BIOL 117-03 - Amreen Khan

Heartland Community College
Student Syllabus for BIOL 117-03
Genes: Foundation of Life Lab
Fall 2006
Credit Hours 2
Lab Meeting Times W 5:00pm – 7:50pm
Instructor Information
Amreen Khan
Office Hours: By Appointment
Contact: (309)287-6161
Prerequisites Credit or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 116. A laboratory course
designed to enhance the student's understanding of concepts covered in BIOL 116.
Degree and Checklist Applicability Science and Mathematics Credit, AA, AS Degrees
Catalog Description A laboratory course designed to enhance the student's
understanding of concepts covered in BIOL 116.
Course Overview Employs lab procedures and exercises to enhance scientific
principles, applications, and ethical implications of DNA fingerprinting, genetic
engineering and the human genome project.
Required Laboratory Materials Provided for printing online at
Methods of Instruction Labs will follow guidelines and procedures of Student Lab
Instructions found online and following schedule.
Method of Evaluation (grading system) The final grade will be based on the
percentage earned from labs and assignments.
A: 90% - 100% B: 80% - 89% C: 70% - 79% D: 60% - 69% F: 0% - 59%
Extra Credit opportunities may or may not apply in this course.
Policies on Assignments/Labs/Quizzes/Makeup’s/Attendance
Lab The lab grade will count as one-fourth of the final course grade and will include
attendance, assignments, and lab work. A student may make-up a lab or unit assignment
if all four of the following conditions are met:
1. The student has an illness or emergency that can be documented.
2. The student makes arrangements with the instructor before or on the scheduled
day of the lab/assignment to complete the lab or assignment.
3. The assignment is completed or the lab is made up prior to the next class.
4. If any of these 3 conditions are not met, there will be no make-up on any missed
Attendance Policies Attendance will be taken daily throughout the semester. An
excused absence is only applicable if the student notifies the instructor prior to the class
period to be missed. If a student shall miss a class, the student is responsible for getting
any missed assignments, announcements, or handouts from either the instructor or a
fellow classmate. Attendance can be part of a student’s overall grade. The student’s
attendance may result in receiving the higher grade if he/she is on the borderline of two
letter grades and has attended 94% of the classes. Simply put, three absences will
eliminate this benefit. Any missed assignments or labs due to an absence cannot be made
up, unless the student obtains and excused absence as described above.
Notice of Cancelled Class Sessions Cancelled class sessions, for all HCC classes, will
be listed under Cancelled Class Meetings in the A-Z Index and under Academic
Information in the Current Students page on the HCC Web site.
Reading Requirements Lab Instructions should be printed before scheduled lab and is
expected to be reviewed before lab meeting time.
Assignments There may be periodic assignments which will be announced in class, and
handouts will be given, including expectations and due dates.
Tentative Lab Schedule
Services and Support
Computer Lab:
Tutoring Center:
For more information about services available at each location, please call the ASC in
Normal (309) 268-8231; the Pontiac Center (815) 842-6777; the Lincoln Center (217)
735-1731.Final Student Evaluation: Lecture and Lab