Policy and Procedures Initial Non-Comprehensive Listing 04/01/10 Please note this is not a comprehensive list. Each unit should review all unit policies to determine if revision is necessary for alignment with Semester Conversion. This listing is provided to be a resource and guide for you. It will be updated on a periodic basis. Questions or comments can be emailed to SemesPP@uc.edu Policy or Procedure Unit Academic Fresh Start criteria Registrar Office Academic Status Notations Administrative grade change deadlines Application for change in Colleges Application for change in residency Registrar Office Application for degree Application for veterans certification Registrar Office Class Level Definitions Registrar Office Class ordering deadlines Complete withdrawal procedures / deadlines Registrar Office Dean’s List Registrar Office Degree certification Registrar Office Enrollment reporting dates Registrar Office Final Examination Schedule Registrar Office Grade Replacement Application Registrar Office Grade submission deadlines Registrar Office Late fee application dates Registrar Office National Student Clearinghouse Registrar Office OBR Census dates Registrar Office Registration dates (inc. schedule adjustment deadlines affecting enrollment) Registrar Office Students called to Active Duty Registrar Office Summer "jump-start" impact Registrar Office "Return to Title IV" timeframe of returns SFAO Cincinnati Pride Grant student minimum enrolled hours requirement SFAO Registrar Office Registrar Office Registrar Office Registrar Office Registrar Office Disbursement of excess funds refund SFAO Financial aid disbursement dates SFAO Financial aid lock-in dates Financial aid processing and awarding timelines SFAO Scholarship dates and deadlines SFAO Summer aid eligibility dates SFAO "Return to Title IV" timeframe of returns (SFA) Aid disbursement amounts and dates Internal & external scholarship processing timelines Late payment fee assessment dates SFAO Bursar Bursar Bursar Bursar Payment due dates Payment plan system budget and payment receipt dates Bursar Refund processing dates Bursar Refund schedule dates Bursar Service block assignment dates Bursar Advanced Placement award notification Admissions Bursar Application dates and deadlines Articulation Agreements with other educational Confirmation dates and deadlines Admissions Marketing (undergrad) Prospective Student Visits / Info Sessions Reprogramming of Degree Progress Audits Admissions Transfer Credit Policies Admissions Freshman Orientation (program & scheduling) Infrastructure Admissions Admissions Admissions Admissions Metro Bus Rates? English Placement A&S English? Math Placement A&S Math? # of Credit Hours for all preclinical courses Academic leave policies and timelines Colleges Colleges Academic leave requests Colleges Academic Performance Colleges Academic Status Notations Articulation Agreements with other educational institutions Colleges Athlete Eligibility Certification Colleges Attendance Colleges Board Examinations Colleges BoK Gen Ed Requirements Colleges Candidacy Requirements Change of Grade Forms and Deadlines Colleges Class Level Definitions Colleges Clinical Absences Colleges Clinical Affiliation Agreements Colleges Based Scholarship Opportunities Colleges Change / Readmission Application Colleges Requirements for Graduation Colleges Residency Requirement Complete withdrawal procedures / deadlines Colleges Computer Lab Printing Policies Co-op Student Petition to Double Section Course / Curriculum Approval Form and Process Course Ordering Deadlines and Procedures Colleges Course Syllabi Credit hours for internships, field placement, field exp, and practica Colleges Deadline for registration schedule changes (add/drop) Deadlines for applying for admission / readmission Deadlines for applying for graduation Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Deadlines for initial registration Deadlines for Late Registration Appeals Colleges Dean's List Declaration of Major / Minor / Certificate Definitions and policies regarding adjunct faculty workloads and pay Departmental verification of completion of major for graduation Colleges Dissertation Due Dates Colleges Doctoral Qualifying and Comprehensive Exam Rules and Deadlines Doctoral Student Language Requirements Colleges Dual Credit Courses Colleges Enrolling for applied lessons Colleges Ethics Class scheduling Colleges Exit and Alumni Surveys Colleges Faculty / Staff Award procedures Colleges Faculty Grade Appeal Form Colleges Faculty Handbook Colleges Faculty Search guidelines Format and available resources for Program Outlines Frequency of Student ENewsletters from Colleges Colleges Fresh Start Application Colleges Freshman Orientation Colleges GA Award Letters Colleges GPA Requirements Colleges GR Field Education Policies Colleges Grade Replacement Application Graduate Level Course Credit Authorization Graduate school grades for clinical years - course grading policy Graduation Certification Processing Grievance Procedures and Timeline Hardware / Software Policy including new requests Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Health Insurance Waiver Dates Identification of all University refund policies Colleges Incomplete Work Form Independent Study Request Deadlines Internship requirements and structure Intra-Colleges Change of Program Application Colleges Lab Rotations - # and Duration Leave of Absence Application & Description Mandatory Advising Appointments Colleges Meeting dates for UGC, GC, department heads, Colleges faculty, and departments Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Meeting with Advisor Policies Minimum requirements for retention and advancement Colleges Minimum Standards Colleges Miscellaneous contract issues Colleges MM Oral Examination Policies Colleges MM program requirements Music Education MM Completion Projects Calendar Music Education Student Teaching Handbook and Calendar Number of D's Allowed for Majors Nutrition Coordinated Program Policies Colleges PB academic standards notification of below passing performance Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Piano Elective Studio Class Piano Proficiency Exam Guidelines Colleges Piano Proficiency Examination Policies/timelines for Article 15 salary adjustments Prospective Student Visits / Info Sessions Colleges Qualifying timing and deadlines Colleges Qualifying Exam Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Qualifying Exam Procedure Regarding Re-Takes Colleges Re-alignment of Satisfactory Academic Progress (Probation / Suspension / Dismissal) Policies Colleges Recital Scheduling Policies Reconfiguration of office hours to accommodate changing class times Reporting date for international students Reprogramming of Degree Progress Audits Requests from students for Record Reviews Requirements for advancement to clinical coursework Colleges