A System Approach to Analysing Biomes Assignment: The study of Biomes and the flow of energy within them. Materials: Internet for research, pictures of Biomes, power point slide to present links Rational: In this assignment you will be addressing the linkages within various systems around the world. By the end of this assignment you will have a greater understanding of the interdependency between climate, vegetation, soil, landforms, plants, and animals and the uniqueness of the biomes on earth. Task: You are to group yourselves into pairs of 2. Upon choosing your group you are next going to select a Biome you wish to study. At the end of your research you are going to present a single power point slide of visuals, pictures, and linkages identifying how your Biome system operates to support life and the physical features found within it. Organizer: (Day 1) Using the websites below you are going to research information on your biome and organize it into the following chart. Split the work up to make this process move along quicker. Biome Tundra Climate Vegetation Soils Landforms Plants Animals (Day 2) Meet with your group members and complete the following connections based on your research of the Biome and the knowledge you have obtained. Climate to Vegetation Climate to Soil Climate to Landforms Climate to Plants Climate to Animals Vegetation to Soil Vegetation to Landforms Vegetation to Plants Vegetation to Animals Soil to Plants Soil to Animals Landforms to Plants Landforms to Animals Plants to Animals Biome: Tundra (Day 3) Now that you have completed the relationship chart you can begin to search for pictures that represent each category. With these pictures you are going to create a “Biome Web” visually identifying the linkages based on the relationship chart. Power Point Slide and Presentation Expectations: 1) Include a Cover Slide, and Map identifying your biome’s location 2) You need to have enough pictures so that the reader can easily identify the region. 3) Pictures should be organized into the above categories (Veg, Soils, etc.) 4) Linkages should be identified with an arrow and should have a brief ORAL description (1 paragraph) of each. 5) Titles should be legible and stand out 6) Each group member is individually responsible for researching and explaining at least 6 linkages within the system during the presentation 7) Students need to identify which group member is responsible for what info 8) Presentation should be 3-5 minutes in length Terrestrial Biomes include: Deserts (Cold or Hot) Grasslands (Savannah) Tropical Rain Forest Tundra Deciduous (Temperate) Forest Coniferous (Taiga) Forest Alpine ****CHOOSE A BIOME, HAVE IT APPROVED BY THE TEACHER, AND BEGIN RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Resources: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/glossary/gloss5/biome/index.html http://www.runet.edu/~swoodwar/CLASSES/GEOG235/biomes/intro.html http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm Biome/Ecozone Database Link Page: You can find a large amount of links with many pictures and lots of general information on your biome. http://www.aresearchguide.com/biomes.html#general http://www.mbgnet.net/ Continue to click through this website and find your Biome http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/faculty/ritter/geog101/textbook/biogeography/biomes_link.htm l