DSM-5 Bibliography by Topic Response to and Critique of DSM

DSM-5 Bibliography by Topic
Response to and Critique of DSM-5
American Counseling Association (2011). Letter to American Psychiatric Association,
November 8, 2011 retrieved at: http://www.counseling.org/Resources/pdfs/ACA_DSM5_letter_11-11.pdf
American Counseling Association (2011-2012). ACA weblog on DSM-5, retrieved at:
Andrews, G., Sunderland, M. & Kemp, A. (2010). Consistency of diagnostic thresholds
in DSM-V. The Royal Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,44:309-313.
Ben-Zeev, D., Young, M.A., & Corrigan, P.W. (2010). DSM-V and the stigma of mental
illness. Journal of Mental Health, 19(4):318-327.
The British Psychological Society. (2011). Response to the American Psychiatric
Association DSM-5 Development. British Psychological Society, June 2011:1-26.
Dalal, P.K. & Sivakumar, T. (2009). Moving towards ICD-11 and DSM-V: Concepts and
evolution of psychiatric classification. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 51(4):310-319.
Kraemer, H.C., Shrout, P.E. & Rubio-Stipec, M.(2007). Developing the diagnostic and
statistical manual V: what will “statistical” mean in DSM-V? Social Psychiatry &
Psychiatric Epidemiology,42:259-267.
Kupfer, D.J., Regier, D.A. & Kuhl, E.A. (2008). On the Road to DSM-V and ICD-11.
European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience, 258(Suppl 5):2-6.
Maser, J.D., Norman, S.B., Zisook, S., Everall, I.P., Stein, M.P., Shettler, P.J. & Judd,
L.L. (2009). Psychiatric nosology is ready for a paradigm shift in DSM-V. Clinical
Psychology: Science and Practice, 16(1): 24-40.
McLaren, N. (2010). The DSM-V Project: Bad science produces bad psychiatry. Ethical
Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 12(3): 189-199
Middleton, H. (2008). Whither DSM and ICD, Chapter V? Mental Health Review Journal,
Moller, H.J. (2009). Development of DSM-V and ICD-II: Tendencies and potential new
classifications in psychiatry at the current state of knowledge. Psychiatry and Clinical
Neurosciences, 63:595-612.
Regier, D.A., Kuhl, E.A., Kupfer, D.J. & McNulty, J.P. (2010). Patient involvement in the
development of DSM-V. Psychiatry, 73(4):308-310.
DSM Bibliography Page 1 of 6
Sinclair, H.Q. (2010). DSM-V Updated Guidelines. MD Conference Express, 4-6.
Downloaded from www.mdconferencexpress.com
Society for Humanistic Psychology (2011). Open Letter to DSM-5. Retrieved from
Wittchen, H.U. (2010). Women-specific mental disorders in DSM-V: are we failing
again? Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 13:51-55.
Articles Concerning Specific Diagnoses for Inclusion into DSM-5
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Achenbach, T.M. (2009). Some needed changes in DSM-V: But what about children?
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 16(1):50-53.
Bernet, W., Von Boch-Galhau, W., Baker, A.J.L. & Morrison, S.L. (2010). Parental
alienation, DSM-V, and ICD-11. American Journal of Family Therapy,38:76-187.
Bravender, T., Bryant-Waugh, R, Herzog, D., Katzman, D., Kriepe, R.D., Lask, B.,
Le Grange, D., Lock, J., Loeb, K.L., Marcus, M.D., Madden, S., Nicholls, D., O’Toole, J.,
Pinhas, L., Rome, E., Sokol-Burger, M., Wallin, U. & Zucker, N.(2010). Classification of
eating disturbance in children and adolescents: Proposed changes for the DSM-V.
European Eating Disorders Review, 18:79-89.
Burke, J.D., Waldman, I. & Lahey, B.B. (2010). Predictive validity of childhood
oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder: Implications for DSM-V. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 119(4):739-751.
Ghanizadeh, A. (2011). Overlap of ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder DSM-IV
Derived Criteria. Archives of Iranian Medicine, 14(3):178-182.
Ghaziuddin, M. (2010). Brief report: Should the DSM V drop Asperger Syndrome?
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 40:1146-1148.
Lahey, B.B. & Willcutt, E.G.(2010). Predictive Validity of a continuous alternative to
nominal subtypes of attention-deficity/hyperactivity disorder for DSM-V. Journal of
Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 39(6):761-775.
Moffitt, T.E., Arseneault, L., Jaffee, S.R., Kim-Cohen, J., Koenen, K.C., Odgers, C.L.,
Slutske, W.S. & Viding, E. (2008). Research review: DSM-V conduct disorder: research
needs for evidence base. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(1):3-33.
Nigg, J.T., Tannock, R. & Rohde, L.A. (2010). What is the fate of ADHD subtypes? An
introduction to the special section on research on the ADHD subtypes and implications
for the DSM-V. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology,39(6):723-725.
DSM Bibliography Page 2 of 6
Tackett, J.L. (2010). Toward an externalizing spectrum in DSM-V: Incorporating
developmental concerns. Child Development Perspective, 4(3):161-167.
