1 boycott a) extort b) underwrite รับประกัน c) underbid ประมูลราคาต่ากว่า d) stipulate ระบุ กาหนด e) patronize answer: e arrhythmic a) timely b) subordinate c) terminal d) lacking precision e) exhibiting regularity answer: e propitious a) magnanimous ใจกว้าง b) maligning c) unfavorable d) inclining e) declining answer: c eschew a) welcome b) swallow whole c) borrow d) save e) reset answer: a munificent ใจกว้างมาก a) miserly b) grandiose c) faulty d) perplexing e) rudimentary answer: a obdurate a) unsusceptible ไม่หวัน่ ไหวง่าย b) tender อ่อน นุ่ม c) right d) intelligent e) meager ขาดแคลน มีนอ้ ย answer: b motility a) laxness หละหลวม b) insanity วิกลจริ ต c) wisdom d) salvation การช่วยชีวิต e) paralysis อัมพาต answer: e incognizable a) purposeful b) applicable c) conceivable d) exacting e) doubtful answer: c blanch a) bleach b) scatter c) darken d) analyze e) subdivide answer: c pallid a) weak b) fainting c) wan d) robust e) ruddy answer: e limpid a) erect b) turbid c) tangential d) timid e) weary answer: b opportunist a) man of destiny b) man of principle c) changeling d) adversary e) colleague answer: b tantamount a) insignificant b) unequal c) ignoramus d) underground e) beautiful answer: b prejudiced a) straightforward b) unmoved c) disinterested d) sentimental e) even-tempered answer: c banal a) philosophical b) original c) dramatic d) heedless e) discussed answer: b prolix a) terse b) sheer c) circular d) curative ซึ่ งบาบัด e) morbid ไม่สบาย เป็ นโรค answer: a indefatigable a) redolent มีกลิ่นหอม b) exhausted c) famished d) regrettable e) ignorant answer: b stamina a) patience b) pistils เกสรตัวเมีย c) weakness d) fascination e) patina รอยเกรอะ สนิมเขียว answer: c neophyte a) experiment b) clue c) veteran d) research e) novice answer: c travesty การล้อเลียน a) intentional slight b) light burden c) good rapport d) assertion e) paragon ตัวอย่างอันยอดเยี่ยม answer: e belated a) lamented b) on time c) too late d) tardy ช้า ล้าหลัง สาย เฉื่ อย e) compelled answer: b truculent โหดร้าย ก้าวร้าว a) hampered ขัดขวาง b) docile เชื่อง c) unappetizing d) petulant e) candid answer: b embellish a) suffice b) disfigure c) trim d) demolish e) derogate เอาออก หันเหออก answer: b plasticity a) tightness b) contiguity c) stasis d) rigidity e) order answer: d 2 sloth a) intelligence b) secrecy ความลับ c) neatness d) elegance e) industry answer: e gainsay a) fail b) destroy c) speak in support of d) receive compensation for e) regard with disgust answer: c sleazy บอบบาง เลว ไม่สาคัญ a) fanciful b) creeping c) substantial d) uneasy e) warranted answer: c stubborn a) frivolous b) fatuous c) disciplined d) bashful e) pliant answer: e radiate a) approach b) cool c) absorb d) tarnish ทาให้มวั หมอง e) vibrate answer: c punctuality a) frailty b) veracity c) effectiveness d) tardiness ช้า ล้าหลัง สาย e) rigidity answer: d hibernal a) estival เกี่ยวกับฤดูร้อน b) salubrious c) sleepy d) wintry e) vacuous answer: a noisome น่ารังเกียจ เป็ นภัย a) luxurious b) beneficial c) idyllic d) moronic e) sedate answer: b unfeigned a) pretentious b) cautious c) simulated d) designed e) controlled answer: c lucrative a) debasing b) fortunate c) influential d) monetary e) unprofitable answer: e paean เพลงสรรเสริ ญ a) native b) Mexican laborer c) dirge d) eulogy e) mate answer: c equanimity a) caution b) volume c) clamor d) disparity e) agitation answer: e corroborate a) complicate b) controvert c) conflate d) condone e) counterfeit answer: b insipid a) wise b) flavorful c) cowardly d) cautious e) livid สี ฟกช้ า โกรธ answer: b opportune a) occasional b) fragrant c) fragile d) awkward e) neglected answer: d centrifugal a) centripetal b) ephemeral ชัว่ คราว c) lasting d) barometric e) algebraic answer: a nebulous a) debatable ซึ่ งโต้เถียงได้ b) hazy c) indefinite d) stormy e) clear answer: e unruly a) chatting b) obedient c) definite d) lined e) curious answer: b scurrilous หยาบคาย สามหาว a) savage b) scabby เป็ นสะเก็ดแผล c) decent d) volatile e) major answer: c iniquitous ไม่ยตุ ิธรรม ไม่ซื่อตรง a) famous b) attentive c) faithful d) sheltered e) equitable answer: c manumit a) print b) impress c) enslave d) endeavor e) fail answer: c unseemly ไม่เหมาะสม a) effortless b) proper เหมาะสม c) conducive d) pointed e) informative answer: b decant เทของเหลวอย่างแผ่วเบา a) level off b) upset greatly c) tap d) slosh out e) cork firmly answer: d catalyze a) distort b) cool c) refine d) contaminate e) inhibit answer: e อวดอ้าง เสแสร้ง ใจเย็น ใจสงบ 3 extinguish a) smolder เผาช้าโดยไม่มีควัน กลัดกลุม้ b) defuse ขจัดภัย c) scorch ไหม้เกรี ยม d) ignite e) explode answer: d porous a) inadmissible b) intractable c) impermeable d) impalpable e) implacable answer: c defile a) manicure การตกแต่งมือเล็บ b) ride c) purify d) assemble e) order answer: c proclivity a) proposition b) propensity c) aversion d) activity e) delay answer: c phlegmatic a) vivacious b) valiant c) arid d) healthy e) mature answer: a obsession a) whim b) loss c) phobia d) delusion e) feud answer: a unearth a) exhume b) extirpate c) dig up d) inter e) revive answer: d nefarious a) wanton b) lackadaisical c) angelic d) mortal e) dastardly คนที่ข้ ีขลาด เลว มีเล่ห์ answer: c vindicate a) point out b) blame c) declare d) evict ขับออก,ไล่ที่ e) menace answer: b autonomous a) dependent b) pedestrian c) animated d) known e) anonymous answer: a benign a) bitter b) malignant c) frantic d) mournful e) superficial answer: b console a) pretend sympathy b) reveal suffering c) aggravate grief d) betray e) vilify answer: c opprobrious น่าเกลียดน่าชัง น่าละอาย a) stagnant หยุดนิ่ง เฉยๆ b) pertinent c) convenient d) comprehensive e) commendatory ซึ่ งสรรเสริ ญ answer: e clemency a) forgiveness b) forfeit c) stormy weather d) futility e) unmerciful treatment answer: e unalloyed a) destabilized b) unregulated c) assimilated d) adulterated e) condensed answer: d hamper ทาให้หยุดชะงัก a) feed b) support c) animate d) treat lightly e) caution answer: b factitious a) untruthful b) spontaneous c) peaceful d) superstitious e) magnified answer: b turpitude ความต่าช้า a) probity b) determinedness c) pragmatism d) animation e) judiciousness answer: a vacillating a) resolute b) soothing c) embroiling d) predicting e) verifying answer: a anathema a) national song b) appraisal c) cognomen ชื่อสกุล d) idea e) blessing answer: e saturnine a) dry b) attractive c) cheerful d) quiet e) wicked answer: c amorphous a) nauseous b) obscene c) providential d) definite e) happy answer: d excoriate a) scandalize b) encourage c) avoid d) praise e) vanquish ปราบ answer: d amplify a) announce b) entertain c) simplify d) covet e) require answer: c 4 desecrate a) desist b) integrate c) confuse d) intensify e) consecrate answer: e chimerical a) realistic b) romantic c) not fantastic d) shrewd e) astute answer: c specious ปากหวานก้นเปรี้ ยว a) unfeigned b) significant c) valid d) agreeable e) restricted answer: c jaded a) upright b) stimulated c) aspiring d) applied e) void answer: b bland a) pale b) mild c) angry d) vital e) spicy answer: e carnal a) impressive b) minute c) spiritual d) actual e) private answer: c fiasco a) cameo b) mansion c) pollution d) success e) gamble answer: d paltry a) munificent b) improvident c) canine d) sordid e) cautious answer: a levity ความตลกคะนอง a) bridge b) dam c) praise d) blame e) solemnity answer: e nucleate a) displace b) scatter c) preserve d) smother e) deactivate answer: b precursory a) slandering b) satisfactory c) succeeding d) unpretentious e) glassy answer: c profane a) sanctify b) desecrate c) define d) manifest e) urge answer: a pinch a) important accomplishment b) apt translation c) abundant amount d) opportune acquisition e) unfamiliar period answer: c sequester a) act curiously b) request c) fail to find d) retire e) include answer: e comatose a) quiet b) restrained c) alert d) asleep e) grim answer: c voracious a) bellicose b) powerful c) generous d) inclined e) stoic answer: c sleazy a) fanciful b) creeping c) substantial d) uneasy e) warranted answer: c impecunious a) healthy b) polite c) possible d) prosperous e) curious answer: d temerarious สะเพร่ า a) contagious b) plucky c) prudent d) discreet e) lucky answer: c galvanize a) measure b) restrain c) treat rudely d) regard indifferently e) darken answer: b cognizance a) policy b) ignorance c) advance d) omission e) examination answer: b avarice a) cupidity b) virtue c) altruism d) kindness e) stealth answer: c loutish a) boisterous b) provocative c) calamitous d) sophisticated e) insightful answer: d perdition a) remnant b) regret c) deception d) salvation e) injustice answer: d 5 crass a) demanding b) florid c) refined d) intrepid e) fair answer: c expatiate a) discuss b) urge c) talk briefly d) egg on e) trust answer: c improbity a) integrity b) equilibrium c) generosity d) affluence e) lucidity answer: a frequency a) unity b) rarity c) gradualness d) persistency e) moderation answer: b callow a) experienced b) crude c) exquisite d) lamentable e) cautious answer: a apropos a) grimly b) untimely c) exhaustively d) immoderately e) absently answer: b cower a) swiftly disappear b) brazenly confront c) assuage d) coast e) invert answer: b inhibit a) count b) bind c) encourage d) surprise e) demonstrate answer: c sloth a) intelligence b) secrecy c) neatness d) elegance e) industry answer: e camaraderie มิตรภาพ a) sincerity b) retardation c) refutation d) animosity e) parody answer: d lucrative a) unprofitable b) unimportant c) shining d) gloomy e) transparent answer: a limp a) true b) firm c) clear d) stark e) endless answer: b probity a) research b) watch c) error d) tome e) corruptibility answer: e mawkishness a) tediousness b) opulence c) intrepidity d) unsentimentality e) uneasiness answer: d obdurate a) complaisant b) similar c) commensurate d) uncommunicative e) transitory answer: a pillory ใส่ ขื่อประจาน a) edify b) truncate c) magnify d) venerate e) delineate answer: d extirpate a) exhume b) trust c) exit d) implant e) enter answer: d antediluvian a) transported b) subtle c) isolated d) celebrated e) modern answer: e dissonant a) thoughtful b) forbidden c) harmonious d) enviable e) candid answer: c ersatz a) complete b) opportune c) authentic d) frenetic e) puny answer: c anemic a) pallid b) cruel c) red-blooded d) ventilating e) hazardous answer: c eminent a) famous b) criminal c) esteemed d) depth e) notorious answer: e moribund a) appropriate b) mortal c) beginning d) futile e) living answer: e carping a) acquiescent b) mean c) limited d) farming e) racing answer: a 6 eulogistic a) pretty b) critical c) brief d) stern e) free answer: b lionize a) exculpate b) analyze c) anthropomorphize d) demote e) denigrate answer: e opprobrious น่าเกลียด น่าชัง น่าละอาย a) meretricious b) innocuous c) invulnerable d) irreproachable e) ambitious answer: d gusty a) calm b) noisy c) fragrant d) routine e) gloomy answer: a blandishment a) colorfulness b) independence c) criticism d) spiciness e) piquancy เผ็ด รสจัด มีชีวติ ชีวา answer: c jocose a) comic b) morose c) connected d) contented e) disjointed answer: b irreverent a) related b) mischievous c) respecting d) pious e) violent answer: d choleric โกรธง่าย เจ้าอารมณ์ a) irascible b) idiotic c) good-natured d) spoiled e) immune answer: c itinerant a) statuesque b) settled c) alien d) migratory e) educated answer: b intrinsic a) extrinsic b) abnormal c) above d) abandoned e) basic answer: a censure a) process b) enclose c) interest d) praise e) penetrate answer: d momentous a) suitable b) hourly c) tiny d) unimportant e) simple answer: d neophyte a) veteran b) satellite c) aspirant d) handwriting e) violence answer: a haggard a) shrewish อารมณ์ร้าย ปากร้าย b) inspired c) plump d) maidenly e) vast answer: c protract a) make circular b) shorten c) further d) retrace e) involve answer: b prodigious a) infinitesimal b) indignant เดือดดาล ไม่พอใจ c) indifferent d) indisposed ไม่เต็มใจ ไม่พอใจ e) insufficient answer: a prolix a) stupid b) indifferent c) redundant d) livid e) pithy answer: e rubicund แดงเรื อ a)dangerous b) pallid c) remote d) indicative e) nonsensical answer: b hyperbole a) exaggeration b) climax c) curve d) understatement e) expansion answer: d cadge a) conceal b) influence c) reserve d) earn e) favor answer: d avid a) veracious b) forgetful c) insignificant d) stated e) loath answer: e pusillanimous a) extraordinary b) lackadaisical c) courageous d) vacillating e) vindictive answer: c fledgling a) experienced b) shy c) cautious d) embarrassed e) young answer: a limp a) true b) firm c) clear d) stark e) endless answer: b 7 protract a) make circular b) shorten c) further d) retrace e) involve answer: b inveterate a) retroactive