Topic (see web page listing) Preferred Oral/Poster Presentation I agree to place the abstract on the website Thermoelectric thermometry Oral Yes or Not PAPER TITLE (MAXIMUM TWO ROWS) First author’s initial(s) and family name 1, Second author's initial(s) and family name 2, Third author's initial(s) and family name3, ... 1 National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK 2 Second author's affiliation, City, Country 3 Third author's affiliation, City, Country E-mail (corresponding author): Please use this document as a template for the preparation of abstracts of papers to be presented at TEMPMEKO 2016 (June 27 to July 1, 2016, in Zakopane, Poland). Begin by indicating in the box at the top of the page the topic that you feel is best suited to the work (see the web page list of topics), and whether you prefer to make an oral or a poster presentation. This information will greatly assist the programme committee in organizing the conference programme. The abstract should provide adequate content on which to judge the contribution’s quality and suitability, and should briefly address the context of the research, the purpose, the methodology, results and their interpretation, and the conclusions. The abstract should be a minimum of 200 words, but must not exceed one page in length. The font is Times New Roman, with single-spaced lines. The title should span no more than two rows, and is followed by one blank line. Author’s names are written as initials followed by the family name. The names of multiple authors are separated by commas and marked with a superscript, when necessary, to distinguish authors from different affiliations. Each affiliation is written in italicised font and appears on a single line. The corresponding author’s e-mail address follows the affiliations. Two blank lines separate the author information from the abstract text. Paragraphs are not indented and are separated by a single blank line. Abstracts must be submitted by October 31st 2015, through the official conference web page Authors can expect to be notified whether or not their paper has been accepted for the conference by January 31st 2016. If authors wish their paper to be considered for publication in Special Issues of the International Journal of Thermophysics, the manuscript must be submitted for peer review no later than April 30th 2016. Guidelines for the preparation of the manuscript will be available on the conference website.