Todd, R.D., Huang, H. & Henderson, C.A.(2008). Poor utility of age of onset criterion for
DSM-IV attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: recommendations for DSM-V and ICD11. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(9):942-949.
Walkup, J.T., Ferrao, Y., Leckman, J.F., Stein, D.J. & Singer, H. (2010). Tic Disorders:
Some key issues for DSM-V. Depression and Anxiety, 27:600-610.
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
Fink, M. (2011). Catatonia from its creation to DSM-V: Consideration for ICD. Indian
Journal of Psychiatry, 53(3):214-217.
Gaebel, W. & Zielasek, J. (2008). The DSM-V initiative “deconstruction psychosis” in the
context of Krepelin’s concept on nosology. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical
Neuroscience, 258[Suppl2]:41-47.
Pierre, J.M. (2008). Deconstructing schizophrenia for DSM-V: Challenges for clinical
and research agendas. Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, July 166-174.
van Os, J. (2008). ‘Salience syndrome’ replaces ‘schizophrenia’ in DSM-V and ICD-11:
Psychiatry’s evidenced-based entry into the 21st century? Acta Psychiatria
Scandinavica, 120:363-372.
Depressive Disorders
Joyce, P.R. (2008). Classification of mood disorders in DSM-V and DSM-VI. Austrailian
and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,48:851.862.
Nierenberg, A.A., Rapaport, M.H., Schettler, P.J., Howland, R., Smith, J.A., Edwards,
D., Schneider & Mischoulon, D. (2010). Deficits of psychological well-being and qualityof-life in minor depression: Implications for DSM-V. CNS Neuroscience &
Prigerson, H.G., Horowitz, M.J., Jacobs, S.C., Parkes, C.M., Aslan, M., Goodkin, K.,
Raphael, B., Marwit, S.J., Wortman, C., Neimeyer, R.A., Bonanno, R., Block, S.D.,
Kissane, D., Boelen, P., Maercker, A., Litz, B.T., Johnson, J.G., First, M.B. &
Maciejewski, P.K. Prolonged Grief Disorder: Psychometric validation of criteria
proposed for DSM-V and ICD-11. PLoS Medicine,6(8):1-12.
Anxiety Disorders
Andrews, G., Hobbs, M.J., Borkovec, T.D., Beesdo, K., Craske, M.G., Heimberg, R.G.,
Rapee, R.M., Ruscio, A.M. & Stanley, M.A. (2010), Generalized Worry Disorder: A
review of DSM-IV Generalized Anxiety Disorder and options for DSM-V. Depression
and Anxiety, 27:134-147.
DSM Bibliography Page 3 of 6
Bogels, S.M., Alden, L., Beidel, D.C., Clark, L.A., Pine, D.S., Stein, M.B. & Voncken, M.
(2010). Social Anxiety Disorder: Questions and answers for DSM-V. Depression and
Anxiety, 27:168-189.
Craske, M.G., Kircanski, K., Epstein, A., Wittchen, H.U., Pine, D.S., Lewis-Fernandez,
R., Hinton, D. & DSM V Anxiety, OC Spectrum, Posttraumatic and Dissociative Disorder
Work Group (2010). Panic Disorder: A review of DSM-IV Panic Disorder and proposals
for DSM-V. Depression and Anxiety, 27: 93-112.
Lebeau, R.T., Glenn, D., Liao, B., Wittchen, H.U., Beesler-Braum, K., Ollendick, T. &
Graske, M.G. (2010). Specific Phobia: A review of DSM-IV Specific Phobia and
preliminary recommendations for DSM-V. Depression and Anxiety, 27:148-167.
Lewis-Fernandez, R., Hinton, D.E., Laria, A.J., Patterson, E.H., Hoffman, S.G., Craske,
M.G., Stein, D.J., Asnaani, A. & Liao, B. (2010). Culture and Anxiety Disorders:
Recommendations for DSM-V. Depression and Anxiety, 27:212-229.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Related Disorders
Feusner, J.D., Phillips, K.A. & Stein, D.J.(2010). Olfactory reference syndrome: Issues
for DSM-V. Depression and Anxiety,27:592-599.
Hollander, E., Braun, A & Simeon, D. (2008). Should OCD leave the anxiety disorders in
DSM-V? The case for Obsessive Compulsive-Related Disorders. Depression and
Anxiety, 25:317-329.
Leckman, J.F., Denys, D., Simpson,H.B., Mataix-Cols, D., Hollander, E., Saxena, S.,
Miguel, E.C., Rauch, S.L., Goodman, W.K., Phillips, K.A., & Stein, D.J. ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder: A review of the diagnostic criteria and possible subtypes and
dimensional specifiers for DSM-V. Depression and Anxiety, 27:507-527.
Mataix-Cols, D., Frost, R.O., Pertusa, A., Clark, L.A., Saxena, S., Leckman, J.F., Stein,
D.J., Matsunaga, H. & Wilhelm, S. (2010). Hoarding Disorder: A new diagnosis for
DSM-V? Depression and Anxiety,27:556-572.
