C2 Volcano Locations - Dearborn High School

Name________________________________ #____ Date______________ Hour_____
Center #2: Locations of Volcanic Eruptions and Earthquake Measurement Scales
Part I Graphing Directions: Follow the steps listed below.
1. Obtain the following from the teacher:
 Mercator Projection Map with latitude/longitude lines (one per student)
 a copy of the volcanic eruption list (one per pair of students)
2. Each member of the group should plot the location of the 53 eruptions using the latitude and
longitude numbers by making a small circle or a dot on one chart. Start with pencil; when you
are sure the location is correct, go over it with red marker. The coordinates don’t have to be
precise, but close!
3. Answer the post-lab and challenge questions below AFTER you plot the points.
Part II Post-Lab Directions: Use the space provided to answer the questions that follow.
4. Look carefully at the marked physiographic ocean chart. Are the locations of volcanoes
randomly scattered over the Earth or do they seem to be more concentrated in certain areas?
5. Which country or area of the world had the most volcanic activity according to the data
Part II Challenge Directions: Use the combined Richter and Modified Mercalli Scales on the
back of this sheet to answer the questions about earthquakes below.
7. According to data, how many of those earthquakes would have been felt by all people?
8. According to the data, how many of those earthquakes would be described as moderate?
9. Describe the effects of a moderate earthquake:____________________________________
10. Write a QAR strategy question that could be answered using the measurement scales: