- Economic Research Forum (ERF)

: Heba Handoussa
: Managing Director of Egypt Network for Integrated Development (ENID)
: Egyptian
: 92, El Nil Street, Giza
: 8 Nabil el Wakkad Street
Dokki, Cairo
Tel.: (202) 7622798
Fax: (202) 7622798
Ph.D. Economics, The University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Doctoral Dissertation: “The Economics of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Egypt”
M.Sc. Economics, The University of London (University College London)
B.A. Economics, The American University in Cairo
2012- (PRESENT)
Founder and Managing Director of Egypt Network for Integrated Development
Director and Lead Author, National Human Development Report for Egypt 2010
Title: “Youth in Egypt: Building our Future”
Director and Lead Author, National Human Development Report for Egypt 2008
Title: “Partners in Development: The Social Contract and Civil Society in Egypt”
Research Director, Gender Economic Research and Policy Analysis (GERPA), a program
funded by the World Bank and administered through the Center for Arab Women
Training and Research (CAWTAR) to encourage gender economic research.
Director and Lead Author, National Human Development Report for Egypt 2005.
Title: “Choosing our Future: Towards a New Social Contract”
Director and Lead Author, National Human Development Report for Egypt 2004.
Title: “Choosing Decentralization for Good Governance”
Founder and Managing Director of the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries,
Iran and Turkey (ERF).
Vice Provost, American University in Cairo.
Professor, Department of Economic and Political Science, American University in Cairo.
Received tenure in 1982.
Chair of Department of Economics and Political Science, American University in Cairo.
Chair of Department of Economics, Political Science and Mass Communications,
American University in Cairo.
Co-coordinator of the Forum Euro-Mediterraneen des Instituts Economiqes (FEMISE).
Senior Consultant to the World Bank for the preparation of the Public Sector Investment
Review (PIR) for Egypt.
Assigned task of forecasting and preparation of Section on Manufacturing Industry for
Third Five-Year Plan by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Egypt.
Series of lectures on Exchange Rate, Trade, Investment and Fiscal Policies in the context
of Structural Adjustment and Growth. Arab Monetary Fund, Abu Dhabi. Part of
Macroeconomic Management Course organized by Economic Development Institute,
World Bank.
Director of an eight-week program on “Current Economic Issues”, Division of Public
Service, the American University in Cairo. During the program, leading Egyptian
economists addressed a group of foreign diplomats and businessmen.
Principal Investigator in a 20 member team from the Institute of National Planning and
the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) on a study of job
creation in the Egyptian Economy, 1960-1985. Responsible for analyzing the implications
of Egypt’s Five Year Plan 1982/83 to 1986/87 for employment in manufacturing and coauthor of: A Study of the Labor Market in Manufacturing Industry.
Economic Advisor to Minister of Industry (four consecutive Ministers). Egyptian
counterpart in joint studies with the World Bank: “Egypt: Issues of Trade Strategy and
Investment Planning”, “Sources of Productivity Growth in Egyptian Industry”, “Target
Setting, Performance Evaluation and Relationship of Public Sector Enterprises with
Ministry of Industry.” Principal Ministry of Industry negotiator with the World Bank on
Egypt’s Structural Adjustment Program (1986-1993).
Member of a newly formed “Economic Studies Unit” at the Ministry of Economy,
working on various government policy issues. Unit partly financed by the Ford
Foundation. Reports include: “Selling Shares of Public Sector Enterprises” (co-author Dr.
Paul Clark), “Study of Law 43 and New Investment Policies” (co-authors Dr. Aly al
Gritly, Dr. Paul Clark, Dr. Abd Al Galil Emary), and “Financing and Liquidity Problems
of Public Sector Enterprises”.
Various World Bank Consultancies:
 Economic Consultant on a study for restructuring Egypt’s fertilizer industry (1987).
 Economic Consultant on a preparatory Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL) mission to Tunisia (1987).
 Economic Consultant on Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL) missions to Turkey. Responsible for
reports on public sector structural reform and privatization (1984-1986).
Various Consultancies to the Government of Egypt:
 Member of Advisory Committee for Science and Technology, Egypt (since 1992).