b) feasible c) easily eliminated d) unduly emotional e) carefully prepared answer: c levity ความไม่เอาจริ งเอาจัง a) bridge b) dam c) praise d) blame e) solemnity answer: e rehabilitate พักฟื้ น a) clothe b) destroy c) avenge d) vanish e) embarrass answer: b incipient a) concluding b) dangerous c) hasty d) secret e) widespread answer: a mawkish a) sentimental b) sweet c) certain d) intelligent e) carefree answer: d asteroid a) Milky Way b) radiance c) large planet d) rising moon e) setting moon answer: c extraneous a) needless b) decisive c) essential d) effective e) expressive answer: c limpid a) erect b) turbid c) tangential d) timid e) weary answer: b asset a) duty b) qualification c) denial d) liability e) instability answer: d turbulence a) reaction b) approach c) impropriety d) calm e) hostility answer: d refractory a) renewing b) obedient c) unsatisfactory d) blasphemous e) chilly answer: b artifice a) painting b) sculptor c) meaning d) sincerity e) duplicity answer: d egress a) entrance b) decline c) wide variation d) inadequate amount e) lateral movement answer: a mitigate a) intensify b) defend c) mire d) frequent e) coax answer: a inveigh a) forswear b) barter c) laud d) misuse e) remand answer: c gauche a) grotesque b) tactful c) inane d) fashionable e) classified answer: b unison a) duct b) harmony c) sweetness d) solo e) discord answer: e benevolent a) generous b) philanthropic c) miserly d) tense e) coy answer: c proclivity a) prodigality b) avoidance c) credence d) calumny e) awkward answer: b spurious a) goading b) fantastic c) halting d) melancholy e) genuine answer: e unassuaged a) bandaged b) likely c) soothed d) faulty e) tender answer: c supercilious ทะนงตัว วางมาด a) common b) humble c) angry d) witty e) relaxed answer: b renegade a) escapade b) one who cancels c) loyalist d) glade e) positive person answer: c 8 goad a) ignore b) cajole c) console d) protect e) curb answer: e motility a) liquidity b) stasis c) ascent d) propinquity e) tension answer: b cudgel ตีดว้ ยตะบอง a) unravel b) caress c) agitate d) prefer e) silence answer: b bane a) source b) courage c) divinity d) sympathy e) blessing answer: e pristine a) corrupted by civilization b) acquired by stealth c) destroyed by adversity d) established by tradition e) proved by experimentation answer: a sybaritic a) foolish b) obdurate c) consistent d) austere e) conservative answer: d amorphous a) nauseous b) obscene c) providential d) definite e) happy answer: d lackadaisical a) monthly b) possessing time c) ambitious d) pusillanimous e) intelligent answer: c pandemonium ความโกลาหล a) calm b) frustration c) efficiency d) impishness e) sophistication answer: a turbid a) limpid b) activated c) turgid d) viscous e) hungry answer: a loutish งุ่มง่าม ซุ่มซ่าม เงอะงะ a) boisterous b) provocative c) calamitous d) sophisticated e) insightful answer: d uncouth a) rude b) graceful c) trim d) crude e) dry answer: b pith a) untimely action b) insufficient attention c) routine treatment d) rigid formulation e) superficial element answer: e curtail a) mutter b) lengthen c) express d) burden e) shore answer: b prelude a) intermezzo b) overture c) aria d) aftermath e) duplication answer: d labile ไม่มนั่ คง a) intrinsic b) differential c) colorable d) restored e) stable answer: e exasperate a) vex b) placate c) confide d) admit e) correct answer: b postulate a) verify b) deter c) reject d) congregate e) defame answer: a pariah a) county b) favorite c) diocese d) patriot e) renegade answer: b specious ดูดีแต่ภายนอก ปากหวานก้นเปรี้ ยว a) unfeigned b) significant c) valid d) agreeable e) restricted answer: c captious a) tolerant b) capable c) frivolous d) winning e) recollected answer: a inured a) accustomed b) fitted c) intestate d) futile e) inexperienced answer: e awry a) recommended b) commiserating c) startled d) straight e) psychological answer: d astute a) sheer b) noisy c) astral d) unusual e) foolish answer: e 9 precarious a) safe b) covert c) rescued d) revived e) pledged answer: a tumult a) individuality b) repose c) origin d) sparse growth e) poor adaptation answer: b grisly a) unsavory b) doubtful c) untidy d) pleasant e) bearish answer: d rally a) refute b) belittle c) fulfill d) forget e) disband answer: e destitute a) adrift b) civilized c) affluent d) affected e) miserly answer: c puissant a) pouring b) fashionable c) articulate d) healthy e) weak answer: e jocular a) tuneful b) placid c) sympathetic d) boastful e) solemn answer: e blandishment a) colorfulness b) independence c) criticism d) spiciness e) piquancy answer: c shoddy ของคุณภาพเลว a) superior b) incomplete c) inadequate d) querulous e) garrulous answer: a ostentatious a) showy b) plain c) divine d) niggardly e) noisome answer: b contiguity a) remoteness b) perceptiveness c) equanimity d) fluidity of motion e) susceptibility to infection answer: a overweening หยิง่ ยะโส a) humble b) impotent c) avid d) acrimonious e) exaggerated answer: a invulnerable a) harmful b) baneful c) penetrable d) poisonous e) virtuous answer: c trenchant a) obtuse b) timorous c) abundant d) exotic e) singular answer: a waffle a) discharge b) construct c) insist harshly d) praise repeatedly e) speak unequivocally answer: e opulent a) sanguine b) futile c) penurious d) gemlike e) keen answer: c palliate a) increase the intensity of b) expand the scope of c) enhance the appeal of d) accelerate the diffusion of e) extend the endurance of answer: a maculated a) unobserved b) unfocused c) unplanned d) unfeigned e) unspotted answer: e utilitarian a) resourceful b) practical c) artistic d) evil e) magnanimous answer: c prate a) refuse to pray b) prey on passerby c) refrain from speaking d) determine the cost e) run a risk answer: c corroborate a) complicate b) controvert c) conflate d) condone e) counterfeit answer: b derogatory a) roguish b) immediate c) opinionated d) praising e) conferred answer: d adulteration a) consternation b) purification c) normalization d) approximation e) rejuvenation answer: b ensemble a) complement b) cacophony c) coordination d) preface e) solo answer: e 10 hiatus a) nexus b) atavist c) cognate d) vortex e) reflex answer: a schism a) concealment b) calm c) clumsiness d) union e) reduction answer: d halcyon a) rough b) meager c) notable d) varied e) customary answer: a adroit a) prim b) unskillful c) correct d) strong e) apt answer: b avarice a) cupidity b) virtue c) altruism d) kindness e) stealth answer: c parry a) return b) delay c) discuss d) ward off e) thrust answer: c retrench a) vilify b) infringe c) advocate d) enjoin e) augment answer: e laconic a) cool b) voluble c) friendly d) militant e) fretful answer: b ductility a) air of command b) tendency to inhibit c) harshness d) conciseness e) brittleness answer: e repugnance a) love b) absolution c) blame d) virtue e) awe answer: a factitious a) untruthful b) spontaneous c) peaceful d) superstitious e) magnified answer: b na๏vet้ a) armaments b) sophistication c) ingenuousness d) futility e) recital answer: b fractious a) delicate b) solid c) agreeable d) liberal e) wholesome answer: c pandemonium a) amusement b) tumult c) torment d) calm e) epidemic answer: d longevity a) latitude b) evanescence c) solemnity d) lightness e) futility answer: b admonition a) countenance b) evasion c) deposition d) declaration e) denial answer: a flinch a) revive b) extol c) offend d) advance e) pierce answer: b sessile a) ceasing b) mobile c) steady d) solvent e) searing answer: b doltish a) casuistic b) clever c) qualified d) disabled e) sharpened answer: b prosaic a) romantic b) opposed c) inured d) fictional e) biographical answer: a destitute a) adrift b) civilized c) affluent d) affected e) miserly answer: c abstruse a) detested b) detained c) obvious d) tight e) rebuilt answer: c proclivity a) proposition b) propensity c) aversion d) activity e) delay answer: c camaraderie a) sincerity b) retardation c) refutation d) animosity e) parody answer: d 11 dissuade a) extort b) exhort c) extol d) assuage e) intensify answer: b fecund a) unable to produce b) unlikely to change c) easy to decipher d) tangential e) admirable answer: a ensue a) litigate b) precede c) fortify d) accent e) delay answer: b egress a) exit b) entrance c) acceptance d) rejection e) snake answer: b piquancy a) delicacy b) solidity c) acidity d) wholesomeness e) blandness answer: e indigenous a) national b) exciting c) alien d) intelligent e) inimical answer: c gelid a) hard b) warm c) soft d) cold e) medium answer: b nascency a) excitement b) decency c) conclusion d) venality e) lament answer: c refractory a) renewing b) obedient c) unsatisfactory d) blasphemous e) chilly answer: b supercilious a) excited b) subservient c) haughty d) below standard e) whimsical answer: b virile a) honest b) loyal c) effeminate d) pugnacious e) virtuous answer: c gusto a) taste b) liking c) distaste d) disapproval e) zeal answer: c travail a) excitement b) exaggeration c) solitude d) trouble e) relaxation answer: e capitulation a) resistance b) detraction c) dejection d) perception e) perversity answer: a malign a) prevaricate b) slander c) sin d) be irate e) eulogize answer: e bedizen a) propel forcefully b) see dimly c) dig deep d) strip bare e) set right answer: d renege a) carry out faithfully b) react swiftly c) follow up immediately d) debase totally e) turn to pleadingly answer: a prelude a) scene b) prologue c) conclusion d) aftermath e) intermezzo answer: c cogent a) complaining b) incoherent c) unconvincing d) bothersome e) outspoken answer: c solecism a) gregariousness b) illegality c) commonplace d) inherited trait e) proper usage answer: e prosaic a) realistic b) dreamy c) forgiven d) thoughtful e) imaginative answer: e distend a) diminish b) swell c) begin d) forecast e) prevent answer: a soporific a) parasite b) energizer c) supervisor d) cleanser e) itinerant answer: b trite a) meaningful b) original c) proverbial d) healthy e) ugly answer: b 12 vaunted a) leaped b) belittled c) refused to jump d) adult e) purged answer: b obtuse a) clear b) transplanted c) shrewish d) tense e) shrewd answer: e superfluity a) excess b) superiority c) liquor d) dearth e) inferiority answer: d equivocal a) unyielding b) fertile c) surreptitious d) clear e) eternal answer: d nocturnal a) sheer b) placid c) serene d) daily e) starry answer: d archaic a) ancient b) heroic c) new d) cowardly e) gentle answer: c obdurate a) yielding b) motivated c) moribund d) azure e) hard answer: a relish a) dislike b) avoid c) nibble d) gourmandize e) dine answer: a hibernal a) estival b) drowsy c) sleepy d) wintry e) vicious answer: a nefarious a) wanton b) lackadaisical c) angelic d) mortal e) dastardly answer: c evasive a) frank b) serene c) elusive d) mistaken e) correct answer: a gregarious a) garrulous b) preventive c) sociable d) antisocial e) devious answer: d reticence a) silence b) loquaciousness c) quiet d) calm e) storm answer: b amalgamate a) join b) separate c) equip d) rotate e) gather answer: b maniacal a) sane b) lunatic c) handmade d) pert e) normal answer: a exasperate a) vex b) placate c) confide d) admit e) correct answer: b sensual a) seasonal b) personal c) wicked d) spiritual e) free answer: d precipitate a) nervous b) rainy c) cautious d) private e) popular answer: c alleviate a) limited b) humiliate c) debar d) melt e) worsen answer: e ephemeral a) emancipated b) persistent c) popular d) sensual e) eternal answer: e probity a) research b) watch c) error d) tome e) corruptibility answer: e exhume a) decay b) enter c) fertilize d) clarify e) inter answer: e unanimity a) simplicity b) discord c) clamor d) harmony e) solemnity answer: b tyro a) expert b) novice c) retire d) place e) saint answer: a 13 wanton a) desirous b) chaste c) runaway d) watery e) trivial answer: b mediocre a) medium b) short c) tall d) fortified e) superior answer: e lavish a) conclude b) hoard c) proclaim d) distinguish e) settle answer: b artifice a) painting b) sculptor c) meaning d) sincerity e) duplicity answer: d protract a) postpone b) summarize c) stripe d) shorten e) defy answer: d proximate a) purposefully designed b) nontransferable c) distant d) insincere e) inquisitive answer: c gratuitous a) thankful b) decorative c) scant d) necessary e) derogatory answer: d prodigal a) wandering b) fierce c) average d) cross e) thrifty answer: e eclectic a) uniform b) righteous c) courteous d) relieved e) relentless answer: a loquacious a) positive b) placed c) taciturn d) turbid e) settled answer: c ultimate a) incipient b) final c) postpaid d) futile e) influential answer: a refractory a) corrosive b) inebriated c) punitive d) extenuating e) zealous