Dublin City Council Festivals & Events Programme 2015 Applications for Financial Assistance CLOSING DATE – Friday 30th January 2015 Introduction: The overall objective of the Dublin City Council Events Unit is to support and facilitate an annual programme of public events that deliver social, cultural and economic benefits to the City. The programme is a combination of Dublin City Council’s own events, events in partnership with other bodies that have similar objectives, and events run by external organisers who receive direct funding contributions from Dublin City Council through a financial assistance programme. Events that utilise city parks and public spaces are a key contributor to the vibrancy and general well-being of our capital city, and the financial assistance programme aims to ensure that high quality events can happen in those spaces on an ongoing basis. Who/what is this funding programme aimed at? The Events funding programme is aimed at organisations and professional event organisers who plan to hold a non-commercial public festival or event in Dublin City in 2015 and require financial assistance via public funds to deliver the festival / event. The event may be existing or new. What are the minimum eligibility criteria for applications to be considered? Proposed Festival / Event must take place in Dublin City preferably in /on Dublin City Council owned public spaces. Festivals/events must have a general audience appeal and be socially inclusive. Proposals must clearly demonstrate potential to generate social, cultural and/or economic benefits to the City. The applicant must demonstrate competence and awareness of event management requirements, public safety, knowledge and understanding of the regulatory environment associated with safe delivery of events in the city. In this regard applicants should familiarise themselves with the Dublin City Council Guidelines for event organisers available on www.dublincity.ie 1 Note: Funding is limited and there is no guarantee of funding for events which achieve the minimum eligibility criteria. Award of funding in 2015 will not be an indication that funding will be awarded in future years. Dublin City Council will consider every application on its merits and priority for financial assistance, within available resources, will be given to events which: Are proposed by competent/qualified organisations or individuals who can demonstrate an ability to compile an event management plan which meets the requirements of Dublin City Council and other City stakeholders and are in a position to comply with the general terms and conditions of funding (as set out in Appendix 1). Are medium-large in scale i.e. attracting audience of 500 – 5,000 people Meet the Events Unit objective of compiling a varied programme of events throughout the year including content, seasonal and geographical spread. Animate Dublin City Council public spaces in creative and innovative ways. Create opportunities for the general public to participate free of charge and experience the city in a socially inclusive and family friendly environment. Demonstrate financial sustainability and have the capacity to develop the event to a point where the financial support of Dublin City Council is no longer required. Have secured other funding and support from either public or private sources. Have a clear PR/Marketing plan including a social media strategy. Assessment of Applications: Applications will be assessed by the Events Unit on the basis of the information supplied in the standard application form and we may consult other Council Departments if appropriate. Assessment will include determination of the amount of funding having regard to overall value for money considerations based on the projected income and expenditure figures supplied. Successful and Unsuccessful Applicants will be notified in writing by end February 2015. Please return 3 hard copies of completed application forms to: “Application for financial assistance for Festivals and Events” Dublin City Council – Events Unit Culture Recreation & Amenity Department, Block 4, Floor 0, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. on or before the Closing date of 30th January 2015 All queries should be sent by e-mail to events@dublincity.ie 2 Dublin City Council Festivals & Events Programme 2015 Application Form Section 1: Applicant Applicant Details Name of Applicant/ Organisation: Address of Applicant/ Organisation: Name and contact details of person dealing with the application Name: Title: Email: Telephone: GROUP / ORGANISATION DETAILS State nature of organisation e.g. commercial / not for profit / community / charity etc. Are your group / organisation affiliated to any relevant local, regional or national body? Company Registration No. Does your company have Charitable Status? If so please state Charity No. CYN No.) Have you previous experience of staging festivals / events in the public arena? If, so describe briefly. 