 Advisor to Minister of Economy on program for reform of exchange rate and trade policies (19851986). Assigned the task of forecasting Egypt’s balance of payments for the purpose of Egypt’s Five
Year Plan 1987/88 to 1991/92.
 Consultant to the Foreign Investment Authority responsible for evaluation of private sector investments
in manufacturing (1974-1984).
 Consultant to Minister of Economy and Foreign Investment Authority for the evaluation of investment
projects in Egypt’s pharmaceutical industry. Active participant in negotiations with multinationals
Comité d’évaluation du Programme thématique ANR « Les Suds, aujourd’hui », 2007.
Fellow at The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), 2007-present.
Member of the Committee for Development Policy, United Nations New York, 2004-2006.
Review of Proposals for the Southern Africa Trade Research Network II (SATRN-II) on behalf of
IDRC, 2006.
Member of Jury for the Investment Climate and Business Envirornment (ICBE) Research Fund, funded
by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and TrustAfrica, 2006-Present.
Member of the Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI), Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Member of the Coordinating Committee for Monetary Policy in Egypt (2004 – Present).
Independent Mid-Term Evaluator of the Southern African Trade Research Network (SATRN) on
behalf of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2004.
Member of the Shoura Council (Upper House of Parliament) of the Arab Republic of Egypt, 19982003.
Member of the committee initiating the creation of the Global Development Network (GDN), 19971998.
Member of Committee to Monitor implementation of the Economic Reform and Structural Adjustment
Program, 1992.
Advisor to Egyptian Trade Union Federation, member of Technical Office attached to the Chairman of
the Federation, 1992-1994.
Member of Specialized National Councils, reporting directly to the President of the Arab Republic of
Egypt, 1991-present.
Represented Egyptian Government at Consultative Group Meeting, Paris, July 1991.
Represented Egyptian Government in SAL negotiations with the World Bank, Paris, February 1991.
Member of the World Bank Chief Economist’s Council of Eminent Persons (CEP), 2015.
Member of the Board, Conseil d'Orientation de la Fonction d'Agence (COFA), 2007.
Member of the Steering Committee, Pathways to Women’s Empowerment, Social Research Center,
American University in Cairo.
Member of the Executive Committee of the International Economic Association (President Robert
Solow), 2005-Present.
Member of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, International Labor
Organization (ILO), 2002-2003.
Member of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Egypt, 2000-2003.
Member of the Board, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), 19992003.
Member of the Advisory Board, Mediterranean Development Forum (MDF), 1997-2003.
Member of the External Advisory Council of the World Bank Institute, 1998-2006.
Member of the Board of Trustees of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 19982000.
Member of Scientific Council, Centre d’Etudes et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques et
Sociales (CEDEJ), 1997-1998.
Member of the Board of Directors of the Holding Company for Pharmaceuticals Sector, 1992-1993,
 Sheild awarded by the American University in Cairo for scholary services rendered from 1975 to 1993.
 The Economic Research Forum dedicated a volume of refereed articles in Dr. Handoussa’s honor. This
volume was published as the December 2006 issue of Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.
The Economic and Business History Research Center (EBHRC) at the American University in Cairo
interviewed Dr. Handoussa in 2006 for their Oral History Research Project.
“Analysis of Social Policies Affecting Egyptian Rural Communities”, Lead author for Report
prepared by Heba Handoussa and Gillian Potter and published by the African Development Bank
(AFDB), 2014.
“Effective School to Work Transition: Policy Recommendations”, Policy Brief for Egypt Network
for Integrated Development (ENID), 2013.
“Reformulating Labour Market Policies for Egypt”, co-author Mohamed Ramadan, prepared for
African Development Bank, 2012.
Situation analysis: key development challenges facing Egypt, Lead author Situation Analysis
Taskforce, Egyptian Government and UN Agencies, Egypt, 2010.
Egypt human development report 2010: Youth in Egypt: Building Our Future, director and lead
author, United Nations Development Program: Egypt, 2010.
“Overview and messages”, in Egypt human development report 2010: Youth in Egypt: Building
Our Future, United Nations Development Program: Egypt, 2010.
