CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Cell Structure and Function: Teacher’s notes Structure and function of DNA The genotype of a cell is determined by the sequence of bases in its DNA. (a) Structure and replication of DNA DNA is the molecule of inheritance and can direct its own repl ication. (i) Structure of DNA Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Scientific discovery takes place in the context of a community of scientists, where the results of one team lay the foundations for the work of others. Scientific work is presented in different formats , including journal papers, posters and conference presentations ; each of these has its own merits. DNA is the genetic material of living things. DNA is composed of two polynucleotide chains. Nucleotides consist of a sugar, phosphate and base . Nucleotides bond to form a sugar–phosphate backbone. The two polynucleotide chains run antiparallel , with a deoxyribose sugar at the 3′ end and phosphate group at the 5′ end. The nucleic acid bases are paired by hydrogen bonding in the centre to form a double helix. Base pairing is specific, with adenine pairing with thymine and cytosine pairing with guanine. Prerequisite knowledge No previous Higher biology knowledge is needed but students require a general science background for terms such as molecule, bond and so on. The ability of each student will determine the depth of their research and therefore the task will be differentiated by outcome. Students should know that DNA is the genetic material. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 1 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Background information The elucidation of the genetic code by Watson and Crick in 1953 was the culmination of years of scientific research by a range of scientists. The research and events surrounding the discovery have been the topic of book s, media stories and even a film. The story is not only one of scientific discovery but also of personalities and intrigues, and lends itself well to independent research and developing a conceptual u nderstanding of the significance, structure and function of DNA, laying down the foundations for Unit 1 of Higher Biology. An appreciation of how short a time there has been since its discovery and the huge amount of research that has followed in the field never fails to amaze and is also important when considering the moral, ethical and social implications of this area of biological science. Knowledge of the molecular structure of DNA was part of the content of the old Higher exam, and so plenty of material showing its structure already exists. Here are some good websites for information and resources: The University of Utah The University of Utah has two excellent sites with high -quality resources for teaching and learning genetics. If you do not visit any other site, go to those from The University of Utah: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/ http://teach.genetics.utah.edu/ The Nature Publishing Group http://www.nature.com/scitable The Wellcome Trust The Wellcome Trust produces high-quality material with an emphasis on human health. In particular, they produce a fun and scientifically rigorous booklet called the Big Picture and their January 2010 copy focuses on genes, genomes and health. Print copies can be ordered and a PDF is available. It is very accessible and interesting for young people : http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/Education-resources/Teaching-andeducation/index.htm Nucleic acid problem set: http://www.biology.arizona.edu/molecular_bio/problem_sets/nucleic_acids/nu cleic_acids_1.html A level biology revision site: http://www.s-cool.co.uk/ 2 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Further reading and other references To find out more detail about each set of experiments a nd the story surrounding the discovery of the structure of DNA you could refer to the following references: Websites The Nature education site gives a detailed account of the story: http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/discovery -of-dna-structure-andfunction-watson-397 The interactive site for students in genetics produced at Cold Spring Harbour in America – one of the tasks in Section 1 on the menu called ‘code’ is about the elucidation of the structure of DNA and is written for students to work through like a problem, giving information about what each of the scientists in the puzzle discovered. http://www.dnai.org/a/index.html This website is dedicated to ‘The race for DNA’: http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/specialcollections/coll/pauling/dna/index.ht ml Books For a very readable book that describes the elucidation by Watson and Crick from the viewpoint of Watson, and which is very accessible to students, the following is highly recommended: Watson, James (1968). The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA. Atheneum. The discovery is also told from the viewpoint of Crick in: Crick, Francis (1990) What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery, Basic Books. …and Franklin: Maddox, Brenda (2002). Rosalind Franklin: the Dark Lady of DNA. HarperCollins. …and Wilkins: Wilkins, Maurice (2003). The Third Man of the Double Helix: The Autobiography. Oxford University Press. There is also a film produced for TV by Horizon in 1987 called Life Story. This chronicles the story of Watson and Crick, who raced to find the structure of DNA before Linus Pauling, Maurice Wilkins, or Rosalind Franklin. The drama was directed by Mick Jackson and has been released under different CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 3 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION titles: Race for the Double Helix and The Double Helix. It can be difficult to get hold of but your local library might have a copy or a Google search will help reveal sources and YouTube snippets. An extract of the drama would serve as a good lesson starter. Possible lesson starters To encourage the class to start thinking about the structure of DNA, the lesson could begin by examining the biological problem that scientists were facing at the beginning of the century: What is the genetic material of living things composed of? They knew that living things somehow passed on information but didn’t know what did this and how it was done. In pairs, students could consider the criteria that this ‘material’ would have to fulfil. Answers: It must somehow store the information to allow an organism to develop and reproduce. It would have to be able to replicate this information accurately. It must be able to be ‘passed on’ to offspring. It must be capable of change or difference to account for the variety of living things that we see. You could use an extract of the film Life Story (see above). 