answer: e prim a) first b) last c) needless d) improper e) rare answer: d astute a) shrewd b) foolish c) callow d) winning e) debating answer: b ineluctable a) unwilling b) unusually small c) easily avoided d) fanciful e) frequently overlooked answer: c pretentious a) imaginative b) dreamy c) modest d) feuding e) conservative answer: c disrupt a) enhance b) atone c) renovate d) move forward e) join together answer: e voluble a) intermittent b) inebriated c) refined d) reticent e) forgone answer: d assuage a) wane b) waive c) worsen d) wrest e) improve answer: c rally a) refute b) belittle c) fulfill d) forget e) disband answer: e piquant a) shocking b) jovial c) rigorous d) merry e) bland answer: e hapless a) wealthy b) unhappy c) happy d) fortunate e) strong answer: d contamination a) ingenuousness b) miserliness c) purification d) forgetfulness e) prejudice answer: c recidivism a) effective rehabilitation b) deep depression c) unique talent d) sufficient funds e) truthful accusation answer: a 14 loutish a) boisterous b) provocative c) calamitous d) sophisticated e) insightful answer: d salient a) concealed b) inclined c) stagnant d) blameworthy e) omnipotent answer: a desiccate a) reclaim b) proliferate c) refrain d) inundate e) defer answer: d enigmatic a) talkative b) oppressed c) easily understood d) easily avoided e) very common answer: c enervate a) invigorate b) contemplate c) necessitate d) evaluate e) elucidate answer: a multifarious a) voluminous b) mundane c) noble d) monolithic e) unsurpassable answer: d recalcitrant a) polished b) feckless c) yielding d) somber e) miserly answer: c noisome a) luxurious b) beneficial c) idyllic d) moronic e) sedate answer: b torpor a) lucidity b) cohesion c) activity d) sobriety e) upshot answer: c mitigate a) intensify b) defend c) mire d) frequent e) coax answer: a spurious a) malignant b) authentic c) incumbent d) gracious e) speculative answer: b desultory a) phobic b) entrenched c) fabulous d) systematic e) inconsequential answer: d trepidation a) contempt b) restlessness c) rancor d) vigilance e) courage answer: e opaque a) feverish b) monstrous c) inclined d) resolved e) transparent answer: e abstemious a) self-indulgent b) terse c) obstreperous d) finite e) contrite answer: a precipitous a) well-planned b) gargantuan c) prolific d) short-lived e) extremely hostile answer: a indefatigable a) redolent b) exhausted c) famished d) regrettable e) ignorant answer: b garrulous a) grisly b) fervent c) youthful d) cautious e) silent answer: e proclivity a) prodigality b) avoidance c) credence d) calumny e) awkward answer: b plethora a) piety b) agility c) paucity d) chagrin e) harmony answer: c impervious a) gallant b) brazen c) penetrable d) coherent e) intense answer: c tenuous a) unseemly b) inherited c) substantial d) forlorn e) awkward answer: c munificent a) miserly b) grandiose c) faulty d) perplexing e) rudimentary answer: a pillory a) edify b) truncate c) magnify d) venerate e) delineate answer: d 15 acquiescence a) rebellion b) distillation c) inquisition d) revision e) contrivance answer: a dissonant a) thoughtful b) forbidden c) harmonious d) enviable e) candid answer: c equanimity a) approval b) agitation c) volume d) watchfulness e) calm answer: b truculent a) hampered b) docile c) unappetizing d) petulant e) candid answer: b perdition a) remnant b) regret c) deception d) salvation e) injustice answer: d antipathy a) objection b) concern c) hatred d) fondness e) obscurity answer: d benign a) bitter b) malignant c) frantic d) mournful e) superficial answer: b mollify a) demonstrate b) violate c) intensify d) grapple e) refine answer: c euphonious a) strident b) melodious c) lengthy d) external e) moot answer: a ungainly a) graceful b) unfortunate c) miserly d) remote e) clever answer: a amorphous a) structured b) ancient c) plentiful d) truthful e) bland answer: a notorious a) maladroit b) expert c) unknown d) libelous e) angelic answer: e jocular a) tuneful b) placid c) sympathetic d) boastful e) solemn answer: e solicitude a) credulity b) inattention c) proclivity d) toxicity e) aplomb answer: b ruthless a) pitiless b) scant c) merciful d) armed e) mature answer: c decry a) retreat b) ensnare c) belabor d) condone e) attempt answer: d obloquy a) praise b) retort c) monologue d) divorce e) disgrace answer: a equable a) sensual b) empty c) stormy d) mercenary e) peaceful answer: c cursory a) fluent b) courteous c) detailed d) confident e) loathsome answer: c neophyte a) experiment b) clue c) veteran d) research e) novice answer: c altruism a) good nature b) miserliness c) decency d) fragility e) mercy answer: b scourge a) predict b) reward c) reflect d) project e) confine answer: b repudiate a) answer b) continue c) accept d) becalm e) annoy answer: c aloof a) gregarious b) garrulous c) gluttonous d) queer e) anemic answer: a 16 moribund a) appropriate b) living c) deadly d) undertaker e) disgust answer: b untenable a) untrue b) supportable c) limited d) favorite e) precise answer: b dauntless a) unusual b) brave c) courteous d) timid e) sly answer: d obese a) hungry b) transparent c) fatal d) slim e) shrewd answer: d ostentatious a) showy b) plain c) divine d) niggardly e) noisome answer: b unison a) duct b) harmony c) sweetness d) solo e) discord answer: e palatial a) wealthy b) small c) belonging to the throat d) adenoidal e) poverty answer: b emancipate a) insure b) proclaim c) make a man of d) enslave e) wander answer: d pacifist a) objector b) artillery c) militarist d) drill e) troop answer: c moiety a) fraction b) partition c) integer d) whole e) denominator answer: d crabbed a) notorious b) fruity c) like a crab d) sweet-tempered e) unhappy answer: d paltry a) trivial b) myriad c) frightened d) unimportant e) significant answer: e paean a) native b) Mexican laborer c) dirge d) eulogy e) mate answer: c cursory a) thorough b) not swearing c) classified d) moot e) sad answer: a craven a) brave b) glowing c) belonging to birds d) pusillanimous e) spacious answer: a momentous a) minutely b) unimportant c) hourly d) tiny e) connected answer: b unimpeachable a) not blameless b) fault-finding c) practical d) alleged e) venial answer: a decorous a) shy b) improper c) impish d) angelic e) lucid answer: b emaciated a) stout b) delicate c) detailed d) out of order e) final answer: a overt a) frank b) reversed c) inverted d) hidden e) public answer: d flagrant a) waving b) bestow c) conspicuously good d) extra poor e) extra wavy answer: c coy a) modest b) naive c) bold d) busy e) unoccupied answer: c palpable a) perceptible b) friendly c) implacable d) disturbed e) intangible answer: e cessation a) sewage b) disposal c) beginning d) end e) close answer: c 17 uncouth a) rude b) graceful c) trim d) crude e) dry answer: b benevolent a) generous b) philanthropic c) miserly d) tense e) coy answer: c unruly a) curly b) tractable c) bright d) tortuous e) blue answer: b beatific a) impish b) blissful c) angelic d) neat e) tiny answer: a fluency a) speed b) force c) hesitance d) speech e) question answer: c dormant a) lethargic b) immaterial c) comatose d) alert e) fearful answer: d doff a) collar b) adorn c) nerve d) judge e) don answer: e chimerical a) realistic b) romantic c) not fantastic d) shrewd e) astute answer: c extirpate a) exhume b) trust c) exit d) implant e) enter answer: d flaunt a) show off b) pick up c) hide d) pack e) mistake answer: c unkempt a) tidy b) clean c) clever d) close e) undressed answer: a fawning a) calling b) sycophantic c) arrogant d) erect e) hostile answer: c chaotic a) orderly b) untidy c) odious d) odorous e) drilling answer: a dolt a) clever person b) oaf c) intelligentsia d) devil e) clod answer: a churlish a) gracious b) doltish c) servile d) crude e) ruddy answer: a dolorous a) doleful b) dreadful c) happy d) beautiful e) wandering answer: c expatiate a) discuss b) urge c) talk briefly d) egg on e) trust answer: c unseemly a) starting b) becoming c) sered d) coarse e) hurt answer: b chaste a) rude b) neat c) ashen d) wan e) impure answer: e fantastic a) romantic b) realistic c) frantic d) sharp e) tense answer: b jocose a) comic b) morose c) connected d) contented e) disjointed answer: b unfeigned a) deserved b) intense c) terse d) brief e) disguised answer: e choleric a) good-natured b) irascible c) impish d) coarse e) splenetic answer: a senility a) maturity b) dotage c) childhood d) frankness e) lethargy answer: c 18 repugnance a) love b) absolution c) blame d) virtue e) awe answer: a doleful a) merry b) charitable c) miserly d) weary e) sociable answer: a halcyon a) turbulent b) meager c) notable d) varied e) usual answer: a invulnerable a) harmful b) baneful c) penetrable d) poisonous e) virtuous answer: c dilatory a) inflating b) deflating c) expediting d) magnanimous e) lucid answer: c spurious a) goading b) fantastic c) halting d) melancholy e) genuine answer: e hapless a) carefree b) ill c) contented d) without vice e) fortunate answer: e acrimonious a) bitter b) harmonious c) scornful d) affirmative e) avid answer: b opulent a) sanguine b) futile c) penurious d) gemlike e) keen answer: c condign a) inadequate b) worthy c) dignified d) severe e) stern answer: a obloquy a) directness b) tortuousness c) praise d) kindling e) migration answer: c vacuous a) stupid b) cloudy c) full d) frantic e) loose answer: c laconic a) banal b) lengthy c) tense d) turbid e) tacit answer: b amenable a) intractable b) likable c) frantic d) magnificent e) hectic answer: a callow a) experienced b) crude c) exquisite d) lamentable e) cautious answer: a sententious a) practical b) avid c) verbose d) verbal e) excused answer: c sallow a) deep b) ruddy c) wise d) conciliatory e) complicated answer: b meticulous a) meretricious b) remiss c) ingenuous d) carefree e) complacent answer: b inimical a) unfriendly b) imitated c) alien d) morose e) amiable answer: e remiss a) painstaking b) unduly c) consequential d) negligent e) sorry answer: a circuitous a) encompassing b) direct c) drastic d) bombastic e) oblique answer: b urbane a) poisonous b) rustic c) scholarly d) futile e) naive answer: e veracious a) hungry b) sated c) tawdry d) mendacious e) limited answer: d propitious a) magnanimous b) maligning c) unfavorable d) inclining e) declining answer: c 19 wax a) grow larger b) grow smaller c) grow wilder d) polish e) mar answer: b cupidity a) love b) hate c) altruism d) fear e) despair answer: c nettle a) mortify b) mollify c) magnify d) blister e) magnetize answer: b plethora a) despair b) denial c) avarice d) aversion e) scarcity answer: e heterogeneous a) blasphemous b) pious c) uniform d) villainous e) palatable answer: c replete a) devoid b) sated c) saturated d) encouraged e) avid answer: a insipid a) wise b) flavorful c) cowardly d) cautious e) livid answer: b taciturn a) revolving b) maintaining c) callous d) beautiful e) garrulous answer: e compatible a) enamored of b) in disagreement with c) capable of coexistence d) comparative e) subservient answer: b nebulous a) hypothetical b) querulous c) bickering d) distinct e) forgetful answer: d banal a) tropical b) dry c) original d) enthusiastic e) noisy answer: c savory a) sapid b) noisome c) improvident d) insipid e) insignificant answer: d humility a) comedy b) queerness c) arrogance d) loyalty e) fastidiousness answer: c anathema a) national song b) factual report c) name d) concept e) benediction answer: e impudent a) fresh b) embarrassed c) ashamed d) careful e) vain answer: b dissuade a) extort b) exhort c) extol d) assuage e) intensify answer: b omniscient a) powerful b) weak c) scheduled d) wasteful e) ignorant answer: e slovenly a) happily b) hapless c) inconspicuous d) magnanimous e) methodical answer: e bland a) pale b) mild c) angry d) vital e) spicy answer: e avid a) veracious b) forgetful c) insignificant d) stated e) loath answer: e utilitarian a) resourceful b) practical c) artistic d) evil e) magnanimous answer: c sanguine a) hot b) frantic c) arctic d) pessimistic e) related answer: d vacillating a) resolute b) soothing c) embroiling d) predicting e) verifying answer: a incredulity a) belief b) conviction c) gullibility d) sympathy e) consternation answer: c 20 penitent a) poverty stricken b) affluent c) absorbent d) solid e) unrepentant answer: e lethargic a) comatose b) fascinated c) native d) indifferent e) awake answer: e paltry a) munificent b) improvident c) canine d) sordid e) cautious answer: a insidious a) cautious b) treacherous c) carefree d) loyal e) deceptive answer: d unwitting a) foolish b) fashionable c) intentional d) analogous e) anonymous answer: c generously a) altruistically b) benevolently