Regulated Agents and Known Consignor Database for Industry User Guide 533560377 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 USING THE RAKC APPLICATION ................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 2.2 3 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Getting started ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Role Based Functionalities ........................................................................................................................... 10 REGULATED AGENT USER .......................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 Validation ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.1 Validate RA ........................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.2 Validate KC .......................................................................................................................................... 24 4 KNOWN CONSIGNOR USER ......................................................................................................................... 32 4.1 Validation ..................................................................................................................................................... 32 4.1.1 Validate RA ........................................................................................................................................... 32 4.1.2 Validate KC .......................................................................................................................................... 32 5 SECURITY MANAGER.................................................................................................................................... 35 5.1 Administration 5.1.1. Activate or deactivate RA/KC users…………………………………………………...….…………………..42 5.1.2 Decrypt RA/KC user password………………………………………………….….…………………48 5.2 Validation………………………………………………………………………………………………………….50 6 XML INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................ 45 533560377 Page 2 1 INTRODUCTION “Regulated Agents and Known Consignor Database” (RAKC Application) is a project undertaken by the DG MOVE of the European Commission. The main objective of RAKC Application is to establish and implement an appropriate tool to help protect against acts of unlawful interference against civil aviation. It accomplishes this objective by maintaining an EU wide database of Regulated Agents and Known Consignors present in the field of Air Cargo Security and facilitating web based validation of these consignors and agents by European users in their native languages. 1.1 Purpose This user guide provides comprehensive information on the features of the RAKC application. The features discussed in this guide cover the necessary steps as well as snapshots of the required screens involved in working with that feature. This guide will familiarize you with the way to use the application and access the functionalities available. 1.2 Scope This scope of the document is limited to the functionality currently present in the RAKC application. 1.3 Abbreviations Directorate General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission EU / EC European Union / European Commission RAKCD Regulated Agent and Known Consignor Database SIS Siemens IT Solution and Services URL Uniform Resource Locator 533560377 Page 3 2 USING THE RAKC APPLICATION You can access the RAKC Database application via The RAKC application is best viewed in Internet Explorer 6 or 7. This section explains the features of the application in detail. 2.1 Getting started When you access the RAKC application, you will be directed to the Homepage as shown in the screenshot below. A welcome note gives you a brief introduction of the application. d e f g h i a b c Figure 1. Home Page You have following options on the Home Page: a) Login You can access the application with a valid login id / password and “Active” status. If you are a Regulated Agent or Known Consignor user, please contact your Security Manager for login id and password. All other 533560377 Page 4 users receive an email with login id and password directly from the RAKC application as soon as their login id is created. If either the login id or password is incorrect or the status is currently “Inactive”, the system informs you with appropriate message. b) Request for a new password (Forgot Password) Just below the login button, there is an option of requesting for a new password in case you forget it. When you click on the Forgot Password link, the screen below is displayed. You can provide the login id and press the “Submit” button. The system generates a new password and sends that password in an email to: you, if you are a Security Manager; your Security Manager if you are either a Regulated Agent user or Known Consignor user. The system informs you with an appropriate message in case you enter an invalid login id or the status is currently inactive. Figure 2. Forgot Password c) Request for a change of password (Change Password) Just below the “Forgot Password” link, the option of modifying the existing password is also available. When you click on the Change Password link, the screen below is displayed. You can provide the login id, the old password and the new password twice and press the “Submit” button. The system validates the new password and checks whether the login id and the old password exist and whether your login id is 533560377 Page 5 active or not. If the login id and old password exist and login id is active and the new password is also a valid one, the system updates the old password with the new password. If either the login id or old password doesn’t exist or the new password is not a valid password or your login id is currently inactive, the system informs you with an appropriate message. Figure 3. Change Password d) Contact This is a link to the central EU portal. It does not relate to the air cargo database. e) Search It is a link to the search function of the EU's EUROPA website. It does not relate to the air cargo database. f) Legal Notice This currently links to the aviation security page of the EUROPA website. g) RAKC Information Centre When you click on RAKC Information Centre link, the page containing various guides (e.g. user guide, FAQs) for the RAKC system is displayed. A label “New” flashes on top of a guide for duration of one month from the date of upload. 533560377 Page 6 Figure 4. RAKC Information Centre h) RAKC Helpdesk First check the FAQs. If these do not deal with your query, please contact your National Appropriate Authority. Details of national authorities are listed in the database. If you still need to contact the Helpdesk, click on the “RAKC Helpdesk” link. The following screen will be displayed. 533560377 Page 7 Figure 5.a RAKC Helpdesk When you click on the “National Appropriate Authority” link above, then the following screen is displayed. It will show the contact details of all the national authorities. 533560377 Page 8 Figure 5.b. RAKC Helpdesk PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DETAILS DISPLAYED IN FIG 5b MAY NOT BE CURRENT. If the national appropriate authority cannot deal with your query enter all the mandatory information on the form shown at Fig. 5 a and click on Submit button. An email containing the entire data will be sent to helpdesk. Always make your question clear in the Comments box and include the Unique Identifier for your company. 533560377 Page 9 i) Select a language At the login page of the RAKC application, you have an option to switch to language of your choice. The supported languages are Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish and Swedish. Figure 6. Language Selection 2.2 Role Based Functionalities Each user in the RAKC application has one or more roles. Those which relate to industry users are: Security Manager Regulated Agent Users Known Consignor Users Each role is associated with some particular functionality. If for example a Regulated Agent User logs in to the application, only the functionality associated with a Regulated Agent User is available. Navigation Path Once you log in to the application, you have the option of navigating using the path present shown below the logo (see below). 533560377 Page 10 Figure 7. Navigation Path 533560377 Page 11 3 REGULATED AGENT USER As a Regulated Agent user (RA user), the functionality accessible to you is: Validation Validation means to check if the agent or consignor is known in the RAKC database and the agent’s or consignor’s validity has not expired. As an RA user, you can validate another Regulated Agent (RA) or Known Consignor (KC) through the RAKC application. When you login in to the RAKC application, the following screen is displayed. Figure 8. Task of users of Regulated Agents/Known Consignors 3.1 Validation When you click on the “Validation” link above, the next screen will be displayed. 533560377 Page 12 Figure 9. Two options of Validation You have an option to validate an RA by clicking “Validate RA” or validate a KC by clicking “Validate KC” on the screen above. 3.1.1 Validate RA When you select the “Validate RA” link, then the following screen is displayed. 533560377 Page 13 Figure 10. Validate Regulated Agent Screen The different options available to you on this screen are: 1) Validate a regulated agent You can search for a Regulated Agent on any one of the following search criteria: OR OR OR Registration (Identification) number of the regulated agent Complete Name Alternative name Country (Address, Town and Postal Code are optional). The fastest way to search is by entering the Registration Number. For example: You enter the Registration (or Identification) number of the regulated agent say “UK/RA/00001-01/0812” (as shown below). 533560377 Page 14 Figure 11. Validate Regulated Agent Screen with Registration Number You have the option of pressing either the “Submit” button or the “Back” button. Pressing the “Submit” button displays a list of regulated agents matching the criteria entered, as shown below. Pressing the “Back” button takes you to Figure 10. 