Portfolilo July 2009

Stephen Wayne Landreneau, MD
Contact Address:
66 Houston Street
Mobile, AL 3660
Home: (251) 450-0551
Cell: (504) 258-0516
Gastroenterology academic Offices
USA Pavilion at Infirmary West
5600 Girby Road
Mobile, AL 36693-3398
Office: (251) 660-5555
Fax: (251) 660-5559
8/12/2008 to Present: Board Certified, American Board of Internal Medicine
ACLS expires 3/2011
ATLS expires 6/2012
7/12/2007 to Present: Alabama #28246
7/12/2007 to Present: DEA # FL0419300
Education and Professional Training:
7/2008 to Present: Fellowship, Gastroenterology, University of South Alabama Hospitals
Division of Gastroenterology, Mobile, AL
7/2006 to 6/2008: Residency, Internal Medicine, University of South Alabama Hospitals
Department of Internal Medicine, Mobile, AL
7/2005 to 6/2006: Internship, Internal Medicine, University of South Alabama Hospitals
Department of Internal Medicine, Mobile, AL
8/2001 to 5/2005: Doctorate of Medicine, Louisiana State University School of Medicine
New Orleans, LA
8/1997 to 5/2001: Bachelor of Science, Microbiology; Minors in Chemistry, Sociology, Louisiana
State University, Baton Rouge, LA
8/1993 to 5/1997: Diploma, Iowa High School, Iowa, LA
Landreneau SW, DiPalma JA. Update on preparation for colonoscopy. Curr Gastroenterol Rep
2010; online early
Landreneau SW, Herrera JL. Chronic Hepatitis B: Who and How to treat. Practical
Gastroenterology 2007. VOL 31; number 11, 25-40
Hendon S, Landreneau S, Crowell MD, Olden K. Fecal Incontinence (FI) in Hospitalized Patients:
Who Has It? Who Asks? Am J Gastroenterol 2006 Sept; 101(9):1235. Abstract.
Knudsen C, Landreneau SW, Rodriguez R. A rare cause of dysphagia: A "Ticklish" Esophagus.
American College of Gastroenterology American College of Gastroenterology Annual Scientific
Meeting. San Antonio, Tx, 2010. Poster
Landreneau SW, Voelkel J-P, Herrera JL. Are patients who are treated for chronic hepatitis C
(HCV) vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B? American College of Gastroenterology Annual Scientific
Meeting. San Antonio, Tx, 2010. Poster
Landreneau S, Voelkel C. You have air where? Society of General Internal Medicine, Southern
Chapter Meeting. New Orleans, La, 2008. Poster.
Hendon S, Landreneau S, Crowell MD, Olden K. Fecal Incontinence (FI) in Hospitalized Patients:
Who Has It? Who Asks? American College of Gastroenterology Annual Scientific Meeting. Las
Vegas, Ne, 2008. Poster
Landreneau S, Montgomery T. A Difficult Diagnosis. Society of General Internal Medicine,
Southern Chapter Meeting. New Orleans, La, 2007. Presentation
Dysphagia. Univerisity of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
GI Pathology Conference. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
GI Hormones. University of South Alambama, Mobile, AL
ERCP Conference: Distinguishing AIP from Pancreatic Ca. University of South
Alabama, Mobile, AL
GI Pathology Conference. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Hepatitis D & E. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Bilirubin Metabolism and Congenital Defects. University of South Alabama,
Mobile, AL
Diverticular Disease and Diverticulitis. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
GI Pathology Conference. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Cystic Diseases of the Liver. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
ACG 2009 Review. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Principles of Electrosurgery. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
GI Pathology Conference. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Digestion and Absorption of Lipids, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
DDW 2009 Review. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Cystic Fibrosis in the Adult. University of South Alabama Mobile, AL
Nitric Oxide in GI and Hepatic Disease. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Short Bowel Syndrome and Small Bowel Transplantation. University of South
Alabama, Mobile, AL
Small Bowel Motility. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
GI Complications of NSAID Abuse. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
2/2009 Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
6/2008 Victor Benator Award for Teaching Excellence by a House Officer. University of South
Alabama, Mobile, AL
6/2007 P.D. McGee Award. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
6/2006 P.D. McGee Award. University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
5/2001 Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
5/2001 Phi Etta Sigma National Honor Society, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
5/2001 Dean Arthur R. Choppin Memorial Honors Award, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, LA
5/2000 Golden Key National Honor Society, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
6/1995 Eagle Scout
6/1994 Alvin L Broussard Memorial Award. Lake Charles, La
8/1999 to 5/2001: Teaching Assistant, Louisiana State University Department of Microbiology
Baton Rouge, La
Professional Memberships:
American Association of Gastroenterology
American College of Physicians
American College of Gastroenterology
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2003: Habitats for Humanities, New Orleans, La
2003 to 2005: ACLS Instructor. 2003 to 2005
2001 to 2003: Clinical Skills Workshops Director, Louisiana State University Health Sciences
Center, New Orleans, La
1999 to 2001: Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, Baton Rouge, LA