Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 RESOLUTIONS OF THE WEST LONG BRANCH BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Public Meeting Minutes – District Media Center 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 29, 2013 "In accordance with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, the West Long Branch Board of Education has issued notice of this meeting to be publicized by having the date, time and location of the meeting posted at Betty McElmon Elementary, Frank Antonides School and the West Long Branch Public Library and mailed to the Asbury Park Press, which has been designated as the Board's official newspaper. Notice was also filed with the Borough Clerk and sent to those persons requesting that such notice be mailed to them." Mr. Kotch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the following students: Alexandra Carew and Jake Walker The Following Members of the Board of Education were present: Dr. Christopher Mrs. Gassman Mrs. Hegglin Dr. Hunter Mr. Kramer Mrs. McLaughlin Ms. Sarfaty Mrs. Trocchia The Following Member of the Board of Education were absent: Mrs. Vaccaro Also in Attendance: Thomas Farrell, Superintendent Dennis Kotch, BA/Board Secretary Viola Lordi, Esq., Board Attorney PRESENTATIONS: Electronic Violence & Vandalism Reporting System (EVVRS) – Mrs. Jessica Shaw NJASK – Mr. Bruce Preston, Mrs. Jessica Shaw, Mr. James Erhardt, & Ms. Lolita Yacona PUBLIC COMMENTS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 24, 2013 Regular Public Meeting Motion offered by Dr. Hunter and seconded by Mrs. Trocchia was approved by a roll call vote of 5/0/3 with Mrs. Gassman, Mr. Kramer and Mrs. Trocchia abstaining. BUILDING AND GROUNDS RESOLUTIONS 1-2 The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon. 1 Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the WLB School District Cafeteria & Media Center by the WLB Foundation for the ARTivity Fundraiser on Friday, April 25, 2014 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. needed for set-up. 2. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, use of the WLB School District Cafeteria by the WLB PTA for the Thanksgiving Pie Pick-Up on Wednesday, November 27, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Motion offered by Mr. Kramer and seconded by Mrs. Hegglin was approved by a roll call vote of 8/0. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RESOLUTIONS 1-5 The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon. 1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following Junior Field Experience Placement Student from Monmouth University commencing November 2013: Student Name Placement Kimberly Valdez 2. Cooperating Teacher rd 3 Grade Maureen Petersen Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the attendance at the workshops listed below with associated program costs for the employees referenced below: Date Name Workshop Location Cost of Program Excluding Associated Mileage Costs October 22, 2013 (retroactive) Denise Mitchell Jill Famula Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Monmouth Mall, Eatontown, NJ Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II November 19, 2013 November 21, 2013 James Erhardt Reaching ALL Learners in an Inclusion Setting for Mathematics Anxiety Among Individuals with Asperger’s & High Functioning Autism Affirmative Action Officer Training Avon Elementary School, Avon, NJ $20.00 November 22, 2013 Kathleen Whalen Planning for Literacy with CCS in Mind $149.00 November 26, 2013 Meghan Ghaffari Raise the Level of Attention with the Smartboard Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ 2 Paid through IDEA Funds Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 December 4, 2013 Amy Caruso STEM – Action, Force, Motion, Weather December 4, 2013 Lou Castagno STEM – Action, Force, Motion, Weather December 4, 2013 Peg Naparlo STEM – Action, Force, Motion, Weather January 8, 2014 Donna Naylor Teaching Number Sense to the iGeneration January 8, 2014 Maureen Petersen Teaching Number Sense to the iGeneration January 8, 2014 Bryna Plofker Teaching Number Sense to the iGeneration January 22, 2014 Lou Castagno Flipping your Classroom January 22, 2014 Peg Naparlo Flipping your Classroom February 4, 2014 Jodi Keseday Science Explorations for the Middle School Teacher Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Brookdale Communiversity, Wall, NJ Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II Paid through NCLB Grant Title 2-A II 3. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following class trips: November 12, 2013 NJ Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Holmdel, NJ Social Studies Grade 3 Students (60) Mrs. Petersen, Mrs. Naylor, Mrs. Faccone, Mrs. Rossi & Mrs. Arnts Approximate cost to the Board - $121.74 November 19, 2013 / March 26, 2014 Lincoln Center & Nuyurican Café, NYC / McLoone’s Supper Club, Asbury Park, NJ Language Arts Grade 8 AT Students (12) Ms. Sandoz & Mr. Straley Approximate cost to the Board - $590.00 November 19, 20, 21, 2013 Culinary School, Asbury Park, NJ Careers, Economics Grade 1 Students (63 Total) (Each class goes a different day) Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Robbins, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Fallon, Mrs. Bentley & Ms. Gest Approximate cost to the Board - $121.74 3 Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 4. Motion to rescind action taken at the August 20, 2013 meeting approving tuition for the Oceanport School District And Be It Further Resolved That, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, for Student ID#145896379 to attend, as per IEP, the LLD class at Oceanport (Wolf Hill School) beginning September 9, 2013 through June 30, 2014, at the tuition rate (including aide) of $41,223.81. 5. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, Home Instruction for Student ID# 5864633205 as per Physician for ten (10) hours per week, effective October 21, 2013 until further notice by Education Inc. at Monmouth Medical at the rate of $47.00 per hour until further notice. Motion offered by Ms. Sarfaty and seconded by Mrs. Trocchia was approved by a roll call vote of 8/0. FINANCE RESOLUTIONS 1-3 The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon. 1. ACCEPTANCE AND CERTIFICATION OF MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS RESOLUTION Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3, the West Long Branch Board of Education accepts the Board Secretary/School Business Administrator's Certification as of September 30, 2013 that no budgetary appropriations account has obligations and payments which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the West Long Branch Board of Education; and Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4, we the members of the West Long Branch Board of Education, of the County of Monmouth, after having reviewed the REPORT OF THE SECRETARY and upon consultation with the appropriate officials, certify that as of, September 30, 2013 are to the best of our knowledge that no major account or fund has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year; and The West Long Branch Board of Education hereby accepts the Board Secretary’s Report the month ending September 30, 2013 and the Treasurer of School Monies Reports for the month ending September 30, 2013. 2. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Borough of West Long Branch approves the Bills and Claims for October, 2013, and Payroll per attached: (Budgeted) Bills & Claims Fund 10 $ 471,494.55 4 Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 Bills & Claims Fund 20 Bills & Claims Funds (DCRP-Sept.) Bills & Claims Fund 10 (Sept.) Void Check#1373 (Sept.) Payroll P/E 9/15/13 FICA P/E 9/15/13 Payroll P/E 9/30/13 FICA P/E 9/30/13 $ 34,840.32 $ 128.62 $ 15,445.29 $ 15,700.00 $ 268,092.70 $ 20,640.98 $ 286,141.30 $ 22,016.21 3. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following Transfer of Funds for September, 2013: 11-105-100-610-06 -962.00 11-190-100-610-01 962.00 SUPPLIES 11-000-216-101-02 -2,310.00 SPEECH/SUMMER WORK 11-000-219-104-08 2,310.00 CST TEAMSUMMER PAY 11-000-230-104-01 -1,000.00 11-000-223-890-00 1,000.00 11-000-251-610-03 -1,386.00 11-000-251-330-01 1,386.00 11-000-251-610-03 -2,700.00 GEN. SUPP-INSTR-BME SUPERINTENDENT-SALARIES DUES & FEES GEN SUPP-BUSINESS OFFICE PURCH. PROF'L SERV GEN SUPP-BUSINESS OFFICE 11-000-252-340-00 2,700.00 11-000-262-110-03 -3,250.00 PURCH TECH SVS CUSTODIAL OT 11-000-262-110-06 -3,000.00 CUSTODIAL SUBS 11-000-262-110-02 6,250.00 11-000-262-340-10 -614.00 CUSTODIAL-SALARIES OTHER TECHNICAL SERVICES 11-000-262-110-09 614.00 11-000-270-161-02 -2,673.00 SUMMER CUSTODIANS 11-000-270-160-02 1,978.00 11-000-270-161-00 695.00 SAL SPEC ED TRANSPORT 11-110-100-101-01 -52.00 KINDERGARTEN-SALARIES STIPEND SPEC ED TRANSP BUS DRIVERS-SALARIES 11-110-100-101-00 52.00 11-190-100-640-01 -1,228.00 KIINDERG-ORIENTATION 11-190-100-610-01 1,182.00 GEN. SUPP-INSTR-BME 11-190-100-610-02 46.00 GEN. SUPP-INSTR -FAS 11-213-100-106-03 -4,849.00 TEACHER AIDE SALARIES 11-213-100-101-01 4,849.00 RES RM- TCHR SALARIES 11-401-100-800-00 -587.00 11-401-100-610-01 587.00 12-000-400-450-00 -9,000.00 CONTR. CONSTR SER-BME 12-000-400-450-01 -9,000.00 CONTR. CONSTR SER-FAS 12-000-270-733-00 18,000.00 SCH BUS REG 11-000-100-562-00 -20,000.00 11-000-100-566-00 -8,555.00 11-000-217-320-00 -20,000.00 PURCH PROF'L - EXTRAORD 11-000-270-443-00 -43,520.00 LEASE PYMT-SCHOOL BUS 11-120-100-101-02 -11,000.00 SUB SAL 1-5 11-130-100-101-02 -11,000.00 GR6-8 SUB-TEACH SALARIES 11-000-222-105-00 -4,911.00 11-000-219-104-06 3,500.00 COORD/ SPEC SER-SAL 11-000-222-104-05 2,295.00 SCH. LIBRARIAN SALARIES REG TEXTBKS- FAS OTH EXP STUD AC GEN SUPP-INSTRUCTIONAL SP ED TUITION-PUBLIC SP ED TUITION-PRIVATE LIBRARY AIDE 5 Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 11-120-100-101-01 70,513.00 GR. 1-5 TEACHER SAL 11-130-100-101-01 29,908.00 GR. 6-8 TEACHER SALARIES 11-230-100-101-01 12,770.00 BASIC SKL-TCHR SALARIES 11-190-100-340-00 -2,053.00 PURCHASED TECH SVS 11-190-100-610-02 833.00 GEN. SUPP-INSTR -FAS 11-190-100-640-01 1,220.00 REG TEXTBKS- FAS Motion offered by Mrs. Trocchia and seconded by Mr. Kramer was approved by a roll call vote of 8/0. PERSONNEL RESOLUTION 1 The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon. 1. Move to approve, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the employment of the following Substitute Teachers for the 2013-2014 school year at $75.00 per diem: Justin Hall Debra Farinella Eve Fuhring Kathryn Lockwood - Sandi Gardner State of New Jersey Standard Certificate: Elementary School Teacher (Pending review of Criminal History and other applicable documents) - Mary Jane Gerard-Manners Bachelor of Science: Rehabilitation Counseling (Pending review of Criminal History and other applicable documents) - Janet Rosen Monmouth County Substitute Certificate (Pending review of Criminal History and other applicable documents) Motion offered by Ms. Sarfaty and seconded by Mrs. McLaughlin was approved by a roll call vote of 8/0. SUPERINTENDENT’S MONTHLY REPORTS 1-5 The West Long Branch Board of Education by means of a Consent Resolution accept various resolutions of a routine and non-controversial nature at one time; and 6 Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 Whereas, the below listed resolutions are hereby accepted by the said Board of Education in whole as if the same were individually acted upon. 1. Enrollment report for the month of September 2013: ENROLLMENT DATA Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten 1 2 3 BETTY MCELMON ELEMENTARY TOTAL 4 5 6 7 8 FRANK ANTONIDES SCHOOL TOTAL OUT OF DISTRICT STUDENTS DISTRICT ENROLLMENT 18 50 63 52 60 244 63 67 77 72 70 349 7 600 2. Move to accept, upon the recommendation of Superintendent, the following report of the Fire and Evacuation drills conducted during the month of September 2013: School: Betty McElmon Elementary Frank Antonides School Month: September 2013 September 2013 Date/Time 1. 18th @ 1:30 pm – 1:32 pm 2. 24th @ 10:00 am – 10:07 am 1. 18th @ 1:30 pm – 1:32 pm 2. 24th @ 10:00 am – 10:07 am 3. 26th @9:30 am – 10:05 am 3. 26th @9:30 am – 10:05 am Type of Drill 1. FIRE DRILL 2. EVACUATION DRILL 3. BUS EVACUATION DRILL 1. FIRE DRILL 2. EVACUATION DRILL 3. BUS EVACUATION DRILL Duration of Drill 1. 1 Min. 45 Seconds 2. 7 Minutes 3. 35 Minutes 1. 1 Min. 45 Seconds 2. 7 Minutes 3. 35 Minutes 1. Sunny & Hot 1. Sunny & Hot 2. Sunny & Warm 3. Sunny & Warm 2. Sunny & Warm 3. Sunny & Warm Weather Conditions 7 Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 Participants of Drill 1. Students of Grades Preschool through 3rd Grade, Teachers & Staff. 2. For WLB Schools: Principals James Erhardt and Jessica Shaw, members of the WLB Police Dept., and all BME students. 