PEER SUPPORT FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF LEARNING & TEACHING Observee Pre Observation Preparation Observer: Department/School: Module Title: Topic/Title of session and type of activity: Level/Year of Study: Date: Number of students: Focus: This form is designed to help you assist the colleague who will be observing aspects of your teaching/learning provision, allowing them to understand the context of the teaching that is about to be observed. It is important that you help to clarify: 1. How the particular teaching session is positioned in the module or programme, for example, first lecture of module etc. 2. What you are trying to achieve in your session, for example, develop concepts that have been briefly introduced earlier, demonstrate how to solve quantitative problems using worked examples, illustrate how a philosopher or literary critic tackles particular issues, facilitate discussion of how a particular theory applies to a range of contexts, demonstrate a range of techniques etc. 3. What method(s) you are using, for example traditional lecture (verbal presentation only), lecture supported by use of aids (such as PowerPoint, overhead projector, white board, video film, photographs etc), lecture with discussion/activities etc. 4. What specifically you would like the observer to look out for during the session, for example, how well structured (or not, if this is deliberate!) and timed the session was, were the students able to make notes, were there opportunities for them to check out their understanding, how flexibly you were able to respond to the teaching situation as it unfolded (answering questions or queries) etc. Page 2 of 2