Instruction Manual International Nutrition Survey 2008 Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 1 Table of Contents Introduction .........................................................................................................................................……….3 Study Contacts .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Acronyms....................................................................................................................................................... 6 General Guidelines for Electronic Data Capture ............................................................................................ 7 Critical Care Nutrition Website ....................................................................................................................... 9 Survey Log In and Registration Page .......................................................................................................... 10 Welcome Home Page .................................................................................................................................. 13 Patient Status Page .................................................................................................................................... 15 Screening ................................................................................................................................................... 16 Patient Baseline ........................................................................................................................................... 18 APACHE II ................................................................................................................................................... 21 Baseline Nutrition ........................................................................................................................................ 24 Daily Nutrition Data .................................................................................................................................... 26 Enteral Nutrition Data .................................................................................................................................. 28 Parenteral Nutrition Data ............................................................................................................................. 30 Outcomes .................................................................................................................................................... 32 Finalizing Data Collection ............................................................................................................................ 34 Appendices Appendix 1 Height Conversion Table ..................................................................................... 35 Appendix 2 Enteral Nutrition Formulas……………………………...…………………………..… 36 Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 2 Introduction International Nutrition Survey This project involves a point-prevalence survey of nutrition therapies in critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICUs) across the world. This survey is to be conducted on 14 May 2008 or the nearest date practically possible. Dietitians (or other healthcare practitioner) at the respective ICUs will collect data such as site characteristics, patient demographics, direct observational data (i.e. head of the bed elevation), baseline APACHE II variables, length of stay, duration of ventilation and mortality. In addition, nutrition practices such as route of nutrition, kilocalories and protein levels prescribed and received, interruptions, supplementation, blood sugars, insulin, etc will also be collected on a daily basis from ICU admission to ICU discharge or for a maximum of 12 days. It is projected that the results of this survey will identify differences, highlight strengths and weaknesses, and hopefully illuminate opportunities to improve nutrition practices in Canada and throughout the world Benchmarked Site Report There is no remuneration for participating in this project. Rather, you will be provided with a benchmarked site report. This site report summarizes your sites performance and will allow you to compare your nutrition practices to other ICUs within your own country or region (‘Sister Sites’) and all the ICUs in the database (‘All Sites’). You will also be able to compare your performance to the recommendations of the Canadian Nutrition Support Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). Best of the Best 2008 Although the hard work and dedication of all ICUs who participate in the international nutrition survey is recognized, in 2008, the top performing site in the World will receive an award for being the ‘Best of the Best’. The top ranked ICU will personally be presented with a ‘Best of the Best’ plaque by Dr Heyland in a ceremony to be held at their hospital. To be considered for this award, participating ICUs must meet the following criteria: 1. Entered data on a total of 20 critically ill patients. 2. Completion of a baseline nutrition assessment (i.e. nutrition prescription). 3. No missing data or outstanding queries. 4. Prepared to permit CCN to source verify the entered data. Instruction Manual The Instruction Manual functions as a resource for successful completion of electronic case report forms (eCRFs) for the International Nutrition Survey. The manual is formatted to provide written instruction for each electronic CRF. A webshot of the actual web page will follow written instructions. ECRFs are the primary mode of data capture used in the International Nutrition Survey. The dietitian (or other healthcare practitioner) is expected to enter data online as soon as it becomes Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 3 available. Paper CRFs and worksheet templates are available as tools to assist in capturing the required data elements prior to online data entry. Copies of these paper CRFs/worksheets can be downloaded from our website Please keep ALL worksheets/documents that you use until you receive your benchmarked performance report. This will provide you with an opportunity to check your site report with the raw data and ensure that it is accurate. Please check with your hospital for local requirements regarding storage of data collection forms as this may differ by hospital site. In the event that additional clarification is required; please contact the Project Leader (PL). Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 4 Study Contacts Principal Investigator Dr Daren Heyland Clinical Evaluation Research Unit Kingston General Hospital Angada 4, 76 Stuart Street Kingston ON Canada K7L 2V7 Tel: 613 549 6666 ext. 3339 Fax: 613 548 2428 Email: Project Leader Siouxzy Morrison AuSPEN/ANZIC-RC Nutrition Research Fellow ANZIC Research Centre Department of Epidemiology & Preventative Medicine Monash University Postal Address: Department of Epidemiology & Preventative Medicine, Monash University, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia Delivery Address: Level 3, Burnet Building, 89 Commercial Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004 Tel: +61 3 9903 0280 Mobile: +61 4 3707 7795 Fax: +61 3 9903 0071 E-mail: Technical Support Fernando Ferrer Kingston General Hospital Angada 4, 76 Stuart Street Kingston ON Canada K7L 2V7 Tel: 613 549 6666 ext. Fax: 613 548 2428 Email: Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 5 Acronyms CERU Clinical Evaluation Research Unit CRF Case Report Form eCRF Electronic Case Report Form EN Enteral Nutrition FTE Full time equivalent ICU Intensive Care Unit PL Project Leader PN Parenteral Nutrition QI Quality Improvement RD Registered Dietitian RT Respiratory Technician Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 6 General Guidelines Ethics As this is a quality improvement (QI) project, ethical committee approval is not usually required. We have received ethics approval from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada to conduct this survey and publish the results. However, you may still want to contact your local ethics committee to check if additional approval is needed. For more information please refer to the document ‘Preparing for Ethics Submission’ available on our website. Accessing the Website The Clinical Evaluation Research Unit (CERU) will provide a username and password only to individuals who have registered to participate in the International Nutrition Survey 2008, and to those that have been granted access by these registrants. The Web Based Data Capturing System for the International Nutrition Survey can be accessed by following the International Survey login link on the website, or directly at All users must log onto the website using their own username and password prior to data entry. Prior to accessing the website, first ensure that your browser is configured appropriately. For more information please refer to the help document on our website and on the login page. When you log in, you will be taken to the appropriate page based on the ICUs that you have access to. If you are registered for more than one ICU, you will be taken to the ‘My ICUs’ page. If you are registered for a single ICU, you will be taken to the appropriate ICU status page. Your user profile and password can be changed at any time by clicking the appropriate links on the International Nutrition Survey home page. Completions of Electronic Case Report Forms All data collection activities will be completed on the web. Only patients meeting inclusion criteria should be entered on the web. See page 14. Dates are entered using YYYY/MM/DD format i.e. 2008/03/14. To ensure that proper date format is obtained, click on the calendar icon and select the appropriate date. The date field will automatically be completed for you. Enter all times using the 24-hour period format i.e. 22:37. To ensure a proper time format the web system will automatically enter a colon for you or you can manually enter a colon or semi-colon. o Midnight (24:00 hours) should be entered as 00:00 To access eCRFs single click the appropriate link using the left side of your mouse. The data field only supports numerical data and will not recognize a unit suffix (e.g. Kg, Kcal, mmol). Enter all data without units. All units are displayed next to the appropriate data field. To expand a menu or taxonomy click on ‘+’ next to the title of the menu/taxonomy. To collapse the menu or taxonomy click on ‘-‘. The RESET form button will take you back to the last saved version. The EXIT form button will take you back to the ICU or Patient Status page. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 7 All data fields MUST be Edit data entered oncompleted. the web The web based data entry system has been programmed with various range checks to simplify the query process.access In the event that you leave a datachange field blank the values that you To edit previously saved information, the appropriate eCRF, theorappropriate have entered are beyond web ranges, you will receive an input warning either directly on the form orwill under field(s) and save the form. To ensure Good Clinical Practice is maintained, all changes be ‘Outstanding Issues’ on the Patient Status page. Please follow the instructions on the screen to “view/edit” tracked and logged by the computer program. You cannot delete patients. Please contact the the data and Leader resolve the query. Project if you have any queries regarding editing or deleting data. Duration of Data Collection All daily nutrition data needs to be collected from Study day 1 and each day following until day 12 unless ICU discharge (actual) or death occurs before day 12 Study Day 1 is from ICU admission to the end of your 24 hr flowsheet. Study Day 2 and subsequent days starts at the time the ICU chart starts until it ends 24 hours later (eg from 08:00 on the 15 May 08 until 08:00 on the16 May 08). If a patient is re-admitted to your ICU within 48 hrs of discharge, consider this to be a continuation of the previous stay. If a patient is re-admitted to your ICU after 48 hours of discharge, this is not considered to be a continuation of previous stay and patient cannot be included in the survey again. Time frames for completion of data entry The web pages are to be completed retrospectively but it is encouraged that data is entered online as soon as possible after it is collected. Deadline for completion of data entry: o 1st August 2008 o If you have concerns regarding this deadline date, please contact the Project Leader. The web based data entry system has been programmed with various checks to simplify the query process. When proceeding with the data entry, please follow the order in which the forms appear. This will reduce the ‘outstanding issues’ that you will encounter. Finalizing Patients The web based data entry system has been programmed to recognize when the patient is eligible for finalization (i.e. no outstanding queries and a minimum of three days data entered). At this point, you can access and complete the Outcomes page for this patient and the patients’ status will change to ‘Finalized’. When all 20 patients have been finalized, navigate back to the ICU Status page and tick the box that asks ‘Is data entry finalized at your ICU?’. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 8 Critical Care Nutrition Website The Critical Care Nutrition website will be the gateway for accessing the web application’s login page. Go to the website and click on ‘International Survey 2008’ or access the login site directly at Regular updates and useful information regarding the International Nutrition Survey will also be posted on this website so please check it regularly. Webshot of Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 9 Survey Login Page and Registration User and ICU Site Registration can be completed on or before 14 May 2008. Prior to entering data for your ICU, you will first need to create a user account for your ICU. This only needs to be completed once. Although several individuals can have access and enter data for your ICU site, we ask that the individual coordinating the survey at your ICU site take responsibility for this initial registration process. User Registration Go to survey login page and click on ‘Create a new login account’. Complete the questions about yourself (Form A, Part A). Complete your login information (i.e. select and confirm a password and complete human user verification). Click on ‘Save User’. You will be sent an e-mail confirming that you have successfully registered your ICU site and you will be provided with your username. All usernames start with the prefix ccn followed by four digits. ICU Registration Go to the survey login page and enter your username and password. You will be asked to complete questions about your hospital and ICU (Form A, Part B). Click on ‘Save ICU’. You will be directed to the ICU status page and can begin to enter patient data. If you wish to register more than one ICU, on the ICU status page, click on ‘Register New ICU’. You can edit your user profile and hospital / ICU details or change your password at any time by following the appropriate links. Grant Permission to Other Users If you wish to grant permission for other users, on the ICU status page, click on ‘grant permissions for this ICU to other users’, enter their e-mail addresses and click on ‘grant permissions’. This will generate an e-mail to new users with a username and temporary password to access the survey. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 10 o o o o o o o o o o o Consent to participate: Checking this box tells us that you have read the information about the study and understand its purpose. It will allow us to compute benchmarked site reports comparing your performance with other ICUs in the dataset. All data will be aggregated, so that individual patients will not be identifiable and other sites will not be able to identify your ICU. Consenting to participate also allows us to correctly acknowledge your participation on the website and other publications. Password: Select a password for your personal account. The password is case sensitive (i.e. it must be typed with the required capitalization) and must be at least 6 characters long. Do not type spaces between characters and do not use repeating characters (i.e. aaaaaa). To secure your password please select a combination of characters that will not be easily guessed by others, and don’t write down your password or share it with anyone else. Forget your Password? : If you forget your password, click on the ‘forget your password?’ tab on the login page. Enter your e-mail address and complete the human user verification. You will be sent an e-mail with your username and a temporary password. Please change your password when you next login to the survey. Human User Verification: You must type the letters or numbers you see in the box to confirm that a person is trying to access the survey and not an automated program. This helps to prevent automated programs from misusing the survey. Registration e-mail: Please be aware that your username will be sent to you by e-mail shortly after you register (or after you are granted permissions), as the source of the e-mail may not be recognized by your provider please remember to also check your junk mail in the event that the survey e-mail is diverted to this folder. ICU Registration: Although you may be aware of the answers to these questions about your hospital and ICU, we request that you ask the medical or nursing director of your ICU to answer questions related to the type of ICU and case mix. Multiple ICUs: If your hospital has multiple ICUs, please enter YES when prompted, enter your ICU name. Make sure that you select a name for your ICU that is distinct from the other ICUs in your hospital (e.g. medical, surgical, trauma, neuro) Type of Hospital: A teaching hospital is a hospital that provides training to medical student and residents. If your hospital only has occasional medical students/residents, record your hospital as a non-teaching hospital. ICU Structure: Open ICUs are sites where patients are under the care of an attending physician (e.g. internist, family physician, surgeon) with intensivists (i.e. physician with training in critical care) consulted as necessary. Closed ICUs are sites in which patients are under the care of an intensivist, or care is shared between the intensivist and another attending physician. Full Time Equivalent Dietitian: This is a measure of the amount of time the dietitian is dedicated to the ICU relative to a full-time position e.g. a FTE of 1.0 means that the dietitian works in the ICU full-time and a FTE of 0.5 means that the dietitian is in the ICU half-time, or two and a half days a week. Grant permissions: If more than one person is entering data for your ICU, the primary user will be provided with an option to authorize other users to access your ICU site account. The new users will be sent an email with their own username and password. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 11 Webshot of Login Page Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 12 Welcome ‘Home’ Page My ICUs This will be your ‘home’ page if you are registered for more than one ICU. This page will display a list of ICUs for which you have been granted permission to enter data. The list will include the name of the ICU, the number of patients registered and the number of patients finalized. Clicking on a specific ICU will take you to the ‘ICU Status’ page for that ICU. You can enter the ‘My ICUs’ page at any time by clicking on the appropriate links on the menu. ICU Status Page This will be your ‘home’ page if you are registered for a single ICU. This page displays a list of all the patients registered at your ICU. The list includes the patient number, basic demographic data, and the patient’s status. The statuses are: o Invalid: There are outstanding queries for this patient. o Valid: The patient has no outstanding queries but has less than three days of data, and is therefore not eligible for finalization. o Eligible for finalization: The patient has no outstanding queries and has a minimum of three days of data entered, and is therefore eligible for finalization. o Finalized: Data entry, including outcomes, is complete, with no outstanding queries. Click on the line containing details about a specific patient to navigate to the Patient Status page for that patient. Menu My ICUs. To view a summary of all registered ICUs and the number of patients registered and finalized click on the ‘My ICUs’ left hand menu. ICU Status. To view a summary of the number of patients registered at a single ICU and the number of patients finalized click on the ‘ICU Status’ left hand menu. Register New Patient. To register a new patient, click on ‘register new patient’ on the left hand side menu. Edit User Profile. To change your personal information click on ‘edit user profile’ on the left hand side menu Change password. To change password, click on ‘change password’ on the left hand side menu. You will be asked to enter your old password, select and confirm a new password. Contact Us. On the left hand side of the menu click on ‘contact us’ to view the contact details of the Project Leader and Technical Support. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 13 Help. To access documents related to the study and how to navigate the web-based data collection tool click on ‘help’ on the left hand side menu. Log Out. To log out of the web system and return to the login page click on “Log out’ on the left hand side menu. Webshot of ‘My ICUs’ Page Webshot of ‘ICU Status’ Page Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 14 Patient Status Page After clicking on a specific patient on the ICU Status Page you will be directed to the Patient Status page. From this page you can view, enter data, or edit information for all International Nutrition Survey related eCRFs. If you ‘save’ any eCRF, you will be directed back to this page. To review or edit daily nutrition data, click on row corresponding to the study day. To review or edit EN or PN data, click on ‘Yes’ in the appropriate column. Webshot of Patient Status Page Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 15 Screening You must begin to identify study patients on 14 May 2008 (or nearest possible date thereafter). The Screening Log is not part of the data collection process but has been developed as a tool to help you to identify which patients in the ICU meet the inclusion criteria. As the Screening Log is for your own personal use we will not be asking you to enter any of the data on this form online. Eligibility Criteria Inclusion: Critically ill patients that are mechanically ventilated within the first 48 hours of admission to ICU. Are in the ICU 3 days. Adult patients (i.e. 18 years). Exclusion: Patients on mask ventilation. Patients who were not ventilated within the first 48 hours of admission to ICU but became ventilated after. Duration of Ventilation does not matter. Patients that were ventilated within the first 48 hours of admission to the ICU, then came off the ventilator and stay in the ICU > 3 days, still meet the eligibility criteria. If the patient is ventilated prior to admission to the ICU they meet the eligibility criteria. To identify the 20 eligible study patients, complete the following steps: Go to your ICU and record the initials of ALL patients that are currently in your unit on this day in Column 1 of the Screening Log. In Column 2, record only those patients from Column 1 that were intubated and ventilated within the first 48 hrs of admission to ICU or prior to ICU admission. In Column 3, list only those patients from Column 2 that were in ICU 3 days. In Column 4, number the patients from Column 3 consecutively and these are your eligible study patients. In Column 5, enter the number the patient was allocated by the web-based data capture system (if different from Column 4). If you have less than 20 patients in your cohort of study patients on 14 May 2008, continue to screen daily until you get a minimum of 20 consecutive patients. For patients that are just admitted and are ventilated, please follow them up for 72 hours to see if they stay in the ICU 3 days, as they will also be included. Please keep the Screening Log to help track down which patient corresponds to which patient number in case we have data queries at a later date. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 16 Consecutive Patient: the very next patient that was admitted that meets the criteria. Please do not ‘pick and choose’ patients randomly. Inclusion Criteria: o Include the patient if he/she is physically in the ICU at time of screening and meets the criteria even if they are ready for discharge from the ICU and are waiting for a bed on the ward. o If the patient has had several admissions to the ICU, use the most recent admission. o If a patient is discharged from the ICU but re-admitted within 48 hours consider that this patient never left the ICU. o If there is a patient in the ICU on 14 May 2008, is ventilated and was admitted less than 72 hours ago, say 12 May 2008, please follow the patient up and see if he/she stays in the ICU > 72 hours. If so, you will need to collect daily data from date of admission onwards to a maximum of 12 days (or discharge from the ICU). This can be done retrospectively at the end of the 12 days if you prefer. o If the patient is in the ICU on 14 May 2008 and was admitted 01 April 2008, you need to collect daily from 01 April 2008 onwards until 12 April 2008. However, if charts are missing and you are unable to collect the relevant data for this patient, please exclude and include the next eligible consecutive patient Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 17 Patient Baseline Form This page is to be filled out once for each patient. ICU Admission: If a patient was admitted to the ICU, then discharged or transferred and then readmitted to the ICU, enter the date of the most recent admission to the ICU. If a patient is transferred from another ICU enter the date of admission to your ICU. Date and time of mechanical ventilation in ICU): This refers to invasive mechanical ventilation i.e. intubation with mechanical ventilation or tracheostomy with mechanical ventilation. This includes any positive pressure delivered via an endotracheal tube or a tracheostomy. This does not refer to non-invasive methods of ventilation such as BI-PAP or mask-CPAP. For the patient that is mechanically ventilated prior to admission to your hospital, this is the same as the admission date and time to your hospital, including