Optimization and Benchmarking of an

Optimization and Benchmarking of an
EST Clustering Tool
Kevin Pedretti
Honors Project, Fall 1999
Clustering is the process of taking a set of elements and segmenting it into meaningful groups. As
a very simple example, consider the task of partitioning 100 marbles into groups based on exact
color. The result would be one group, or cluster, for each color of marble. If all the marbles were
the same color, there would be one large cluster of 100 marbles. Conversely, if all the marbles
were different colors then there would be 100 clusters, each one representing a single marble. For a
random mix of marbles, the result would probably be somewhere in the middle of these two
extremes. If the criterion for cluster membership was changed to be based on a shade range for
each color (i.e. shades of blue, shades of red, etc.) the result of clustering would probably contain
fewer but larger clusters. This is because multiple clusters under the old scheme would fall into a
single cluster based on the new less stringent shade-range criterion.
For the clustering described in this report, genetic sequences are the elements being clustered and
the homogeneity criterion is sequence similarity. It is analogous to the simple marble example,
however, the problem is much larger, both in the number of input elements and in the complexity
of the similarity calculation. The specific type of sequence that clustering has been used for at the
University of Iowa is called an EST, or Expressed Sequence Tag. This type of sequence comes
from cDNA, which means that most of the sequence regions that don’t code for a protein have been
removed by the processing that takes place inside of a cell. In addition, data generated at the
University of Iowa has the property that sequencing of a given EST is always started from
approximately the same base position. This anchoring makes it particularly easy to efficiently
identify redundancy. However, the clustering program discussed in this paper also works for
sequence data without this property. It is also generalizable to other types of nucleotide sequences
besides ESTs.
Clustering is useful for a number of reasons including:
1) To Assess Novelty
Given a set of sequences, how many form clusters of size 1. The sequence in such a cluster is
unique with respect to the input data set.
Overall Novelty 
# single sequence clusters
total # sequences
2) Avoid Duplication of Work
Sequencing is costly. By identifying clusters, redundant sequence can be
eliminated and the cost of unnecessary processing can be avoided.
3) Identify Gene Families
Group together sequences that come from similar but different genes. This is
the case when two genes are derived from the same ancestor gene.
4) Sequence Assembly
Clustering can be used as a preprocessing step to sequence assembly to eliminate
noise. Assembly programs take many short sequences as input and search for overlapping
regions to form larger consensus sequences. This is necessary because current technology
limits the length of a physically read sequence to around 700 bases. By grouping similar
sequences together before processing, a better assembly can result.
The original clustering program (uicluster) was written by Professor Thomas Casavant of the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, in 1997. Since its
creation, it has been used in the production pipelines of several high-throughput sequencing
projects that are underway at the University of Iowa. With the original version of the clustering
program, the time required to cluster the large amounts of data generated by these projects was
significant and doing so on a regular basis became impractical. This report describes performance
optimization and benchmarking of the clustering program done by Kevin Pedretti as an honors
project for an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The changes are
included in the version 2.0 release of the package. In addition, a graphical JAVA cluster viewer
was developed as part of the project to make it easier to interpret the output of uicluster.
Figure 1 shows what a typical sequence as input to clustering looks like. The average length of an
EST sequenced at the University of Iowa is around 400 bases. The first line is the name of the
sequence and the remaining lines are the sequence itself. Valid letters for the sequence portion are
A, C, T, G, X, and N. The first four letters represent the 4 bases of DNA: Adenine, Cytosine,
Thymine, and Guanine. X's are used to signify regions of low-complexity that are masked out in a
preprocessing step. An example of a low-complexity region would be a run of 20 A's. It could also
be a region that is repeated many times throughout the genome. If such regions were not masked
out, the comparison stage of clustering might cluster together two sequences based on the similarity
of a repetitive region even though the sequences are actually very different overall. Such
occurrences are called false positives. Finally, the letter N is used to explicitly denote the unknown.