“Poverty and Youth Exclusion”, co-author Heba El Laithy, in Egypt human development report
2010: Youth in Egypt: Building Our Future, United Nations Development Program: Egypt, 2010.
“Constructing a Youth Well being Index”, co-author Magued Osman, Sahar Tawila, Mohamed
Ramdan, Heba El Laithy, Dina Armanious, in "Egypt human development report 2010: Youth in
Egypt: Building Our Future”, United Nations Development Program: Egypt, 2010.
“Lessons from the MDGs in Africa”, in African Development Review, 2009.
10. Egypt human development report 2008: Egypt’s social contract: The role of civil society, director
and lead author, United Nations Development Program: Egypt, 2008.
11. “CSOs are vital partners in the new social contract”, co- author Sahar Tawila, in Egypt human
development report 2008: Egypt’s social contract: The role of civil society, United Nations
Development Program: Egypt, 2008
12. “The Relationship between the Private Sector and Civil Society”, co-author Alia El Mahdi, in
"Egypt human development report 2008: Egypt’s social contract: The role of civil society”, United
Nations Development Program: Egypt, 2008
13. “The Middle East: Challenges and Opportunities for Globalization”, co-author Heba Abou
Shnief, in The future of globalization: explorations in light of recent turbulence, edited by Ernesto
Zedillo. Routledge, 2008.
14. “The Quest for Economic Reform and Structural Transformation in the Arab Region”, presented to
the High-Level Round Table of the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), May 2006.
Published by OFID in 2007
15. Arab Women and Economic Development, editor. A volume of papers presented at a seminar held
at the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development in Kuwait. Published by American
University in Cairo Press, 2005.
16. Egypt human development report 2005: Choosing our Future: Towards a New Social Contract,
director and lead author, United Nations Development Program: Egypt, 2005.
17. “A Vision for Egypt”, in Egypt human development report 2005: Choosing our Future: Towards a
New Social Contract, United Nations Development Program: Egypt, 2005.
18. “Targeting Full Employment”, co-author Magued Osman, Saad Nassar, in Egypt human
development report 2005: Choosing our Future: Towards a New Social Contract, United Nations
Development Program: Egypt, 2005.
19. Egypt human development report 2004: Choosing Decentralization for Good Governance, director
and lead author , United Nations Development Program: Egypt, 2004.
20. Employment Creation and Social Protection in the Middle East and North Africa, co-edited with
Zaffiris Tzannatos, American University in Cairo Press, 2002.
21. Institutional Reform and Economic Development in Egypt, co-edited with Noha El-Mikawy,
American University in Cairo Press, 2002.
22. “Implementating Social Development in Egypt: The Economic and Budgetary Dimension,”
prepared for the National Conference on Social Development, Egypt, October 1999.
23. “Competitiveness of the Arab Industrial Structure,”presented at the ERF seminar on The Role of
the Private Sector in Arab Economies, Kuwait, 11-12 April, 1999.
24. Economic Transition in the Middle East: Global Challenges and Adjustment Strategies, editor.
American University in Cairo Press, 1997.
25. “The Role of the State: The Case of Egypt” in The New Institutional Economics and Third World
Development, edited by John Harriss, Janet Hunter, and Colin M. Lewis. Rutledge, 1995.
26. “Prospects for the Development of Export Oriented Industries in Egypt”, prepared for the Japanese
Institute of Middle Eastern Economics, Tokyo, January 1993.
27. “Egypt’s Informal Sector: Engine of Growth?”, co-author Gillian Potter. Paper presented at the
Middle East Studies Association Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 1992.
28. “Wages, Productivity and Inflation: The Case of Egypt since the Infitah”, in Inflation Mechanisms
in Egypt, edited by Hanaa Kheir El-Din. Center of Economic and Financial Research Studies,
Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, 1992. (In Arabic).
29. “The Economics of Peace: The Egyptian Case”, co-author Nemat Shafik. Paper prepared for the
Conference on the Economics of Peace in the Middle East, the Institute for Social and Economic
Policy in the Middle East, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
November 1991. Published in The Economics of Middle East Peace: Views from the Region,
edited by Dani Rodrik, Stanley Fisher, and Elias Tuma, MIT Press, 1993.
