327-1351 July 2003 GOOD NEWS! fro m th e e mp lo yee s o f P alm S pri ng s D i spo sa l Ser v ice s Don’t Panic YOUR RATES HAVE DECREASED! YOU ARE NOW BEING BILLED FOR 3 MONTHS! For most customers, the amount on the enclosed statement has increased from $47.66 to $58.47. However, this is NOT an increase in your monthly bill. We are pleased to tell you that your monthly trash bill has decreased effective July 1, 2003. The enclosed statement reflects a decrease in the basic monthly rate from $23.83 to $19.49. This change is part of a package of new services, options and rates. We’ll detail some of the changes in this newsletter. In the next few months we’ll tell you of more new services to come. Quarterly Billing The frequency of your bill is changing from bimonthly to quarterly effective with this statement. The savings from this change has helped contribute to the lower rate. Your new billing cycles will be July 1, October 1, January 1 and April 1. Please note this on your calendar. New Service Choices Beginning this month, please make a choice of services. Subscribe to one level of service described in this newsletter. Effective October 1st we will begin implementation of the different service levels with trash collections either Curbside or Walk-In. Until then, your services will remain unchanged. Using the form provided, we are asking you to select the option best suited to your needs. Some of the options will afford customers even greater savings than the decrease in your current bill. ALL SERVICE SELECTIONS MUST BE IN WRITING. The 4 service levels are: Economy Service, Family Value Service, Standard Service & Estate Service. Here is a brief description of each. ECONOMY SERVICE – $14.79 per mo. This service is designed for small households and households that take maximum advantage of recycling opportunities. Refuse Recycling Green Waste Twice weekly Curbside Limit, 1-can or bag/day Customerprovides container Once weekly Curbside No can limits Once weekly Curbside No can limits Company Customerprovides container provides container ----FAMILY VALUE SERVICE – $17.29 per month. This service is designed for larger households. Refuse Recycling Green Waste Twice weekly Curbside Limit, 4-cans or bags/day Customer provides container Once weekly Curbside No can limits Once weekly Curbside No can limits Company Customer provides container provides container ----STANDARD SERVICE – $19.49 per mo. This service is designed for residents who favor the convenience of walk-in refuse collection service. Refuse Recycling Green Waste Twice weekly Walk-in Limit, 2-cans or bags/day Customerprovides container Once weekly Curbside No can limits Once weekly Curbside No can limits Company Customerprovides container provides container ----ESTATE SERVICE -- $49.50 per mo. This service is designed for residents who desire a premium service. (Call for more details and benefits.) Refuse Recycling Green Waste Twice weekly Walk-in No can limit Company provides large cart Once weekly Walk-in No can limit Companyprovides cart Once weekly Walk-in No can limit Companyprovides cart ----- AND, the rates for these services will remain unchanged through June 30, 2006!!! www.palmspringsdisposal.com Why these changes? Part-Time Residents Several months ago the City commissioned a survey of a representative sample of our Customers to determine satisfaction and service needs. We listened to these comments and used this information to redesign our services. Part-Time Residents (as indicated by a mailing address outside of Palm Springs) will continue to receive and be billed for Standard Service. This restriction is necessary to adhere to the refuse setout & removal restrictions of the City. It also helps to avoid the signal that occupants are away from home. May I change service? Yes, customers are free to change from one service option to another. Each year during the month of September we will offer a subscription enrollment period during which Customers may change their service level for free. Changes may be made at other times during the year but will be subject to a $25.00 administrative charge. Free Recycling Containers Free containers are available for your Recyclables. If you need a container, please call. Also, for Customers needing larger Recycling containers, they will be available in September by special request. Container Limits Fall & Spring Cleanups The new rates and service levels are designed around the service needs of most Customers. Those who expect to exceed the limit restrictions may have to subscribe to a next higher level of service. Remember that containers cannot exceed 32-gallons and must weigh less than 50pounds when filled. Also, there will now be limits to the amounts our crews will collect. During the 3rd week of each April and October we conduct a citywide cleanup program to give Customers an opportunity to discard unwanted items. The Cleanups have two components: 1. Free Curbside collection of two Bulky Items and extra amounts of trash, and 2. Drop-off of unwanted materials at a central location. Act Now Bulky Items Please complete the subscription form below and return it so that we may begin scheduling your new services beginning October 1, 2003. Bulky Items such as appliances, furniture, tires, etc. will be collected Curbside with special arrangement and a Customer may have two such items collected free each year. Additional items are collected year round for a nominal charge. (Detach and mail to PSDS, PO Box 2711, Palm Springs, CA 92263-2711) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscription Form Please complete this form indicating your preferences and return it with your payment. Service street address: ___________________________________ Account Number: _____________ I’d like to subscribe to (check one): Economy Service – twice-weekly curbside collection, limit one can each pickup day for $14.79/mo. Family Value Service – twice-weekly curbside collection, limit four cans each pickup day for $17.29/mo. Standard Service – twice-weekly backyard collection, limit two cans each pickup day for $19.49/mo. Estate Service – twice-weekly backyard collection, no can limits for $49.50/mo. Printed Name: __________________________________ Date: _______________________ www.palmspringsdisposal.com