The sequencing procedure is error-prone and sometimes it is impossible to say with confidence
what base a particular position is or if one even exists at all. Thus, an N could mean that the
position it represents is missing, inserted, or unknown. There are likely be errors in a sequence that
aren't represented by N's  they are only used when an error is obvious.
A time consuming task that clustering must perform is sequence comparison. In the context of
clustering, the result of a sequence comparison is binary  either the two sequences are similar and
belong in the same cluster or they don't. The criteria currently used for the EST data generated at
the University of Iowa requires at least one window of 38 out of 40 matching bases for a positive
result. The two allowed errors could be any combination of base insertion, base deletion, or base
mismatch. Allowing for insertions and deletions means that the comparison operation is not a
simple string comparison. The comparison routine is implemented as a recursive function that tests
each of the three possible path branches whenever an error is encountered. This is not a trivial
operation and in version 1.0 profiling showed that approximately 85% of the programs execution
time was spent doing comparisons. Thus, the major optimizations in 2.0 seek to reduce the total
number of comparisons performed.
There are many approaches that could be used for clustering. One straight-forward protocol would
be to compare each sequence to every other sequence and form a graph of significant matches. The
clusters would then be formed by looking for disconnected regions in the graph. Figure 2
illustrates this approach. The problem with this method is that the number of sequence
comparisons required is proportional to n2, where n is the number if sequences being clustered.
Since sequences comparison is the most time consuming step of clustering, this O(n2) constraint
severely limits the problem size that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time.
N by N Clustering
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 1
Cluster 4
Significant Match
The approach taken by uicluster avoids this problem by only comparing an input sequence against
a single representative from each cluster (the cluster primary). For example, for a cluster
containing 10,000 sequences, only 1 comparison would be performed for each input sequence vs.
10K with the n^2 approach. The drawback to this method is that the cluster representative doesn't
necessarily represent all of the sequence data in the cluster. In the current version of clustering, the
cluster representative is simply chosen to be the longest sequence in the cluster. Thus, there is a
potential to miss some valid matches due to sequence data being “hidden” in a cluster. With ESTs
this isn’t a large problem because of the anchoring property described in the introduction. A better
method, and one proposed for the future, would be to assemble all the members of a cluster into a
"master" consensus sequence that better represents all of the sequence data in the cluster.
The figure 3 shows the basic clustering algorithm. There are many other features and
optimizations present in the actual program that are left out here for clarity.
 Read 1 sequence at a time from input file
 Compare input sequence against all cluster representatives
(or cluster primaries)
 If a “good’ match is found, add the input sequence to
the cluster (it becomes a secondary member of the
 Otherwise, the input sequence becomes the
representative of a new cluster
Version 1.0 of uicluster used a hashing technique to speed up individual sequence comparisons.
Figure 4 shows how the hashes are calculated. For each eight base window, a unique integer
(referred to as a hash) is generated. For the first eight base region, ‘GCCACTTG’, the hash
generated is 38014. The next window starts one position to the right and gets a hash of 20986. In
this way, a hash is generated for each base position of a sequence (except for the seven bases before
a masked out region, a letter N, or the end of a sequence). The mapping is exact so that any given
integer exactly represents a sequential combination of eight bases. The reason for this step is that it
is much faster to compare two integers than it is to compare eight characters. A sequence
comparison is only initiated if two hashes match between a pair of sequences. While this approach
greatly speeds up each sequence comparison, it does nothing to reduce the total number of
comparisons performed for the clustering of a given data set.
One of the major optimizations in version 2.0 uses the same hashing technique but seeks to
eliminate the total number of sequence comparisons by memorizing the hashes of each cluster
representative in a large table. Figure 5 shows the structure of this global hash table in detail. The
table is a linear array of pointers with one element for each of the possible 48 hash values.
Cascaded off each element in this array is a linked list of cluster representatives that contain at least
one occurrence of the hash value that is the index into the array. This table is consulted for each
input sequence and only the cluster representatives that have a strong potential for a “good” match
are examined with the slow recursive comparison routine. The example in figure 5 shows that
there are three cluster representatives that contain a region corresponding to a hash value of 2.
