Torbay Continuing Professional Development Update Issue 30 Spring/Summer 09 Aspirant Leaders visit Dartmouth Royal Naval College The Torbay Aspirant Headteacher Programme is based on a model from South Gloucestershire. The programme is co-delivered with a National Leader in Education with local headteachers providing mentor support. All participants attended a residential event. This event included personality profiling and a professional reading pack. The first cohort also spent an informative day at Dartmouth Royal Naval College. They spent the day discussing decision making and leadership styles and how that linked to their personality profiles. The cross-phase nature of the group has added another dimension to the programme. The wide range of current roles means they will not all be hitting the jobs market at the same time. Some have competed NPQH, some are on NPQH and others will undertake at the end of the programme. However, we have already seen 2 participants gain promotion to head and deputy positions. Cohort 2 is already filled, but further details can be obtained from Ian Hancock 01803 208217 Newsletter 1 Torbay’s Second Emotional Health and Wellbeing Conference Wednesday 24 June 2009 in The Forum, Riviera International Centre, Torquay from 9.00a.m. to 4.00p.m. (registration from 8.30a.m.) Following last year’s very successful first conference, we are delighted to welcome you back to this second event, to which Dr Margot Sunderland will return as our keynote speaker. This is a one day conference for those working with children from birth to 19. The conference aims to develop our understanding of the role of play, creativity and imagination in brain development and will offer practical ways in which people working with children and young people can use these in support of their Emotional Health and Wellbeing. Margot will also talk about the emotional rollercoaster of working with troubled children. It will be of particular interest to schools, pastoral workers and other professionals working with children, young people and families in the field of Emotional Wellbeing. KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr Margot Sunderland (author of ‘What Every Parent Needs to Know’ and Director of Education and Training, the Centre for Child Mental Health in London) Local poet Matthew Harvey will be the MC for the conference. Matthew is a regular guest on Radio 4’s Saturday Live and is the President of MIND Exeter and East Devon Conference costs: Delegates from Torbay: Delegates from outside Torbay: £30 £60 For further details contact Theresa Cornelius on 01803 208929 ( Bookings must be made on-line at or contact Jan Brown/Alex Rendell on 208207 Newsletter 2 Parking for Delegates attending the Professional Development Centre, Torquay As you may be aware the Professional Development Centre and Parking Services have reviewed the arrangements for delegates wishing to use the facilities of the Lower Union Lane Car Park. From June 2009, delegates who wish to park whilst attending a course at the Professional Development Centre, Town Hall, Torquay, will have designated reserved bays to park whilst attending the course. The reserved bays are located on Level 8 (top floor of the car park), Lower Union Lane, Car Park. Access is gained via Abbey Road. These bays state ‘PDC reserved bays’. These permits are only for use in the designated reserved bays on Level 8. There are 20 reserved bays. If all bays are occupied then the normal pay and display ticket must be purchased for the time required. Primary and Secondary Inclusion Development Programme (IDP): Available at This e-learning course is designed for teachers and teaching assistants, trainers and initial teacher training (ITT) providers, headteachers and leadership teams, support workers, and student teachers in training. You may select a route through the learning according to role: as facilitator; for personal CPD; or for use with pupils. The IDP toolkit currently covers support in the classroom for pupils with Dyslexia and Speech, Language and Communication Needs. This covers the identification of pupils with difficulties in these areas, the barriers they experience in learning due to their difficulties and how teaching and learning can be adapted in the classroom to overcome those barriers. New this term: Supporting pupils on the autism spectrum The ASD content is divided into eight key areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What is the autism spectrum? Social and emotional understanding Communication and language Flexibility of thought and behaviour Sensory perception and responses Know the pupil Curriculum priorities and inclusive practice Sources of support Learning outcomes Use the self-evaluation questionnaire to recognise current strengths and identify areas where further knowledge is required. Identify elements of Quality First Teaching which will support pupils on the autism spectrum. Know the typical and atypical characteristics of those on the autism spectrum. Use pupil profiling and case studies to identify and/or learn more about pupils on the autism spectrum. Identify how different aspects of autism may affect pupils' learning. List ways in which support could be provided for pupils on the autism spectrum which could remove barriers to learning and socialisation. Describe how to promote inclusion and interaction in mainstream schools. Demonstrate ways in which parent and pupil voice activities can support the planning for pupils on the autism spectrum. Newsletter 3 CPD Leader Network Days 22nd June 2009 and November 2009 A grant has been paid into all school budgets to enable CPD leaders to attend these days. You will have the opportunity to discuss latest initiatives with colleagues, and we have also invited interesting speakers to keep you up to date with new resources and materials. Ideas to link CPD, performance management and standards Preview of new CPD online system TDA CPD database HLTA There will be a 6 day course for any TAs who would like to combine some training with preparation for assessment as a HLTA. This course is being run at the Professional Development Centre in the town Hall at Torquay. The dates are: 22nd September 6th October 3rd November 24th November 19th January 23rd February This course is funded again this year but we do not know how long this will continue. There will also be a 3 day course running in Devon. For more information and an application form please go to Or e-mail DATA Paul Garvey will offer courses in both RAISEonline and FFT data training for both primary and secondary staff in the second half of the summer term. This will include how you can interpret the data and how this could be used to back up school self-evaluation. Newsletter 4 Torbay Action Research in Schools (TARS) programme 2009-2010 Torbay’s Education Development Plan for 2009-10 includes support for school-based action research. The purpose of this activity is to: provide opportunities and support for teachers to engage in action research with a direct impact on classroom and/or school practice disseminate findings provide necessary opportunities for accreditation for those seeking this, taking advantage of the new Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) programme, accessed through SWIfT, if appropriate Criteria for assessing applications Grants of £500 will be made for 2009-2010. Priority will be given to carefully considered proposals which demonstrate a contribution to: improving pupils’ learning addressing a whole school priority furthering a well thought out career progression for the applicant No more than two grants will normally be made to staff from one school/college. Applicants must: - be teachers employed for at least 50% of their time in a Torbay school agree to the details of their action research being made available to schools in Torbay for the purposes of sharing expertise/practice complete the research proposed unless in exceptional circumstances provide a brief progress report or presentation on request to the other participants and the CPD strategy group Tutorial support Tutorial support will be provided if required. This will involve an initial meeting and subsequent telephone or e-mail advice/support. A further meeting may be arranged if needed. Use of the grant The funding should be used in any reasonable way to support the applicant in his/her research. E.g. supply cover, books and other printed or electronic material, course fees. A breakdown of its use will be required by 31st March 2010. Application forms Please e-mail for an application form or ring 01803 208693 Closing Date – Fri 19th June 2009. Schools will be notified if they are successful by 10th July 2009 NPSLBA NPSLBA supports the Behaviour, Attendance and SEAL strand of the National strategies as part of the core offer to local authorities, schools and other settings. NPSLBA is delivered locally through small selftutored cluster groups which are guided and supported by the local authority. Participants on the programme work towards the DCSF NPSLBA Certificate and are expected to submit evidence of attendance, work-based learning activities and reflective logs. To find out more please contact Gill Hague on 208921 or e-mail Newsletter 5 NQTs I have been very pleased to see that there has been a much better response to courses for NQTs this year. We have reached an agreement with the University of Plymouth for NQTs to be able to have their professional portfolios accredited at masters level. The outline aims to: Support NQTs in achieving M-level accreditation in their first year of teaching (for some this will add to M-level credits attained in PGCE); Further develop and support notions of critically reflective practice and teacher professionalism; Offer opportunities for NQTs to engage in supportive and reflective dialogue with their peers; Engage in a range of tasks and activities that will support the completion of the CEDP at the appropriate transition point; Provide a realistic and achievable timeframe in which participants can achieve accreditation; For more information- please contact CPD Leadership A series of 6 modules You may take one, all or any combination A. To develop understanding of the changing agenda for CPD and CPD leadership in schools B. To support CPD leaders in identifying and addressing the CPD needs for schools and individuals C. To enable CPD leaders to support colleagues in their career development D. To support CPD leaders in developing the culture of continuing professional development in their schools E. To develop skills for a strategic planning of CPD for school improvement F. To develop skills in evaluating the impact of CPD on school improvement 2 modules have already been delivered in Torbay. Modules B and E will be run in the summer term (Dates to be finalised) These will be booked online in the usual way at . Module D may be run again at Brixham College, anybody interested in this can e-mail or ring 01803 208693 NPQH From 1 April 2009 it will be mandatory for all first time heads in maintained schools to hold the NPQH before they can be appointed. This will replace the transitional requirement for new headteachers to be working towards the NPQH prior to appointment. 'Appointment' means the date an individual is appointed by a governing body (or trustees) to a headship post, rather than the date the individual takes up the post. An appointment means an offer has both been made and accepted. Further information can be found on the NCSL website, which also offers a range of resources to help prospective applicants. Information can also be obtained by calling the NCSL Helpline on 0845 609 0009, or by emailing Newsletter 6 No delegate charge! 5th June 2009 Riviera International Conference Centre Please book in the usual way at Keynote Speakers CHRIS LEE HAROLD BAILEY Workshops Global citizenship Behaviour Coaching Mentoring Letters and Sounds Maths Find out about SOUTH DEVON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH HLTAs Newsletter 7 CALENDAR OF EVENTS TA CONFERENCE -5TH JUNE CPD LEADERS NETWORK DAY – 22ND JUNE DEPUTY HEAD NETWORK – 30TH JUNE ENABLE CONFERENCE – 26TH JUNE PRIMARY TA INDUCTION – STARTS IN SEPTEMBER SECONDARY TA INDUCTION – STARTS IN SEPTEMBER Please book online at INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 Emotional Health and Wellbeing Conference 3 Parking 3 Primary & Secondary Inclusion Development Programme 4 CPD leader network days 5 Torbay Action Research in Schools 6 NQT news 6 CPD leadership 6 NPQH 7 TA Conference Torbay Professional Development Centre Electric House Town Hall Torquay TQ1 3DS Useful e-mail addresses Useful telephone numbers PDC- 01803 208207 Newsletter 8