Circular, August 2014

CIRCULAR –09/13-14
Dear Friends,
Warm Greetings,
The Union Budget placed by Sri Arun Jaitley,the Hon’ble Finance Minister of India has not fulfilled our expectations.
We expected more funds for education & heads of social sector.However,this being the first budget of the new
Government & as the Indian Economy is in bad shape, we hope there would be substantial increase in funds for the
education & social sector in future budgets.We welcome the schemes for girls students’ education ,teachers’
training programs & some other positive steps in the budget. All affiliates are being requested to make objective
study of the budget & send us feedbacks.
Delhi programs
Secretariat meeting in Delhi
Pending UGC notification
Following the decision of the last NEC meeting held in Faridabad, a meeting of the Secretariat was held on 3 rd
August in Delhi office of AIFUCTO. The meeting was presided over by our President Prof.Tarun Patra.Prof.Iqbal
Singh Sindhu, Zonal Secretary (North) was also invited to attend the meeting.
A detailed analysis of the present situation was done. The General Secretary reported that the MHRD clearance for
Roll out plan & revised cap are being awaited. It was decided to take up the matter in the next NEC meeting in
Kolkata (Jadavpur University campus) to be held on 21st September. General Secretary said that he is in constant
touch with HRD & UGC. The General Secretary was requested to get the information regarding the Govt. measures
in respect of RUSA.
Other decisions
1. The Faridabad NEC meeting referred the proposal to give a call to collect Rs.200 or more per member for
Flat/Building Fund. The meeting accepted the proposal & decided to print coupons of Rs.200 so that those who are
willing may donate more by buying more than one coupon. The collection will be done at the affiliate levels. The
coupons will be distributed in Kolkata meeting.
2. The Faridabad NEC meeting also referred the revision of subscription for Teachers’ Movement as the life
subscription rate has remained unchanged for decades while the cost of printing & postage increased many folds.
Accordingly, the Secretariat meeting decided to revise the subscription as followsTeachers Movement
Individual subscription rate
Rs.500 for 10 years, Rs 1000 for Life subscription
Institutional subscription
Rs.1000 for 10 years, Rs.1500 for Life subscription
Existing Life subscribers
It was also decided to request the existing subscribers to pay Rs.200 each on a voluntary basis. All affiliates are
requested to convey the request.
Teachers’ Movement is one of the most important organs of AIFUCTO Movement. We have been publishing the
journal every month for decades. We publish here all Circulars, UGC & MHRD notifications & all documents.
Request to affiliate to enroll new subscribers
The Secretariat requests all affiliates to enroll new members. We are giving nearly Rs.2 lakh annually as
subsidy to the jornal.In some states there has been no new subscription for years.Please protect the
journal with your active support.
MFUCTO movement
The Secretariat meeting expressed solidarity with the MFUCTO agitation & decided to participate in demonstration
at Jantar Mantar on 4th August, 2014.
Meeting with UGC
AIFUCTO delegation met UGC Secretary, Prof.Dr.J.S. Sandhu on 4th August, 2014.The members in the delegation
were-Prof. Tarun Patra-President,Prof.Hasish Chandra Singh, Vice President,Prof.Asok Barman, General
Secretary,Prof.D.Kumar,Treasurer,Prof.Jaykumar & Prof.Arun Kumar, both National Secretaries. A detailed
discussion was held with him. The Pending regulation notification, the Librarian & DPE parity issue, the PhD
Regulations, sanction of development funds, fund release for Major/Minor projects and all other issues were
covered.Prof.Dr. Sandhu was positive on all issues. He assured that the fund release is on top of his agenda. He also
assured to look into the Librarian/DPEs parity with teachers as early as possible. The major & Minor research
project fund release is also on fast track. He admitted the delay in all these respects and said that after his joining
as Secretary, UGC is trying to clear the backlog. The UGC Secretary confirmed that they are also waiting for HR
approval for Roll Out & revised cap notifications.
Meeting with Prof. Chuhan,member,UGC & C Ph.D Regulations Committee
The General Secretary & Treasurer discussed the removal of uncertainly regarding the researchers registered prior
to 2009 PhD regulations. They conveyed the AIFUCTO stand that all those who reregistered before the new
regulations should be covered by the old regulations. Prof. Dr. Sandhu was also present in the meeting.
Meeting with UGC Chairman
GS & Treasurer met UGC Chairman
The General Secretary & Treasurer met Prof.Ved Prakash,Chairman,UGC to discuss the pending
problems.Prof.Dr.Sandhu was also present.We requested him to expedite the fund release & expressed satisfaction
at the initiatives taken up by UGC Secretary with his support.Universities,colleges & teachers have been waiting for
months for the fund release and a quick action in necessary.
Document on status of education in states
We have noted a number times that we need to prepare a document regarding the status of higher education in all
the states to be presented to the Govt. of India .It is disappointing that though in his last Circular sent in June & July
we requested for specific information on major issues for this purpose, we have not received report from most
affiliates. Please refer to the June Circular & send me the report as early as possible.
RUSA documents
All starts should contact the state governments to collect information about the progress of RUSA.
AIFUCTO Conference matters
Friends, the AIFUCTO conference is one of the most important pillars of AIFUCTO Movement. In view of the
escalating financial burden on host the last NEC meeting observed:
‘Taking all issues into consideration, the meeting decided:
1. The delegate fee is to be enhanced suitably.
2. All units should arrange for advertisements. Every affiliate will arrange for at least one advertisement.”
The Academic Conference 2014
We are happy to announce that the Conference will be held in Chandigarh, Punjab & to be hosted by PCCTU
which is one of the finest affiliates of AIFUCTO.The PCCTU hosted many meetings /seminars/Conferences
in the past. The Organisation has a great tradition of teachers’ movement. We appeal to all affiliates to
extend all help & patronage to PCCTU for the success of the Conference. The General Secretary has been in
constant touch with the PCCTU leadership. Soon you will receive the first circular on the Conference.
MFUCTO struggle & Demonstration program in Delhi on 4th August, 2014.
You are aware of the continuous movement by MFUCTO to ensure justice to the teachers without NET/SLET.The
AIFUCTO extended full support to MFUCTO. An impressive demonstration was held on 4th August,2014 at Jantar
Mantar.The Secretariat members,Prof.Harish Chandra Singh, our Vice-President,Prof.Iqbal Singh,Our North Zone
Secretary also participated and expressed our solidarity with the movement.Prof.Nandiat Narayan,Predident DUTA
and a number of MPs addressed the gathering.Sri Tapan Sen,a noted trade union activist & MP also expressed
support. Some of our members from Haryana were present.
Subscription payments
Only a handful affiliates have paid subscription for the current year. We request all affiliates to pay the subscription
as early as possible & latest by Kolkata NEC meeting.
AIFUCTO accounts in facebook & twitter
AIFUCTO is now in Facebook & twitter to ensure quick exchange of views & information sharing. Our account
names are
1. Facebook: AIFUCTO Gs,
2. Twitter: @ AIFUCTO
You are requested to be friends & followers. The postings should be educational, academic, organizational, social &
related to teachers’ service conditions & students’ issues. We shall keep you informed about all the latest
developments through postings in facebook & twitter. We seek your opinions & suggestions to formulate our
movement to serve the cause of students, teachers & society. Please encourage your members to open accounts in
face book & twitter to develop a strong & effective network.
Affiliates’ news
Andhra Pradesh
Following the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, Dr.Ratnapravakar, Secretary of AP-GCTA informed that an Ad Hoc
Committee has been appointed till elections are held. The Committee is as follows
Prof.Radhkrishna-President,Prof.Venugopal General Secretary,Prof Koteswar Rao,Finance Secretary,Prof. (Mrs)
Jyothi Frederick-Lady representative.
We congratulate the newly appointed leaders and extend thanks to Prof.Ratna Pravakar and other leaders for their
significant contributions.
PCCTU election
PCCTU,Punjab has elected Prof Kuldip Singh,the present General Secretary as the new President & Prof.H.S Walia
as the General Secretary.Congratulations to them. We express our deep sense of gratitude to Prof.G.S.Gill the
outgoing President.Prof.Gill made valuable contributions to the AIFUCTO movement during his tenure. We hope he
will continue to play important role in state and national levels
MODE OF PAYMENT TO AIFUCTO-no account payee cheque will be accepted
As I informed in the last circular that a number of cheques have been dishonored for various reasons. One of them
is the short name AIFUCTO.In future the drafts should be in favour of our full name only ,Account payee Cheques
will not be accepted
only. Our bank details for electronic money transfer are given below. Please note-You must send a mail to General
Secretary immediately after your payment electronically.
Asok Barman, General Secretary
The Maharashtra Federation of University and College teachers’ Organisations (MFUCTO) has
launched a programme of agitation begining from 5th June 2014. This is to draw the attention of the
President of India to Government of Maharashtra’s disregard for Constitutional machinery and theirill-will
to the teaching fraternitywhich isevident from wholesale non-implementation of the orders of the
Hon’bleSupreme Court and Hon’bleHigh Court.
Instances of Government of Maharashtra’s Disregard for the Constitutional Machinery
1)NET/SET ISSUE – Dishonoring of SC And HC Judgments ( 16 in number) & Non-implementation of UGC
Orders and assurances given by Chief Minister and Minister for Higher and Technical Education
2) Illegal Non-Payment of Two Months’ Salary for March-April 2013, for non-Co-operation with
Examination Related Work
3) Dishonoring of SC and HC inmatters of Gratuity, 14940 Scale, Pension for Social Work College Teachers
4) Non-payment of Arrears to Part-time teachers, teachers appointed after November 2005 and teachers
working in Social work colleges in disregard to the commitment given by the Additional General Pleader of
the State to Bombay High Court on 10th May 2013.
Taking into consideration all above facts, the Executive Committee of MFUCTO has called
uponHon’ble President of Indiato invoke article 356 of the Constitution of India to immediately dismiss the
state government led by Shri PrithvirajChavan and his ministers for governance in violation of the
Constitution of India and animosity towards teachers.
To press for above demand, the MFUCTO organised a Jail Bharo (Court Arrest) action in Mumbai on
21st July 2013 in which nearly 2000 teachers participated. Several MLAs and MLCs from the Opposition
addressed the Protest action and pledged their support to MFUCTO. Again, on 4 th August 2013 MFUCTO
held a massive Dharna at JantarMantar in Delhi. The President and General Secretary of AIFUCTO along with
other Secretariat members and Office-bearers addressed this Protest rally which boosted the morale of
MFUCTO. The protesting teachers were supported and addressed by President, DUTA, several MPs from
Maharashtra and MP, Com Tapan Sen.
Finance Minister, Shri AjitPawar has had to face militant demonstrations by NUTA activists on three
occasions in Nagpur region. As a part of its Action program, units of MFUCTO will hold demonstrations
wherever any Cabinet Minister attends a public function.
National Secretary, AIFUCTO