LEISURE COMMITTEE 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 ITEM 05 RAINBOW CAR PARK Report of the: Director of Operations Contact: John Vadgama Urgent Decision?(yes/no) No If yes, reason urgent decision required: N/A Annexes/Appendices (attached): Annexe 1: Park Charges proposed for Rainbow Car Annexe 2: How a refund scheme for Centre users might operate in relation to Hook Road Car Park Other available papers (not attached): None. This report outlines the proposed car park charges. Notes RECOMMENDATION That the Committee (1) notes that a Car Park Order outlining the charges proposed by GLL for parking at the Rainbow Centre will be advertised in accordance with legal requirements. (2) supports the concept of the use of Hook Road Car Park as an overspill for the Rainbow and recommends the adoption of the proposal in Annexe 2 to the Environment Committee. 1 Implications for Committee Policies/Objectives 1.1 2 It has been one of the Council's Key Corporate Objectives to redevelop the Rainbow after which time its management will be the responsibility of this Committee. Rainbow Centre Car Park 2.1 Previously there was a car parking order on the two car parks at the Rainbow. 2.2 The provision of the car park has been agreed as part of the contract with GLL, and will be managed by GLL. The contract stipulates that GLL would retain the income from the car parking fees and would refund a sum to bona fide customers of the centre, and retain a small part of that fee, which was determined as 20p. Page 1 of 3 LEISURE COMMITTEE 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 3 4 ITEM 05 2.3 The car park for the front office block will be available to Rainbow Centre users in the evenings and at the weekends. Whilst the overall contractual details are resolved there is some fine tuning of that arrangement to be finalised. 2.4 Whilst the Car Park will be managed by GLL, the Councils car parking services will patrol the car park and issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCN's) where appropriate. The Council will retain the income form the PCN’s, and GLL the income from the car park fees. 2.5 GLL have devised the charges set out in Annexe 1 to make the car park and facilities at the Centre as attractive as possible to bona fide users of the Rainbow and to deter non-users who may wish to park there. 2.6 GLL has agreed to cover the costs of the Parking Order and will manage the car park on the Council's behalf. The Leisure Committee will consider any objections which might be raised to the Car Parking Order at its next meeting on 25 November. Hook Road Car Park 3.1 It is anticipated that demand for the Rainbow will be high, so Officers have been investigating other ways to accommodate car parking for users of the Rainbow. 3.2 Discussions have taken place between leisure Officers and car parking services with a view to attracting Rainbow customers to the adjacent Hook Road Car Park as an overspill for the Rainbow, should the need arise. There is sufficient space at the Hook Road Car Park to accommodate extra parking for the Rainbow, and as such this would be new business for the Hook Road Car Park. 3.3 The prices for car parking at Hook Road Car Park are already set as part of the Councils fees and charges. The proposal at Annexe 2 does not envisage changing these at all, but suggests that a refund for customers using the Rainbow Centre would be appropriate. 3.4 The Council would retain the extra income from this initiative, but would have to make a payment to GLL to cover the refund that they would give to customers using the Centre. Since any extra income would be new business, even taking account of a small refund to Rainbow Centre customers, the Council would benefit from increased revenue from this Car Park. Financial and Manpower Implications 4.1 GLL has agreed to meet the cost of the Car Park Order for the Centre's Car Park. Therefore there are no financial implications for the Council other than those already agreed as part of the main contract for the Rainbow. 4.2 Subject to the agreement of the Environment Committee, the Council could enjoy increased income from Hook Road Car Park. Page 2 of 3 LEISURE COMMITTEE 30 SEPTEMBER 2002 5 Human Rights and Other Legal Implications 5.1 6 The Leisure Committee will be required to consider objections to the Car Parking Order at the Meeting on 25 November. Social, Economic and Environmental Well-being 6.1 7 ITEM 05 None for the purposes of this report. Conclusions 7.1 The level of charging at the Rainbow Centre is the contractual responsibility of GLL, since the management of the Car Park directly impacts on the success and throughput for the Rainbow. 7.2 It would be useful to have an agreement whereby Rainbow Customers could use the Hook Road Car Park as an overspill for the Rainbow, should the need arise. There is spare capacity at Hook Road and would not be a cost to the Council, even taking account giving a refund to Rainbow Customers. The management of the Council's Car Parks falls with in the remit of the Environment Committee to whom the Leisure Committee is asked to commend this proposal. WARD(S) AFFECTED: All but specifically Town. Page 3 of 3