c) enthusiastically d) niggardly e) pessimistically answer: d inhibit a) count b) bind c) encourage d) surprise e) demonstrate answer: c impediment a) assistance b) pedestal c) partition d) burden e) speech answer: a juicy a) improper b) desiccated c) salacious d) stale e) fruity answer: b rejuvenate a) age b) revive c) preview d) after view e) jovial answer: a drivel a) sense b) commonplace c) twaddle d) eulogy e) panacea answer: a progenitor a) harbinger b) parent c) opponent d) salesman e) descendant answer: e unassuaged a) bandaged b) likely c) soothed d) faulty e) tender answer: c sordid a) magnificent b) sad c) lugubrious d) lamentable e) halcyon answer: a sardonic a) cynical b) saturnine c) amateurish d) glib e) sincere answer: e unbridled a) restrained b) guided c) sensitive d) ferocious e) cultured answer: a rudimentary a) steering b) embryonic c) calculated d) desperate e) advanced answer: e clich้ a) mold b) stereotype c) banality d) novelty e) notoriety answer: d obese a) fat b) strong c) cadaverous d) emancipated e) square answer: c impasse a) excuse b) dead end c) emotional d) open road e) maze answer: d impotent a) criminal b) livid c) languid d) powerful e) vacant answer: d tremulous a) agitated b) infinitesimal c) serene d) magnanimous e) robust answer: c feasible a) unmentionable b) impracticable c) inefficient d) extravagant e) atrocious answer: b lucrative a) unprofitable b) unimportant c) shining d) gloomy e) transparent answer: a 21 unscathed a) honest b) scalded c) wounded d) cleansed e) forgiven answer: c contemplated a) meditated b) random c) temporary d) hesitated e) mediated answer: b itinerant a) statuesque b) settled c) alien d) migratory e) educated answer: b adversity a) opposition b) antagonism c) prosperity d) sanctuary e) pacificism answer: c current a) obsolete b) fantastic c) magnetic d) vital e) contemporary answer: a stark a) rigid b) dazed c) thoroughly d) stiffened e) partial answer: e alienate a) deport b) harmonize c) disintegrate d) naturalize e) vindicate answer: b perennial a) vegetable b) minute c) long-lived d) permanent e) promiscuous answer: b complacency a) involvement b) dissatisfaction c) fruition d) smugness e) uncertainty answer: b recluse a) erudite person b) person who prefers solitude c) person who loves society d) patriot e) individualist answer: c laudable a) haughty b) risible c) ignominious d) magnificent e) putrid answer: c inclement a) stirring b) apt c) fair d) opposed e) failing answer: d ravage a) realize b) revenge c) reconstruct d) replenish e) pusillanimous answer: c disheveled a) tidy b) undressed c) unusual d) awkward e) foolish answer: a clemency a) forgiveness b) forfeit c) stormy weather d) futility e) unmerciful treatment answer: e incessant a) interrupted b) intimate c) unceasing d) rejoicing e) cooling answer: a malign a) straighten b) endow c) praise d) insult e) cancel answer: c prevaricate โกหก พูดกลับกลอก a) hesitate b) lie c) misbehave d) persistent e) tell the truth answer: e oscillate a) embrace b) vary c) remain fixed d) turn to the west e) entreat answer: c berserk บ้าระห่า a) innate b) uncertain c) angry d) sane e) unjust answer: d fettered a) burdened b) liberated c) cured d) insane e) reduced answer: b autonomous a) dependent b) pedestrian c) animated d) known e) anonymous answer: a tenacious a) indecisive b) vacillating c) yielding d) smug e) pacific answer: c derisive a) convincing b) lacking c) quizzical d) laudatory e) intentional answer: d 22 eclectic a) agnostic b) dogmatic c) habitual d) incisive e) impulsive answer: b euphoria a) genuineness b) shrillness c) discomfort d) tastefulness e) realization answer: c debility a) credibility b) strength c) waste d) lucidity e) simplicity answer: b rectify ทาให้ถูกต้อง ปรับใหถูกต้อง a) remedy b) redeem c) err d) turn left e) sanctify answer: c obfuscate a) clarify b) entomb c) overeat d) be thrifty e) be different answer: a emollient a) ruinous b) soggy c) molten d) gushing e) irritating answer: e gauche a) grotesque b) tactful c) inane d) fashionable e) classified answer: b acquit a) sentence b) perjure c) arrest d) disclose e) convict answer: e hamper a) feed b) support c) animate d) treat lightly e) caution answer: b paean a) native b) Mexican laborer c) dirge d) mate e) freeman answer: c lugubrious a) melancholy b) stormy c) sloppy d) portable e) gay answer: e hermetic ลมเข้าไม่ได้ a) abundant b) derisive c) permeable d) steadfast e) corpulent answer: c alacrity a) slowness b) clarity c) attractiveness d) unfriendliness e) culpability answer: a desiccate a) reactivate b) squeeze c) calcify d) rarefy e) drench answer: e furtive ลึกลับ ,ลับๆล่อๆ a) hesitant b) willing c) ghostly d) permissive e) open answer: e lionize a) exculpate b) analyze c) anthropomorphize d) demote e) denigrate answer: e reprobate คนสารเลว a) difficult situation b) righteous individual c) complex relationship d) healthy society e) unified group answer: b mollify a) grind b) present c) allay d) quit e) provoke answer: e baneful a) lamentable b) poisonous c) limited d) salubrious e) sacred answer: d harbinger ผูส้ ืบข่าวที่ไปล่วงหน้าก่อน a) mountain resort b) follower c) cymbal d) bird e) autumn answer: b torpor a) finality b) imbalance c) coldness d) creativity e) vivacity answer: e recalcitrant a) tractable b) fearful c) remembering d) bellicose e) artistic answer: a coagulate a) strengthen b) release c) plunge d) dissipate e) prepare answer: d ancillary a) disjointed b) receptive c) domineering d) principal e) masterful answer: d 23 prate a) refuse to pray b) prey on passerby c) refrain from speaking d) determine the cost e) run a risk answer: c tacit a) late b) open c) implied d) skilled e) indiscreet answer: b supernal a) reflective b) moderate c) devilish d) pastoral e) spontaneous answer: c droll a) lax b) colorful c) humorless d) honor-bound e) enervated answer: c excoriate a) degrade b) soothe c) incite d) hearten e) converge answer: b cudgel a) unravel b) caress c) agitate d) prefer e) silence answer: b precursory a) slandering b) satisfactory c) succeeding d) unpretentious e) glassy answer: c depredation a) plethora b) gloss c) restoration d) glamour e) importation answer: c sallow a) ruddy b) deep c) vinegary d) conciliatory e) embarrassed answer: a spurious a) goading b) fantastic c) melancholy d) genuine e) irritating answer: d motility a) liquidity b) stasis c) ascent d) propinquity e) tension answer: b palatial a) tasty b) fetid c) disordered d) extreme e) humble answer: e exhume a) decay b) enter c) fertilize d) clarify e) inter answer: e munificence a) appreciation b) deception c) modesty d) stinginess e) anxiety answer: d decorous a) shy b) improper c) impish d) angelic e) lucid answer: b limber a) elongated b) slight c) relaxed d) unfortunate e) rigid answer: e amelioration a) cancellation b) worsening c) forgetfulness d) bribe e) consideration answer: b inclement a) incipient b) inevitable c) new d) kind e) contrary answer: d altruistic a) impartial b) petulant c) selfish d) quizzical e) luring answer: c condone a) denounce b) contribute c) settle d) supervise e) imagine answer: a ungainly a) graceful b) exceptional c) winning d) sensible e) average answer: a diatribe a) clan b) outburst c) vacancy d) medley e) praise answer: e comity a) paranoia b) inertia c) discord d) inequity e) frustration answer: c discern a) observe b) overlook c) separate d) include e) disorganize answer: b 24 pellucid a) similar b) opaque c) extravagant d) insane e) cowardly answer: b surreptitious a) discourteous b) above water c) underpaid d) overcautious e) straightforward answer: e mollify a) roughen b) humiliate c) irritate d) prevent e) destroy answer: c perfidious a) awkward b) homely c) faithful d) comprehensible e) ignorant answer: c sagacious a) fat b) stupid c) happy d) unwelcome e) irrational answer: b disabuse a) deceive b) endeavor c) encourage d) detest e) injure answer: a uxorious a) resenting another's good fortune b) wishing for an end of the world c) believing that war is godly d) hating one's own wife e) trying to help others answer: d acerbity a) reluctance b) weakness c) lassitude d) acidity e) sweetness answer: e obdurate a) unsusceptible b) tender c) right d) intelligent e) meager answer: b banal a) trite b) dry c) original d) enthusiastic e) noisy answer: c abjure a) injure b) pledge c) abdicate d) realize e) conjure answer: b sloth a) intelligence b) secrecy c) neatness d) elegance e) industry answer: e spurious a) soft b) harmful c) new d) authentic e) contradictory answer: d sleazy a) dully colored b) roughly finished c) firmly textured d) heavily padded e) intricately woven answer: c renegade a) escapade b) one who cancels c) loyalist d) glade e) positive person answer: c turgid a) sanitary b) resistant c) agile d) deflated e) colorless answer: d askew a) straight b) silent c) curious d) aching e) acceptable answer: a convivial a) encouraging b) unsociable c) ignorant d) tranquil e) folksy answer: b ratiocination a) insinuation b) execution c) perturbation d) salvation e) intuition answer: e tumult a) individuality b) repose c) origin d) sparse growth e) poor adaptation answer: b verdant a) insincere b) stationary c) absolute d) blunt e) faded answer: e tantamount a) insignificant b) unequal c) ignoramus d) underground e) beautiful answer: b mundane a) frightening b) timely c) playful d) ridiculous e) extraordinary answer: e 25 baleful a) murdering b) beneficent c) original d) tasty e) clever answer: b disparage a) disgust b) eulogize c) complain d) annoy e) avoid answer: b balm a) irritant b) imperfection c) dizzying sensation d) burdensome task e) extraordinary substance answer: a stultify a) invite b) assess c) identify d) magnify e) enlighten answer: e extant a) intent b) inside c) stopping short d) instant e) destroyed answer: e brook a) refuse to tolerate b) demolish c) debate d) detain e) incite to act answer: a haggard a) plump b) dietetic c) gaunt d) caloric e) broad answer: a iniquitous a) famous b) attentive c) faithful d) sheltered e) equitable answer: c abeyance a) fulfillment b) activity c) renascence d) resistance e) continuance answer: e seditious a) incendiary b) orderly c) sedate d) proper e) quaint answer: b incogitable a) purposeful b) applicable c) conceivable d) exacting e) doubtful answer: c goad a) ignore b) cajole c) console d) protect e) curb answer: e assuage a) wane b) wax c) waive d) worsen e) wrest answer: d perfidy a) fealty b) competence c) affection d) accuracy e) assiduity answer: a pillory a) foster b) lament c) forgive d) enjoy e) exalt answer: e tyro a) novice b) retirement c) place d) saint e) expert answer: e promontory a) backwardness b) lack of obligation c) scapegoat d) depression e) resistance answer: d aversion a) serenity b) contact c) affinity d) pleasance e) valance answer: c nadir a) lack of safety b) pinnacle c) virtue d) pollution e) criminal answer: b effluvia a) important examples b) relevant theories c) predictable results d) controlled reactions e) desired products answer: e destitute a) adrift b) civilized c) affluent d) affected e) miserly answer: c choleric a) irascible b) idiotic c) good-natured d) spoiled e) immune answer: c pristine a) corrupted by civilization b) acquired by stealth c) destroyed by adversity d) established by tradition e) proved by experimentation answer: a vacuous a) precognitive b) precocious c) insightful d) plentiful e) slight answer: c 26 chary a) lucid b) radiant c) repugnant d) foolhardy e) impartial answer: d euphony a) dispersion b) malaise c) exacerbation d) variability e) discord answer: e compendious a) profound b) verbose c) simple d) ambiguous e) miscellaneous answer: b attenuate a) validate b) distract c) shorten d) obscure e) thicken answer: e prolix a) terse b) arid c) speechless d) upper-class e) masterful answer: a teleological a) without purpose b) above criticism c) containing imperfections d) lacking vision e) pertaining to outer space answer: a querulous a) joking b) not curious c) dreamy d) sated e) satisfied answer: e rankle a) assuage b) duplicate c) divulge d) append e) permeate answer: a equanimity a) caution b) volume c) clamor d) disparity e) agitation answer: e servile a) butter b) evil c) independent d) erect e) humble answer: c omniscient a) powerful b) scientific c) wasteful d) magnanimous e) ignorant answer: e ethereal a) conscious b) advantageous c) tangible d) contagious e) clear answer: c insolvent a) physically pure b) financially stable c) metaphysically correct d) chemically active e) emotionally strong answer: b adroit a) deterred b) skillful c) foolish d) sinister e) awkward answer: e hedonist a) female b) martinet c) scientist d) intellectual e) puritan answer: e vapid a) foremost b) premeditated c) beautiful d) febrile e) spirited answer: e prodigious a) lugubrious b) injurious c) tiring d) minute e) hazy answer: d lugubrious a) stormy b) heavy c) portable d) gay e) famous answer: d feckless ไม่ได้ผล อ่อนแอ a) spotted b) fatuous c) fawning d) strong e) calm answer: d propinquity a) distance b) succulence c) antiquity d) tedium e) justice answer: a blandishment a) colorfulness b) independence c) criticism d) spiciness e) piquancy answer: c embellish a) suffice b) disfigure c) trim d) demolish e) derogate answer: b vilify a) sing the praises of b) show satisfaction with c) regard with distrust d) welcome with glee e) accept halfheartedly answer: a aplomb a) confusion b) level c) righteousness d) applause e) disapproval answer: a 27 ostentatious a) uninhibited b) unpretentious c) unimpressive d) detrimental e) careless answer: b sybaritic a) foolish b) obdurate c) consistent d) austere e) conservative answer: d enervate a) debilitate b) fortify c) introduce d) conclude e) escalate answer: b rant a) work conscientiously b) stroke gently c) define vaguely d) exhale smoothly e) speak moderately answer: e expunge a) clarify b) cleanse c) perpetuate d) unique e) fluorescent answer: c preciosity a) awkward situation b) provoking manner c) vulgarism d) impiety e) eccentricity answer: c propitiate a) anger b) depart c) hurt d) applaud e) promote answer: a disparage a) disgust b) eulogize c) complain d) annoy e) avoid answer: b anathema a) national song b) appraisal c) cognomen d) idea e) blessing answer: e opprobrious a) stagnant b) pertinent c) convenient d) comprehensive e) commendatory answer: e bucolic a) circumspect b) urban c) abortive d) laconic e) punctilious answer: b cupidity a) lovelessness b) generosity c) smartness d) wastefulness e) prodigality answer: b palliate a) apologize b) hesitate c) wait impatiently d) decide finally e) worsen answer: e moribund a) robust b) happy c) enamored d) isolated e) fastidious answer: a stoic a) anemic b) passionate c) wasted d) pliable e) gossamer answer: b mollify a) grind b) present c) allay d) quit e) provoke answer: e haggard a) plump b) dietetic c) gaunt d) caloric e) broad answer: a contiguity a) remoteness b) perceptiveness c) equanimity d) fluidity of motion e) susceptibility to infection answer: a piquant a) bland b) toxic c) corpulent d) unified e) quibbling answer: a hirsute a) naked b) plain c) melted d) bald e) clear answer: d extirpate a) exhume b) trust c) exit d) implant e) enter answer: d inadequate a) glossy b) rapid c) aspiring d) confining e) sufficient answer: e recondite a) roughly finished b) easily understood c) newly discovered d) rarely performed e) carefully developed answer: b terminus a) roadway b) marina c) spontaneity d) beginning e) replica answer: d 28 redress a) injury b) freedom c) belief d) endearment e) unemployment answer: a fervid a) crass b) listless c) tedious d) confused e) picaresque answer: b ersatz a) complete b) opportune c) authentic d) frenetic e) puny answer: c impecunious a) healthy b) polite c) possible d) prosperous e) curious answer: d refractory a) refreshing b) burdensome c) privileged d) manageable e) upright answer: d condign a) unavoidable b) unsatisfactory c) unguarded d) undeserved e) uninitiated answer: d phlegmatic a) hoarse b) voluntary c) oral d) effusive e) impulsive answer: d exhort a) accuse b) burden c) defend d) ignore e) dissuade answer: e pusillanimous a) extraordinary b) lackadaisical c) courageous d) vacillating e) vindictive answer: c frothy a) substantial b) superior c) secular d) scalded e) scholarly answer: a prate a) remark casually b) laugh raucously c) talk meaningfully d) weep copiously e) whisper fearfully answer: c inveterate a) retroactive b) feasible c) easily eliminated d) unduly emotional e) carefully prepared answer: c turbid a) limpid b) activated c) turgid d) viscous e) hungry answer: a pejorative a) lacking virtuous character b) possessing few luxuries c) having favorable connotations d) following domestic pursuits e) providing utilitarian value answer: c arrant a) humble b) deceptive c) partial d) wise e) intrepid answer: c ignominy a) fame b) isolation c) misfortune d) sorrow e) stupidity answer: a lugubrious a) cheerful b) hungry c) skillful d) jealous e) wise answer: a prosaic a) fulsome b) mundane c) extraordinary d) certain e) gregarious answer: c cogent a) repetitive b) urgent c) complicated d) confined e) fatuous answer: e choleric a) irascible b) idiotic c) good-natured d) spoiled e) immune answer: c homogeneous a) parsimonious b) consciousness c) variegated d) loquacious e) differential answer: c apostate a) fruit b) loyalist c) cancellation d) teacher e) pupil answer: b disputatious a) conciliatory b) coy c) disgusting d) disgruntled e) composed answer: a 29 tousle a) shovel b) groom c) catch d) caress e) clean answer: b quiescent a) restless b) exempt c) malignant d) mendicant e) farcical answer: a nonstriated a) marked b) striped c) plagued d) stippled e) stripped answer: b stubborn a) frivolous b) fatuous c) disciplined d) bashful e) pliant answer: e querulous a) amenable b) pathetic c) remorseful d) mercenary e) avid answer: a effrontery a) bad taste b) conceit c) dishonesty d) shyness e) snobbishness answer: d wastrel a) conservator b) prodigal c) lutist d) noble e) phantasm answer: a decant a) level off b) upset greatly c) tap d) slosh out e) cork firmly answer: d incogitable a) purposeful b) applicable c) conceivable d) exacting e) doubtful answer: c abrogate a) castigate b) rectify c) correlate d) institute e) vilify answer: d endemic a) permanent b) frustrating c) terrorizing d) democratic e) pandemic answer: e punctilious a) tardy b) correct c) careless d) apathetic e) repulsive answer: c baleful a) murdering b) beneficent c) original d) tasty e) clever answer: b dilatory a) inflating b) deflating c) expediting d) magnanimous e) lucid answer: c scotch a) foster b) quail c) sully d) teetotal e) transplant answer: a taciturn a) dubious b) garrulous c) strategic d) pleasant e) gullible answer: b tractable a) untenable b) unbearable c) unusable d) unreliable e) unmanageable answer: e languor a) rudeness b) ugliness c) success d) vigor e) poise answer: d proclivity a) insipidity b) disinclination c) effrontery d) antithesis e) contingency answer: b lechery a) karma b) apathy c) largess d) gratitude e) chastity answer: e postulate a) undulate b) prove c) peculate d) palpitate e) disenchant answer: b turgid a) frigid b) rough c) rancid d) optical e) flaccid answer: e pariah a) county b) favorite c) diocese d) patriot e) renegade answer: b improbity a) integrity b) equilibrium c) generosity d) affluence e) lucidity answer: a 30 invulnerable a) harmful b) baneful c) penetrable d) viscous e) virtuous answer: c manumit a) throw b) lock c) promise d) uncountable e) enslave answer: e provisional a) permanent b) perfect c) ancient d) suitable e) negligent answer: a beatific a) impish b) blissful c) angelic d) neat e) tiny answer: a dilation a) contraction b) depression c) fatigue d) fusion e) convergence answer: a frangible a) argumentative b) docile c) insincere d) sturdy e) inedible answer: d salacious a) expensive b) wholesome c) empty d) religious e) private answer: b reticence a) silence b) loquaciousness c) quiescence d) patience e) surrender answer: b turpitude a) inherent virtue b) placidity c) clear thought d) recklessness e) slenderness answer: a serendipitous a) calm b) planned c) flat d) evil e) regulated answer: b condone a) denounce b) contribute c) settle d) supervise e) imagine answer: a procrastinate a) eulogize b) invest c) expedite d) insinuate e) mediate answer: c extant a) lost or destroyed b) hampered or delayed c) strictly limited d) carefully guarded e) poorly constructed answer: a anomalous a) capacious b) vicious c) connected d) meaningful e) usual answer: e cognizant a) afraid b) ignorant c) capable d) aware e) optimistic answer: b mendacious a) broken b) efficacious c) truthful d) destructive e) brilliant answer: c apropos a) grimly b) untimely c) exhaustively d) immoderately e) absently answer: b temerity a) imbroglio b) diffidence c) cognomen d) effervescence e) composure answer: b trenchant a) obtuse b) timorous c) abundant d) exotic e) singular answer: a dissonance a) absence b) privacy c) prominence d) concord e) conclusion answer: d pseudo a) rough b) solemn c) mature d) belated e) genuine answer: e pandemonium a) amusement b) tumult c) torment d) calm e) epidemic answer: d dilettante a) adept b) primary c) straight d) professional e) clasp answer: d saturnine a) earthy b) cheerful c) complicated d) maudlin e) straight answer: b 31 nexus a) antiquity b) schism c) abundance d) cache e) purport answer: b heterogeneity a) reality b) similarity c) irrelevance d) originality e) delusion answer: b fervid a) restrained b) unexpected c) discouraged d) undistinguished e) stubborn answer: a niggardly a) lavish b) destitute c) peccant d) cloyed e) palliative answer: a incipient a) concluding b) dangerous c) hasty d) secret e) widespread answer: a asceticism a) condemnation b) craving c) indulgence d) assessment e) sympathy answer: c unfeigned a) pretentious b) cautious c) simulated d) designed e) controlled answer: c protean a) depriving b) flowering c) uniform d) universal e) separate answer: c mellifluous a) diaphanous b) munificent c) cacophonous d) stentorian e) impervious answer: c obdurate a) stirring b) curable c) durable d) easily swayed e) navigable answer: d galvanize a) measure b) restrain c) treat rudely d) regard indifferently e) darken answer: b calumniate a) follow b) familiarize c) rejuvenate d) vindicate e) supplant answer: d anodyne a) plausibility b) redundancy c) affability d) irritating presence e) increased mobility answer: d deterioration a) imitation b) impression c) improvement d) impropriety e) imbalance answer: c conform a) challenge b) ignore c) be strong d) not hew to e) not vie with answer: d desuetude a) kindliness b) intrigue c) prominent d) use e) upset answer: d retard a) redirect b) release c) smooth over d) speed up e) speak for answer: d sloth a) intelligence b) secrecy c) neatness d) elegance e) industry answer: e supercilious a) excited b) subservient c) haughty d) below standard e) whimsical answer: b pristine a) corrupted by civilization b) acquired by stealth c) destroyed by adversity d) established by tradition e) proved by experimentation answer: a ossify a) create consensus b) placate critics c) reassemble fragments d) transcend conventions e) overlook problems answer: d irascible a) placid b) fortuitous c) shameless d) entrancing e) yielding answer: a enigmatic a) stirred by emotion b) free of ambiguity c) fraught with danger d) held in esteem e) laden with guilt answer: b segment a) affix b) inflate c) cleanse d) make whole e) keep still answer: d 32 immunity a) incompatibility b) variability c) mortality d) irritability e) susceptibility answer: e limp a) true b) firm c) clear d) stark e) endless answer: b quotidian a) extraordinary b) certain c) wishful d) secret e) premature answer: a bane a) source b) courage c) divinity d) sympathy e) blessing answer: e global a) local b) unusual c) unpredictable d) hot-headed e) single-minded answer: a adhere a) detach b) cleanse c) engulf d) incise e) contain answer: a accolade a) disappearance b) absurdity c) disapprobation d) exclusion e) reconstruction answer: c stability a) disparity b) inconstancy c) opposition d) carelessness e) weariness answer: b unconventionality a) perceptibility b) inscrutability c) imperturbability d) fidelity to custom e) formality of discourse answer: d plumb a) lofty b) light c) thin d) reversed e) horizontal answer: e dilate a) narrow b) strengthen c) bend d) push e) soften answer: a outset a) regression b) series c) exit d) interruption e) termination answer: e palliate a) increase the intensity of b) expand the scope of c) enhance the appeal of d) accelerate the diffusion of e) extend the endurance of answer: a console a) pretend sympathy b) reveal suffering c) aggravate grief d) betray e) vilify answer: c effrontery a) charity b) deference c) simplicity d) deceitfulness e) stupidity answer: b exculpate a) attribute guilt b) avoid responsibility c) establish facts d) control hostilities e) show anxiety answer: a scurvy a) completely centered b) above reproach c) imaginative d) valiant e) carefree answer: b abjure a) commingle b) arbitrate c) espouse d) appease e) pardon answer: c pith a) untimely action b) insufficient attention c) routine treatment