Módulo: Mecanizado (MEC)

QU01_Environmental Management
Unit 2. Glossary. Waste Management
It’s time to summarize all the new terminology you have seen in the second unit.
English name
Catalan name
The Waste Agency An entity of public law responsible for managing Agència de Residus
of Catalonia (ARC) the waste generated throughout Catalonia.
de Catalunya
Selective waste
Differentiating the collection of the various Recollida selectiva de
fractions of municipal waste for the purpose of residus
recycling them. Selective collection and
recycling save scarce resources as well as the
energy needed to manufacture products from
virgin raw materials.
The management of waste collection, handling, Gestió de residus
processing, storage and transport from where it
is produced to where it is finally disposed.
To break waste items down into their raw Reciclar
materials, which are then used to re-make the
original item or make new items.
To use an item more than once for the same Reutilitzar
purpose, which helps saving money, time,
energy and resources.
Waste that is thrown away carelessly, mainly Rebuig
made up of plastic, metal, glass, paper or food.
Common examples are chewing gum and
cigarette butts.
Waste manager
Organic waste, typically coming from plant or Residu biodegradable
animal sources (for example food scraps and
paper), which other living organisms can break
Household waste
Waste that contains paper, cardboard, textiles Residus domèstics
(for example fabric or carpet), timber, food,
garden clippings, glass, plastic and other
manufactured materials.
Poisonous or harmful to the body (ecotoxic
relates to damage to the environment).
Municipal waste
Waste produced in urban areas, mainly made Residus municipals
up of household waste but also some small
commercial waste, similar to household waste.
QU01_ Environmental Management / Unit 2 / Glossary
Gestor autoritzat de
English Name
Catalan Name
Organic matter
The organic fraction of municipal solid waste, Fracció orgànica
basically consisting of food waste and smallsized plant waste, which can be collected
selectively and is likely to be biodegradable.
Paper and
Paper is made mostly using cellulose from Paper i cartró
plants and/or used paper. Cardboard is made
from hardened paper pulp, the composition of
which may vary according to the purpose for
which it is made (boxes for packing or
Reusable glass
There are reusable types of glass packaging Vidre reutilitzable
that following an appropriate cleaning process
can be used again for the same purpose
Acceptance sheet
The standard agreement that has to be signed Fitxa d’acceptació
for each waste between the waste producer or (FA)
holder and the chosen waste management
Consignment note
The document that must accompany every Full de Seguiment
individual waste transport along its route
consignment note
The waste transport document that allows Full de Seguiment
itinerant collection in the same vehicle from up Itinerant (FI)
two twenty waste producers or holders
A source of fuel made from living and recently- Biomassa
dead plant materials such as wood, leaves and
the biodegradable part of industrial and
municipal waste.
Material from plants or animals that can be used compostable
to create compost because it will decompose
naturally over time.
Hazardous waste
Waste that poses a risk to human health or the Residus perillosos
environment and needs to be handled and
disposed of carefully. Examples include oilbased paints, car batteries, weed killers, bleach
and waste electrical and electronic devices.
A furnace that is designed to burn waste at very Incineradora
high temperatures under controlled conditions
and is licensed by national regulatory
authorities. Most modern and efficient
incinerator generates heat and energy from
burning waste.
A site that is specially designed to dispose of Abocador
waste and operates with a licence from
QU01_ Environmental Management / Unit 2 / Glossary
Environmental Protection Agency
Natural Resources Defense Council
Waste Management
TASK 1: Quizlet
Now it’s time to practise the new vocabulary you’ve already learned in this unit. Click on the
following link and practise!
1. Review the vocabulary on the “cards” with the audio on.
2. Practise your pronunciation with the “speller”.
3. Self-evaluation: Use the “scatter” to check if you have learned the concepts.
QU01_ Environmental Management / Unit 2 / Glossary