4 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Student activities Poster Use the Word document ‘Discovering the structure of DNA’. This activity allows students to research the science behind the discovery of the structure of DNA and produce a poster for presentation to the class. Create your own DNA The PowerPoint document ‘Create your own DNA!’ can be used by students to construct the molecular structure of DNA. The images can be dragged and dropped onto a new slide or can be printed so that students can cut out the pieces and use them on a table top. Make your own edible DNA Make your own edible DNA double helix. Go to the University of Utah’s excellent ‘Teach Genetics’ website: http://teach.genetics.utah.edu/ Follow the Print-And-Go™ Lesson Plan Index, and you will find many activities, including instructions on how to make a double helix out of sweets. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 5 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (ii) Arrangement of DNA in chromosomes Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. DNA in eukaryotes is packaged into chromosomes. The DNA in chromosomes has undergone four stages of packaging to achieve the most condensed state seen during metaphase. The level of packaging changes depending on the stage of the cell cycle. DNA combines with proteins to achieve its packaged state. Prerequisite knowledge Students should understand the following concepts before beginning this part of the course: the cell cycle, including mitosis and meiosis the structure of DNA. Background information The level of organisation in the packaging of DNA is truly amazing. The length of a DNA molecule, if held taut end to end, in just one of your chromosomes would measure 4 cm. If that was not bewildering enough, given that cells are not nearly that big, our cells are capable of packaging this amount of DNA into chromosomes 1.2–2 µm in length. This means that end to end you could fit 10,000 chromosomes along the length of a fingernail. If you take this figure and the fact that we have 46 chromosomes in each cell we can calculate a total length of DNA in one human c ell to be 1.84 m, or the height of a 6-foot person. Considering the number of cells we have, we have so much DNA that, if it were put end to end it would reach the moon and back. The next section will examine how the DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes is packaged to achieve this feat of organisation. There are four levels of packaging seen within cells, the highest of which is only seen during metaphase. 6 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Level 1: Nucleosomes DNA in the form of a double helix is wound around histone proteins, forming nucleosomes or what is commonly called ‘beads on a string’. The histones are positively charged and so bind tightly to the negatively charged DNA. The lengths of DNA between the nucleosomes are called linker DNA. The length of linker DNA between nucleosomes is constant within cells but can vary between species and tissues. This level of organisation is seen throughout the cell cycle, with only transient separation during replication. The combination of proteins and DNA is called chromatin, so the beads on a string structure shown here is a chromatin fibre. Level 2: Thick chromatin fibre The length of nucleosomes then coils to form a thicker chromatin fibre, about 30 nm wide, due to interactions between the nucleosomes and linker DNA. This level of packaging can be seen during interphase. Level 3: Looped fibres The thick chromatin fibre then folds along a non-histone protein scaffold, producing fibres that are now 300 nm thick. This level of packaging can be seen during prophase. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 7 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Level 4: More folds to make the most compacted chromosome The chromatin folded along the protein scaffold then folds further to produce the compacted chromosomes that are seen during metaphase. This is DNA in its most compacted form. Note that this image shows a metaphase chromosome, which consists of two chromatids following replication. Overview of the levels of packaging seen in a metaphase chromosome: 8 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Student activities The packaging of DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes This PowerPoint presentation shows the images of each level of chromosome packaging, corresponding to the background notes above. These stages can be talked through with the class whilst they take notes of each one. Beads and string The packaging of DNA into chromosomes can be conceptual ly difficult for students, in particular the fact that packaging occurs at different levels depending on the stage in the cell cycle. As a class or in groups physically model the packaging levels using beads and string. Sequencing activity, explaining the stages of packagin g of DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes The word document ‘The packaging of DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes’ shows the four images used in the background information and the PowerPoint to show the different levels of chromosome packaging, but in the wrong order. Students should either draw these in the correct order or cut them out and stick them in the correct order. Students can then write a short paragraph to explain what is happening at each stage. Know your chromosomes from your chromatid and your chromatin Not surprisingly, these terms are often confused. Students could look up their definitions in the glossary of genetics at the link below, and share their findings with a partner: http://www.genome.gov/glossary The opportunity could also be taken to look at other terms encountered when looking at the packaging of DNA in chromosomes. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 9 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (iii) Replication of DNA Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prior to cell division, DNA polymerase replicates a DNA strand precisely using DNA nucleotides. DNA polymerase needs a primer to start replication. DNA unwinds to form two template strands. DNA polymerase adds complimentary nucleotides to the deoxyribose (3′) end of a DNA strand. This process occurs at several locations on a DNA molecule. DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides in one direction , resulting in one strand being replicated continuously and the other strand being replicated in fragments. Fragments of DNA are joined together by ligase. Prerequisite knowledge Students require knowledge of DNA structure and the process of mitosis. New content areas DNA requires a primer to start replication. Background information Every time a cell divides in our body, the DNA it contains must be replicated exactly. For this to occur, an original strand of DNA, free DNA nucleotides and DNA polymerase enzyme must be available. DNA unwinds to form two template strands and DNA polymerase adds complimentary nucleoti des to the deoxyribose (3′) end of a DNA strand. The DNA polymerase needs a primer to start replication as it can only add nucleotides to existing DNA. In most cases the primer is a short piece of RNA that is made in the nucleus for this purpose. This process occurs at several locations on a DNA molecule. DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides in one direction , resulting in one strand being replicated continuously and the other strand being replicated in fragments. These fragments of DNA are joined together by another enzyme known as DNA ligase. DNA replication is described as being semi conservative, as each new double helix consists of one original and one new strand. Again this was covered in detail in the old Higher courses and so there is a wealth of information available. 