d) rigid formulation e) superficial element answer: e specious a) unfeigned b) significant c) valid d) agreeable e) restricted answer: c supine a) vigilant b) flustered c) distorted d) brittle e) awkward answer: a ravel a) remain silent b) increase in value c) knit d) omit e) measure answer: c goad a) ignore b) cajole c) console d) protect e) curb answer: e effluvia a) important examples b) relevant theories c) predictable results d) controlled reactions e) desired products answer: e 33 plasticity a) tightness b) contiguity c) stasis d) rigidity e) order answer: d appease a) agitate b) qualify c) display d) predestine e) interrupt answer: a anathematize a) locate b) deceive c) regulate d) radiate e) bless answer: e convoke a) forgive b) eradicate c) adjourn d) omit e) abridge answer: a apposite a) inappropriate b) diagonal c) exponential d) unobtrusive e) discouraging answer: a altruism a) good nature b) height c) descent d) modernity e) miserliness answer: e commodious a) calm b) careless c) reticent d) enclosed e) cramped answer: e apprehend a) obviate b) set free c) shiver d) understand e) contrast answer: b anonymous a) desperate b) signed c) defined d) expert e) written answer: b maculated a) unobserved b) unfocused c) unplanned d) unfeigned e) unspotted answer: e aloof a) triangular b) gregarious c) comparable d) honorable e) savory answer: b candid a) vague b) secretive c) experienced d) anxious e) sallow answer: b esoteric a) unsophisticated b) worthless c) lasting d) generally known e) well expressed answer: d amicable a) penetrating b) compensating c) unfriendly d) zigzag e) inescapable answer: c celibate a) investing b) married c) retired d) commodious e) dubious answer: b frustrate a) expand b) enjoy c) nullify d) abet e) prepare answer: d antithesis a) velocity b) maxim c) similarity d) acceleration e) reaction answer: c chimerical a) developing b) wonderful c) disappearing d) economical e) realistic answer: e aspersions a) qualms b) apologies c) rewards d) vexation e) flattery answer: e anomaly a) desperation b) requisition c) registry d) regularity e) radiation answer: d capacious a) warlike b) cordial c) curious d) not spacious e) not capable answer: d amass a) concentrate b) rotate c) concern d) separate e) recollect answer: d aptitude a) sarcasm b) inversion c) adulation d) lack of talent e) gluttony answer: d carousal a) awakening b) sobriety c) acceleration d) direction e) production answer: b 34 choleric a) irascible b) episodic c) coolheaded d) global e) seasonal answer: c chaffing a) achieving b) serious c) capitalistic d) sneering e) expensive answer: b dauntless a) stolid b) weak c) irrelevant d) peculiar e) particular answer: b capricious a) satisfied b) insured c) photographic d) scattered e) steadfast answer: e carnal a) impressive b) minute c) spiritual d) actual e) private answer: c cynical a) trusting b) effortless c) conclusive d) gallant e) vertical answer: a catholic a) religious b) pacific c) narrow d) weighty e) funny answer: c chide a) unite b) fear c) record d) skid e) praise answer: e debilitate a) bedevil b) repress c) strengthen d) animate e) deaden answer: c cessation a) premium b) gravity c) beginning d) composition e) stoppage answer: c carping a) acquiescent b) mean c) limited d) farming e) racing answer: a debonair a) awkward b) windy c) balmy d) sporty e) stormy answer: a churlish a) marine b) economical c) polite d) compact e) young answer: c cryptic a) tomblike b) secret c) famous d) candid e) coded answer: d declivity a) trap b) quadrangle c) quarter d) activity e) upward slope answer: e captious a) tolerant b) capable c) frivolous d) winning e) recollected answer: a dank a) dry b) guiltless c) warm d) babbling e) reserved answer: a derogatory a) roguish b) immediate c) opinionated d) praising e) conferred answer: d carte blanche a) capitalistic b) investment c) importance d) restriction e) current answer: d dastard a) illegitimacy b) hero c) presence d) warmth e) idol answer: b decrepit a) momentary b) emotional c) suppressed d) youthful e) unexpected answer: d chaste a) clean b) clear c) curt d) wanton e) outspoken answer: d curtail a) mutter b) lengthen c) express d) burden e) shore answer: b depravity a) goodness b) sadness c) heaviness d) tidiness e) seriousness answer: a 35 desecrate a) desist b) integrate c) confuse d) intensify e) consecrate answer: e equable a) flat b) decisive c) stormy d) rough e) scanty answer: c extraneous a) needless b) decisive c) essential d) effective e) expressive answer: c defile a) manicure b) ride c) purify d) assemble e) order answer: c execrable very bad, terrible a) innumerable b) philosophic c) physical d) excellent e) meditative answer: d extemporaneous a) rehearsed b) hybrid c) humiliating d) statesmanlike e) picturesque answer: a despicable a) steering b) worthy of esteem c) inevitable d) featureless e) incapable answer: b eulogistic a) pretty b) critical c) brief d) stern e) free answer: b extrovert a) clown b) hero c) ectomorph d) neurotic e) introvert answer: e deleterious a) delaying b) experimental c) harmless d) graduating e) glorious answer: c ennui a) hate b) excitement c) seriousness d) humility e) kindness answer: b grandiose a) false b) ideal c) proud d) simple e) functional answer: d exodus a) neglect b) consent c) entry d) gain e) retreat answer: c erudite a) professorial b) stately c) short d) unknown e) ignorant answer: e hibernal a) wintry b) summer like c) local d) seasonal e) spring like answer: b evasive a) frank b) correct c) empty d) fertile e) watchful answer: a exonerate a) forge b) accuse c) record d) doctor e) reimburse answer: b gregarious a) antisocial b) anticipatory c) glorious d) horrendous e) similar answer: a equanimity a) agitation b) stirring c) volume d) identity e) luster answer: a exorbitant a) moderate b) partisan c) military d) barbaric e) expensive answer: a gratuitous a) warranted b) frank c) ingenuous d) frugal e) pithy answer: a euphonious a) strident b) lethargic c) literary d) significant e) musical answer: a extrinsic a) reputable b) inherent c) swift d) ambitious e) cursory answer: b heterogeneous a) orthodox b) pagan c) unlike d) similar e) banished answer: d 36 gusto a) noise b) panic c) fancy d) gloom e) distaste answer: e hilarity a) gloom b) heartiness c) weakness d) casualty e) paucity answer: a laconic a) milky b) verbose c) wicked d) flagrant e) derelict answer: b gusty a) calm b) noisy c) fragrant d) routine e) gloomy answer: a hackneyed a) carried b) original c) banal d) timely e) oratorical answer: b inter a) exhume b) amuse c) relate d) frequent e) abandon answer: a haphazard a) fortuitous b) indifferent c) deliberate d) accidental e) conspiring answer: c heretic a) sophist b) believer c) interpreter d) pacifist e) owner answer: b latent a) hidden b) forbidding c) execrable d) early e) obvious answer: e gullible a) incredulous b) fickle c) tantamount d) easy e) stylish answer: a grisly a) unsavory b) doubtful c) untidy d) pleasant e) bearish answer: d intransigent a) stationary b) yielding c) incorruptible d) magnificent e) grandiose answer: b granulate a) crystallize b) store c) crush d) magnify e) sweeten answer: a haggard a) shrewish b) inspired c) plump d) maidenly e) vast answer: c jaded a) upright b) stimulated c) aspiring d) applied e) void answer: b gourmet a) cook b) maitre d' c) glutton d) epicure e) author answer: c intermittent a) heavy b) fleeting c) constant d) fearless e) responding answer: c levity a) bridge b) dam c) praise d) blame e) solemnity answer: e halcyon a) pacific b) prior c) subsequent d) puerile e) martial answer: e irreverent a) related b) mischievous c) respecting d) pious e) violent answer: d inveterate a) inexperienced b) sophisticated c) professional d) wicked e) ascetic answer: a gnome a) fairy b) giant c) pygmy d) native e) alien answer: b inundate a) abuse b) deny c) swallow d) treat e) drain answer: e lampoon a) darken b) praise c) abandon d) sail e) fly answer: b 37 irrelevant a) lacking piety b) fragile c) congruent d) pertinent e) varied answer: d laudatory a) dirtying b) disclaiming c) defamatory d) inflammatory e) debased answer: c opportune a) occasional b) fragrant c) fragile d) awkward e) neglected answer: d intrepid a) cold b) hot c) understood d) callow e) craven answer: e obsession a) whim b) loss c) phobia d) delusion e) feud answer: a obese a) skillful b) cadaverous c) clever d) unpredictable e) lucid answer: b intrinsic a) extrinsic b) abnormal c) above d) abandoned e) basic answer: a nefarious a) wanton b) lacking c) benign d) impious e) futile answer: c notorious a) fashionable b) renowned c) infamous d) intrepid e) invincible answer: b lackadaisical a) monthly b) possessing time c) ambitious d) pusillanimous e) intelligent answer: c obdurate a) yielding b) fleeting c) finite d) fascinating e) permanent answer: a odious a) fragrant b) redolent c) fetid d) delightful e) puny answer: d lethargic a) convalescent b) beautiful c) enervating d) invigorating e) interrogating answer: d obtuse a) sheer b) transparent c) tranquil d) timid e) shrewd answer: e nebulous a) starry b) clear c) cold d) fundamental e) porous answer: b inured a) accustomed b) fitted c) intestate d) futile e) inexperienced answer: e nocturnal a) harsh b) marauding c) patrolling d) daily e) fallow answer: d omniscient a) sophisticated b) ignorant c) essential d) trivial e) isolated answer: b jaundiced a) whitened b) inflamed c) quickened d) aged e) unbiased answer: e obloquy a) praise b) rectangle c) circle d) dialogue e) cure answer: a obsolete a) heated b) desolate c) renovated d) frightful e) automatic answer: c kith a) outfit b) strangers c) brothers d) ceramics tool e) quality answer: b neophyte a) veteran b) satellite c) aspirant d) handwriting e) violence answer: a niggardly a) protected b) biased c) prodigal d) bankrupt e) placated answer: c 38 omnipotent a) weak b) democratic c) despotic d) passionate e) late answer: a prodigal a) wandering b) thrifty c) consistent d) compatible e) errant answer: b profane a) sanctify b) desecrate c) define d) manifest e) urge answer: a negation a) postulation b) hypothecation c) affirmation d) violation e) anticipation answer: c prosaic a) pacified b) reprieved c) pensive d) imaginative e) rhetorical answer: d presumption a) assertion b) activation c) motivation d) proposition e) humility answer: e noisome a) quiet b) dismayed c) fragrant d) sleepy e) inquisitive answer: c puerile a) fragrant b) adult c) lonely d) feminine e) masterly answer: b pristine a) cultivated b) condemned c) crude d) cautious e) critical answer: a obsequious a) successful b) democratic c) supercilious d) ambitious e) lamentable answer: c pulchritude a) ugliness b) notoriety c) bestiality d) masculinity e) servitude answer: a prodigious a) infinitesimal b) indignant c) indifferent d) indisposed e) insufficient answer: a precipitate a) fast b) anticipatory c) cautious d) considerate e) dry answer: c prefatory a) outstanding b) magnificent c) conclusive d) intelligent e) predatory answer: c punitive a) large b) vindictive c) rewarding d) restive e) languishing answer: c protract a) make circular b) shorten c) further d) retrace e) involve answer: b punctilious a) happy b) active c) vivid d) careless e) futile answer: d scurrilous a) savage b) scabby c) decent d) volatile e) major answer: c prelude a) intermezzo b) overture c) aria d) aftermath e) duplication answer: d puissant a) pouring b) fashionable c) articulate d) healthy e) weak answer: e sanguine a) choleric b) sickening c) warranted d) irritated e) pessimistic answer: e pretentious a) ominous b) calm c) unassuming d) futile e) volatile answer: c prolix a) stupid b) indifferent c) redundant d) livid e) pithy answer: e ruddy a) robust b) witty c) wan d) exotic e) creative answer: c 39 salvage a) remove b) outfit c) burn d) lose e) confuse answer: d secular a) vivid b) clerical c) punitive d) positive e) varying answer: b unfeigned a) pretended b) fashionable c) wary d) switched e) colonial answer: a sacerdotal a) religious b) frank c) authoritative d) violent e) lay answer: e shoddy a) superior b) incomplete c) inadequate d) querulous e) garrulous answer: a turbulence a) reaction b) approach c) impropriety d) calm e) hostility answer: d rubicund a) dangerous b) pallid c) remote d) indicative e) nonsensical answer: b sedentary a) vicarious b) loyal c) accidental d) active e) afraid answer: d unearth a) conceal b) gnaw c) clean d) fling e) reach answer: a salubrious a) salty b) bloody c) miasmic d) maudlin e) wanted answer: c servile a) menial b) puerile c) futile d) lowly e) haughty answer: e turbid a) clear