30. “Reform Policies for Egypt’s Manufacturing Sector”, in Employment and Structural Adjustment:
Egypt in the 1990s, edited by Heba Handoussa and Gillian Potter. American University in Cairo
Press, 1991.
31. “Crisis and Challenge: Prospects for the 1990s”, in Employment and Structural Adjustment:
Egypt in the 1990s, edited by Heba Handoussa and Gillian Potter. American University in Cairo
Press, 1991.
32. “The Impact of Foreign Assistance on Egypt’s Economic Development, 1952-1986”, in
Transitions in Development: The Role of Aid and Commercial Flows, edited by Uma Lele and Ijaz
Nabi. International Center for Economic Growth. Institute for Contemporary Studies Press, San
Francisco, 1991.
33. “Egypt’s Investment Strategy, Policies and Performance since the Infitah”, in Investment Policies
in the Arab Countries, edited by Said Al Naggar. International Monetary Fund, 1990.
34. “Fifteen Years of US Aid to Egypt: A Critical Review”, in The Political Economy of
Contemporary Egypt, edited by I.M. Oweiss. Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown
University, Washington D.C., 1990.
35. “The Burden of Public Sector Employment and Remuneration: The Case of Egypt”, in
Government and Its Employees: Case Studies of Developing Countries, edited by W. van
Ginneken. International Labor Organization, 1989.
36. “Prospects for Egypt’s Public Sector Industry during the Five Year Plan, 1987/88 to 1991/92”,
presented to the Eleventh Annual Conference of Egyptian Economists, Cairo, November 1986.
Published by the Societe Egyptienne d’Economie Politique, de Statistique et de Legislation, Cairo,
37. “The South Korean Success Story: Comparison and Contrasts with Egypt” in L’Egypte
Contemporaine, 77th year, No.403, January 1986.
38. “Productivity Change in Egyptian Public Sector Industries after ‘the Opening’, 1973-1979”, coauthors Meiko Nishimizu and John M. Page, Jr. Published in The Journal of Development
Economics, Vol. 20, 1986.
39. “Public Sector Efficiency and the Competitive Environment, Examples from the Manufacturing
Sectors in Egypt and Turkey”, presented to the Symposium on Public Enterprise Management,
International Center for Public Enterprises in Developing Countries, Ljubjana, Yugoslavia,
September 1986.
40. “Conflicting Objectives in the Egyptian-American Aid Relationship” in The Impact of
Development Assistance on Egypt, edited by Earl L. Sullivan. Cairo Papers in Social Science,
volume 7, number 3, American University in Cairo, September 1984.
41. “Problems and Policies for Industrialization: The Case of Egypt”, presented to the Preparatory
Mission of the Second UNIDO Conference. Lima, Peru, April 1983.
42. “The Open Door Policy and the Development of Egyptian Agriculture”, presented to the Fifth
Economic Policy Workshop on Agricultural Policy in Egypt organized by the Agricultural
Development Systems Project, Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and the University of California,
September 18-19, 1982.
43. “The Future of Egypt’s Public Sector”, presented to the Sixth Annual Conference of Egyptian
Economists, March 1981. Published in The Open Door Policy: The Roots, the Harvest and the
Future, edited by Gouda Abd Al Khalek. Arab Center for Research and Publications, Cairo 1982.
(In Arabic).
44. “The Impact of Economic Liberalization on the Performance of Egypt’s Public Sector Industry”,
presented at Second B.A.P.E.G Conference sponsered by Boston University and the Harvard
Institute for International Development, April 2-5, 1980.
45. “Time for Reform: Egypt’s Public Sector Industry”, in Studies in Egyptian Political Economy:
Methodology, Theory, and Case Studies, edited by Herbert M. Thompson. Cairo Papers in Social
Science, volume 2, number 3. American University in Cairo, 1979.
46. “The Public Sector in Egyptian Industry, 1952-1977”, presented to the 1978 Annual Conference
of Egyptian Economists. Published in The Egyptian Economy in a Quarter Century, 1952-1977,
Egyptian General Organization for Books, Cairo, 1979. Also appeared in The Arab Manager,
October 1978.