ACT BUSHFIRE COUNCIL Meeting 5/2005 24th November 2005 - 3.00pm-6.00pm Executive Conference Room 1 Emergency Services Authority 123 Carruthers Street, Curtin ACT 2605 Attendees Dave Broderick Dee Watson Simon Katz Stephen Wise Michael Lonergan Bruce Leaver Kevin Jeffery Geoff Butler Peter Kanowski Michael Ross Tony Bartlett Chair Secretariat Member Member Member Member Member Member Member ex-Officio Member Apologies David Prince Peter Dunn Jo Matthews ex-Officio ex-Officio Member 1. Opening and Introduction by Chairman Dave Broderick opened the meeting at 3:05pm. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed. The table of Actions was reviewed. Business Arising: Namadgi Plan A discussion ensued with regard to the draft of the Namadgi Plan. It was stated that there are still a couple of items that could be contentious from an environmental and a financial standpoint, particularly in relation to a link road at Corin. This road has been identified in the Bushfire Management Plan, but was always noted by some community sectors as a contentious proposal for a variety of reasons Peter Kanowski asked about the Stockyard Spur Road in particular its design and fire management effect, limitations and purpose. A general discussion ensued. Council Page 1 of 7 agreed that any Stockyard Spur road needed only to provide appropriate access for bushfire management and firefighting vehicles, and must be engineered to appropriate environmental standards." It was stressed that, where practical, the old tracks should be reopened, rather than cutting new ones within the National Parks. Kevin Jeffery undertook to provide an updated copy of the Plan and email it to Dee Watson to be printed on BFC letterhead. Any further comment to Kevin by 12pm on Monday. Action: Council Members to provide final comments to Kevin Jeffery by 12noon on Monday 28 November, for inclusion in the Namadgi Plan. Kevin Jeffery to update plan and provide to Dee Watson for printing on Council letterhead. Environment Australia Presentation: Julie Crawford and Steve Horsley from the Department of Environment and Conservation presented an update on the work of the Department since the 2003 fires. Some of the work includes: Fire trails – close to $1m spent on upgrades and rehabilitation of trails including river crossings. Reviewing MOU between National Parks and the ACT. Brindabella National Park – removal of dangerous trees Hazard Reduction burning Emerging Issues: Development of Fire Management Plan for Brindabella National Park and Kosciusko National Park New Agenda Items: None identified Correspondence: The only correspondence received was a brochure from ACTPLA entitled “Shape”. Bushfire Operations Plans: General comments were made in relation the Bushfire Operations Plans Presentation given at the last meeting. Commissioners Report: No report as the Commissioner was not present at the meeting. Rural Fire Service: Hazard Reduction in WA & Victorian Catchments: Page 2 of 7 Michael Ross discussed a tour he had undertaken with the Commissioner and other ACT CEO’s, of catchment areas around Perth and Melbourne to examine the use of fire in these catchments. Essentially the tour outlined the enormous benefit of regular & strategic hazard reduction programs in catchment areas and the benefit of having reduced fuel areas over a mosaic across the landscape. CAF’s Update: Three Isuzu 1800 litre CAF’s (Compressed Air Foam) units were commissioned yesterday by the Minister. A further three 3,000L units have been ordered and are due for arrival in February 2006. Training Upcoming: Over the next few weeks the RFS are holding hover exit and working around aircraft, fitness for remote area fire-fighting and culminating in a major remote area exercise based at Namadgi on December 10th. Aircraft Arrival: Both the squirrel and the Bell 212 helicopters arrive on November 25th for a 12-week stay. Wangary Report: A synopsis of the finding of the Wangary fire in SA was distributed and will be addressed at a future meeting. Stromlo ICC: The flyaway kit (comprising computers, printers, faxes and phones) used for Incident Control Centres will be trialled at the Stromlo depot on Monday November 28th. Other RFS: Michael Ross distributed a document in relation to Workcover report. Tony Bartlett asked what would be done this year in relation to grass growth. RFS are currently looking at roadside burning rather than roadside slashing. A proposal will go to departments next week. Dave Broderick asked about Rick McRae’s Risk Assessment and asked for patterns on the likelihood of the arsonist striking this year on either Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Tony Bartlett raised the question of whether or not aerial patrols could be done with publicity to try to discourage arsonists. Michael stated that he had had talks with experts in this field who state that this would only encourage certain personality types. RFS Report on Vehicles: Dave Broderick asked about the problems with air intake in the new trucks, which is the same as the air intake in the older vehicles. Page 3 of 7 Dave asked that an Engineer look over the older vehicles in order to establish whether or not they were safe to keep in the fleet. Tony Bartlett enquired about the use of the 5 large tankers with petrol pumps on grass fires. Michael Ross confirmed that these tankers would be available for first response to grassfires during 05/06 but only for mop up at forest fires. Fire Brigade No report was available as David Prince was unavailable to attend the meeting. Kevin Jeffery