Model UN Scholar: David Capelli

Model UN Scholar: David Capelli
Representing: Bradford High School
Country of Discussion: Jordan
“Fourth Main Committee: Special Politics & Decolonization”
Jordan, located in the Middle East, is a fascinating country for discussion in
Model UN. The role of the UN in promoting democratic governance is worthy
of mention, and the topic of Jordanian civilian interests in non self-governing
territories is also worthy of mention.
The United Nations plays a large role in promoting self governance in
Jordan. Jordan is a fairly young country as a result of high population growth
rates. Because of the fact that one out of four Jordanians is between 15-24 years
of age makes for challenges in the government. The United Nations has
developed the Higher Council for Youth (HYC) and the National Youth and
Sports Fund. The main goal of the National Youth Strategy is to strengthen the
capacities of the (HYC) and the (YSF).So far, the help of the United Nations
and the endorsement of the Cabinet of Ministers of Jordan has led to the
opening of eighty youth centers. Also, the United Nations helps with Jordan’s
continued social, political, and economic success. The National Agenda of
Jordan mandates that the government should include women and children in
government funded programs. The United Nations influences and works hard
with the government in Jordan to promote democratic governance.
The United Nations has been noted to be helpful in the civilian’s interests
for self-governing territories. The preamble, written by the people, recognizes
that, “The important role of the United Nations is in assisting the expansion of
independence of non self -governing territories.” The 1960 Assembly was later
formed, and by the end of the session, they had drafted the text of the
Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries. The
declaration was written from the viewpoint of the people. The declaration lists
seven provisions, noting in all seven of them the reasons why non- self
governing and disallowing constitutional rights impedes world peace and
progress. On December 14, 1960, the Declaration on the Granting of
Independence to Colonial Countries and its people was adopted 89-0, with only
nine absentees. In 1992, the United States withdrew from this UN declaration,
noting that it focused on an outmoded agenda instead of new approaches to
eliminate non self- governing territories. The United Nations has played a big
role in the interests of independence of the citizens of Jordan.
The United Nations has truly attempted to advance the country of Jordan.