Therefore, if an input sequence contains the hash value 2 then these three cluster representatives
should be examined.
Global Hash Table
48 - 1
Cluster Representative
Sequence Name
Hash Indexes
Touch Count
Linked list of
clusters that
contain at least 1
hash with value 2.
Pointer To Next
Cluster Member
A further optimization is to only compare against cluster representatives that an input sequence hits
N multiple times in the table. For the 38/40 matching base criterion, at least 16 hashes have to be
in common between sequences in order for a match to even be possible. Thus, the global hash table
can be used to identify only the cluster representatives that have 16 or more hashes in common with
the input sequence. As the graphs in the results section below show, this modification greatly
speeds up the clustering process. If a threshold higher than 16 were used then some valid short
matches might be missed (false negatives).
Figure 6 shows the effect of using different thresholds for the number of hash “hits” necessary to
do a full comparison. As the threshold increases from 0 to 16, the number of comparisons
performed drops more than two orders of magnitude for both of the two data sets shown. For the
more novel data set (62%), the number of comparisons is nearly an order of magnitude greater than
the less novel set (24%) at a threshold of zero. This is because there are be many more cluster
representatives to compare against in a highly novel data set. However, when the threshold is
increased to 16, the number of comparisons performed for each data set is nearly identical. This
shows how the use of an appropriate threshold can filter out a large proportion of the unsuccessful
comparisons. As mentioned earlier, care needs to be taken to keep the threshold small enough to
avoid false negatives. For these two data sets, this was observed for thresholds above 20.
Number of Potential Hits Examined for Different Threshold Values
# Hits Examined
10096 Sequences
6782 Clusters
Novelty = 67%
10096 Sequences
2397 Clusters
Novelty = 24%
Start to miss good hits.
(False Negatives)
(Number of word hits necessary to do a full comparison)
Figure 7 compares the execution times of version 1.0 and 2.0 of uicluster. The data set clustered is
the entire set of rat EST sequences produced at the University of Iowa over the past two years.
This data set is continuously growing and the current processing protocol is to cluster the entire set
on a weekly basis. In addition to rat, there are several other organism data sets that are clustered
each week. The optimizations in version 2.0 clearly produce a considerable time savings for this
operation and the time gap will continue to grow as more sequences are added to the data sets. The
small difference in the clustering resulting from the two versions is small enough to not be
significant. It’s likely a result of the minor difference in the sequence comparison routines of the
two versions.
New vs. Original Execution Time
Dataset: UI RatEST Data (80766 sequences, 3*10^7 bases)
~14 Hours
33340 Clusters
41.26% Novelty
Time (seconds)
~30 Minutes
33340 Clusters
41.28% Novelty
# Sequences Clustered
Finally, figure 8 shows the speed-up for eight different data sets. The speedup ranges from 15 to 32
and is correlated to the novelty of the data set being clustered. Data sets that are more novel see
better speedup because the number of unsuccessful comparisons filtered out is much larger than for
data sets that are more redundant. This makes the denominator smaller relative and thus increases
speedup. For less novel data sets, the number of comparisons is much closer because the potential
for filtering is less (fewer cluster representatives). For these data sets, the clustering output by each
version is close enough to be considered the same.
Speedup 
Old Execution Time
New Execution Time
Speedup for ~10Kseq Chunks of UI RatEST Data
(1654, 1656)
(2399, 2397)
(2040, 2040)
(2378, 2372)
(4703, 4703)
(5873, 5871)
(6783, 6782)
(7616, 7627)
(Number in Parenthesis is Old vs. New # of Clusters)
Other New Features
The ability to try the reverse compliment of a sequence when doing sequence comparisons was
added. DNA is made up of two complementary strands and sometimes it isn’t known which strand
a sequence comes from. In addition, sequencing errors can cause miss-annotation of which strand a
sequence was read. In order for two overlapping sequences from different strands to match, one of
them needs to be reverse complimented. This simply means that the sequence order is reversed and
each base is complimented: A <=> T, C <=> G. This feature results in a tighter clustering (fewer
clusters) when sequences from both strands are present in a data set.