patients undergoing outpatient surgery. Simply, click on ‘ventilation initiated prior to ICU admission’. Admission Category): Choose the most suitable from Medical or Surgical. If surgical indicate if this is elective or emergency surgery. Admission Diagnosis): View the ICU Admission Taxonomy provided (see Appendix). This is the diagnosis that resulted in the patient’s admission to ICU. If the patient’s admission category is Medical, choose the most suitable diagnosis from the Non-Operative list of the Taxonomy (i.e. 1 to 49). If the patient’s admission category is Surgical, choose the most suitable diagnosis from the Post-Operative list of the Taxonomy (i.e. from 50-86). If the Admission Diagnosis is not present in the taxonomy, look for the appropriate condition (based on admission category) and choose “Other” and type in the diagnosis. For example, if Admission Category is Non-Operative and Admission Diagnosis is Acute Renal Failure, choose “Other Metabolic disease (#44)” and type in “Acute renal failure”). We are specifically interested in reporting on patients with sepsis, pancreatitis, bariatric surgery, ARDS, and burns, therefore if a suitable diagnosis for a patient includes one of these conditions please select in preference to other diagnoses (e.g. if a patient is admitted with pneumonia or sepsis, select sepsis). Presence of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)): ARDS is an acute lung condition characterized by PaO2:FiO2 < 200 mmHg in the presence of bilateral alveolar infiltrates on chest x-ray. You are not expected to diagnose ARDS. You only need to review the chart for the first 72 hrs from admission to the ICU for either a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of ARDS. If the chart says “? ARDS”, this is suspected ARDS, enter Yes. Head of Bed Elevation: Head of the bed should be observed at screening (i.e. when the patient is first included in the survey. For determining head of the bed elevation, use the device that the ICU bed is equipped with. If no such device is available, you will need to estimate the angle and we suggest that you do this with another team member i.e. RN, RT, etc. When you are estimating, please note if the patient has pillows under his/her head. If there are pillows, make sure that you record the angle at which the patient’s trunk meets the bed instead of the angle between the head and the pillow. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 18 See figure below: Incorrect angle Correct angles Head of Bed Elevation is the only data element to be completed prospectively, consequently it is an OPTIONAL field. APACHE II Score: If routinely calculated directly enter score, if unavailable, leave field blank and you will be directed to the Apache II Online Worksheet. Logic Alert Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 Dates must be in a logical sequence. If mechanical ventilation initiated prior to ICU admission (e.g. patient transferred from another ICU), tick the box that says ‘ventilation initiated prior to ICU admission’. Date and time will be set the same as ICU admission. Start of Mechanical Ventilation cannot be more than 1 day before ICU admission and cannot be more than 2 days after ICU admission. 19 Webshot of Patient Baseline Form Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 20 APACHE II Note: Use values from the first 24 hours from admission to ICU. You will only need to complete this page if the patient does not have an Apache II score entered in the patient registration page. Enter the lowest and highest value recorded in the source documentation within the first 24 hours from admission to ICU. The worst value that generates the highest severity score will be selected by the web application. When you enter the values in the right-hand columns, the severity score will be automatically calculated. Note: If variables are not available from the first 24 hrs, go outside the 24-hour window and use the data closest to ICU admission. Use the Comment Box to indicate that you used data outside the 24-hour window. Age will be automatically transferred from previous web page. Temperature: Enter the value and indicate, core, oral, axilla or tympanic listed in the second drop box. o The program will re-calculate to the appropriate core temperature. o Rectal, tympanic, temporal, and bladder temperatures are considered as core temperature. o For manual calculations of APACHE: To obtain the core temperature: if oral temperature is reported, add 0.5 C to oral temperature; if axilla temperature is reported, add 1.0C. Enter the systolic and diastolic blood pressures in the appropriate box. Once these values have been entered the Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) value will automatically be calculated and entered in the right-hand column. Heart Rate: enter the highest and lowest value. Respiratory rate: (either ventilated, or non-ventilated) Oxygenation: o If the FiO2 is > 0.5, the PaCO2, and the PaO2 boxes appear. Enter the values into the appropriate boxes. Again, the program will calculate the A-aD02 and enter the value in the right-hand column. For the purposes of this trial the barometric pressure value will be standardized at 713. o If the FiO2 is < 0.5, only the PaO2 box will appear. Enter the value. o If no ABGs available, tick the appropriate box and enter the HCO3 in place of arterial pH. Serum HCO3 should only be used if there are no ABGs available in the previous 24 hours. Arterial pH. Serum Sodium: the unit of measure is mmol/L. Serum Potassium: the unit of measure is mmol/L. Serum Creatinine: the unit of measure is umol/L. If you require a definition of Acute Renal Failure, click on “Explain” and definitions will be provided. Hematocrit: enter this value as a percentage. White Blood Cells (total/mm3)(in 1000’s). Glasgow Coma Score (GCS): If this patient has a GCS documented in their chart for the first 24 hours after ICU admission, directly enter the score. Otherwise, to determine the GCS choose the best response from each of the 3 categories for the first 24 hours after ICU admission. If the patient is sedated, then go back to the period when the patient was not Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 21 receiving sedation or approximate what the score would be if the sedation where to be removed. See worksheet or CCN website for GCS flow sheet. If you are unable to calculate a pre-sedation GCS, assume that the GCS is normal and enter a score of 15. Enter the values in the 3 separate categories and the GCS will automatically be calculated. Eye Opening: 1- None 2- To Pain 3- To speech 4-Spontanous Verbal Response: 1- None 2- Incomprehensible words 3- Inappropriate words 4- Confused 5- Oriented Best Motor Response: 1- None 2- Extension 3- Abnormal flexion 4- Withdraws from pain 5- Localizes to pain 6- Obeys commands Chronic Health Points: Choose one of the 3 categories for patients with a history of severe organ system insufficiency or immunocompromised – Click “Explain” box on the left hand side of the screen for definitions. When all the categories are completed, click on the box labeled “Save Apache II Form” and the system will automatically save and calculate your Apache Score. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 22 Apache II Form Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 23 Baseline Nutrition Assessment This form is to be filled out once for each patient. Record height in metres and weight in kilograms. If unable to obtain “actual” height or weight, use estimated height and weight or that obtained from family members and tick the appropriate box to indicate that data was estimated. For weight used to determine prescribed energy requirements, choose from the list. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 For determination of energy requirements choose from the list. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Weight Actual (ABW) Ideal (IBW) based on Hamwi formula Ideal (IBW) based on BMI 20-25 Kg/m2 Adjusted by 25% (ABW x 0.25 + IBW) Adjusted by 40% (ABW x 0.4 + IBW) Adjusted average ((ABW + IBW) x 0.5) No weight used in calculation No assessment completed Other, please specify Predictive Equation Harris Benedict Equation Schofield Equation with no adjustment for stress and activity Schofield Equation with adjustment for stress and/or activity Mifflin-St. Jeor Equation Ireton-Jones Equation Weight based <20 Kcal/Kg Weight based: 20-24 Kcal/Kg Weight based: 25-29 Kcals/Kg Weight based: 30-35 Kcal/Kg Provide 1200 – 1499 Kcal as standard Provide 1500-2000 Kcal as standard Indirect calorimetry Other, please specify For prescribed energy intake enter the kilocalories provided by the goal regimen (i.e. maximum rate/volume determined at the initial assessment) for EN/PN according to the dietitians or physicians recommendation. o e.g. If the dietitian recommends a starting rate of 25 ml/hr on day 1 with a final rate of 75 ml/hr by day 3, calculate the calories and protein that the final rate = 75ml/hr X 24 would provide For prescribed protein intake enter the grams provided by the goal regimen (i.e. maximum rate/volume determined at the initial assessment) for EN/PN according to the dietitians or physicians recommendation. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 24 For those on EN and PN, please record the kilocalories and protein from the combined prescription of EN and PN. o Weight: Enter the patient’s actual weight in kilograms. Do not enter the weight used to estimate the patients nutritional requirements if it differs from the patients actual weight. Enter “actual” if the patient has been weighed during the current admission or if there is a recent recorded weight in the chart. Enter “estimated” if the weight was obtained by enquiring of relatives or estimated by a clinician. Use “dry weight” (i.e. weight in the absence of fluid overload) if fluid retention is present. See Appendix or CCN website for height and weight conversion charts. Height: Enter height in meters. See Appendix or CCN website for height and weight conversion charts. Weight used to determine requirements: If an unadjusted estimated weight is used to calculate nutritional requirements, select ‘actual’body weight. Prescription: Record total kilocalories i.e. include the kilocalories from protein. If the prescription changes over the days of observation, calculate the average prescribed calories and protein. If a nutritional assessment was not completed, calculate prescription as 25 kcals/kg for energy and 1g/kg protein. (e.g. a 80Kg make patient would have a prescription of 2000kcals and 80g protein). o o o o Webshot of Baseline Nutrition Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 25 Daily Nutrition Data This form is to be filled out for each patient daily. The study day will automatically appear on the screen. Study Day 1 is from ICU admission to the end of your 24 hr flowsheet. Study Day 2 and subsequent days starts at the time the ICU chart starts until it ends 24 hours later. (eg from 08:00 on the 15 May 08 until 08:00 on the16 May 08)" o o o o o o For each study day, indicate “Yes” or “No” to indicate if patient received nutrition. If patient is on both enteral and parenteral nutrition on the same day, click the ‘yes’ response in both places “Enteral nutrition” and “Parenteral nutrition”. If patient received EN (either EN only, or EN and PN), you will automatically be directed to the Enteral Nutrition page after saving this page. If patient received PN (either PN only, or PN with EN), you will automatically be directed to the Parenteral Nutrition page after saving this page. Click on ‘save’ to save the form and return to the patient status page or proceed to EN or PN page as applicable. Blood sugars: record first blood sugar reading closest to 08:00 hrs. This can be either serum or capillary. If no blood sugars were recorded for that day, click on ‘none recorded’. Hypoglycemic episodes: Record any blood sugar reading <3.5mmol/l (63 mg/dL)(up to 3 episodes per day). If reading is in mg/dL multiply by 0.0555 to convert to mmol/L. Insulin: Add up the total number of units of insulin over the 24 hr period regardless of route or type. If the patient is receiving 2 different types of insulin add together to provide total units of insulin. If the patient did no receive insulin click on ‘no insulin received’. Supplemental Glutamine: This refers to glutamine given as a supplement over and above what would normally be present in the standard enteral or parenteral formula. Supplemental Selenium: This refers to selenium given as a supplement over and above what would normally be present in the standard enteral or parenteral formula. Propofol: Indicate Yes if continuous infusion ≥ 6 hrs and No if no propofol given or if continuous < 6hrs or provided intermittently. If Yes, indicate kilocalories received from propofol (provides 1.1Kcal/ml). Do not count propofol in kilocalories from EN/PN. If you do not have three days of daily data entered, you will not be able to proceed to complete the Outcomes page and finalize the patient. Logic Alert Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 Proceed with entering data for the missing days. 26 Webshot of Daily Nutrition Data Page If you have accidentally entered an extra day, contact Technical Support stating your username, the patient number and patient day that you wish to delete. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 27 Enteral Nutrition Data This form is to be filled out for each patient daily. The study day will automatically appear on the screen. EN Formula: Using taxonomy provided on the web, please record enteral formula(s) received. See appendix for list of formulas. o You may select up to 3 formulas per day. In the event that the patient receives more than 3 formulas, select the 3 that provided the largest volumes. Kilocalories Received: The total calories will need to be calculated by the dietitian daily as follows: o Include calories from protein o Include calories from other supplements. o Include calories from propofol if continuous infusion ≥ 6 hrs. Do NOT include intermittent doses of propofol. o Do NOT include calories from IV solutions. Protein Received: The total protein will need to be calculated by the dietitian daily as follows: o Include protein from glutamine and supplements, if applicable. If patient is on a combination of Enteral Nutrition and Parenteral Nutrition, please calculate the calories received from each separately. Location of feeding tube: Pick one of the options from the drop down box to indicate the location of feeding tube (refers to any oro/naso-gastric or feeding tube). Choose one of the following options: 1. “Gastric confirmed” if placement was confirmed by an X ray on that day 2. “Gastric presumed” if placement was confirmed by an X-ray earlier but not on that day 3. “Post-pyloric duodenal confirmed” if placement was confirmed by an X-ray on that day 4. “Post-pyloric duodenal presumed” if placement was confirmed by an X-ray earlier but not on that day 5. “Post-pyloric jejunal confirmed” if placement was confirmed by an X-Ray on that day 6. “Post-pyloric jejunal presumed” if placement was confirmed by an X-ray earlier but not on that day 7. No tube in place on that day If the location of the feeding tube changes within the day, please choose the location that was used for the majority of the day. If gastric was used for half the day and post-pyloric for the other half, choose postpyloric. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 28 Feeding Intolerance: Indicate Yes or No if enteral nutrition was ever interrupted due to feeding intolerance. An interruption in enteral feeding is defined as a reduction in the rate of delivering the feed or stopping the feed. Feeding intolerance is defined as the presence of any one of the following: o High gastric residual volumes o Emesis (i.e. vomiting) o Aspiration of enteral nutrition Motility Agents: Choose from the options below. We are not asking you to record the route of administration or dose. If patient has been prescribed combination therapy, please select all motility agents prescribed (hold control and click to select multiple options). Motility agents 1. Metoclopramide 2. Motilium 3. Erythromycin 4. Other: Specify______ 5. None d. Erythromycin Webshot of Enteral Nutrition Page e. Other or NONE Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 29 Parenteral Nutrition Data This form is to be filled out for each patient daily. The study day will automatically appear on the screen. Reason EN not provided: Choose from taxonomy, if reason for PN not listed, select ‘other’ and specify. Reason Enteral Nutrition Not Provided 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. No clinical reason Mechanical bowel obstruction Bowel ischemia Small bowel ileus Small bowel fistulae Gastrointestinal perforation Short Gut Syndrome Hemodynamic instability Proximal bowel anastomosis Not tolerating enteral feeding No access to small bowel Pancreatitis Gastrointestinal bleed Gastrointestinal surgery Other, specify ________ Kilocalories Received: The total calories will need to be calculated by the dietitian daily as follows: o Include calories from protein o Include calories from other supplements. o Include calories from propofol if continuous infusion ≥ 6 hrs. Do NOT include intermittent doses of propofol. o Do NOT include calories from other IV solutions. Protein Received: The total protein will need to be calculated by the dietitian daily as follows: o Include protein from glutamine and supplements, if applicable. If patient is on a combination of Enteral Nutrition and Parenteral Nutrition, please calculate the calories received from each separately. Lipids Received: Use the taxonomy provided to select the type of lipid (see below). Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 Type of lipids None 1. Soybean oil based (LCTs) 2. MCT/LCT physical mixture 3. MCT/LCT structured form 4. Olive Oil based 5. Fish Oil based (10-20% of total lipid emulsion) 6. Mixture of soy oil, MCTs, and fish oil 7. Mixture of soy oil, MCTs, olive oil, and fish oil (SMOF) 8. Other, specify ____________ 30 Click on ‘save’ to save the form and return to the patient status page. Webshot of Daily Parenteral Nutrition Page Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 31 Outcomes All outstanding issues must be addressed before you can access this page. The outstanding issues will appear at the top of the Patient Status Page This form is to be completed upon discharge from ICU/hospital or if the patient dies. This form is to be completed once for each patient. You may need to wait until day 60 (from admission to ICU) to complete some of the questions. On the Patient Status Page under Outcomes and Follow-up select ‘Finalize Patient’. You will be directed to the Outcome page. Enteral/Parenteral Nutrition First Initiated: Indicate when EN/PN was initiated. o If started prior to ICU admission and continued in ICU, date and time of enteral nutrition started will become ICU admission date/time. o If initiated in ICU, record the date and time enteral nutrition was started in ICU. “Did patient die in hospital/ICU?” “Yes” or “No” o If “Yes”: o You will be prompted to provide date and time of actual death. Note: Death date & time will be same as Hospital & ICU discharge date and time, therefore you do not complete the date fields, simply indicate that hospital/ICU discharge date same as date of death. o If “No” o You will be prompted to indicate if the patient is still in ICU or hospital at day 60 (from admission to ICU). If the patient was discharged, you will be prompted to enter hospital/ICU date and time. When was mechanical ventilation discontinued in the ICU? Indicate when mechanical ventilation discontinued. If patient is discharged from ICU while still ventilated (for example, transfer to step-down unit or transfer to another hospital), discontinuation date and time of ventilation is same as ICU discharge date and time. In addition, please make a comment in the