3. Principal James Erhardt and 2 members of the WLB Police Department supervised the Bus Evacuation drill with the BME students, Grade K – 3. Brief Description of What Was Drilled 1. Pull station: Front Lobby. Used Fire Drill exits in BME & Link 2. BME Evacuation Drill Students, staff and teachers were evacuated from BME and the Link to the Fields behind the schools. Mr. Erhardt and Mrs. Shaw conducted the drill, with WLB Police Department assisting. 3. BME Bus Evacuation Drill BME students were drilled in the correct safety procedures necessary to evacuate the bus in an emergency situation. 1. Students of FAS, 4th through 8th Grade, Teachers & Staff. 2. For WLB Schools: Principals James Erhardt and Jessica Shaw, members of the WLB Police Dept., and all FAS students. 3. Principal Jessica Shaw and 2 members of the WLB Police Department supervised the Bus Evacuation drill with the FAS students, Grade 4 – 8. 1. Pull station: 7 Used Fire Drill exits in FAS & Link 2. FAS Evacuation Drill Students, staff and teachers were evacuated from FAS and the Link to the Fields behind the schools. Mr. Erhardt and Mrs. Shaw conducted the drill, with WLB Police Department assisting. 3. FAS Bus Evacuation Drill FAS students were drilled in the correct safety procedures necessary to evacuate the bus in an emergency situation. 3. Move to accept, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following Pupil Attendance Report for the month of September 2013: STUDENT ATTENDANCE Betty McElmon Elementary Frank Antonides School # OF DAYS POSSIBLE 3854 5547 # OF DAYS ABSENT 85 166 PERCENT ATTENDANCE 97.79% 97.01% 4. Move to accept, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following Staff Attendance Report for the month of September 2013: STAFF ATTENDANCE # OF DAYS POSSIBLE # OF DAYS ABSENT 8 PERCENT ATTENDANCE Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 Betty McElmon Elementary Frank Antonides School 547 684 11 67 97.99% 90.20% 5. Move to accept, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following HIB Reports for the month of September 2013: Betty McElmon Elementary Frank Antonides School TOTALS Reported Incidents 1 Confirmed Incidents 0 Unconfirmed Incidents 1 5 6 4 4 1 2 Motion offered by Mrs. Trocchia and seconded by Ms. Sarfaty was approved by a roll call vote of 8/0. DISCUSSION ITEMS: REPORTS: NJSBA Legislative Delegate Dr. Ted Hunter The NJSBA has a very successful workshop last week. The vendor display was larger than in the past. It is unfortunate that more board members could not attend. Mr. Farrell indicated that he felt the workshop was very successful as he attended several workshops and functions. MCSBA No Report Dr. Ted Hunter Foundation Patricia Bambach-McLaughlin The Foundation held their annual Fall Fundraiser on the 19th. The event was a huge success. All proceeds go towards teacher grants. PTA DELEGATE Erin Hegglin The book fair is going on right now. The 8th graders picked the theme “Music Grammys” for the fashion show which will take place on March 15th at the Jumping Brook Country Club. Policy & Planning Committee Dr. Ted Hunter Mr. Farrell reported that some of the other districts in the region are switching to Strauss Essmay for policy management. This will be discussed at the policy level. Ed/Curr/Tech Committee Erin Hegglin The online portal for parents will be available in January, giving parents access to student grades. Personnel Committee Susan Trocchia 9 Regular Public Meeting Minutes October 29, 2013 The teachers’ union will begin negotiations in December. Building & Grounds Committee Brian Kramer The FAS gym floor renovation is almost done. The landscaping at FAS will be installed in the coming weeks. The Parker/Locust Road intersection project will be starting up again soon. The security camera system installation is nearing completion. The display cases in the FAS lobby will be installed in the coming weeks. Finance Committee No Report Mary Gassman Business Administrator No Report Dennis Kotch Superintendent Thomas Farrell On Monday, there was a fire alarm at BME due to a faulty sensor. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION TO ADJOURN Motion offered by Mrs. Gassman and seconded by Mrs. Hegglin was approved by a roll call vote of 8/0 at 8:39 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Dennis Kotch Business Administrator/Board Secretary 10