A graphical JAVA viewer was developed to aid in the visualization of clusters. The output of
uicluster is a plain ASCII text file containing thousands of annotated sequences. It is difficult to
look at such a file in a text editor and discern what is going on. The cluster viewer makes it easier
to find a given sequence and the cluster it belongs too. It also performs color highlighting of the
matching regions of sequences in a cluster. Figure 9 shows the main GUI interface. The cluster
representatives are listed in the upper left list. When one of the representatives is clicked, the list of
the sequences it represents (the other members of the cluster) appears in the upper right pane. The
sequence data for the two selected sequences is displayed in the lower two panes; cluster
representative on top, current cluster member on bottom. The matching region of at least 38/40
bases is highlighted in blue.
To enable the viewing of large uicluster output files, random access file I/O was used so that the
entire file doesn't need to be loaded in memory. When the file is opened, a single pass is taken
through the file to record the byte offset of each cluster representative. When a sequence name is
clicked with the mouse, the sequence data is dynamically read from the file using the stored offset
Future Work
There are many features proposed for upcoming releases of uicluster:
1) Cluster Assembly
With the current version, the cluster representative is chosen to be the longest sequence in the
cluster. This representative doesn't necessarily represent every sequence in the cluster,
however. Assembling the sequences of a cluster into a consensus sequence that contains
information from all non-redundant sequence regions could create a better representative.
2) Cluster Merging
Currently, if an input sequence is similar to multiple cluster representatives it is added to the
first one that matches. It would be better if the program would keep going and remember all
of the cluster representatives that the input sequence matches. Then the program could try to
merge clusters based on this information. Since this feature would increase the execution time
of clustering significantly, it will be implemented as an optional feature that the user can
choose to enable at run-time.
3) Alternative Splice Detection
Genomic DNA is processed by a cell before it is translated into protein. During this
processing, regions of bases called exons can be rearranged or left out entirely. This is
thought to serve a regulatory function by making the production of certain proteins a
probabilistic operation. If sequences from processed cDNA are being clustered, there is a
potential to detect the effects of the processing. This is valuable information because it shows
with certainty different permutations of a gene before it is translated into a protein. Currently,
this information has to be predicted using genomic DNA and complicated software systems.
4) Use Draft Sequence
A draft version of the entire human genome will be available very soon. This genomic
sequence data could be used to verify that the alternative splices detected by the clustering
program are accurate. It could also be used to speed up the sequence assembly process when
creating the consensus cluster representatives.
5) Manual Cluster Finishing
There are bound to be errors in the clustering which only a human can detect and correct
efficiently. This feature would allow an expert human to examine the results of a clustering
and make changes as necessary. Such editing capabilities could be added to the current JAVA
cluster viewer.
6) Quality Information
Every base read by a sequencing machine also gets a quality value. The clustering program
could take this information into account when comparing sequences and when assembling
sequences. Low quality sequence should not be used as the basis for such operations.
However, it can be useful for extending matches and eliminating inconsistencies in sequence
Many discussions have already taken place about how to best implement these features.
Development is currently underway by the author and it will likely be the topic of a future master's
Optimizations were added to an EST clustering tool that significantly increased the rate at which
processing can be performed. This is important because large amounts of data need to be clustered
on a weekly basis in the University of Iowa sequencing labs. The time necessary to do this
processing has become unmanageable as the data sets have grown in size. In version 2.0, a
clustering of rat EST data that previously required 14 hours has been reduced to 30 minutes. This
speed will be sufficient for the foreseeable future. In addition to the optimization, the ability to
form clusters that take into account the directionality of a sequence was added. This results in a
tighter clustering when sequences of mixed orientation are processed. Finally, a JAVA based
cluster viewer was created to make it easier to interpret the clustering program’s output.