Comment Box describing the situation. Death or ICU/hospital discharge marks the end of data collection. We are not asking you to follow-up for 60 days after discharge home or transfer to another healthcare facility. : Logic Alert Click ‘Finalize Patient’ to save the form and be directed back to the patient status page. If ICU discharge date is not consistent with the duration of the daily data that you have entered, an input warning will be generated, as follows “Date EN initiated does not match observation data” You may either correct the ICU discharge date or enter additional daily data to the end of the study period Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 32 Webshot of Outcomes Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 33 Finalizing Data Entry To determine when the data entry has been completed, a data finalization process has been incorporated into the web based data entry system. When you have completed data entry for all 20 patients go to the ICU Status Page and Data Entry Status, tick the box that asks ‘Is data entry finalized at your ICU?’ Make sure that the data you have entered is accurate to the best of your knowledge before you finalize the data. Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 34 Appendices Appendix 1 Height Conversion Table One foot = 12 inches One inch = 2.54 cms Feet/Inches Inches Centimeters Feet/Inches Inches Centimeters 4ft 6 inch 54 137 5ft 10 inch 70 178 4ft 7 inch 55 140 5ft 11 inch 71 180 4ft 8 inch 56 142 6 ft 72 183 4ft 9 inch 57 145 6ft 1 inch 73 185 4ft 10 inch 58 147 6ft 2 inch 74 188 4ft 11 inch 59 150 6ft 3 inch 75 191 4ft 12 inch 60 152 6ft 4 inch 76 193 5ft 1 inch 61 155 6ft 5 inch 77 196 5ft 2 inch 62 157 6ft 6 inch 78 198 5ft 3 inch 63 160 6ft 7 inch 79 201 5ft 4 inch 64 163 6ft 8 inch 80 203 5ft 5 inch 65 165 6ft 9 inch 81 206 5ft 6 inch 66 168 6ft 10 inch 82 208 5ft 7 inch 67 170 6ft 11 inch 83 211 5ft 8inch 68 173 7ft 84 213 5ft 9inch 69 175 7ft 1 inch 85 216 Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 35 Appendix 2 Enteral Nutrition Formula Taxonomy A. Abbott International Code A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 Formula Name AlitraQ Edanec Edanec HN Ensure Ensure HP Ensure Plus Glucerna Glucerna Select Jevity Jevity 1 Cal Jevity 1.2 Cal Jevity 1.5 Cal Jevity Plus 1.5 k/cal Jevity 2 with FOS Jevity with FOS Jevity HiCal Jevity Plus Jevity Promote Nepro Osmolite Osmolite 1 Cal Osmolite 1.2 Cal Osmolite 1.5 Cal Code A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39 A40 A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46 Formula Name Osmolite with Fiber Osmolite HN Osmolite HN Plus Osmolite High Protein Oxepa Optimental Optimental 1.0 Perative Pivot 1.5 Cal Promote Promote with Fiber Pulmocare Pulmocare II Suplena Two Cal HN Vital Vital HN Supplement: Juven Supplement: Polycose powder Supplement: Polycose Liquid Supplement: Promod Supplement: Prosure Other Abbott Product (please specify) B. Fresenius Kabi Code B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 Formula Name 1000 complete 1200 complete 1800 complete Diben Fresubin Original Fresubin Original Fibre Fresubin Energy Fresubin Energy Fibre Fresubin HP Energy Fresubin Soya Fibre Fresubin HEPA Fresubin Diabetes Fresubin B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 Intestamin Reconvan Supportan Survimed Renal Survimed OPD Other Fresenius Kabi Product Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 36 C. Nestle Code C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Formula Name Crucial Peptamen with Prebio 1 Peptamen Peptamen 1.5 Peptamen VHP C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 Peptamen AF Nutren 1.0 Nutren 1.0 Fiber Nutren 1.5 Nutren 1.5 Fiber Nutren 2.0 Nutren Glytrol Nutren Probalance Nutren Pulmonary Nutren Renal Code Formula Name C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 Nutren Replete Nutren Replete Fiber Nutren VHP Nutren VHP Fiber Nutren Fibre with Prebio 1 Nutren Fibre 1.5 with Prebio 1 C22 C23 C24 Nutrihep Supplements: Caloreen Other Nestle Product D Novartis Code D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 Formula Name Compleat Diabetisource AC Fibersource Fibersource HN Impact Impact Glutamine Impact with Fiber Impact 1.5 Isocal Isocal HN Isosource Isosource HN Isosource HN with fibre Isosource VHN Isosource 1.5 Novasource Renal Novasource Pulmonary Novasource GI Control Novasource 2.0 Novasource Diabetes Peptinex Peptinex AF 1.2 Code D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 D32 D33 D34 D35 D36 D37 D38 D39 D40 D41 D42 D43 D44 Formula Name Peptinex HN Peptinex DT Peptinex DT with Prebiotics Resource 2.0 Resource Plus Resource Standard Resource Diabetic Subdue Plus Tolerex Trauma-cal Ultracal Vivonex TEN Vivonex Plus Vivonex RTF Supplements- Beneprotein Instant Protein Powder Supplements - Microlipid Supplements –Benecalorie Supplements - MCT oil Supplements-Resource Glutasolve Supplements: Resource Arginaid Supplements- Benefiber Other Novartis Product Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 37 E Nutricia Code E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 Formula Name Cubison Diason Nutrison Standard Nutrison Multi Fibre Nutrison Protein Plus Multi Fibre Nutrison Protein Plus Nutrison1000 Complete Multi Fibre Nutrison 1200 Complete Multi Fibre Nutrison Energy Multi Fibre Nutrison Energy Nutrison Soya Nutrison MCT Nutrison Low Sodium Code E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 Formula Name Nutrison Concentrated Nutrison Pre Nutrison Low Energy Multi Fibre Nutrisorb Low Energy Nutrisorb Low Energy Soy Multi Fibre Peptisorb Supplement: Calogen Supplement: Protifar Supplement: Polycal Powder / Fantomalt Supplement: Polycal Liquid Supplement: DuoCal Supplement: Fortimel Other Nutricia Product G. Miscellaneous Companies F. B.Braun Code F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 Formula Name Nutricomp Standard Nutricomp Standard with Fibre Nutricomp Standard with Fibre D Nutricomp Nutricomp Diabetes Nutricomp Hepa Nutricomp Intensive Nutricomp Immun Nutricomp MCT Nutricomp Peptid Nutricomp Energy Nutricomp Energy Fibre Other B.Braun Product Code G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 Formula Name Baxter: Restore-X MEAD JOHNSON: Portagen Hormel Health: Immun-Aid Hormel Health: Hepatic-Aid Hormel Health: Glutasorb Hormel Health: Propass National Nutrition: Argiment G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 National Nutrition: Argitein National Nutrition: Prosource liquid National Nutrition: Prosource powder Global Health: Procel Medical Nutrition: Pro-stat Victus Inc: Immunex Plus Wyeth: Enercal Wyeth: Enercal Plus Other Instructions: INS08 Date: 1 April 08 38