Requirements for Graduation Colleges Research / Industrial Rotations Colleges Room Reservation Requests Colleges RPT deadlines Colleges Rules concerning overload pay Scholarship Application / Awarding procedures Selecting Course for Audit or Pass / Fail Special Student Status Application & Description Colleges Sponsored Project Checklist Colleges Start date for new faculty Colleges Student Ambassador Application Colleges Student Code of Conduct Study Abroad (Course Equivalencies) Submission of Academic Appeal Letter Colleges Submission process and deadlines for new courses and/or course changes Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Summer credit equivalencies Summer research applications and fellowship awards Colleges Summer Study restructuring Teaching Evaluation Procedure/Deadline Theatre Design and Production Handbook Colleges Colleges Colleges Colleges Time to Degree (Graduate) Colleges Transfer of Credit Policies Tuition remission rules and application process U Honors Credit Hour Requirements Colleges UG Field Education Policies Colleges University Grade Appeal Form Colleges Website Info Colleges Ability to work back to back quarters Adjustment of Automatic Communication Features Adjustment of Current Database Functionality Colleges Colleges Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Annual Budgeting Process Division of PP Application and Acceptance process including deadlines International Co-Op program Application and acceptance process with deadlines Division of PP Authorizations for Expenditures Calendar and Course Preparation Policies / Timing Certification Process of Co-op Eligibility by Colleges Change in Assignment Process / Deadlines Communication with Employers day of interview Communication with Employers prior to arrival on campus Communication with Students day of interview Deadline for Notification of Admission Decisions to Faculty International Co-op Program Deadline for Notification of Admission Decisions to Students - International Co-op Program Determination of Official Co-op Calendars Developmental Processes and Procedures Documentation of Placements, Student Meetings and Student Assignments Policies Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Donor recognition activities and sponsorship level commitments Eligibility requirements International Co-Op Program Eligibility requirements for admission and placement Frequency and Timing of Divisional Meetings Frequency and Timing of Faculty Meetings Frequency and Timing of Information Technology Meetings Fundraising Initial Registration in PAL timing / deadlines Internal processes for scheduling on-campus interviews Minimum # of semesters required for co-op certificate Minimum # of weeks to get credit for co-op term Missing and Discrepancies Reports and Reconciliation timing / deadlines Notification / Scheduling of Students Notification of Admission Decisions to Faculty Deadline Notification of Admission Decisions to Students Deadline Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Office Management Organization of Employer Packets Division of PP Place Pro Assistance Policies Division of PP Policies and deadlines to assist faculty members in programming specific marketing activities Policies for communication between meetings Policies regarding confidentiality of employer information Policies regarding confidentiality of student information Policies regarding Documentation of Employer Changes Policies regarding prep for initial meeting of student with faculty member Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Policies regarding prep for Job Search Meetings and Job Search Process Division of PP Policies regarding Creation of Co-op Handbook, Calendar, salary info for students, employers, university etc. Division of PP Preparation of Reports Division of PP Process / Deadlines during academic term immediately following co-op term Division of PP Process / Deadlines for students who substitute an alternative experience for co-op Division of PP PSRC Filing of petition by student or faculty member timing / deadlines Readmission after a withdrawal or suspension Registration within the University System timing / deadlines Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Reports filed with UC Division of PP Reports received from UC Timing and deadlines for coordination of ICP student needs with UC Globalization grants Timing and deadlines for coordination of Language Courses Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Timing and deadlines for coordination of Student Paperwork for German and Japanese, etc. Visas Division of PP Timing and deadlines for sending of completed Graduation Certification list to registrar Division of PP Timing and deadlines for verification of students' completion of the ICP Program Division of PP Timing of Co-op Intro in coordination with placement activity Transcripts and Student Files Policies / Timing Transfer process from one co-op program to another Updating of Marketing / Informational Materials / Web Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Division of PP Changing to another Grad degree program at UC Doctoral degree allowable transfer credits Doctoral Degree credit hour requirements Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Doctoral Degree Graduation Exemption from OPERS/medicare for student employees Graduate School Fellowship Eligibility International G Students degree program timelines Graduate School Marketing (graduate) Masters degree allowable transfer credits Masters Degree Credit hour requirements Graduate School Masters Degree Graduation Max number credits as Unclassified Graduate School Repeated Research courses Graduate School Residency Requirement Graduate School Summer Credit equivalencies Graduate School Summer Qts aid Graduate School Time to Degree Graduate School UGA Eligibility Graduate School UGS Eligibility Graduate School Yates Scholarship g enrollment requirement for doc students Graduate School g oral exam timeline Graduate School g phase 1 hearing schedule g timeline time restriction hearings comps Graduate School Deadline for application Graduate School Degree program timeline Graduate degree application and process timeline International FT Enrollment Credit hour Max credits for masters project, thesis Max Hours for 3.5 week summer term Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School Max Hours for non-matriculated transferable to Masters Max Hours for Transfer Credit to Master’s and Doctoral Programs Graduate School Graduate School Residency Requirements Graduate School Min Credits for Doctoral Degree Graduate School Min Dissertation hours Plans for Thesis, research projects for masters degree Registration for Dissertation hours Graduate School Residency Requirements Graduate School Yates scholarship Graduate School UGS Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School