Psychology and Social Change – Mental Illness and Abnormal Behaviour Formative – Skill Development: Presentation Style and Skills You have been given a slip of paper that has: 1. A category of mental illness according to the Manual of Mental Illness – DSM-V and 2. A topic to research and find information about related to your category of mental illness The 5 categories are: Personality Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Schizophrenic Disorders, Mood Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders The topics are: Types of Disorders in the Category + Common Symptoms, Causes, Impacts on the Brain, Treatments, Case Study Your task is the following: Research the related topic to your category using credible sources Provide a Reference List for all the sources you use, including visual information Create a PowerPoint that has NO MORE than 2 slides of information (not including references) the summarizes your information You must be able to present the information in your own words – make sure the slides are not overwhelmed with information You must email the PowerPoint presentation to me by: _________________________________________ My email is You will be presenting the information to the class - make sure you are familiar with the content. Success Criteria: I provided information based on the topic and category assigned I summarized the main points of the necessary information (significance) I included the main ideas of the information on the PowerPoint slides I did not use any more than 2 slides of information I created an APA reference list based on all the information I used – written and visual I explained the information in details – in my own words – showing my knowledge of the topic I emailed my information by the due date Presentation success criteria – o voice projection, eye contact, posture, paraphrased the information, confident about my knowledge of the material, formal language, presentation slides clear and concise Category Knowledge/ Understanding: Success Criteria Summarized Important Information Thinking/ Inquiry: PowerPoint included main points of information in no more than 2 slides Communication: Presentation success criteria Application: Reference List – credible sources, format Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4