b) improbable c) invariable d) honest e) turgid answer: a ruthless a) merciful b) majestic c) mighty d) militant e) maximum answer: a unimpeachable a) fruitful b) rampaging c) faulty d) pensive e) thorough answer: c ultimate a) competing b) throbbing c) poisonous d) incipient e) powerful answer: d rotundity a) promenade b) nave c) grotesqueness d) slimness e) impropriety answer: d ulterior a) tipped b) stated c) sparking d) uncompromising e) corrugated answer: b vaunted a) unvanquished b) fell c) belittled d) exacting e) believed answer: c sallow a) salacious b) ruddy c) colorless d) permitted e) minimum answer: b transient a) carried b) close c) permanent d) removed e) certain answer: c unkempt a) bombed b) washed c) neat d) shabby e) tawdry answer: c rueful a) sad b) content c) capable d) capital e) zealous answer: b ungainly a) ignorant b) graceful c) detailed d) dancing e) pedantic answer: b unsullied a) tarnished b) countless c) soggy d) papered e) homicidal answer: a 40 vacillation a) remorse b) relief c) respect d) steadfastness e) inoculation answer: d callow a) sophisticated b) naive c) mild d) colored e) seated answer: a celerity a) assurance b) state c) acerbity d) delay e) infamy answer: d unruly a) chatting b) obedient c) definite d) lined e) curious answer: b benignity a) fragility b) diction c) volition d) evilness e) grace answer: d conviviality a) discourse b) view c) drunkenness d) friendship e) animosity answer: e untenable a) supportable b) tender c) sheepish d) tremulous e) adequate answer: a blanch a) bleach b) scatter c) darken d) analyze e) subdivide answer: c calligraphy a) scribbling b) sculpture c) embarrassment d) brevity e) telegraphy answer: a vanguard a) regiment b) rear c) echelon d) protection e) loyalty answer: b bestial a) animated b) noble c) zoological d) clear e) dusky answer: b colloquial a) burnt b) polished c) political d) gifted e) problematic answer: b unseemly a) effortless b) proper c) conducive d) pointed e) informative answer: b benison a) curse b) bachelor c) wedding d) orgy e) tragedy answer: a boorish a) suave b) oafish c) rustic d) speedy e) dry answer: a unwitting a) clever b) intense c) sensitive d) freezing e) intentional answer: e conjecture a) certainty b) guess c) position d) form e) place answer: a caucus a) corruption b) scene c) conspiracy d) meeting e) plant answer: c brackish a) careful b) sweetish c) chosen d) tough e) wet answer: b billingsgate a) disguise b) debt c) fiction d) settlement e) acclaim answer: e cozen a) cheat b) treat honestly c) prate d) shackle e) vilify answer: b comatose a) quiet b) restrained c) alert d) asleep e) grim answer: c brindled a) roan b) pathetic c) hasty d) of uniform color e) mild tasting answer: d belittle a) disobey b) forget c) magnify d) extol e) envy answer: c 41 hortatory a) inquiring b) denying c) killing d) frantic e) dissuading answer: e imperturbable ใจเย็น สุขุม a) calm b) swift c) arable d) hysterical e) solemn answer: d germinal a) fully developed b) excused c) sterilized d) primitive e) strategic answer: a execrate a) disobey b) enact c) perform d) acclaim e) fidget answer: d fulgent a) dizzy b) empty c) diverse d) shining e) dull answer: e immure คุมขัง กักขัง a) inter b) liberate c) exhume d) exit e) incarcerate answer: b husbandry a) sportsmanship b) dishonesty c) wastefulness d) friction e) cowardice answer: d hummock เนินดิน เนินน้ าแข็ง a) hillock b) scorn c) elevation d) vale e) vestment answer: d excoriate a) scandalize b) encourage c) avoid d) praise e) vanquish answer: d gasconade การคุยโม้ a) transparency b) cleanliness c) modesty d) imposture e) seizure answer: c impalpable a) obvious b) combined c) high d) connecting e) lost answer: a nascent a) fading b) reoccurring c) loyal d) treacherous e) unnamed answer: a illusive a) not deceptive b) not certain c) not obvious d) not coherent e) not brilliant answer: a hegira การหนีภยั a) return b) harem c) oasis d) panic e) calm answer: a orotund a) not reddish b) not resonant c) loud d) pompous e) not eager answer: b genuflect a) falsify b) trick c) project d) stand erect e) pronounce correctly answer: d hyperbole a) exaggeration b) climax c) curve d) understatement e) expansion answer: d mugwump a) disease b) loyal member c) atheist d) defector e) scribbler answer: b gratuity a) ingratitude b) idea c) suggestion d) stipend ค่าจ้าง e) prerequisite answer: d gauche a) rigid b) graceful c) swift d) tacit e) needy answer: b omnipresent a) taxing b) total c) limited d) ignorant e) magnificent answer: c hyperborean a) sultry b) pacific c) noteworthy d) western e) wooded answer: a hoyden a) burden b) lighter c) demure girl d) gamin e) traffic answer: c odium a) noise b) liking c) dominant d) hasty e) atrium answer: b 42 odium a) shame b) aptitude c) anachronism d) affection e) futility answer: d mawkish a) sentimental b) sweet c) certain d) intelligent e) carefree answer: d sobriety a) inebriety b) aptitude c) scholasticism d) monotony e) aversion answer: a minion a) master b) quorum c) majority d) host e) beneficiary answer: a venturous a) timorous b) confiscatory c) lethal d) tubercular e) dorsal answer: a solstice a) equinox b) sunrise c) pigsty d) interstices e) iniquity answer: a obstreperous a) turbid b) quiet c) remote d) obnoxious e) active answer: b vehement a) substantial b) regular c) calm d) cautious e) sad answer: c perfunctory a) official b) thorough c) insipid d) vicarious e) distinctive answer: b obligatory a) demanding b) optional c) facile d) available e) required answer: b verity a) sanctity b) reverence c) falsehood d) rarity e) household answer: c regal a) oppressive b) common c) major d) basic e) entertaining answer: b militant a) combative b) dramatic c) religious d) quaint e) pacific answer: e venial ยกโทษ ให้อภัยได้ a) unforgivable b) unforgettable c) unmistaken d) fearful e) fragrant answer: a putrid เน่าเปื่ อย เหม็นเน่า a) sick b) lovely c) aromatic d) arrogant e) humid answer: c maunder พูดเพ้อเจ้อ a) gibber b) masticate c) talk intelligently d) wander e) succeed answer: c vindicate a) point out b) blame c) declare d) evict e) menace answer: b raucous a) mellifluous b) uncooked c) realistic d) veracious e) anticipating answer: a optimum a) pessimistic b) knowledgeable c) worst d) minimum e) opprobrious answer: c provincial a) wealthy b) crass c) literary d) aural e) sophisticated answer: e livid a) alive b) mundane c) positive d) purplish e) vast answer: d miasma a) fragrant aroma b) noxious fumes c) scenario d) quantity e) total answer: a senescence a) youth b) romance c) doldrums d) quintessence e) friendship answer: a pandemonium a) calm b) frustration c) efficiency d) impishness e) sophistication answer: a 43 penchant a) distance b) imminence c) dislike d) attitude e) void answer: c fickle a) fallacious b) tolerant c) loyal d) hungry e) stupid answer: c transient a) urgent b) youthful c) original d) eternal e) unfaithful answer: d paucity a) pouch b) peace c) quickness d) abundance e) nuisance answer: d immutable a) silent b) changeable c) articulate d) loyal e) varied answer: b acarpous a) assiduous b) poignant c) fecund d) reticent e) prolix answer: c lithe a) stiff b) limpid c) facetious d) insipid e) vast answer: a flamboyant a) old-fashioned b) restrained c) impulsive d) cognizant e) eloquent answer: b precipitous a) pleasantly sweet b) overly ambitious c) agreeably situated d) publicly known e) gently sloping answer: e lurid a) dull b) duplicate c) heavy d) grotesque e) intelligent answer: a conciliate a) defend b) activate c) integrate d) quarrel e) react answer: d amplify a) announce b) entertain c) simplify d) covet e) require answer: c manifest a) limited b) obscure c) faulty d) varied e) vital answer: b commodious a) numerous b) accommodating c) leisurely d) limited e) expensive answer: d viable a) moribund b) salable c) useful d) foolish e) inadequate answer: a impecunious a) affluent b) afflicted c) affectionate d) affable e) afraid answer: a disingenuous a) uncomfortable b) eventual c) naive d) complex e) enthusiastic answer: c wastrel a) trash b) paragon c) mortal d) tolerance e) song answer: b impunity การได้รับการยกเว้น a) violation b) liability c) joke d) play on words e) canard answer: b destitute a) reckless b) dazzling c) wanton d) characteristic e) explanatory answer: c yokel a) singer b) humorist c) urbane individual d) farmer e) young man answer: c maniacal a) demoniac b) saturated c) sane d) sanitary e) handcuffed answer: c baneful a) intellectual b) thankful c) decisive d) nonpoisonous e) remorseful answer: d valedictory a) sad b) collegiate c) derivative d) salutatory e) promising answer: d 44 subliminal a) radiant b) unknown c) obvious d) domestic e) horizontal answer: c propinquity a) remoteness b) uniqueness c) health d) virtue e) simplicity answer: a sinister a) unwed b) ministerial c) good d) returned e) splintered answer: c temerarious a) contagious b) plucky c) prudent d) discreet e) lucky answer: c reprove a) prevail b) commend c) ascertain d) prove false e) scarify answer: b spurious a) genuine b) angry c) mitigated d) interrogated e) glorious answer: a stertorous a) typical b) working c) northern d) labored e) lyrical answer: d putative a) colonial b) quarrelsome c) undisputed d) powerful e) unremarkable answer: c stamina a) patience b) pistils c) weakness d) fascination e) patina answer: c valetudinarian a) senile person b) farewell speaker c) healthy person d) servant e) agent answer: c staccato a) musical b) long c) legato d) sneezing e) pounded answer: c rehabilitate a) clothe b) destroy c) avenge d) vanish e) embarrass answer: b stereotyped a) original b) antique c) modeled d) repetitious e) continued answer: a venal a) springlike b) honest c) angry d) indifferent e) going answer: b refulgent a) overflowing b) effortless c) dim d) noisy e) snoring answer: c sophomoric a) unprecedented b) mature c) insipid d) intellectual e) illusionary answer: b vertex a) whirlpool b) drift c) vehicle d) base e) context answer: d squander a) fortify b) depart c) roam d) preserve e) forfeit answer: d somatic a) mental b) menial c) soporific d) loyal e) frantic answer: a vilify a) erect b) eulogize c) better d) magnify e) horrify answer: b solvent a) enigmatic b) bankrupt c) fiducial d) puzzling e) gilded answer: b soporific a) awakening b) dining c) caustic d) memorial e) springing answer: a slovenly a) half-baked b) loved c) inappropriate d) tidy e) rapidly answer: d paean a) serf b) pealing c) lien d) lament e) folly answer: d 45 paranoia a) fracture b) statement c) quantity d) benefaction e) sanity answer: e impeccable a) unmentionable b) quotable c) blinding d) faulty e) hampering answer: d diabolical a) mischievous b) lavish c) seraphic d) azure e) red answer: c parsimonious a) grammatical b) syntactical c) effective d) extravagant e) esoteric answer: d impassive a) active b) demonstrative c) perfect d) anxious e) irritated answer: b diffidence a) sharpness b) boldness c) malcontent d) dialogue e) catalog answer: b loath a) loose b) evident c) deliberate d) eager e) tiny answer: d immaculate a) chastened b) chewed c) sullied d) angered e) beaten answer: c disinterested a) prejudiced b) horrendous c) affected d) arbitrary e) bored answer: a malediction a) misfortune b) hap c) fruition d) correct pronunciation e) benediction answer: e impolitic a) campaigning b) advisable c) appropriate d) legal e) fortunate answer: b dissipate a) economize b) clean c) accept d) anticipate e) withdraw answer: a malleable a) brittle b) blatant c) brilliant d) brownish e) basking answer: a fell a) propitious b) illiterate c) catastrophic d) futile e) inherent answer: a devout a) quiet b) dual c) impious d) loyal e) faithless answer: c loquacious a) taciturn b) sentimental c) soporific d) soothing e) sedate answer: a factitious a) genuine b) magnificent c) polished d) puny e) ridiculous answer: a diminution a) expectation b) context c) validity d) appreciation e) difficulty answer: d mellifluous a) porous b) honeycombed c) strong d) strident e) viscous answer: d fidelity a) brotherhood b) parentage c) treachery d) conscience e) consistency answer: c devoid a) latent b) eschewed c) full of d) suspecting e) evident answer: c malign a) intersperse b) vary c) emphasize d) frighten e) eulogize answer: e fatuous a) fatal b) natal c) terrible d) sensible e) tolerable answer: d disconsolate a) examining b) thankful c) theatrical d) joyous e) prominent answer: d 46 compliant a) numerous b) veracious c) soft d) adamant e) livid answer: d asperity a) anguish b) absence c) innuendo d) good temper e) snake answer: d inadvertence a) strong character b) collective action