3 Section 2: The Festival / Event Details of Proposed Festival / Event Name of festival/event : Dates of festival/event: Location of the festival / event: Is the festival new or existing: Frequency of festival/event: Festival/event operating since (year): Festival / event office address: Provide details of proposed event, ensuring to outline how this event will achieve the objectives of Dublin City Council: (max 500 words) 4 If this is an existing event, please outline the highlights of the previous festival/event, including audience numbers, media reach, final financial position. (maxi of 200 words) Section 3: Management and staffing Festival Staffing Number of Board Members: Number of Voluntary Committee Members: Full time paid staff: Part time paid staff: Other Volunteers, seasonal contracts etc: Key Staff: Please provide details of the background and experience of key staff / personnel / companies paid to manage the festival / event: Committee / Board Members: Please provide details of the background and experience of the principle members of the organising committee / board 5 Explain how your festival/event will contribute to the local economy: Section 4: Projected Income and Expenditure Note: The purpose of this section is to estimate the actual cost involved in delivering the festival/event. Programme and Event Production Costs Projected Spend 2015 Artists/Performers Fees, PA/AV equipment costs Infrastructure costs Technical costs and fees Security Costs Garda Costs Other (please specify) Total Programme Costs Other expenditure Costs Marketing Costs Public Relations –including all leafleting/social media Site branding and signage Projected Spend 2015 € Other (please specify) Total Marketing Costs 6 Total Operational Costs (including; Staff salaries & costs, Office rental & rates, Heat & Light, Phone & fax, Postage, Office supplies & stationary, IT Support, Accountancy & legal fees, Insurance, IT Costs including hosting & maintenance) Other Costs Total Expenditure Earned Income Ticket Sales Festival/event merchandising Festival/Event Programmes Other (please specify) Sponsorship (please specify) Grants Arts Council Local Authority Fáilte Ireland Other (please specify) Fundraising Borrowing Other (please specify) Total Income 7 In Kind support / income Please list approximate value of items and services provided to free of charge to the event (e.g. accommodation, stewarding, advertising, transport etc) Total value of In Kind support 11. Financial sustainability Strategy Please provide details of your strategy to reduce reliance on Dublin City Council funding (max 200 words) 8 Section 5: Sales & Marketing Strategy How will you promote the festival / event? Please outline your strategy. If you have prepared a marketing plan please provide a copy in support of this section Section 6: Declaration Declaration by Applicant (s) We apply for funding of € towards the total cost of the Festival/Event. I/we have read and understood the standard Terms and Conditions for financial assistance for Festivals and Events and the Dublin City Council Guidelines for Event Organisers. I/we certify that all information provided in this application, and all information given in any documentation submitted in support of the application is truthful and accurate. Signed: ______________________________Date: _________________ Name: (in block capitals): _____________________________________________________________ On behalf of: (organisation's name): 9 THIS DECLARATION, DULY COMPLETED, MUST BE COMPLETED BY ALL APPLICANTS Name of Applicant: Address: Country: _______________________________________________________ Please tick Yes or No as appropriate to the following statements relating to the current status of your organisation. The Applicant is bankrupt or is being wound up or its affairs are being administered by the court or have entered into an arrangement with creditors or have suspended business activities or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations. Yes [ ] No [ ] The Applicant is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations. Yes [ ] No [ ] The Applicant a Director or Partner, has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement, which has the force of res judicata, or been guilty of grave professional misconduct in the course of their business. Yes [ ] No [ ] The Applicant has not fulfilled its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in Ireland or any other State in which the event is located. Yes [ ] No [ ] No [ ] The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of fraud. Yes [ ] The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of money laundering. Yes [ ] No [ ] The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of corruption. Yes [ ] No [ ] The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been convicted of being a member of a criminal organisation. Yes [ ] No [ ] 10 The Applicant has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing information to a public buying agency. Yes [ ] No [ ] The Applicant has contrived to misrepresent its Health & Safety information, Quality Assurance information, or any other information relevant to this application. Yes [ ] No [ ] THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED BY A DULY AUTHORISED OFFICER OF THE APPLICANT. I certify that the information provided above is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that the provision of inaccurate or misleading information in this declaration may lead to my organisation being excluded from any future financial assistance programmes. SIGNATURE DATE: NAME TEL: POSITION EMAIL: 11