1 2 TSG-C SWG2.3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Title: Some Encryption/Authentication bugs File: C23-20030402-008R1 (QCOM-encryption-authentication-bugs) Abstract: This contribution describes some encryption/authentication discrepancies in the signaling specification. 11 12 13 Source: Duncan Ho QUALCOMM Incorporated 858-845-3214 dho@qualcomm.com 14 15 16 17 18 Date: April 2, 2003 Recommendation: Review and approve for inclusion into appropriate addendums. 19 20 21 22 23 Notice ©2003 QUALCOMM Incorporated. All rights reserved. QUALCOMM Incorporated grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organization Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner’s name any Organizational Partner’s standards publication even though it may include portions of the contribution; and at the Organization Partner’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contributions or the resulting Organizational Partner’s standards publication. Qualcomm Incorporated is also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner’s standard, which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by Qualcomm Incorporated to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on Qualcomm Incorporated. Qualcomm Incorporated specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and nothing herein shall be construed as conferring or offering licenses or rights with respect to any intellectual property of Qualcomm Incorporated other than provided in the copyright statement above. 1 1 2 3 Discrepancy #1 (Editorial): Globally, replace SIG_INTEGRITY-SUP_INCL by SIG_INTEGRITY_SUP_INCL. Editor could search for “TY-“ Matchcase to locate all the occurrences. They are in section{1, 4, 5, 12, 13, 36, 41}. 4 5 6 7 8 Discrepancy #2 (Editorial): In Enhanced Origination Message, NEW_SINFO_INCL should be UI_ENCYPT_INFO_INCL. Editor could search for “SINFO” for all the occurrences in this section. This is just a name change suggestion. Nothing technical. <NOTE TO EDITORS: Please ignore this one since it is still open> 11 Discrepancy #3 (Technical): The decryption procedures should refer to SDU_KEY_ID provided by the LAC Layer because SDU_KEY_ID is what is received in the message. 12 Signaling Encryption/Decryption Procedures 9 10 15 In order to perform signaling encryption, message integrity, or both, on f/r-csch or f/rdsch, both the mobile station and the base station shall each maintain the following 32-bit counters: 16 • TX_EXT_SSEQ[i][j] (the 32-bit crypto-sync for encryption and message integrity. i = 0 and 1, j = ‘00’ to ‘11’) • RX_EXT _SEQ[i][j] (the 32-bit crypto-sync for decryption and message integrity. i = 0 and 1, j = ‘00’ to ‘11’) 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 [...] The receiver shall perform the following procedures upon reception of an encrypted signaling message with an 8-bit SDU_SSEQ field or a 32-bit EXT_SSEQ passed by the LAC Layer (e.g., if SDU_ENCRYPT_MODE indicated by LAC Layer is not equal to ‘000’): 1. If the Layer 3 PDU uses unassured mode, let i = 0 and N = 8; otherwise, let i = 1 and N = 4. Let V be the 8 least significant bits of RX_EXT_SSEQ[i][SDU_KEY_ID]. Perform the duplicate detection procedures in accordance with using N and V, before proceeding further. 2. If SDU_SSEQ is supplied by the LAC Layer, the mobile station shall construct EXT_SSEQ as follows: If (SDU_SSEQ - V) mod 256 < 128: EXT_SSEQ = (RX_EXT_SSEQ[i][SDU_KEY_ID] + (SDU_SSEQ - V) mod 256) mod 31 32 232 33 Else: EXT_SSEQ = (RX_EXT_SSEQ[i][SDU_KEY_ID] - (V - SDU_SSEQ) mod 256) mod 34 35 36 37 232 3. Remove the LAC Layer padding, at the end of the Layer 3 PDU, if any, such that the Layer 3 PDU is octet aligned. 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4. Decrypt the concatenated Layer 3 PDU and the 8-bit Layer 3 CRC using EXT_SSEQ and the encryption algorithm specified by SDU_ENCRYPT_MODE, in accordance with 5. Compute an 8-bit CRC as specified in over the un-encrypted Layer 3 PDU (excluding the received 8-bit CRC). 6. Compare the value of the computed CRC with the decrypted 8-bit CRC. If the two CRCs are equal, the decryption is defined to be successful; otherwise the decryption is defined to be unsuccessful. 7. If the decryption was unsuccessful, the message shall be discarded; otherwise, if SDU_SSEQ is supplied by the LAC Layer and ((SDU_SSEQ - V) mod 256) < 128, the receiver shall set RX_EXT_SEQ[i] to EXT_SSEQ constructed in step 2 above. 