Phillips, K.A., Stein, D.J., Rauch, S.L., Hollander, E., Fallon, B.A., Barsky, A., Fineberg,
N., Mataix-Cols, D., Ferrao, Y.A., Saxena, S., Wilhelm, S., Kelly, M.M., Clark, L.A.,
Pinto, A., Bienvenu, O.J., Farrow, J. & Leckman, J. (2010). Should an ObsessiveCompulsive Spectrum Grouping of Disorders be included in DSM-V? Depression and
Anxiety, 27:528-555.
Phillips, K.A., Wilhelm, S., Koran, L.M., Didie, E.R., Fallon, B.A., Feusner, J. & Stein,
D.J. (2010). Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Some key issues for DSM-V. Depression and
DSM Bibliography Page 4 of 6
Stein, D.J., Naomi A. Fineberg, N.A., O. Joseph Bienvenu, O.J., Denys, D., Lochner, C.,
Nestadt, G., Leckman, J., Rauch, S.L. & Phillips, K.A. (2010). Should OCD be classified
as an anxiety disorder in DSM-V? Depression and Anxiety, 27:495-506.
Stein, D.J., Grant, J.E., Franklin, M.E., Keuthen, N., Lochner, C., Singer, H.S. & Woods,
D.W. (2010). Trichotillomania (Hair pulling disorder), skin picking disorder, and
stereotypic movement disorder: Toward DSM-V. Depression and Anxiety, 27:611-626.
Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
Berwin, C.R., Lanius, R.A., Novac, A., Schnyder, U. & Galea, S. (2009). Reformulating
PTSD for DSM-V: Life after criterion A. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22(5):366-373.
Bracha, H.S. & Maser, J.D. (2008). Anxiety and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the
context of human brain evolution: A role for theory in DSM-V? Clinical Psychology:
Science and Practice, 15(1):91-97.
McNally, R.J. (2009). Can we fix PTSD in DSM-V? Depression and Anxiety, 26:597600.
Pynoos, R.S., Steinberg, A.M., Layne, C.M., Briggs, E.C., Ostrowski, S.A. & Fairbank,
J.A. (2009). DSM-V PTSD Diagnostic criteria for children and adolescents: A
developmental perspective and recommendations. Journal of Traumatic Stress,
Yehuda, R. & Bierer, L.M. (2009). The relevance of epigenetics to PTSD: Implications
for the DSM-V. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22(5):427-434.
Eating Disorders
Becker, A.E., Eddy, K.T. & Perloe, A. (2009). Clarifying critera for cognitive signs and
symptoms for eating disorders in DSM-V. International Journal of Eating Disorders,
Becker, A.E., Thomas, J.J. & Pike, K.M.(2009). Should non-fat-phobic anorexia nervosa
be included in DSM-V? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 42:620-635.
Sexual Dysfunctions
Binik, Y.M., Brotto, L.A., Graham, C.A. & Segraves, T. (2010). Response to the DSM-V
Sexual Dysfunctions Subworkgroup to commentaries published in JSM. Journal of
Sexual Medicine, 7:2382-2387.
Editors. (2010). Responses to Proposed DSM-V Changes. Journal of Sexual Medicine,
Waldinger, M.D. & Schweitzer, D.H. (2008). The use of old and recent DSM definitions
of premature ejaculation in observational studies: A contribution to the present debate
for a new classification of PE in the DSM-V. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 5:1079-1087.
DSM Bibliography Page 5 of 6
Substance Abuse and Addictive Disorders
Boudreau, A., Labrie, R. & Shaffer, H.J.(2009). Towards DSM-V: ‘Shadow Syndrome’
symptom patterns among pathological gamblers. Addiction Research and
Cunningham-Williams, R.M., Gattis, M.N., Dore, P.M., Shi, P. & Spitznagel, E.L. (2009).
Toward DSM-V: considering other withdrawal-like symptoms of pathological gambling
disorder. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 18(1):13-22.
Helzer, J.E., van den Brink, W. & Guth, S.E. (2006). Should there be both categorical
and dimensional criteria for the substance use disorders in DSM-V? Addiction,
Nunes, E.V. & Rounsavile, B.J. (2006). Comorbidity of substance use with depression
and other mental disorders: from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
four edition (DSM-IV) to DSM-V. Addiction, 101 [Suppl.1]:89-96.
Slade,T., Grove, R. & Teesson, M. (2009). A taxometric study of alcohol abuse and
dependence in a general population sample: evidence of dimensional latent structure
and implications for DSM-V. Addiction, 104:742-751.
Personality Disorders
Hesse, M. (2010). What should be done with antisocial personality disorder in the new
edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-V)? BioMed
Central Medicine,8:66.
Kalapatapu, R.K., Patil, U. & Goodman, M.S. (2010). Using the internet to assess
perceptions of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: What do patients want in
the DSM-V? Cyperpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 13(5):483-494.
Miller, J.D., Widiger, T.A. & Campbell, W.K. (2010). Narcissistic Personality Disorder
and the DSM-V. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110(4):640-649.
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