Student IEP Implementation Memo

FROM: _______________________________, Principal
Student IEPs
Chapter 408 of the New York State Education Law requires all general education and special education teachers
and related service providers to receive a copy of the IEP of each student to whom they provide service prior to
the implementation of the IEP. In addition, the school has an established process for informing appropriate staff
of their responsibilities prior to implementing IEPs. ____________ (name of school designee(s) is designated to
inform appropriate staff of their responsibilities prior to the implementation of a student’s IEP.
In addition, the contents of the IEPs must be reviewed with all paraprofessionals who provide service to the
student. This includes all classroom and IEP-mandated paraprofessionals. You are advised to ensure that all
paraprofessionals who work under your direction understand the needs of the student as it relates to their role as
paraprofessionals and to review the IEP with them on an ongoing basis.
These documents must remain in your possession and confidentiality of contents must be protected. If you have
any questions about the implementation of your students’ IEPs, please see ____________________________
for further information.