“A Pig Don’t Get Fatter The More You Weigh It:” Classroom Assessment That Works Judy F. Carr USF Sarasota Manatee and The Center for Curriculum Renewal 2665 Belvoir Blvd, Sarasota, FL 34237 www.curriculumrenewal.com jcarrvt@aol.com Florida ASCD Conference November 30, 2007 K Florida ASCD Conference W 2 L Classroom Assessments That Work Clarifying the Context for Classroom Assessment Types Purposes Individual Self-assessment Feedback about learning Providing modifications and alternative assessments Placement in courses and programs Promotion and retention Classroom Instructional improvement Progress monitoring Improvement of student learning School/ District Florida Improvement goals Longitudinal progress Action planning Strategic planning Curriculum development and revisions Public reporting and local accountability Accountability Impact of laws and funding Impact and results of policies and procedures Adapted from Carr (2007) Classroom assessments that work. In Jones, P., Carr, J., & Ataya, R. (2007) A pig don’t get fatter the more you weigh it: Classroom assessments that work. NY: Teachers College Press. Florida ASCD Conference 3 Classroom Assessments That Work Choosing the Right Type of Classroom Assessment Selected Response Examples More Effective for Assessing Less Effective for Assessing Multiple choice True-False Matching Declarative Knowledge Information and facts Procedural Knowledge Skills and processes Constructed Response Short Answers Fill in the blank: h word(s), phrase(s) Short answer sentence(s) paragraph(s) Label a diagram “show your work” Visual representation web, concept map, flowchart, table, graph Declarative Knowledge Information and facts Content and concepts Procedural Knowledge Skills and processes Dispositions Dispositions Scoring Guides Answer key Scoring template Machine scoring Reporting/ Feedback Methods Numerical score: Percentages Point totals Generalized rubric Task-specific rubric Checklist Answer key Letter grades Checklist Products Essay, research paper, log/journal, lab report, story/play, poem, portfolio, art exhibit, science project, model, video/audio tape, spreadsheet, learning log Performances Oral presentation, science lab, dance/movement, demonstration, athletic competition, conversation and observation, dramatic reading, debate, “think aloud” Declarative Knowledge Content and concepts Procedural Knowledge Skills and processes Dispositions Dispositions Procedural Knowledge Skills and processes Declarative Knowledge Content and concepts Declarative Knowledge Information and facts Declarative Knowledge Information and facts Procedural Knowledge Skills and processes Generalized rubric Task-specific rubric Checklist Generalized rubric Task-specific rubric Checklist Observation Sheet Developmental/proficiency scale: generalized rubric, task-specific rubric, rating scale Narrative report (written) Written comments Verbal report/conference Self Teacher(s) Peer(s) Parent(s) Expert Judges Community Members Based on the VT-DOE Teacher Resource Guide, McREL resources, & the work of McTighe, Ferrara, & Stiggins Assessor(s) Florida ASCD Conference 4 Classroom Assessments That Work Elmira City School District Quality Classroom Assessment Assessment is the process of gathering evidence of student learning to inform instructional decisions to keep students confident and striving to learn. Component TARGET PURPOSE METHOD & MATCH ASSESSOR QUANTITY/ AMOUNT Description ~Have clear, appropriate learning goals/objectives ~Tie to performance indicators/standards ~Start with the end in mind ~Improve instruction ~Provide specific feedback to students ~Inform planning by aligning goal/objective/aim, instructional strategies, assessment ~Use assessment data continuously to inform instruction ~ Check for mastery ~ Diagnose needs and strengths ~Accountability ~Match type of assessment to learning goal/objective/aim ~ Have appropriate match among target, purpose, and method of assessment ~ Ensure validity by having assessment measure what it claims to assess ~ Self, peer, teacher, “outside” experts ~Use multiple measures ~Use multiple samples of student work to make sound inferences about learning FREQUENCY ~Provide continuous feedback to students (during and end of lessons and units) ACCURACY ~Create fair assessments that are free from biases ~Incorporate modifications/ accommodations ~Provide continuous feedback to students ~Clearly report to parents, other teachers, the public COMMUNICATION Florida ASCD Conference 5 Examples/ Resources Posted Goals I Can Statements AIMS Learning Objectives Curriculum Webs Rubrics Conferences (teacher, peer) Self-assessment Exemplars Progress Monitoring Benchmark/Common Assessments CBA Report Cards Types of Assessment: Selected Response Constructed Response/Short Answer, Products and Performances Selected response matches goal at Bloom’s knowledge evaluation level Student self-assessment Teacher scoring A quiz, a project, and a presentation Student portfolio Check for Understanding Ticket Out Benchmark Assessments Rubrics Checklists Portfolio Report Card Classroom Assessments That Work Classroom Assessment Peer Review Process AssessmentTitle: Assessment Creator: Strengths Challenges “Scoring Guide” The Score 4 3 2 1 The Criteria Exemplar with almost no changes needed Exemplar with minor adjustments needed Many strengths but a few specific and substantive changes are needed (e.g. revise assessment tools to better match the “standards”) Both strengths and issues are evident Reviewer’s Name: Florida ASCD Conference Next Step Support, coach, assist as needed Adjust, support, coach, assist as needed Resubmit with the identified items adjusted or fixed Create an action plan to revise and submit Date: 6 Classroom Assessments That Work Assessment Plan Standards (Core Curriculum) SS1.E.1A.04.01 Know that Native American Indians were the first inhabitants of our local region and state that the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee - People of the Longhouse) and the Algonquian were the early inhabitants of our State Student Work Scoring Guides Unit Test Unit Test Key (AK) CRQ CRQ Rubric (R) Unit Test Unit Test Key (AK) Compare/Contrast Organizer Compare/Contrast Organizer (CL) Writing Piece Writing Piece Rubric (R) Unit Test Unit Test Key (AK) ELA Activity ELA Activity Rubric (R) Unit Test Unit Test Key (AK) Journal Entry Journal Entry Rubric (R) Unit Test Unit Test Key (AK) CRQ CRQ Rubric (R) Journal Entry Journal Entry Rubric (R) SS1.E.1A.04.02 Know SS1.E.1A.04.05 Understand the roots of American culture, how it developed from many different traditions, and the ways many people from a variety of groups and backgrounds played a role in creating it SS1.E.3A.04.01 Know the important accomplishments of Native American Indians who lived in our community and New York State SS1.E.3A.04.01 Know the important accomplishments of Native American Indians who lived in our community and New York State SS3.E.1E.04.01 Know the uses of the environment and how Native American Indian settlements were influenced by environmental and geographic factors ELA1.E.LR1C.04.01 Read to identify main idea and supporting details in informational texts and correctly spell level appropriate high frequency words Journal Entry Rubric (R) ELA1.E.SW2G.04.02 Know uppercase letters appropriately (e.g. proper nouns, pronoun I, beginning of a sentence, titles. etc.) Journal Entry ELA1.E.SW2G.04.03 Use Florida ASCD Conference Journal Entry Rubric (R) Journal Entry 7 Classroom Assessments That Work Name:________________________ Date:_______________ Unit Test: Native Americans of NY State Circle the best answer for each question below. 1. People first came to North America by _______. a) crossing an ice bridge b) crossing a land bridge c) swimming across the ocean d) sailing across the ocean 2. Most Native Americans in New York State lived in ______. a) teepees b) tents c) wigwams d) longhouses 3. The leader of each Iroquois clan was the _______. a) clan leader b) firekeeper c) clan mother d) sachem 4. _______ was a string of polished beads passed at council to show the speaker was truthful. a) wampum b) sachem c) artifact d) wigwam 5. The Native American nations in New York State made up the _____. a) Iroquois Conference b) Iroquois Confederacy c) Iroquois Legion d) Iroquois Group Florida ASCD Conference 8 Classroom Assessments That Work Assessment Training Institute Principles of Assessment for Learning --Teachers 1. I understand and can articulate in advance of teaching the achievement targets students are to hit. Low 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ High 2. My students are informed regularly about those targets in terms they can understand, in part through the study of the criteria by which their work will be evaluated and samples of highquality work. Low 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ High 3. My students can describe what targets they are to hit and what comes next in their learning. Low 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ High 4. I can transform those targets into dependable assessments that yield accurate information. Low 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ High 5. I use classroom assessment information to revise and guide teaching and student learning, and share this information with students. Low 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ High 6. The feedback I give to students is descriptive, constructive, frequent, and immediate, helping students know how to plan and improve. Low 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ High 7. My students are actively, consistently, and effectively involved in assessment, including learning to manage their own learning through the skills of self-assessment. Low 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ High 8. My students actively, consistently, and effectively communicate with others about their achievement status and improvement. Low 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ High 9. I understand the relationship between assessment and student motivation and use assessment to build student success and confidence rather than failure and defeat. Low 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ High Florida ASCD Conference 9 Classroom Assessments That Work Assessment Competencies for Educational Leaders The leader understands the standards of quality for student assessments and how to ensure that these standards are met in all assessments. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High The leader understands the principles of assessment for learning and works with staff to integrate them into classroom instruction. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High The leader understands the necessity of clear academic achievement targets, aligned classroom-level achievement targets, and their relationship to the development of accurate assessments. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High The leader knows and can evaluate teachers’ classroom assessment competencies and helps teachers learn to assess accurately and use the results productively. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High The leader can plan, present, or secure professional development activities that contribute the use of sound practices. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High The leader accurately analyzes assessment information, uses the information to improve curriculum and instruction, and assists teachers in doing the same. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High The leader can develop and implement sound assessment and assessment-related policies. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High The leader creates the conditions necessary for the appropriate use and reporting of student achievement information, and can communicate effectively with all members of the school community about student assessment results and their relationship to improving curriculum and instruction. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High The leader understands the attributes of a sound and balanced student assessment system. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High The leader understands the issues related to the unethical and inappropriate use of student assessment and protects students and staff from such misuse. Low 1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________ High Florida ASCD Conference 10 Classroom Assessments That Work