries (______________)
– Area where a river meets an _____________
– Mix of salt and _____________
– Located near coastlines, border land
– Extremely fertile
Nutrient levels are higher than _______ salt and freshwater