LMS Newsletter - Park Ridge

Lincoln News
January 28, 2016
From the Principal s Desk
Dear Lincoln Community,
There is much to celebrate at Lincoln so far in 2016. Back in the fall, a
group of Lincoln teachers, who we call the Student Learning Team,
reviewed MAP data to determine areas of strength and opportunities for
growth. We identified reading informational text as an area in
which our students could improve. Our hope is to see significant
growth in this respect by all of our students by the end of the school year.
In December, we MAP tested students who receive support in Reading, and
the results were fantastic. The number of students in this group
demonstrating growth in comprehending informational text was twice as
good as we expected by the end of the year! I can’t wait to see the year-end
Mr. Lincoln knows the importance of
dressing appropriately for the cold
Another encouraging sign relates to how students are living up to our
building-wide ROARS expectations. The theme for November and
December was “Offer empathy.” We set a goal of 200 ROARS raffle tickets turned in, as part of our recognition of students
for their good behavior. They ended up turning in 262! That’s hundreds of teachable moments on making good choices and
making Lincoln a better place.
I want to extend a big thank you to our PTO for throwing a grand Mid-of-Mids celebration this afternoon at Centennial
Park for our seventh graders. Students had a great time at this event that commemorated the half-way point in their Lincoln
experience. (High school will be here before you know it.)
Finally, in the next two weeks we will be meeting with 5th and 6th grade teachers to discuss student needs for next year.
These articulation meetings are invaluable in planning each student’s learning experience next year. If there are things
you wish to share about your child’s learning needs, please e-mail me no later than February 12 (Which is
also Abraham Lincoln’s birthday).
Best regards,
Dr. Murray
News you can use
• Congratulations to our 7th and 8th grade Boys Basketball teams on a successful season.
The 8th grade boys (pictured right) finished third in the
conference and the 7th grade boys finished first! Many thanks
to Mr. Nasshan and Mr. Stanoev. The boys greatly benefitted
from their guidance and preparation.
• The 9 annual Casino Royale is this weekend! Don’t miss THE
District 64 event of the year, D64 ELF Casino Night at Café
La Cave! Saturday January 30, 6:30 – 11:30 pm. Full
Buffet, Open Bar, Casino-style Gambling, Fantastic Auctions,
Photo Booth and more. All proceeds benefit the District 64
ELF (Elementary Learning Foundation) and fund grants supporting innovative programming in D64
schools. Tickets $100 until January 16, $125 thereafter. Purchase online at www.district64elf.org.
Calendar notes
• Friday, February 5th is a Teachers’ Institute Day – No School
• Tuesday, February 9th kicks off our drive to support the St. Baldrick’s Foundation to
cure childhood cancers. Stay tuned for more information.
• Friday, February 12th is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, and the unofficial birthday of Lincoln
Middle School. We’ll be 88 years old! There will be a series of spirit days to celebrate. Details to
• Monday, February 15th is Presidents’ Day – No School
• Because our winter has been mild (very mild, by the standard of the last couple of years), no
emergency days have used. Therefore, school will not be in session on Monday, February
29. District 64 staff will be having a records/planning day.
Need to shake off the winter blues? You are invited to attend SnowCamp (EdCamp) North Side
What is EdCamp?
A FREE “un-conference” for parents, students, educators, board members, etc. to come together to share knowledge, ideas,
and work collaboratively with one another. If you’ve never attended an EdCamp before, we encourage for you to come to
actively engage through sessions that are built with your interests in mind. Session topics are created at the start of the day
and anyone can present or be part of the topics chosen. You don’t have to be an expert - just be willing to lead or be part of
a discussion and provide an authentic collaborative environment! Also, if a session doesn’t meet your needs, it’s perfectly
acceptable to get up and move to another session. Need more information?? Watch this general EdCamp video to get an
idea of what this event is all about.
Session example topics:
• Discussing current issues in education
• Navigating Your Way Through High School (or other levels of school)
• Social media and its use in and out of school
• Learning a new technology tool related to best practice in the classroom or helping your child at home
• Something you'd like to improve on and get feedback from someone else
Where & when?
At Maine South High School in Park Ridge, IL on Saturday February 20th, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. Free breakfast
refreshments will be available throughout the morning for participants. Please also bring an electronic device. Free wi-fi
will be provided. Please come ready with a positive attitude and ready to discuss ideas!
How do you register?
If you are interested in registering or learning more about this event, please visit the following
link: http://tinyurl.com/edcampMS.
Additional questions? Please email Allison Gest (agest@maine207.org) or Twitter - @MrsGest
Hope to see you at this event!
The SnowCamp - North Side Planning Tea
District 64 Young Authors Guidelines Are you an aspiring young author ready to share your work with others? The
Young Authors Contest is an ​independent, voluntary​ at-home project for
students interested in writing and publishing their work for others to read. One
winner from each grade level will be selected to represent District 64 at the ​Illinois
State Young Authors Conference​ in May 2016! See below for details.
● Maximum of ​two authors/illustrators​ per manuscript (must be in same grade & school).
Students can only collaborate on one manuscript.
● Written piece must be an ​original fiction short story​—maximum 20 pages, no poetry, no
graphic novels, no nonfiction/informational text.
● Illustrations​ may be used to enhance the story.
● Content must be ​appropriate​ for peer audience.
● K-2 students may hand in a ​handwritten​ story.
○ Dictated books may be typed or handwritten by an adult, but the story must remain
in the student’s own language.
● 3​rd​ - 8​th​ grade students must hand in a t​ ypewritten​ manuscript.
● Students must complete their manuscripts ​without any teacher input.
● Manuscript must have a s​ ubstantial cover (like a report cover)​ with 8 ½ x 11 paper
securely attached.
● Cover Page​ must include: Title, author’s name, grade level, school, homeroom number,
optional: illustration.
Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be ​returned to the
author​. Important Dates for 2016
Friday, February 12​—All manuscripts collected at the buildings.
Friday, March 4​—Winning building manuscripts (1 per grade level) delivered to district level
Week of March 14​ —District winners are announced and invited to State Young Authors
Conference & May School Board meeting.
Wednesday, March 23​—District winners interested in participating in State Young Authors
Conference must submit registration forms.
*Saturday, May 14​—State Young Authors Conference at Illinois State University in
Bloomington-Normal, IL.
Monday, May 23​—D64 School Board Student Recognition.
Please contact your school’s Young Author Coordinator with any questions.
Carpenter: Ms. Kerrie Fuller, k​ fuller@d64.org
Emerson: Ms. Tina Gomez, ​tgomez@d64.org
Field: Ms. Jane Everett, ​jeverett@d64.org
Franklin: Ms. Lenore Franckowiak, l​ franckowiak@d64.org
Lincoln: Ms. Franny Keyes, ​fkeyes@d64.org
Roosevelt: Mrs. Azark & Mrs. Handlon,
nazark@d64.org​ & t​ handlon@d64.org
Washington: Ms. Kelly Amelse, ​kamelse@d64.org
District: Ms. Meghan Keefer, ​mkeefer@d64.org
District 64 Young Authors Guidelines Are you an aspiring young author ready to share your work with others? The
Young Authors Contest is an ​independent, voluntary​ at-home project for
students interested in writing and publishing their work for others to read. One
winner from each grade level will be selected to represent District 64 at the ​Illinois
State Young Authors Conference​ in May 2016! See below for details.
● Maximum of ​two authors/illustrators​ per manuscript (must be in same grade & school).
Students can only collaborate on one manuscript.
● Written piece must be an ​original fiction short story​—maximum 20 pages, no poetry, no
graphic novels, no nonfiction/informational text.
● Illustrations​ may be used to enhance the story.
● Content must be ​appropriate​ for peer audience.
● K-2 students may hand in a ​handwritten​ story.
○ Dictated books may be typed or handwritten by an adult, but the story must remain
in the student’s own language.
● 3​rd​ - 8​th​ grade students must hand in a t​ ypewritten​ manuscript.
● Students must complete their manuscripts ​without any teacher input.
● Manuscript must have a s​ ubstantial cover (like a report cover)​ with 8 ½ x 11 paper
securely attached.
● Cover Page​ must include: Title, author’s name, grade level, school, homeroom number,
optional: illustration.
Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be ​returned to the
Coming Spring
2016 to Lincoln
Middle School!
March 18, 2016
All students welcome!
More details to come in january
start growing now!
Rai si n g Ki d s i n
a Di g i t al A g e
Our kids are growing up in a different world. How do
we help them be mindful and responsible citizens in
the 21st century? Our keynote, Dr. Devorah Heitner,
will offer a refreshing perspective on kids and media
that goes beyond the typical admonishment to limit
"screentime". She offers parents and educators
concrete criteria to evaluate the quality of our children's media experiences and is a resource for anyone seeking
advice on how to help children thrive in a world of digital connectedness.
The evening will also include a panel discussion prompted by audience questions and is expected to be an
enriching dialogue. This event is open to parents, educators, and all adult
members of the community.
Feat u r i n g Dr . Dev o r ah Hei t n er , Ph D
Fo u n d er & Di r ect o r o f Rai si n g Di g i t al Nat i v es,
an online resource for parents and schools
Dr. Heitner has appeared in a TEDx-Naperville presentation: The Challenges of Raising a
Digital Native (Empathy Is the App) and has been interviewed by CBS and NBC News in
Chicago, as well as the NBC Today Show. She has a Ph.D. in Media/ Technology and
Society from Northwestern University and has taught at DePaul University, Street Level
Youth Media, and Northwestern University. Dr. Heitner is currently writing a handbook
for parents titled, ?Raising Your Digital Native.? She is delighted to be raising her own
digital native, too.
Facilitated by Linda Diekman, Instructional Technology Coach,
and Mary Jane Warden, Director of Technology
Tuesday, Mar ch 8, 2016
6:30PM t o 8:00PM
in t he Mul t i-Purpose Room
8101 N. Cumberl and Ave,
Nil es
2015-16 Parent Universit y Series
Park Ridge-Niles
School District 64
Enroll now:
& New Students
Welcome to District 64!
Beginning February 8, 2016:
Please visit the Registration Page of our website
and complete an online form to begin the
registration process for kindergarten and new
students for the 2016-17 school year. "
Residency documents and a certified copy of the
child’s birth certificate must be provided to register.
A child must be five years old on or before September 1,
2016 to be eligible for kindergarten in 2016-17.
Enroll now!
Visit our website: