REQUEST FOR AUDIT SERVICES ON FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS OF HEIFER’S PROJECT PARTNERS IN PROVINCES I. INTRODUCTION The following request for proposal (RFP) is to conduct audit on financial transactions of 2 Heifer’s project partners in 2 provinces (Pursat and Svay Rieng Province) for the fiscal year of 2012 covering the period of 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012. Background Information on Projects of Heifer International Cambodia Heifer International Cambodia, a non-profit, humanitarian INGO dedicated to working with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth by providing livestock, education and other resources to help poor families become self-reliance. Heifer implements its project through partnership with local and international NGOs. Heifer Cambodia has been active in Cambodia since late 1982, primarily provided infrastructure support in the animal health and husbandry sectors, in partnership with American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). The early projects focused on technical training, vaccination programs, and Hemorrhagic Septicemia (HS) vaccine production. In January 1999, the Heifer Cambodia Representative Office was established in Phnom Penh and was officially registered as a branch office of Heifer International with Ministry of Foreigner Affairs and International Cooperation in 2006. Furthermore, Heifer's program in Cambodia has gained legal support by the Royal Decree on Farmers' Association Establishment, which provides a legal framework and supports the rights of every Cambodian in forming and establishing an association and/or cooperative. To date, Heifer Cambodia in partnership with 29 partners has supported over 8,000 marginalize families to improve their quality of lives through promoting self-reliance and empowerment, and food security and income generation. These projects have implemented with 483 SHGs within 13 provinces of Cambodia (Svay Rieng, Koh Kong, Kompong Spue, Takeo, Kandal, Mondul Kiri, Kompong Chhang, Pursat, Battambang, Bantheay Meanchey, Siem Reap, Prey Veng and Kampot). II. SCOPE OF WORK We are seeking a registered qualified audit firm, preferably with relevant not-for-profit sector expertise, to conduct audit services for fiscal year 2012 on Heifer’s project partners in the provinces as detailed below: 1. Objectives of the audit: a. To determine if the project partner’s accounting system provides accurate and adequate details of its financial position and fiscal operations in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the approved project budget. b. An assessment of whether the project partner’s internal controls are robust and are being adhered to, and a further description, in the form of fact finding statement, of any specific weaknesses or other issues in project partner’s internal controls that may have been discovered during the course of auditing. c. To determine if the project partner is managing and using its resources in an effective manner. d. To determine if funds sent by Heifer Cambodia are being used according to the currently approved Heifer Cambodia budget. e. Whether or not the project partner’s financial statements are free of material errors and present fairly project partner’s financial position and transactions. f. Whether or not payments have been approved in accordance with project partner’s policies and procedures. g. Whether or not the bank balance as of 30 June 2012 has been confirmed with the bank for each account and agrees with the accounting system. h. Provide recommendations to project partners for improvement. 2. Report a. The auditor shall produce and issue the written finding reports separately for each project partner. b. Heifer International Cambodia will be the recipient of the Audit Reports Heifer International reserves the right to ask questions and receive a direct reply from the audit firm related to the project audits. 3. Timeline Activities Audit field work Draft Audit Report Final Audit Report Date 4 Week July 2012 st 1 Week August 2012 4th Week August 2012 th III. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Firm Background and Experience The proposal should describe your firm’s expertise and any relevant not-for-profit industry experience. Also, include the size of your firm, other areas, in which the firm specializes, and significant professional memberships and affiliations. 2. Identify Key Personnel in the Engagement Team Please explain your approach to staffing and provide information on the professionals who will be engaged in the audit activities, including related experience of the primary contact. 3. Approach/Methodology to Conducting the Review Please describe your firm’s auditing philosophy and methodology. Please detail the steps of the engagements, noting stages that would directly involve our personnel, including your overall expectations of client involvement. 4. Fees and Expenses Please outline your fee structure for the project noted above. Please include an estimate of any expenses necessary to adequately perform the work required and related activities needed to maintain a quality client relationship. 5. References Please list contact information for at least three organizations similar to Heifer. Also, provide a list of major not-for-profit clients. IV. SELECTION PROCESS Proposals are due 30 June 2012. Please prepare and send proposal by electronic mail to Heifer reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to negotiate separately with any source whatsoever in any manner necessary to serve the best interest of Heifer International. Heifer does not intend to make an award solely on the basis of any response to this RFP. 3. Questions and proposal submissions Please direct questions to the following individual: Name: Rong Sovannary Title: Finance Officer, Heifer International Cambodia Tel.: 023 221 195 Email: