Title in Bold, Centred and 16 Point with Initial Letter Capitals Except

16th Biennial Meeting Paper Title in Bold, Centred and 14 Point with Initial
Letter Capitals Except for Minor Words such as Prepositions
O.N.E. Authora, A. Writera,1 and A.N. Otherb
School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia.
Institute for NanoScience, Stuttgart, Germany.
Leave one blank line above and below the abstract. The abstract should be
indented by 13 mm on both sides compared to the width of the main text. The
recommended length is 4-6 lines (approx 50-70 words). Make sure that it is
punchy, concise and informative.
If you work with this MS Word template, there should be no need to worry about the
page layout, font size and/or spacing but should you need all these details, note the following:
A4 sheets with 2.5cm margins on all sides. Single spacing is used throughout. Use a Roman
font (such as Times or Times New). Heading is 14pt bold, titlecase and centred with a 14pt
space above. Text elsewhere is usually 12pt. Leave one line between the heading and author
list, which is also in title case and centred. In the case of authors from multiple institutions,
superscripts a, b, c, … after the author names should be used. For authors on leave or now
located elsewhere, use numbered footnotes as indicated in the example. Single blank line
above the affiliations, which should be centred, in italics, with each new affiliation beginning
on a new line.
Section headings in bold, numbered and the leading word indented to 1.0 cm.
Subordinate section headings also numbered but not bold. Leave one blank line before section
and subordinate section headings. All text paragraphs will have first line indented to 1 cm but
no blank line between paragraphs. Single space after a full stop at end of sentences. Text
paragraphs should be justified.
Sample preparation
Manuscripts are limited to ten pages, including all diagrams, tables, references and
acknowledgments. Please do not number the pages within your manuscript. Page numbering
will be done at the editorial stage for the complete set of papers. All papers will be formally
refereed. The deadline for the submission of manuscripts is 31st December, 2015.
Manuscript submission should be made electronically to: trevorf@unimelb.edu.au. The initial
submission can be either a *.pdf or Word file but the final version (following receipt of and
response to reviewers’ comments) should be a Word file to allow for editing.
Each manuscript submitted will be reviewed by two professional reviewers and
reviewers reports returned to authors to enable modifications/corrections to manuscripts, as
necessary, prior to acceptance. The papers accepted following this refereeing process will be
published on-line by the Australian Association of von Humboldt Fellows and at the
Association website, humboldtaustralia.org.au. An ISBN for this on-line publication will be
obtained from the National Library and details of this will appear in the initial pages of the
on-line publication, for subsequent use by authors as required. The formal reviewing process
Present address: Dept. of Low Temperature Physics, Casey Base, Antarctica
will be outlined in the editorial Preface of the publication. Copyright remains with the authors
and the work may be modified for later incorporation as part of a regular journal article.
XRD Analysis
Figures and tables should be incorporated in the body of the text as near as possible to
the appropriate place. In introducing a figure or table in the text, use the notation Fig. 1, Table
1, etc. Leave one blank line between the centred, 10pt, table caption and the table and one
blank line between the table and the following text. Tables should have horizontal lines at the
top, bottom and under the column headings, but no vertical lines. Tables should be either
centred or with text run around (only for narrow tables).
Table 1. Parameters from least squares fits to the spectra.
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Text may be run beside narrow figures. Leave one blank line above each figure. The
figure caption in 10pt should be centred and placed immediately beneath the figure. Figures
may contain colour for additional effects.
Fig. 1. DSC signals from samples annealed at 676 K for (a) 0 s, (b) 600 s and (c) 1200 s.
3.2. References
References should be given using sequential numbers [1], [1,2], [1-3], etc., within the
text with the numbered reference collection listed at the end of the manuscript, using the style
illustrated in this template. Note the absence of punctuation except for journal abbreviations.
For more complicated references, including electronic journals, translated journals, computer
code, etc., use the layouts specified as the Vancouver style on the IOP web site at:
It is recognised that, particularly for publications within the humanities area, authors
often wish to quote sections of published works. In such a case, please put the quote in italics
[1] followed by the source reference if the quote is just a few words. If it is a longer section it
should be typed as follows:
This is an example of an extended quotation from the published literature,
which an author wishes to reproduce within his/her manuscript. Note that it is
additionally indented from both margins and put in italics. The source
reference for the quote could be at the end of the quote or at the end of the
previous sentence, as makes logical sense [2].
This section is not numbered, nor is the References section.
[1] Black J B and White V B 2002 J. Irrep. Res. 100 187
[2] Brown X J, Smith A C and Chemist A 2000 The Art of Writing Convincing Abstracts
(Oxford : Pergamon) p 868.
[3] Matter N O 1984 Industrial Applications of the Mössbauer Effect ed G J Long and J G
Stevens (New York : Plenum) p 797.