8. If the base station can not decrypt an Origination Message or the LAC Layer indicates that the MACI is not valid in an Origination Message, the base station should send a Base Station Reject Order (ORDQ = ‘00000000’). If the base station can not decrypt any other message or the LAC Layer indicates that the MACI is not valid for other message, the base station should send a Base Station Reject Order (ORDQ = ‘00000001’). 18 19 Discrepancy #4 (Technical): Some L3 messages shall not be encrypted. 20 Extended Encryption for Signaling on f/r-csch 24 To turn f/r-csch signaling encryption on or off, the base station sends a Registration Accepted Order or Security Mode Command Message on f-csch, with the C_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODE field set to one of the values specified in Table The value of C_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODEr is then stored in C_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODEs. 25 If C_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODEs is not equal to ‘000’ and ENC_KEY[KEY_ID] is not equal to 21 22 23 27 NULL, all f/r-csch signaling messages shall be encrypted based on the value of C_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODEs using the procedures specified in; except for the 28 exceptions listed below in the rest of this section. 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 On the f-csch, General Page Message, Universal Page Message, Registration Request Order, Authentication Challenge Message, Registration Accepted Order, Mobile Station Reject Order, and Authentication Request Message shall be sent un-encrypted. Channel Assignment Message, Extended Channel Assignment Message, and Security Mode Command Message may be sent un-encrypted. All overhead messages and all signaling messages with a broadcast address type shall be sent un-encrypted. On the r-csch, Registration Message, Page Response Message, Reconnect Message (if sent in response to a General Page Message or a Universal Page Message), Authentication Challenge Response Message, Security Mode Request Message, Authentication Response Message, and Authentication Resynchronization Message shall be sent un-encrypted. When sending an Origination Message, if all of the following conditions are true, the mobile station shall not include the dialed digits in the Origination Message, and the mobile station shall include the dialed digits in the Origination Continuation Message: 3 1 • The base station supports extended encryption; 2 • C_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODEs is equal to ‘000’ or ENC_KEY[KEY_ID] is equal to NULL; 3 • C_SIG_ENCRYPT_REQ is set to ‘1’ or D_SIG_ENCRYPT_REQ is set to ‘1’ in the Origination Message; • The mobile station does not recognize that this is an emergency call. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Extended Encryption for Signaling on f/r-dsch The initial mode of extended encryption for f/r-dsch signaling messages is established by sending a Channel Assignment Message or Extended Channel Assignment Message with the ENCRYPT_MODE field set to ‘11’1 and the D_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODE field set to one of the values specified in Table The value of D_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODE r is then stored in D_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODEs. 16 To turn f/r-dsch signaling encryption on or off after channel assignment, the base station sends a General Handoff Direction Message or Universal Handoff Direction Message with the ENCRYPT_MODE field and the D_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODE field set accordingly. Alternatively, the base station may send a Security Mode Command Message on f-dsch with the D_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODE field set accordingly. 17 If D_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODEs is not equal to ‘000’ and ENC_KEY[KEY_ID] is not equal to 12 13 14 15 19 NULL, all f/r-dsch signaling messages shall be encrypted based on the value of D_SIG_ENCRYPT_MODEs using the procedures specified in, except for the 20 exceptions listed below in the rest of this section. 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 On the f-dsch, the Security Mode Command Message may be sent un-encrypted. The Base Station Reject Order, Authentication Challenge Message and Authentication Request Message shall be sent un-encrypted. On the r-dsch, the Security Mode Request Message, Authentication Challenge Response Message, Authentication Response Message, and Authentication Resynchronization Message shall be sent un-encrypted. 1 If ENCRYPT_MODE is set to a value other than ‘11’, see section 4