533560377 Page 15 Figure 12. List of regulated agents matching the criteria entered In this example, details of the agent are shown with the unique registration number in the last column. This registration number is actually a link which when clicked will display the expiry date of the agent along with other details as in Figure 14 below. 533560377 Page 16 Figure 13. Validate Regulated Agent Result Screen The “cross” symbol shown on the top indicates that either the agent is not active or has expired. In this example, the agent is not active. This usually indicates that the validation has been suspended or cancelled by the national Appropriate Authority. All the details of the regulated agent along with the expiry date are shown above. If the regulated agent is active and has not expired, then a “tick” symbol is displayed. Pressing the “Back” button above takes the user to Figure 11. If no matching agent is found after you press “Submit” on Figure 12, the system displays the message “No results found”. 533560377 Page 17 You can also search for a regulated agent by Name. For example: You enter the name of the regulated agent say “Star Cargo” (as shown below). Figure 14. Validate Regulated Agent Screen with Name You have the option of pressing either the “Submit” button or the “Back” button. Pressing the “Submit” button displays a list of matching regulated agents as shown below. Pressing the “Back” button takes you to Figure 10. 533560377 Page 18 Figure 15. List of matching regulated agents In this example, one regulated agent is found with “Star Cargo” in the name. The details of the agent are shown with the unique registration number in the last column. This registration number is a link which when clicked displays the expiry date of the agent along with other details as in Figure 17 below. 533560377 Page 19 Figure 16. Validate Regulated Agent Result Screen The “tick” symbol shown on the top indicates that the agent is currently active and has not expired. All the details of the regulated agent along with the expiry date are shown above. Pressing the “Back” button above takes the user to Figure 11. If no matching agent is found after you press “Submit” on Figure 15, the system displays the message “No results found”. 2) Click on the “Previous Searches” link When you click on the “Previous Searches” link in Figure 11, the system retrieves the list of the regulated agents who have been validated by you at least twice in the last six months (default time period), in a popup window. You can also select any of the five radio buttons shown in Figure 11. If you select one of them, then the previous searches will be calculated for those many months. If nothing is selected, then by default previous searches are calculated for last six months. For example: You select the third radio button for 3 months (shown below). 533560377 Page 20 Figure 17. Previous searches with 3 months option selected Now when you click the “Previous Searches” link, the system retrieves the list of the regulated agents who have been validated by you at least twice in the last three months, in a pop-up window (shown below). 533560377 Page 21 Figure 18. Previous Searches Result Screen The following data is displayed for each agent: Registration number (with a link to retrieve more details) Name of the regulated agent When you click on any of the Registration number links, the system populates the “Validate Regulated Agent Screen” (refer Figure 11) with the details of the regulated agent associated with that registration number. If you press the “Close” button, the above window is closed. For example: You select the second link above. Then the pop up window is closed and the following screen is displayed. 533560377 Page 22 Figure 19. Validate Regulated Agent Screen (populated with data) The above screen is populated with the details of the selected regulated agent. When you click on the “Submit” button to validate the details of the regulated agent, the next screen is shown. 533560377 Page 23 Figure 20. Validate Regulated Agent Result screen The system displays all the information, including expiry date for the regulated agent, along with the validity status for the regulated agent. The “cross” symbol indicates that this regulated agent is either not active or has expired. In the above case, the regulated agent has expired. Pressing the “Back” button above takes you to Figure 11. 3.1.2 Validate KC When you select the “Validate KC” link, then the following screen is displayed. 533560377 Page 24 Figure 21. Validate Known Consignor Screen You can perform any of the following: 1) Validate a known consignor You can search for a known consignor on any one of the following: Registration (Identification) number of the known consignor OR Name and Country (Address, Town and Postal Code are optional). OR Alternative name and Country (Address, Town and Postal Code are optional). For example: You enter the Registration (or Identification) number of the known consignor say “UK/KC/00002-02/0812” (as shown below). 533560377 Page 25 . Figure 22. Validate Known Consignor Screen with Registration Number You have the option of pressing either the “Submit” button or the “Back” button. Pressing the “Submit” button gives you details of the matching known consignor as shown below. Pressing the “Back” button takes you back to Figure 10. 533560377 Page 26 Figure 23. Matching known consignor In this case, details of the known consignor are shown with the unique registration number in the last column. This registration number is actually a link which when clicked will display the expiry date of the known consignor along with other details as in Figure 25 below. 533560377 Page 27 Figure 24. Validate Known Consignor Result Screen The “tick” symbol shown on the top indicates that the known consignor is currently active and has not expired. All the details of the known consignor along with the expiry date are shown above. If the known consignor has expired, then a “cross” symbol will be shown. Pressing the “Back” button above takes the user to Figure 22. If no matching consignor is found after you press “Submit” on Figure 23, the system displays the message “No results found”. You can also search for a known consignor by Name and Country or by Alternative Name and Country. For example: You enter the name and country of the known consignor (as shown below). 533560377 Page 28 Figure 25. Validate Known Consignor screen with Alternative Name and Country You have the option of pressing either the “Submit” button or the “Back” button. Pressing the “Submit” button gives you a list of matching known consignors as shown below. Pressing the “Back” button takes you back to Figure 10. 533560377 Page 29 Figure 26. List of matching Known Consignors In this case, one known consignor is found. The details of the consignor are shown with the unique registration number in the last column. This registration number is a link which when clicked displays the expiry date of the consignor along with other details as in Figure 28 below. 533560377 Page 30 Figure 27. Validate Known Consignor Result Screen The “tick” symbol shown on the top indicates that the consignor is currently active and has not expired. All the details of the known consignor along with the expiry date are shown above. If the known consignor has expired, then a “cross” symbol is displayed. Pressing the “Back” button above takes the user to Figure 22. If no matching consignor is found after you press “Submit” on Figure 26, the system displays the message “No results found”. 2) Click on the “Previous Searches” link When you click on the “Previous Searches” link in Figure 22, the system retrieves the list of the known consignors who have been validated by you at least twice in the last six months (default time period), in a pop-up window. You can also select any or none of the five radio buttons shown in Figure 22. If you select one of them, then the previous searches are calculated for those many months. If nothing is selected, then by default previous searches are calculated for last six months. Rest is similar to the “Click on the Previous Searches” functionality explained earlier in Section 3.1.1 “Validate RA”. 533560377 Page 31 4 KNOWN CONSIGNOR USER As a Known Consignor user (KC user), the functionality accessible to you is: Validation Validation means to check if the agent is known in the RAKC database and the agent’s validity has not expired. As a KC user, you can validate any Regulated Agent (RA). You can also validate your own details as a Known Consignor. 4.1 Validation A known consignor’s user accesses the application like a regulated agent’s user (explained in Chapter 3) except the “Validate KC” functionality. When you log in as a user of known consignor in the RAKC application, the screen in Figure 9 is displayed. When you click on the “Validation” link (refer Figure 9), the screen in Figure 10 will be displayed. 4.1.1 Validate RA This is similar to the “Validate RA” functionality of “Regulated Agent’s User” explained earlier in Section 3.1.1. 4.1.2 Validate KC This is also similar to the “Validate KC” functionality of “Regulated Agent’s User” explained earlier in Section 3.1.2 with one restriction that a known consignor can only validate itself. Hence you cannot validate any other known consignor. As a KC user if you try to validate any other Known Consignor, system displays the message as in Figure 29 below. 533560377 Page 32 Figure 28. Known Consignor validating another consignor Pressing the “Back” button above takes the user to Figure 22. 533560377 Page 33 Figure 29. Known Consignor validating another consignor 533560377 Page 34 5 SECURITY MANAGER Each regulated agent or known consignor is associated with a Security Manager who is responsible for certain user management activities like activating or deactivating users and decrypting the users’ passwords. When you login to the RAKC application as a security manager, the following screen is displayed. Figure 30. Security Manager’s Tasks The functionalities accessible to a Security Manager are: Administration Validation 5.1 Administration If you click on Administration, the following screen is displayed. It displays the various operations under Administration which security manager can perform. 533560377 Page 35 Figure 31. Security Manager’s Tasks under Administration A Security Manager can perform the following tasks under Administration: 5.1.1 Activate or deactivate RA/KC users As a security manager, you can activate/deactivate the RA/KC users for your own company through this functionality. Activating the users gives them access to the database, deactivating them prevents access to the database (e.g. when they leave the company). Suppose you log in as a security manager and you are associated with a regulated agent. When you click the “Activate or deactivate RA/KC users” link, the following screen will be displayed. 533560377 Page 36 Figure 32. Activate/Deactivate RA/KC Users Screen You can either press the “Activate/Deactivate” button or the “Back” button. You select an option from the two options shown (for e.g. Activate RA users) and press the “Activate/Deactivate” button. The next screen is displayed. Pressing the “Back” button takes you back to Figure 31. 533560377 Page 37 Figure 33. List of Users of Regulated Agents (for activation) You can either press the “Activate” button or the “Back” button. For activating the users, you need to select the box shown on the right (as shown below). Pressing the “Back” button takes the user to Figure 32. 533560377 Page 38 Figure 34. Users selected for activation Only the users for whom the box is selected will be activated. When you press the “Activate” button, the screen shown below is displayed. 533560377 Page 39 Figure 35. Selected Users Activated Successfully screen Pressing the “Back” button above takes you back to the Figure 32. Now if you select the “Deactivate RA users” link in Figure 32, the following screen is displayed. 533560377 Page 40 Figure 36. List of Users of Regulated Agents (for deactivation) When you select any or all of the above records for deactivation and press the “Deactivate” button, the system asks for confirmation by displaying the dialog box below. Figure 37. Confirmation for Deactivation Screen If you press the “Cancel” button, no user is deactivated and when you press the “OK” button, the following screen is displayed. 533560377 Page 41 Figure 38. Selected Users Deactivated Successfully Screen Pressing the “Back” button above takes you back to the Figure 32. 5.1.1 Decrypt RA/KC User Password As a Security Manager, you are responsible for decrypting the password of your RA/KC users. The need to decrypt the password can arise when: New User(s) are created at the time of RA/KC data upload; New user(s) are created by using ‘Increase User IDs functionality’; RA/KC user forgets the password and requests for a new password. When you login as a security manager and click on the “Decrypt RA/KC User Password” link in Figure 31, the following screen is displayed. 533560377 Page 42 Figure 39. Decrypt KC/RA User Password Screen You can either press the “Submit” button or the “Back” button. You need to provide the login id and the encrypted password which you received in the email. For example: You have received an email to activate a user with login id “JOHN.PEPAS1000” and encrypted password “7A079249D55E427C”. When you enter these values above and press the “Submit” button, the system displays the decrypted password (shown below). Pressing the “Back” button takes you to Figure 31.. 533560377 Page 43 Figure 39. Decrypt KC/RA User Password Result Screen Pressing the “Back” button above takes you to Figure 112. 5.1 Validation This is similar to the “Validation” functionality of “Regulated Agent’s User” explained in Chapter 3. 533560377 Page 44 6 XML INTERFACE The Regulated Agents’ data in RAKC application is also available in XML format. This option is accessible only to Security Managers and normal RA Users. The XML data is available at: When you click on the above link, the following page is displayed. Figure 40. XML Interface Login As a Security Manager or a normal RA user, you can enter the login id and password and click on the Login button. System will authenticate your login credentials. If found correct, the Regulated Agents’ data is displayed in XML format. Otherwise, the system will respond with the appropriate message. When you login successfully, the system displays the following screen. 533560377 Page 45 Figure 41. XML containing Regulated Agent’s data You can view the list of active and not expired Regulated Agents present in the RAKC database and can also save this XML file on the local system for later use. The list displays the Identification Number, Name, Address, Town, Country, Postcode, Phone and Expiry Date of all the Regulated Agents. 533560377 Page 46 7. LOGGING OUT When logging out of the database, always use the log out button, near top right and not the X button, extreme top right, otherwise you may experience a delay before being able to log back in to the database. 533560377 Page 47