c) careful attention d) unpleasant feature e) unhesitating obedience answer: c cohesion a) independence b) pedestrian c) shift d) pharmacy e) climbing answer: a countenance a) protect b) insist c) disapprove d) forego e) interpret answer: c bolster a) condense b) undermine c) disprove d) cancel e) misinterpret answer: b circuitous a) direct b) complete c) obvious d) aware e) tortured answer: a sublimity a) erosion b) baseness c) conciseness d) insistence e) partiality answer: b waffle a) discharge b) construct c) insist harshly d) praise repeatedly e) speak unequivocally answer: e cognizance a) policy b) ignorance c) advance d) omission e) examination answer: b raffish a) grotesque b) delinquent c) uncaring d) noble e) evil answer: d discrete a) continuous b) external c) highly developed d) illogically composed e) properly described answer: a astute a) sheer b) noisy c) astral d) unusual e) foolish answer: e cognoscitive a) courageous b) expensive c) unconscious d) redundant e) immature answer: c laconic a) blithe b) incapable c) flagrant d) garrulous e) intransigent answer: d atypical a) superfluous b) booming c) normal d) clashing e) lovely answer: c trencherman a) finicky eater b) infantryman c) soldier d) imbiber e) epicure answer: a decorous a) unlikely b) uncomfortable c) unrepentant d) unseemly e) unattractive answer: d artifice a) spite b) exception c) anger d) candor e) loyalty answer: d porous a) inadmissible b) intractable c) impermeable d) impalpable e) implacable answer: c incipient a) exuberant b) full-bodied c) explicit d) plentiful e) full-blown answer: e artisan a) educator b) decider c) sculptor d) discourser e) unskilled laborer answer: e affiliation a) mismanagement b) predisposition c) dissociation d) disagreement e) acquaintance answer: c aseptic a) contaminated b) dispersed c) oxidized d) persistent e) haphazard answer: a 47 quiescence a) impartiality b) subtlety c) indictment d) rationality e) action answer: e mundane a) unearthly b) synthetic c) costly d) fragile e) complicated answer: a alleviate a) transpose b) exacerbate c) fortify d) rectify e) proliferate answer: b lumber a) align b) squelch c) swerve d) resist e) glide answer: e welter a) orderly arrangement b) convincing remark c) inconclusive meeting d) luxuriant growth e) eccentric character answer: a artlessness a) originality b) objectivity c) cunning d) foresight e) resentment answer: c nucleate a) displace b) scatter c) preserve d) smother e) deactivate answer: b group a) restrain b) isolate c) confound d) abandon e) reveal answer: b labile a) intrinsic b) differential c) colorable d) restored e) stable answer: e levity a) veracity b) audacity c) felicity d) gravity e) depravity answer: d immediate a) complex b) limited c) future d) multiple e) tiring answer: c nugatory a) tasteful b) unlimited c) innovative d) fashionable e) consequential answer: e denunciation a) suspension b) indecision c) eulogy d) catharsis e) pronouncement answer: c perseverance a) obvious suffering b) abnormal tranquillity c) lack of promptness d) cessation of effort e) frequency of occurrence answer: d bent a) symmetry b) rigidity c) ineptitude d) nonchalance e) trustworthiness answer: c treacherousness a) intellectuality b) faithfulness c) noteworthiness d) pleasantness e) consideration answer: b off-key a) with sensitive phrasing b) with a suitable instrument c) at the right volume d) at a regular beat e) at the proper pitch answer: e extinguish a) smolder b) defuse c) scorch d) ignite e) explode answer: d soporific a) artificial nourishment b) hallucinatory experience c) effective cure d) auxiliary e) stimulant answer: e bolster a) cancel b) disconnect c) delete d) decrease support of e) lose faith in answer: d dwindle a) accept b) esteem c) exaggerate d) combine e) increase answer: e stymie a) entreat b) apprise c) foster d) lend credibility e) change direction answer: c debacle a) definite agreement b) complete success c) ungrudging acceptance d) nquestionablessumption e) frank response answer: b unearth a) conform b) conceal c) respect d) blend e) plot answer: b 48 testiness a) devotion b) patience c) methodicalness d) caution e) discretion answer: b focus a) disappear b) disperse c) link d) activate e) layer answer: b concur a) expose b) incite c) prolong d) dissent e) forgive answer: d precarious a) clever b) recent c) anxious d) clearly intended e) firmly grounded answer: e disarm a) hold close b) put on guard c) challenge d) entertain e) instruct answer: b amalgamate a) congregate b) insulate c) isolate d) layer e) revive answer: c prejudiced a) straightforward b) unmoved c) disinterested d) sentimental e) even-tempered answer: c inflate a) converge b) inhibit c) audit d) minimize e) detect answer: d ferrous a) affected by rust b) containing no iron c) chemically inert d) combined with water e) permanently magnetized answer: b travesty a) intentional slight b) light burden c) good rapport d) assertion e) paragon answer: e indigenous a) thoughtful b) acquired c) redundant d) unworthy e) sterile answer: b phlegmatic a) vivacious b) valiant c) arid d) healthy e) mature answer: a proscribe a) predict b) sanction c) reciprocate d) delineate e) codify answer: b quell a) foment b) divert c) confirm d) convoke e) delay answer: a prodigious a) implicit b) slight c) constant d) unnecessary e) premature answer: b truculent a) gentle b) dim c) dainty d) silent e) pure answer: a pied a) delicately formed b) precisely detailed c) solid-colored d) smooth e) luminous answer: c corroboration a) weakening of utility b) lessening of certainty c) reduction in generality d) implausibility e) inadequacy answer: b improbity a) success b) honesty c) paucity d) likelihood e) presumption answer: b gainsay a) fail b) destroy c) speak in support of d) receive compensation for e) regard with disgust answer: c palpability a) infertility b) inflammability c) intangibility d) intractability e) intolerability answer: c vague a) expressive b) felicitous c) well-defined d) nearly perfect e) closely matched answer: c complaisance a) churlishness b) emptiness c) difficulty d) swiftness e) vibrancy answer: a alacrity a) hesitance and reluctance b) caution and fear c) cynicism and skepticism d) suspicion and doubt e) concern and anxiety answer: a 49 mannered a) plain b) infantile c) progressive d) ignorant e) natural answer: e maculated a) unobserved b) unfocused c) unplanned d) unfeigned e) unspotted answer: e console a) pretend sympathy b) reveal suffering c) aggravate grief d) betray e) vilify answer: c dissemble a) act conventionally b) put together c) appear promptly d) behave honestly e) obtain readily answer: d esoteric a) unsophisticated b) worthless c) lasting d) generally known e) well expressed answer: d exculpate a) attribute guilt b) avoid responsibility c) establish facts d) control hostilities e) show anxiety answer: a frequent a) contain b) restore c) sever d) visit rarely e) defend eagerly answer: d frustrate a) expand b) enjoy c) nullify d) abet e) prepare answer: d cadge a) conceal b) influence c) reserve d) earn e) favor answer: d crass a) demanding b) florid c) refined d) intrepid e) fair answer: c aspersions a) qualms b) apologies c) rewards d) vexation e) flattery answer: e abjure a) commingle b) arbitrate c) espouse d) appease e) pardon answer: c plasticity a) tightness b) contiguity c) stasis d) rigidity e) order answer: d limp a) true b) firm c) clear d) stark e) endless answer: b specious a) unfeigned b) significant c) valid d) agreeable e) restricted answer: c convoke a) forgive b) eradicate c) adjourn d) omit e) abridge answer: c global a) local b) unusual c) unpredictable d) hot-headed e) single-minded answer: a quotidian a) extraordinary b) certain c) wishful d) secret e) premature answer: a commodious a) calm b) careless c) reticent d) enclosed e) cramped answer: e stability a) disparity b) inconstancy c) opposition d) carelessness e) weariness answer: b adhere a) detach b) cleanse c) engulf d) incise e) contain answer: a corroborate a) complicate b) controvert c) conflate d) condone e) counterfeit answer: b dilate a) narrow b) strengthen c) bend d) push e) soften answer: a unconventionality a) perceptibility b) inscrutability c) imperturbability d) fidelity to custom e) formality of discourse answer: d 50 pinch a) important accomplishment b) apt translation c) abundant amount d) opportune acquisition e) unfamiliar period answer: c outset a) regression b) series c) exit d) interruption e) termination answer: e effrontery a) charity b) deference c) simplicity d) deceitfulness e) stupidity answer: b scurvy a) completely centered b) above reproach c) imaginative d) valiant e) carefree answer: b obdurate a) complaisant b) similar c) commensurate d) uncommunicative e) transitory answer: a aver a) resign indignantly b) condemn unjustly c) refuse d) deny e) resent answer: d pith a) untimely action b) insufficient attention c) routine treatment d) rigid formulation e) superficial element answer: e supine a) vigilant b) flustered c) distorted d) brittle e) awkward answer: a fallacy a) personal philosophy b) imaginative idea c) unconfirmed theory d) tentative opinion e) valid argument answer: e undermine a) submerge b) supersede c) overhaul d) undergird e) intersperse answer: d divulge a) keep secret b) evaluate by oneself c) refine d) restore e) copy answer: a pertain a) be apathetic b) be illegitimate c) be irrevocable d) be incongruous e) be irrelevant answer: e adulteration a) consternation b) purification c) normalization d) approximation e) rejuvenation answer: b amalgamate a) study b) circulate c) reduce d) endure e) separate answer: e deposition a) process of congealing b) process of distilling c) process of eroding d) process of evolving e) process of condensing answer: c arrhythmic a) timely b) subordinate c) terminal d) lacking precision e) exhibiting regularity answer: e enervate a) recuperate b) resurrect c) renovate d) gather e) strengthen answer: e blithe a) conceited b) dim c) sturdy d) laconic e) grave answer: e repine a) intensify b) excuse c) express joy d) feel sure e) rush forward answer: c polemical a) imitative b) lavish c) conciliatory d) attractive e) modest answer: c veneration a) derision b) blame c) avoidance d) ostracism e) defiance answer: a precipitate a) deliberate b) determined c) dissident d) desperate e) divided answer: a inveterate a) casual b) public c) satisfactory d) trustworthy e) sophisticated answer: a deference a) aversion b) resignation c) suspicion d) inattention e) contempt answer: e 51 untoward a) direct b) decisive c) necessary d) favorable and anticipated e) confident and prepared answer: d prevarication a) tact b) consistency c) veracity d) silence e) proof answer: c cower a) swiftly disappear b) brazenly confront c) assuage d) coast e) invert answer: b opprobrious a) meretricious b) innocuous c) invulnerable d) irreproachable e) ambitious answer: d emaciation a) invigoration b) glorification c) amelioration d) inundation e) magnification answer: a pristine a) ruthless b) seductive c) coarse d) commonplace e) contaminated answer: e veritable a) impetuous b) pernicious c) inefficacious d) disastrous e) specious answer: e unalloyed a) destabilized b) unregulated c) assimilated d) adulterated e) condensed answer: d lambaste a) permit b) prefer c) extol d) smooth completely e) support openly answer: c mutter a) please oneself b) resolve conflict c) speak distinctly d) digress randomly e) omit willingly answer: c minatory a) reassuring b) genuine c) creative d) obvious e) awkward answer: a viscid a) bent b) prone c) cool d) slick e) slight answer: d transparent a) indelicate b) neutral c) opaque d) somber e) tangible answer: c fluctuate a) work for b) flow over c) follow from d) remain steady e) cling together answer: d turpitude a) saintly behavior b) clever conversation c) lively imagination d) agitation e) lucidity answer: a radiate a) approach b) cool c) absorb d) tarnish e) vibrate answer: c precarious a) safe b) covert c) rescued d) revived e) pledged answer: a philistine a) perfectionist b) aesthete c) iconoclast d) critic e) cynic answer: b ensemble a) complement b) cacophony c) coordination d) preface e) solo answer: e fumble a) organize neatly b) say clearly c) prepare carefully d) handle adroitly e) replace immediately answer: d odium a) ease b) fragrance c) resignation d) eccentricity e) infatuation answer: e retain a) allocate b) distract c) relegate d) discard e) misplace answer: d authentic a) ordinary b) criminal c) unattractive d) inexpensive e) bogus answer: e hiatus a) nexus b) atavist c) cognate d) vortex e) reflex answer: a 52