Kevin Jeffery stated that the Volunteer Brigade Association had recently held their AGM, Kevin was not able to attend. Kevin advised that Barricade Gel had been trialled at Tharwa and that he would be arranging a presentation and possibly a short demonstration at a later date. Action: Kevin Jeffery to arrange a presentation and possibly a short demonstration of Barricade Gel at a future meeting. Michael Lonergan Michael Lonergan raised his concerns regarding door lining/ door cavities, which become toxic in extreme heat. The RFS are doing tests on this. Michael advised that he has found a company in WA who makes aluminium linings for certain types of vehicles. A third trial of Barricade Gel was held at Tharwa last week to great effect. A number of pine pallets were covered and also a vehicle. Michael strongly suggested that one vehicle in each brigade be equipped with the Gel allowing the vehicles to be covered in the Gel if caught in a fire. Michael Ross stated although this is the only non-petrochemical product on the market that this product has not yet been approved by the US. It is also necessary to not be seen to be endorsing a specific product. Confirmation of Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Bushfire Council is scheduled for December 22nd. The meeting will be held at Legislative Assembly with Minister Hargreaves. The meeting closed at 5:40pm Page 4 of 7 Meeting 5/2005 – 24th November, 2005 - Action Items: Meeting No: 2005/05 2005/05 2005/05 2005/05 2005/04 2005/04 2005/04 2005/04 2005/03 2005/03 2005/03 2005/03 2005/03 Action Item: Arrange a presentation and possibly a short demonstration of Barricade Gel at a future meeting. Provide final comments to Kevin Jeffery by 12noon on Monday 28 November, for inclusion in the Namadgi Plan. Provide final document to Dee Watson for printing on Council letterhead. Print Namadgi Plan on Bushfire Council Letterhead Action Officer: Kevin Jeffery Outcome: All Members Completed Kevin Jeffery Done Dee Watson Completed and sent via email and post Report back to Council when CSIRO report in relation to foam testing is received. Members to report back to Council at the December meeting in relation to the “Bushfire Operational Plans 2004 – 05, Report on Activities” which was distributed. Namadgi Plan – comments need to be incorporated into document and distributed to Members, prior to being made into a submission. Brindabella Fire Management Plan – Julie Crawford to be invited to the November meeting. Go through the Wangary report to see if the ACT can answer all questions, then report back to Council. Supply TRN coverage diagrams to Council. David Prince All Completed Geoff Butler Completed by Kevin Jeffery Attending November meeting Distributed to Members Michael Ross Rod Shaw Find out the timeline for NSW building a site at Cooma for their TRN. Rod Shaw Speak with Brian Parry regarding the pump and trolley unit made Kevin Jeffery specifically for use with swimming pools. Investigate what procedures could be put into place in order to Michael Ross Page 5 of 7 Completed Completed manage the older vehicles in the field. 2005/03 2005/03 2005/03 2005/03 2005/02 2005/02 2005/02 2005/02 2005/02 2005/02 2005/01 2005/01 2005/01 Investigate the cost for replacement of: 1) Engine 2) Pump 3) Whole vehicle Seek advice from OH & S people within ESA in relation to using older vehicles as first strike vehicles for this season, whilst waiting for the new vehicles to arrive. Provide information to the Minister in relation to the fleet vehicles that need to be replaced. Confirm venue of next meeting. Discuss Forward Planning Formally invite the Head of Parks to address the meeting. Update on roll out of the TRN – Presentation to the Council in October Update of Asset Management Plan for Vehicles at next meeting for advice from Council. Provide comment on “Lessons from the 2003 Bushfires” to Dee Watson via email. Provide a report in relation to the Bushfire Management School at the next meeting. Brief Council on the response provided by the RFS in response to a request made by ActewAGL in relation the implications of implementing a “Zero Fire” policy within the Cotter Catchment area. Kevin Jeffery asked that a status report be given at the next meeting in relation to new radios. Tony Bartlett raised the need to discuss the implications of the Civil Actions being taken as a result of the 2003 Bushfires. Page 6 of 7 Michael Ross Completed Michael Ross Report given to Council Council Dee Watson All Michael Ross Completed Progressive Invited Peter Dunn Report Supplied All Ongoing Peter Dunn Ongoing Nick Lhuede (RFS) Done Peter Dunn Done All Discussed 2005/01 2005/01 2005/01 2005/01 2005/01 2005/01 2005/01 Letters of appreciation to be sent to past Members of Council. Ensure that a letter of appreciation was sent to the Flint family. Peter Dunn suggested inviting relevant people from NSW RFS or NSW National Parks to attend a Bushfire Council Meeting to discuss fuel management. Documentation to be supplied at the next meeting in relation to “keeping tracks open”. Tony Bartlett offered to provide a copy of Urban Services Risk Assessment. Review Key Lessons From the 2003 Fires, for further discussion next meeting. Dave Broderick to invite Government Solicitor to attend meeting. Peter Dunn/ Minister Dave Broderick Michael Ross Agreed by the Minister Sent In train Bruce Leaver Distributed Tony Bartlett Given to Michael Ross All Progressive Dave Broderick Agreed Send out Induction Packs to new Members not present at the meeting. Dee Watson Packs posted. Page 7 of 7