10 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Further reading and other resources http://www.sumanasinc.com/webcontent/animations/content/meselson.html http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=swf::535::535::/sites/dl/free/007243731 6/120076/bio22.swf::Meselson%20and%20Stahl%20Experiment http://www.learnerstv.com/animation/animation.php?ani=20&cat=biology http://www.dnalc.org/view/15331-Proposed-models-of-DNA-replicationMatthew-Meselson-.html http://www.dnalc.org/view/15880-Models-of-DNA-replication.html http://www.dnalc.org/view/15879-Semi-conservative-replication.html These sites all provide information on the discovery of the semi -conservative model of DNA replication. Student activities Case study: How does DNA replicate? This case study allows students to investigate the experimental data that led to the discovery of this process and identify the method for themselves. Once students have completed this task it would be beneficial to show an animation of DNA replication in action, for example, see: http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=swf::535::535::/sites/dl/free/007243731 6/120076/micro04.swf::DNA%20Replication%20Fork. Although this is more complex than required it is reasonably easy to follow and shows the differences in replication of the leading and lagging strands. The final task involves students creating an educational resource to teach DNA replication. This could be peer assessed using the six questions in the instructions as success criteria. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 11 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (b) Gene expression through protein synthesis The phenotype is determined by the proteins produced as the result of gene expression, influenced by intra- and extracellular environmental factors. Only a fraction of the genes in a cell are expressed. Gene expression is controlled by the regulation of both transcription and translation. mRNA is transcribed from DNA in the nucleus and translated into proteins by ribosomes in the cytoplasm. (i) Structure and function of RNA Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. The structural differences between RNA and DNA. mRNA carries a copy of the DNA code from the nucleus to the ribosome. RNA DNA Single stranded Double stranded Uracil Thymine Ribose sugar Deoxyribose sugar rRNA and proteins form the ribosome. Each tRNA carries a specific amino acid. Prerequisite knowledge Students should have covered the structure of DNA earlier in the course. Knowledge of the ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells is also necessary and some time may be required to cover this. New content areas Structure of ribosomes – rRNA and proteins form the ribosome. Background information RNA stands for ribonucleic acid. There are three main differences between RNA and DNA. RNA is single stranded, a uracil base has replaced thymine and the nucleotide contains a ribose sugar instead of deoxyribose s ugar. 12 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION These molecular structures are for the teacher’s benefit only as the students do not have to know the molecular structure of each of the sugars. Phosphate group Base Ribose sugar adenine guanine cytosine uracil There are two forms of RNA involved in protein synthesis: messenger RNA (mRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA). mRNA is formed inside the nucleus from free nucleotides and carries a copy of the DNA code from the nucleus t o the ribosome to direct the synthesis of proteins. The ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm, either floating freely or attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The ultrastructure of the cell may not have previously been covered and, if so, some time should be spent teaching this. Ribosomes floating freely are used to synthesis e proteins for use within the cell; those attached to the ER synthesise proteins for export or inclusion in the membrane. Ribosomes are formed from proteins and a third type of RNA known as ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Each tRNA carries a specific amino acid to the ribosome for attachment to the peptide chain. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 13 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Student activities Protein synthesis role play There is a Word document and PowerPoint outlining a protein synthesis role play. Students act out the steps of protein synthesis to gain an understanding of the processes involved. This can be carried out as an introduction to the topic of protein synthesis. Each of the steps can then be studied in more detail. Production of ID cards This PowerPoint presentation involves production of ID cards for each of the molecules involved in protein synthesis using information cards provided in The protein synthesis role play or other classroom resources. 14 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (ii) Transcription of DNA into an RNA molecule Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. RNA polymerase moves along DNA, unwinding the double helix. Primary transcript of RNA is synthesised from RNA nucleotides by complimentary base pairing. Genes have introns (non-coding regions of genes) and exons (coding regions of genes). The introns of the primary transcript of mRNA are removed in RNA splicing. Prerequisite knowledge Students require knowledge DNA structure and location from previous areas of the course. New content areas Eykaryotic genes have introns (non-coding regions of genes) and exons (coding regions of genes). The introns of the primary transcript of mRNA are removed in RNA splicing. Background information Transcription copies the information in DNA into an RNA molecule. This occurs in the nucleus. RNA polymerase enzyme attaches to a sequence of DNA known as the promoter. It then moves along the DNA, unwinding the double helix and breaking the hydrogen bonds holding the base pairs together to create a transcription bubble. This first stage is known as initiation. This is followed by elongation, where free RNA nucleotides enter the transcription bubble and align with the complementary base pairs on the DNA . During this the RNA polymerase moves from the 3’ to 5’on the DNA molecule with nucleotides being added to the 3’ end of the nascent RNA molecule . The RNA nucleotides are held in place by hydrogen bonding while strong covalent bonds form between the phosphate of one nucleotide and the ribose sugar of the adjacent nucleotide. The final stage is termination, when the transcription termination sequence is recognised on the DNA and the RNA polymerase enzyme is released. The RNA that has been produced at this stage is known as the primary transcript. This primary transcript now has to be modified. The primary transcript of RNA is composed of introns and exons. The introns are non-coding regions of genes and so do not appear in the mRNA in eukaryotic cells. The exons are CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 15 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION coding regions of genes and so do appear in the mRNA. The introns of the primary transcript of mRNA are removed in RNA splicing. In RNA splicing the primary transcript is cut at the boundaries between the introns and exons. The introns are removed and the exons are joined together. The mRNA can then leave the nucleus via a nuclear pore and enter the cytoplasm. Areas of difficulty Students often get the terms transcription and translation muddled up. They also often find it difficult to explain the process in a step -by-step manner. It may therefore be of benefit to teach the basic steps involved in transcription and translation first to ensure a firm understanding. Introns, exons and splicing can then be covered, followed by the additional modifications covered in Section B: One gene, many proteins. Further reading and other references The website below is a good step-by-step animation of transcription, which could be used before the introduction of splicing. http://wwwclass.unl.edu/biochem/gp2/m_biology/animation/gene/gene_a2.html Student activities Word document ‘Protein synthesis diagram’ A summary diagram of protein synthesis that can be completed using information cards from the protein synthesis role play or other classroom resources. Box 2 can be missed out and completed later if splicing is being taught at a later date. Word document ‘Production of ID cards’ This activity involves production of ID cards for each of the molecules involved in protein synthesis using information cards provide d in the protein synthesis role play (if not carried out in previous lesson). The Word document ‘Introns and exons’ is a simple activity that can be used to allow students to visualise the concept of introns and exons using simple sentences. The PowerPoint ‘Splicing’can be used to introduce the concept of splicing. This information can then be used to complete box 2 of the student’s protein synthesis diagram. 16 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (iii) Translation of mRNA into a polypeptide Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. tRNA folds due to base pairing to form a triplet anticodon site and the attachment site for a specific amino acid. Triplet codons and anticodons of the genetic code. The function of start and stop codons. Codon recognition of incoming tRNA. A peptide bond forms between adjacent amino ac ids. tRNA exits from the ribosome as polypeptide is formed. Prerequisite knowledge Students should have an understanding of the structure of RNA and the process of transcription. Some consolidation may be required of the codon/amino acid relationship. New content areas Start and stop codons. Background information Translation is the process in which a polypeptide is synthesised from an mRNA template. Complementary base pairing occurs between residues within the strand of tRNA, producing tRNA’s distinctive structure. This structure exposes a triplet anticodon site and the attachment site for a specific amino acid. The triplet anticodon site is complementary to the triplet codon site on the mRNA. Each codon codes for a particular amino acid. Students must be able to identify the correct amino acid from an mRNA codon, DNA codon or tRNA anticodon. Most tables of the genetic code will give the mRNA codons for each amino acid. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 17 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Often the SQA will show mRNA codons in the following form: C First base A G C Ser Ser Ser Ser Pro Pro Pro Pro Thr Thr Thr Thr Ala Ala Ala Ala A Tyr Tyr Stop Stop His His Gln Gln Asn Asn Lys Lys Asp Asp Glu Glu G Cys Cys Stop Trp Arg Arg Arg Arg Ser Ser Arg Arg Gly Gly Gly Gly U C A G U C A G U C A G U C A G Third base U Second base U Phe Phe Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Leu Ile Ile Ile Start/Met Val Val Val Val The genetic code is described as being ‘redundant’ as there are far more possible codons than amino acids. There are 64 (4 3 ) possible combinations of the four bases but only 20 amino acids occurring in nature. This has led to more than one codon coding for an amino acid. There are three codons that do not code for amino acids: UGA, UAA and UAG. The occurrence of these codons in the genetic code terminates translation and they are therefore 18 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION known as stop codons. The genetic code also includes start codons, where translation begins. In eukaryotes this is almost always AUG, which also codes for the amino acid methionine. In prokaryotes other codons may occasionally be used. During translation the mRNA passes through the ribosome. The codons are recognised by tRNA, each carrying a particular amino acid. The appropriate tRNA brings its amino acid to the ribosome as it moves along the mRNA. Adjacent amino acids then join with a peptide bond. The tRNA then leaves the ribosome. This process continues until a stop codon is reached and the polypeptide is released. Areas of difficulty Students often get confused between codons and anticodons when being asked to identify amino acids from the genetic code. The importance of reading the question carefully should be emphasised. Further reading and other references The Nobel Prize site has information on transcription and translation , including a couple of animations. http://nobelprize.org/educational/medicine/dna/intro.html The Wellcome Trust site has an animation showing transcription and translation. http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/Education-resources/Teaching-andeducation/Animations/DNA/WTX057748.htm The University of Utah site allows students to use an edible model of DNA to investigate transcription and translation. The usual considerations of laboratory health and safety should be made before carrying out this activity. http://teach.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin /dna/reading_DNA.html CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 19 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Student activities Production of ID cards This activity involves production of ID cards for each of the molecules involved in protein synthesis using the information cards provided in The protein synthesis role play (if not carried out in a previous lesson). The genetic code quiz This is a quick quiz to allow students to practice working with the genetic code. Protein synthesis storyboard This activity allows students to show their understanding of the processes involved in protein synthesis. Alternatively it could be used after the introduction of splicing. It provides an opportunity for peer, self- or teacher assessment. If peer or self-assessment is being used, students can be given the steps of protein synthesis so that they can compare them to their own descriptions. Alternatively the class can come up with a group position on what should be included. 20 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (iv) One gene, many proteins Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A variety of proteins can be expressed from the same gene . Different mRNA molecules are produced from the same primary transcript depending on which RNA segments are treated as exons and introns. Alternative RNA splicing treats different sections of RNA as introns and exons. Post-translational modification allows proteins to be altered covalently. Proteins can have their protein chains cut and combined . Proteins can have a phosphate or carbohydrate added . Prerequisite knowledge Students require an understanding of protein synthesis and the process of RNA splicing. New content areas Different mRNA molecules are produced from the same primary transcript depending on which RNA segments are treated as exons and introns. Background information There are 20,000–25,000 genes in the human genome but over 100,000 proteins in the human body. One gene can produce a variety of proteins as a result of alternative RNA splicing and post -translational modification. Different mRNA molecules are produced from the same primary transcript depending on which RNA segments are treated as exons and intro ns. This is called alternative RNA splicing. The exons can be combined in different ways through a variety of methods. The most common is exon skipping, where an exon may be removed or included. Other methods are: mutually exclusive exons, where one of two exons may be included in the mRNA molecule but not both alternative donor sites, which change the exon boundary before an intron alternative acceptor sites, which changes the exon boundary of the following exon intron retention, where an intron, or part of an intron, is not spliced out. There is a good diagram to illustrate this on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_splicing CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 21 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Once translation is complete the protein can be modified in order to alter its function, for example by addition of a phosphate or carbohydrate group. Many proteins have a carbohydrate added to their structure , which is usually added to asparagine, serine or threonine. These carbohydrate-modified proteins are known as glycoproteins and are formed through the process of glycosylation. Glycoproteins can perform a variety of roles and are often found as integral membrane proteins aiding cell –cell interactions, including antibody action and white blood cell recognition processes. Other examples are antifreeze proteins in cold water fish, certain hormones and proteins in mucus. Proteins can also become phosphorylated, a process which involves the addition of a phosphate group by a kinase enzyme. This is an important mechanism in controlling the activity of many enzymes an d receptors. The addition of a phosphate group causes a conformational change in the protein structure, switching its biological activity on or off. This is often reversible, the phosphate group being removed by one of many phosphatise enzymes. Examples of this process include the phosphorylation of Na + /K + -ATPase, which is involved in transporting sodium and potassium across the cell membrane. The structure of a protein can also be modified by cutting and combining polypeptide chains. For example, the hormone insulin, which increases the uptake of glucose by cells, consists of two polypeptide chains , which originate as one chain. Disulphide bridges form between cysteine residues in the original polypeptide chain, the latter known as pro-insulin. A protease enzyme (an enzyme that cuts protein at a peptide bond) cuts the polypeptide chain in two places. The middle section of the protein is then removed . The resulting insulin molecule therefore consists of two polypeptide chains. A second example is the enzyme trypsin. This is produced in an inactive form called chymotrypsin and is only activated when a section of the polypeptide chain is removed. Student activities The ‘One gene, many proteins’ worksheet involves students extracting information from a passage and using it to complete a flow diagram. An article on alternative splicing can be downloaded from the Bioscience Explained website in PDF form. It is advanced but could be used as an extension activity for more able students. It contains some questions for students to consider. www.bioscience-explained.org 22 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (c) Genes and proteins in health and disease (i) Proteins Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. Proteins have a large variety of structures and shapes , resulting in a wide range of functions. Amino acids are linked to peptide bonds to form polypeptides. Polypeptide chains fold to form the three -dimensional shape of a protein. Chains are held together by hydrogen bonds and other interactions between individual amino acids. Prerequisite knowledge Students should have an understanding of the importance of protein synthesis to the resulting phenotype of a cell. Background information Proteins have a wide variety of structures and shapes, resulting in a wide range of functions. The primary structure of all proteins is the sequence of amino acids from which they are made. These amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds to form polypeptides. The peptide bond is formed when the carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts with the amino group of another, releasing a water molecule. Hydrogen bonds then form between amino acid residues, causing the polypeptide to form its secondary structure and making the protein more stable. The main groups of the secondary structure are α helices and β sheets. α helices form when hydrogen bonds joins amino acids several residues apart. β sheets are produced when hydrogen bonds form between chains of polypeptides that lie adjacent to one another, forming a flat sheet. The secondary structure then folds together to form the protein’s tertiary structure. This folding is based on the hydrophobic nature of some amino acid side chains, which must be buried within the protein to avoid contact with water. The tertiary structure is held in place by interactions between amino acids, including the hydrogen bonds and disulphide bonds that form between two cysteine residues. When more than one polypeptide chain combines, a quaternary structure is formed, with each polypeptide chain being known as a sub-unit. This structure is held together by the same types of interactions as found in the tertiary structure. Some proteins also have prosthetic groups (non-protein) incorporated into them, eg haemoglobin contains iron ions. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 23 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION The overall structure of proteins falls into two main structural groups: fibrous structures, where secondary structures lie along side one another, and are mainly structural proteins, eg keratin, collagen and elastin globular structures, which are generally spherical and play a wide variety of roles, including as enzymes, messengers (eg the hormone insulin), transporters of molecules through membranes or as regulators eg regulating enzyme activity. Further reading and other references ‘Biomodel 3’ allows students to work through the four stages of protein structure. A java applet may need to be installed on school computers to allow this program to run. This should be checked ahead of time. http://biomodel.uah.es/en/model3/index.htm ‘Protopedia’ provides information and images for a wide variety of proteins. Click on the table of contents for an easy-to-navigate list. http://proteopedia.org/wiki/index.php/ ‘RasMol’ or ‘Protein Explorer ’ software allows investigation of the shape and structure of fibrous and globular proteins (see links in protein structure and function activity). An online guide in PDF format and tutorial for investigating proteins can also be downloaded from: http:// www.bioscience-explained.org/ENvol2_2/index.html Practicals Gel electrophoresis – students could try separation and identification of fish proteins by agarose gel electrophoresis, but this may be difficult to deliver due to cost and time considerations. http://www.ncbe.reading.ac.uk/NCBE/PROTOCOLS/protein.html Paper chromatography – an alternative to gel electrophoresis is separation and identification of amino acids using paper chromatography. Student activities Protein structure and function activity This activity involves investigating a variety of proteins using RasMol modelling software. This worksheet is intended to be used alongside Raswin 2.6, which is available to download for free from: http://www.umass.edu/microbio/rasmol/getras.htm#raswin 24 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION The molecules required for this activity can be downloaded from the Protein Data Base (PDB) using their PDB codes. See: http://www.pdb.org/pdb/home/home.do Once downloaded they can be saved for use by students. Protein Glucagon Myoglobin Dihydrofolate reductase Insulin Aspartate transcarbamoylase Green flourescent protein Collagen Haemoglobin D Amylase PDB code 1GCN 1L2K 1DRF 3I40 3E2P 3I19 1BKV 1A3N 1SMD Investigating proteins This involves researching individual proteins to create a class display. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 25 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (ii) Mutations and genetic disorders Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Genetic disorders are caused by changes to genes or chromosomes that result in the proteins not being expressed or the proteins expressed not functioning correctly. Single-gene mutations involve the alteration of a DNA nucleotide sequence as a result of the substitution, insertion or deletion of nucleotides. Single nucleotide substitutions include missense, nonsense and splice site mutations. Missense mutations replace one amino acid codon with another. Nonsense mutations replace an amino acid codon with a stop codon. Splice site mutations create or destroy the codons for exon –intron splicing. Nucleotide insertions or deletions result in a frameshift mutation or an expansion of a nucleotide sequence repeat. Mutations affect the structure of the protein and its function and this has an effect on individuals. The structure of chromosomes can be altere d by deletion, duplication or translocation. Chromosome mutations are often lethal. Prerequisite knowledge An understanding of the processes of protein synthesis, meiosis and splicing are required. In addition, students must be aware of t he role of the genetic code and stop codons and the link between a protein’s structure and function. New content areas Although mutations were covered in the previous Human Biology course , splice site mutations are new, as are the connection between mutations and the structure of the protein, its function and the effect on mutations on individuals. Background information Single-gene mutations involve the alteration of a DNA nucleotide sequence as a result of the substitution, insertion or deletion of nucleotides. This in turn can result in a wide array of conditions. Single nucleotide substitutions include missense, nonsense and splice site mutations. 26 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Missense mutations Missense mutations occur when one amino acid codon is replaced with another. Conditions resulting from this mutation include sickle cell disease and phenylketonuria (PKU). Sickle cell disease Sickle cell disease is caused by a mutation of the HBB gene on chromosome 11. This gene codes for haemoglobin beta, a protein that forms two of the four subunits of haemoglobin in our red blood cells. The most common mutation is when residue 6, glutamic acid (GAG) changes to valine (GTG). This causes the two haemoglobin beta chains to clump together and create a blood cell with a sickle shape. These misshapen red blood cells find it difficult to pass through narrow blood vessels. PKU Several different mutations, the majority of which are missense, can occur in the PAH gene on chromosome 12. This gene codes for the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which converts phenylalanine to tyrosine. The mutations reduce the activity of the enzyme or remove it completely, causing a build up of phenylalanine in the blood. This leads to brain damage. Nonsense mutations Nonsense mutations replace an amino acid codon with a stop codon. Conditions resulting from this mutation include Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). DMD The DMD gene on the X chromosome codes for the protein dystrophin , which stabilises and protects muscle fibres. The production of a stop codon in this gene results in no dystrophin being produced, leading to progressive muscle weakness and wasting. Splice site mutations destroy or create codons for exon –intron splicing and lead to conditions such as beta thalassemia. Beta thalassemia As in sickle cell disease, it is the HBB gene on chromosome 11 that is mutated in beta thalassemia. This time, the mutation results in a reduced production of haemoglobin beta. This means that the red blood cells do not develop normally, leading to a shortage of mature cells to carr y oxygen. This leads to sufferers developing anaemia. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 27 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Nucleotide insertions and deletions Nucleotide insertions and deletions result in frameshift mutations (Tay –Sachs syndrome or cystic fibrosis) or an expansion of a nucleotide sequence repeat (fragile X syndrome or Huntington’s disease). Tay–Sachs syndrome The HEXA gene on chromosome 15 codes for the A subunit of the beta hexosaminidase enzyme. This enzyme catalyses the breakdown of a fatty substance called GM2 ganglioside. Mutations in this gene prevent the enzyme functioning and so GM2 ganglioside builds up to toxic levels, destroying nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Cystic fibrosis Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene on chromosome 7. This gene codes for a chloride channel protein. The most common mutation is the deletion of bases , as shown below: ATC Ile TTT Phe GGT Gly ATT Ile GGT Gly This leads to an abnormality in cells that produce sweat and mucus. Fragile X syndrome The FMR1 (fragile X mental retardation 1) gene on the X chromosome normally has 30 repeats of CGG at the start of the gene. Genes with the full mutation have more than 200 of these repeats. This causes the cell to methylate a regulatory region of the gene, switching it off. Huntington’s disease The HTT gene on chromosome 4 codes for the protein huntingtin. The function of this protein is unknown but it is thought to be important in nerve cells. In the normal gene, CAG is repeated 10–35 times but in the mutated gene the repeat is 36–120 times. The abnormally long protein is cut into small toxic segments that accumulate in neurones , causing uncontrolled movements, emotional problems and loss of cognition. Chromosome structure changes The structure of chromosomes can also be altered. Deletion is the loss of a segment of chromosome, duplication is the repeat of a segment of chromosome and translocation is the rearrangement of chromosomal material involving two or more chromosomes. These mutations are often lethal. 28 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Cri-du-chat syndrome Cri-du-chat syndrome is caused by deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome 5 and results in mental retardation. Infants with this condition characteristically have a high-pitched cry due to abnormal larynx development, hence the name, which means ‘cry of the cat’ in French. Chronic myeloid leukemia Chronic myeloid leukemia is due to the reciprocal transloction of a gene from chromosome 22 fused with a gene in chromosome 9. The ends of chromosomes 9 and 22 detach and switch places. This disrupts the ABL gene on chromosome 9 and the BCR gene on chromosome 22. An abnormal fused gene is produced, which is called Bcr-Abl, and the resulting protein functions abnormally, reducing the growth and survival of the cell. Down’s syndrome Five per cent of cases of Down’s syndrome are inherited from a parent with Robertsonian translocations, where the majority of chromosome 21 is translocated to chromosome 14. These Down’s syndrome individuals have 46 chromosomes but, due to the extra information from chromosome 21 located on chromosome 14, they exhibit the standard symptoms for Down’s syndrome. Further reading and other resources PowerPoint covering genetic mutations This can be seen at: http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/handbook/illustrations/chromosomechanges?show=bala ncedtranslocation The vast majority of the slides are pitched just at the right level for an introduction to chromosome mutations, although there are one or two bits that show that there are other types of mutations. However, these are straightforward and should not cause any confusion. Ken Miller Human Chromosome 2 Genome The 3.5-minute video clip ‘Ken Miller Human Chromosome 2 Genome’ gives an interesting and easy-to-follow account of chromosomal translocation in terms of human evolution. The clips can be converted into mp4 format using the Zamzar website. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FGYzZOZxMw CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 29 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Your genes, your health The ‘Your genes, your health’ website contains a lot of good information on genetic disease. http://www.ygyh.org Home page for gene gateway This is a site for exploring genes and genetic disorders, and contains a lot of useful information on individual conditions. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/posters/chromosome/i ndex.shtml University of Utah This site also has a lot of information on genetic disorders. http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/disorders/whataregd/ Student activities Point mutations This Word worksheet allows students to visualise the effect of point mutations using sentences. Chromosome structure mutations This Word worksheet allows students to identify the different types of chromosome structure mutations. Research project Students can research diseases caused by different types of mutations and use the information to create a spider diagram. This activity could be taken further and an in-depth study of a particular condition could be undertaken. If students are struggling they can be pointed in the direction of the descriptions of the diseases in the background information above. 30 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (d) Human genomics (i) Sequencing DNA Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The sequence of bases can be determined for individual genes and entire genomes. Bioinformatics uses computer technology to analyse and share data . Bioinformatics identifies coding sequences similar to known genes, start sequences or sequences lacking stop codons. Bioinfomatics is used to identify base sequences that correspond to the amino acid sequence of a protein. Systematic comparison of genomes of different species provides information on evolutionary relationships and origins . Analysis of an individual’s genome may lead to personalised medicine. It is important to distinguish between neutral and harmful mutations . Genome information is used in the choice of effective drugs (pharmacogenetics). Prerequisite knowledge The concepts of sequencing DNA, bioinformatics, systematics and personalised medicine are all new to the Higher Human Biology course. Background information In 2003, after 13 years of research, the human genome project came to an end. Scientists from around the world had successfully sequenced the entire human genome. Research still continues to identify all of the 20,000 –25,000 genes which form the human genome. Bioinformatics has allowed the analysis and sharing of the huge amount of data created by this project as well as data created by other teams focused on different organisms. Computer technology can be used to analyse gene sequences by looking for coding sequences similar to known genes, start sequences or sequences lacking stop codons. They can also be used to identify base sequences that correspond to the amino aci d sequence of a protein. Without the use of bioinformatics this project would have proved very difficult. As the genome of more and more organisms are sequenced, comparisons allow evolutionary relationships and origins to be ascertained. This area of biology is called systematics. Essentially, the greater the similarities in the genomes of organisms the more recently they have evolved into different CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 31 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION species. Conversely, the greater the differences, the longer they have been independent species. It is important to note that systematics is not taxonomy: the latter purely deals with the identification and naming of organisms and does not consider their evolutionary pathway. The information gained from DNA studies can provide information on the structure of genes and proteins involved in disease. This in turn allows researchers to develop specific drugs that will attach to these proteins or prevent their synthesis by binding to a specific piece of DNA or mRNA. As this technology develops it is hoped that medi cine will become more and more personalised. The knowledge of where mutations have occurred and which of these mutations are harmful will allow doctors to understand the risk of disease and make an informed choice when prescribing drugs. Further reading and other resources Bioinformatics fact sheet This is a fact sheet providing a very readable introduction to bioinformatics. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/About/primer/bioinformatics.h tml Oak Ridge National Laboratory This website has very good information on pharmacogenetics and the possible future uses of the technology. http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/medicine/pharma.sht ml#status Nuffield The Nuffield website has a summary of a paper discussing the ethical issues involved in pharmacogenetics. http://www.nuffieldbioethics.org/sites/default/files/pharm_short_version%20 FINAL%20-%20updated%202006.pdf Wellcome Trust This is the issue of the Wellcome Trust’s ‘Big Picture’ series that deals with the genome. There is a lot of useful information. http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/Education-resources/Teaching-and-education/BigPicture/All-issues/Genes-Genomes-and-Health/index.htm University of Utah This site has a range of ready-to-go lesson plans on pharmacogenomics. http://teach.genetics.utah.edu/content/ 32 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Student activities Genomics This Word information sheet, with associated questions, provides an introduction to the topic of genomics. The activity looks at what genomics is and some of the possibilities it may lead to. There are also some websites listed, which students can look at to gain a more in-depth understanding. Personal genomics summary questions This Word document is a straightforward information card and set of summary questions dealing with the area of personal genomics and pharmacogenetics in more detail. Personal genomics diamond 9 This Word document outlines an activity aiming to facilitate group discussion and allow students to delve into some of the issues surrounding the area of pharmacogenetics. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 33 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (ii) Amplification and detection of DNA sequences Key concepts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique for amplifying DNA in vitro. Primers are complementary to the target sequence at each end of the DNA to be amplified. DNA is heated to separate strands and cooled to allow binding of primers. DNA polymerase replicates DNA. DNA probes are used to detect the presence of specific sequences in samples of DNA. Probes are short single-stranded fragments of DNA complementary to a specific sequence. Fluorescent labelling allows detection. Screening for the presence or absence of a sequence allows a diagnos is of disease status or risk of disease onset . DNA profiling allows the identification of individuals through comparison of regions of the genome with highly variable numbers of repetitive sequences of DNA. Prerequisite knowledge An understanding of DNA structure and compl ementary base pairing is required. Students should also understand the link between genes and health. New content areas PCR, DNA probes and their medical and forensic applications are all new to the Higher Human Biology course. Background information Before DNA can be analysed it often has to be amplified to increase the quantity of DNA available to work with. This is done using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which involved heating and cooling DNA in a thermal cycler along with primers, DNA nucleotides and DNA polymerase. More information on this technique can be found in the case study on PCR. Once DNA has been amplified, DNA probes can be used to detect the presence of specific sequences. Each probe is a short, single-stranded fragment of DNA that is complementary to a specific sequence. If these probes have a fluorescent label attached to them they can be detected when attached to the DNA of interest. These probes can be used to detect single- 34 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION gene mutations. Genotype microarrays are devices displaying hundreds, or even thousands, of specific oligonucleotide probes. These probes can be used to search an individual’s DNA for multiple genetic markers simultaneously. Gene expression microarrays can be manufactured from RNA transcripts and can help determine the levels of expression of particular genes in certain conditions. For example, in drug design they could be used to measure the levels of toxicity. By combining PCR and DNA probes, a patient’s genome can be analysed to look for the presence or absence of a particular sequence. This can then provide information about the individual’s disease status or risk of developing a disease. These two techniques have also proved vital in forensic applications. Small samples of DNA can be amplified and regions containing highly variable numbers of repetitive sequences compared to identify an individual. Further reading and other resources DNA Learning Center For further information about PCR refer to the following website: http://www.dnalc.org/resources/animations/pcr.html McGraw-Hill This website contains a good animation about DNA probes. http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072556781/student_view0/chapter14/animation_quiz_4.html And for something a little more creative… A PCR song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5yPkxCLads and a PCR rap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCRJ4r0RDC4&feature=related CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 35 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Student activities PCR case study This case study allows students to investigate PCR in a real-life scientific context. There is a Word document and a PowerPoint presentation. Applications of PCR This activity allows students to discuss some of the different situations in which PCR may be employed. Students should work in groups to discuss the different applications, each of which is described on a different card. They can then produce a simple spider diagram summarising the applications. This activity provides an excellent opportunity for co-operative learning. However, the diagram could easily be produced by individuals and peer assessed. 36 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (H, HUMAN BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011