Pre-Registration of Online School Program Students to be Assessed at an Alternate Site Table of Contents Overview of Testing Responsibilities Online School Programs Test Preparation Responsibility Funding Pre-Identification of Students Testing Materials Special Tips to Remember Step-by-Step Process for a successful preregistration Overview of Testing Responsibilities (Return to Top) Public online school program students must be administered the state’s assessments. Through the use of inter-district or inter-local agreements online schools and resident districts together will ensure all students are tested. An Inter-District Agreement template is available on OSPI’s Test Administration Web site Responsibilities for testing students reside with both entities and should be listed on the agreement. It is the enrolling district that is responsible and accountable for assuring that students have access to the state assessments. The resident district is responsible for providing the testing opportunity and location. The inter-district agreement must address all issues including logistics, notification, communication channels fees, partial enrollment, etc. The agreement must be prepared and signed on a schedule that is acceptable to both organizations. Specific details, including an inter-district communication plan, communication with students and parents, student special requirements or accommodations, schedule of activities and responsible party and fee structure will be included as part of the agreement. Online schools must identify which students need to be tested. Online school program coordinators, working with the resident districts’ assessment coordinators, identify where students will be assessed. In past years, there have been obstacles for both online schools and resident districts. The WAMS Test Registration (TR) helps eliminate these obstacles and allows online schools and resident districts to more easily manage administration of state assessments. Online school program coordinators should already be engaged in planning for administration of the state assessments and should already be in communication with students, families and testing districts to identify the location where each student will participate. Making this successful requires extensive planning and communication. When a student is not pre-registered, the online school program assessment coordinator must contact the testing district to make arrangements for testing the student and how test materials and funding will transfer. Online School Programs Test Preparation Responsibility (Return to Top) Testing districts have the option to participate in online testing, but must register, by school, all students in a given grade and content area. If online school program students test in a resident district that is signed up for online testing, the enrolling school must provide students with the opportunity to practice testing using the available tutorials and Online Tools Training. All students testing online must complete at least one session in the tutorials and Online Tools Training, prior to sitting for the operational test. Funding (Return to Top) The testing district will receive funding from the enrolling district(s) based on the following fee schedule: • $25 per student, per content area (reading, writing, math, and/or science) where no special accommodations are required; • $50 per student, per content area (reading, writing, math and/or science) where some standard accommodations (administered by test proctor) are required; and • District cost per student, per content area (reading, writing, math and/or science) where special accommodations (reader, transcriber) are required. The appropriate arrangements and applicable fees should be detailed in the inter-district agreement. Pre-Identification of Students (Return to Top) Registration for students enrolled in online school programs will be conducted using the WAMS Test Registration (TR) system The TR system will enable online school programs to register to test students in the appropriate schools/districts. Testing School districts will know who will arrive on each testing day and make appropriate arrangements. Within the Washington Assessment Management System (WAMS), district assessment coordinators and online school program assessment coordinators may view or download rosters of students preregistered to take state assessments. Rosters include special accommodation needs, documented by the Online School Program’s district assessment coordinator, for each student. Online school program students not registered to test at an alternate site will automatically be registered by OSPI to test in their online school program’s district. After Registering Testing Materials (Return to Top) Online testing does not require students to be associated with a specific site in order to test there; this application serves as the roster of students testing at alternate sites whether hard copy materials are or not used to administer the tests. OSPI is working with AIR to direct pre-ID testing materials to the testing districts for students testing outside their enrolled school. Special Tips to Remember (Return to Top) 1. Identify which students need to be registered to be assessed at an alternate testing district/school. 2. Identify which subjects each student needs to be assessed. Include Alternate Assessments (i.e. WAAS-DAPE). 3. Identify which students require accommodations (should be officially entered in TIDE). 4. Register each student at the appropriate site. 5. If during the registration process, information is submitted in error, you may re-register students and correct the testing location, subject being assessed or accommodations needed. 6. The default testing location for students participating in Online Programs is the district/school that the student is identified within CEDARS. 7. Registration should be completed for all paper/pencil-only (EOC, HSPE, DAPE Science) administrations by Jan 12th and for all remaining students testing at an alternate site by March 2nd. The Jan 12th soft deadline will help OSPI accurately calculate print counts statewide. For assistance in registering students, contact the OSPI Assessment Operations office toll-free telephone line (800) 725-4311 Option 3 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., through March 2nd. Step-by-Step Process for a successful preregistration (Return to Top) Registration for students enrolled in online school programs will be conducted using the Test Registration (TR) system Using the TR system, online school program coordinators will register students who will be assessed at a district other than their primary district. For the testing site's district assessment coordinator contact information, please refer to: 1. Login to the Educational Data System (EDS) at 2. What would you like to do? a) Select ‘My Applications’ b) Select ‘Washington Assessment Management System (WAMS)’ 3. Pre-Registration a) Select the ‘Assessment Operations’ tab on the top toolbar b) Then select the ‘Pre-ID’ tab on the top toolbar c) Then select the ‘Pre-Registration of Online School Program Students’ link on the left toolbar 4. Detailed Instruction Document a) Read the detailed registration process document by clicking the ‘OnlineSchlPrgrmRegInfo.doc’ link. 5. Begin Registering Students a) Read the detailed registration process document by clicking the ‘’ link. b) Enter student demographics and Online School Program Assessment Coordinator Contact email and phone number. Student demographic must match to information submitted in CEDARS. Online School Program assessment coordinators will receive electronic confirmation of each successful registration when an email address is provided. The confirmation will include all registration information. This information can be enhanced and used as a communication tool with families. c) Select the subject(s) this student will be assessed. This information will only be used by the testing district for making appropriate testing arrangements. d) Select the Accommodation(s) according to students IEP, ELL or 504 plan. This information will only be used by the testing district for making appropriate testing arrangements. e) Registration confirmation f) E-mail confirmation g) WAMS Student Rosters Within the Washington Assessment Management System (WAMS), district assessment coordinators and online school program assessment coordinators may view or download rosters of students pre-registered to take the Spring 2015 state assessments. Rosters include the assessment type (Smarter Balanced, HSPE, EOC, DAPE and MSP-Science), special accommodation needs for each student, the grade of the student and the selected testing school. Communication between testing district and online school coordinators is critical to ensure that testing locations and other specifics to the administration are outlined for purposes of communication to parents and students. Online school coordinator phone and email address can be accessed through WAMS. Online school coordinators will need to contact each testing district assessment coordinator to discuss additional testing needs of the student i.e., verification of selected testing school, is the testing school participating in online testing? What is the physical address of the testing school? Who should the student make contact with upon arrival? What should the student bring with them on the day of testing? Is lunch provided for the student?