From your Pastor….
“Important Opportunities”
(USPS 687-890)
Periodicals Postage Paid at Natchez, MS
Published weekly except holidays
Jefferson St., Natchez, MS 39120
In Christ,
Jefferson Street United Methodist Church
Box 862, Natchez, MS 39121
Phone (601) 442-3795
The Mississippi Annual Conference is scheduled for Thursday
through Sunday, June 6-9. Our lay delegates are Pam Middleton and
Linda Grafton. Clergy delegates are Rev. Karie Sue McCaleb and me.
We meet every year to do the necessary work of the Mississippi
Conference. It affects our conference and all of the United Methodist
Church worldwide.
Bishop James Swanson has challenged all of us to give generously to
the yearly Annual Conference offering. The goal of the conference is
$500,000.00. Brookhaven District has a goal of $25,000.00. Jefferson
Street UMC is a leader in our district so we will need to search our
hearts about what to give in order to meet the goal already set.
The offering will fund three things. First is Discipleship Formation
for Laity. I heard Bishop Swanson explain this in a small group
meeting in our district. He simply wants us to know the Bible and be
able to share our faith with anyone. Second, he wants to create new
places for new people. A large part of this effort is planting new
churches. Existing churches like Jefferson Street UMC will play a vital
part in this effort to reach people for Christ through new churches.
Third is Mississippi Conference partnering with Moscow, Russia
United Methodist Church through Mississippi Native Sara (Goodloe)
Rakhmankulova, who serves as primary liaison for the Eurasia initiative.
That effort is working to disciple people there and plant new churches in
the process. Sara is married to a Russian UMC pastor. Together they
are on a mission to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
Bishop Swanson knows that all of us in Mississippi Methodism need
to grow in our faith and be more effective for our Lord. Growing in our
faith and planting new churches are the first two parts for which this
special offering will be used. The third is helping people through the
Eurasia initiative do exactly the same two things. Please help as you are
able. If you need to talk with me, I will be glad to meet with you.
John Kramer
Senior Pastor
Karie Sue McCaleb
Associate Pastor
Bryant Reed
Minister of Congregational Care
Gladys Ernst
Administrative Secretary
Roxanne DeLasalle
Financial Secretary
Laurie Wells
Children’s Ministries
Curt Smith
Director of Music
Chretia Johnson
Director of Preschool
Dr. David Goldblatt
Organist/Choir Accompanist
Shannon Lofton
Director of Nurseries
Donald Williams
A bracelet was found in the sanctuary on Mother’s
Day, Sunday, May 12, 2013. If you have lost a
bracelet and can identify it, please call the church
office at 601/442-3795.
Kids Day Out will begin on Tuesday, June 4, 2013.
Forms are available from Laurie Wells, Director of
Children’s Ministry. You must be a member of
Jefferson Street or extended family members or
enrolled in Jefferson Street Preschool to attend Kids
Day Out. We will be accepting children from 2
years-old through 1st grade. The program will be
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9-1 PM.
We will not meet Thursday, July 4th. The children
may bring a sack lunch with them each day. The
program will end on Thursday, July 18th.
This year our children will be visiting Athens
during their adventure in Vacation Bible School.
Vacation Bible School will begin Monday, June 3,
2013, at 9:00 AM in the Christian Life Center.
Registration forms will be in the church office for you
to fill out for your child, grandchild, etc.
One columnist tells about the sportswriter visiting
the pro football Raiders’ headquarters in California.
He had just come from the Jack London historic
monument and was still impressed.
During his interview with the team’s quarterback,
Ken Stabler, the writer quoted a sample of London’s
prose to him: “I would rather that my spark should
burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled
by dry rot. The proper function of men is to live, not
exist.” Stabler nodded his head. “What does that
mean to you?” the sportswriter asked.
“Throw deep,” Stabler replied.
May 26, 2013
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Communion Sunday
June 2, 2013
10:30 AM
Sunday School ......................................................... 55
Worship Attendance .............................................. 141
Church Budget Receipts ............................... $5,736.16
Church Budget Weekly Needs ..................... $9,568.25
Budget Rec’d. To Date ........................... $189,072.94
Budget Goal to Date ................................$200,933.25
Vision 2016 .................................................... $630.00
Vision 2016 to-date ....................................$43,490.00
Amount Pledged ...................................... $395,510.00
UMCOR ............................................................. $20.00
Annual Conference Offering ............................. $80.00
Memorial Fund................................................... $50.00
June 2, 2013
Usher........................................ Jerry Smith, Bob Barrett, Butch Johnson
...................................................................... Chris Kelley, Doug Wimberly
Acolytes……………………….………….Trey Hand, Jackson Carpenter,
Maggie Kelley, Cena Mullins
Greeters…………………………………………Laurie and Mark Coffey
Flowers……………………………………………Mrs. Elizabeth Gillon
Altar Guild …………………….Billie Ann Foster and Melissa Vaughan
Newcomers Visitor…..…..…..…..…....…..…..…………..…..Ward Class
The flowers in the sanctuary Sunday were given to the Glory of God
and in celebration of Kailey Hutchins fifteenth birthday on May 24,
2013, given by her parents, Skeeter and Chris Hutchins.
There will be a farewell luncheon in the Christian Life Center this
coming Sunday, June 2, 2013, honoring Rev. Karie Sue McCaleb who
will be leaving us on June 18th. The church will furnish the meat, rolls,
and tea. You are asked to bring your favorite salad, vegetable or dessert
(enough for your family and one more). We are also receiving monetary
gifts for Karie Sue as our departing gift to her. You can make checks
payable to Jefferson Street and mark them as a “gift for Karie Sue” and
put in the offering plate Sunday or bring them by the church office.
“Faith is ….”
Luke 7:1-10
By: Rev. John Kramer
Senior Pastor
Phyllis Stecher, Mary Faggione (mother of Phyllis Stecher), Betty Stiles, JoAnne
Koontz (daughter of Ruth Stacy), Nell Woolf, Will Griffin (nephew of Ann Marion in
Pensacola, FL), Tiffee Jordan, Torrie Rogers (Unit 6, Afghanistan), Sylvia Lowery,
Marceline Hawkins, Jim Mangum, Meg Freeman, Peggy Middleton, Gertha Koerber,
Joni Kenney (sister of Tina Fitt), Beth Brown Mallett, Erliene Parish, Joe Matera
(brother-in-law of Catherine Misita), Charles Hollingsworth, Dolly Smith (mother of
Jennifer Lessley), Rhonda Benjamin (friend of Candy Strader), Daisy Watson, Tommy
Crockett, Diane Tullos (sister of Dorothy Weadock), Ashley Pearson Patterson, Rosie
Harris, Julie Caldwell, Ruth Stacy, Bert Matheny, Red Mayo, Jim Blough, Kent Knee,
Barbara McCary, AND Mary Fuentes (sister of Susie Ater).
This is an exciting week for our youth as week as we kick-off summer with
many fun events! Friday we will meet at the church at 9:00 PM for our
beginning of the summer lock-in. The lock-in will end at 7:00 AM Saturday
morning with plenty of fun events planned in between. Sunday we will meet at
the church at 1:30 PM for our summer kick-off at the Tanner’s on Lake St. John
and we will return at dusk. I am looking forward to this week and the summer
and hope to see all of you this weekend! By…Kyle Ketchings
Sunday, June 2, 2013
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
Worship/Celebration Meeting
9:15 AM
Sunday School
10:30 AM
11:45 AM
Luncheon in CLC honoring
Rev. Karie Sue McCaleb
1:30 PM
Youth depart for lake
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
9 – 1:00 PM Kids Day Out (bring sack lunch)
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
9-1:00 PM
Kids Day Out (bring sack lunch)
10:30 AM
Prayer Group
6:00 PM
Chancel Choir
5:30 - 7 PM
Youth Bible Study
Thursday, June 6, 2013
9-1:00 PM
Kids Day Out (bring sack lunch)
Bishop Swanson has set of goal of $25,000 for the
Brookhaven District Conference Offering. The overall
Conference Offering goal is $500,000.00. This is a mighty
goal for us as United Methodist to achieve, but working
together we can do it. Here at Jefferson Street we must do
our part to help meet this goal. Bishop Swanson has set out
three major goals he would like to attain: (1) Discipleship
formation for Laity...this includes accountable Bible study;
equipping and inspiring personal evangelism, etc. (2)
Planting new congregations…discovering the people God has
already gifted and called to plant new congregations; helping
existing congregations and pastors discover that God is
calling them to be parenting congregations for new churches,
etc. (3) Partnering with new churches for the UMC in
Please make your checks payable to Jefferson Street UMC
and mark “Conference Offering”. Thank you!
The Weekly Newsletter of
Jefferson Street United Methodist Church
511 Jefferson Street, Natchez, MS
John Kramer, Senior Minister
Church Office 442-3795/442-3796
Preschool/Youth 445-8098